blob: 86f8260867b999bb00e7cb50fcdcf5102d4424ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=-DUSE_CPS_IR=true
// Tests for the runtime type implementation.
library basic_tests;
import 'js_backend_cps_ir.dart';
const String getTypeArgument = r'H.getTypeArgumentByIndex';
const String getSubstitutedTypeArgument = 'H.getRuntimeTypeArgument';
const String typeToString = r'H.runtimeTypeToString';
const String createType = r'H.createRuntimeType';
const List<TestEntry> tests = const [
const TestEntry.forMethod("function(C#foo)",
class C<T> {
foo() => print(T);
main() {
new C<int>().foo();
function() {
return P.print($createType($typeToString($getTypeArgument(this, 0))));
const TestEntry.forMethod("function(C#foo)",
class C<T, U> {
foo() => print(U);
class D extends C<int, double> {}
main() {
new D().foo();
function() {
return P.print($createType($typeToString($getSubstitutedTypeArgument(this, "\$asC", 1))));
void main() {