Merge pull request #44 from Loudr/fixes-43

Raise Exception when default cloud storage pipeline is not set
diff --git a/python/src/pipeline/ b/python/src/pipeline/
index 2b96762..9a5f49c 100755
--- a/python/src/pipeline/
+++ b/python/src/pipeline/
@@ -1233,20 +1233,26 @@
 def _write_json_blob(encoded_value, pipeline_id=None):
   """Writes a JSON encoded value to a Cloud Storage File.
   This function will store the blob in a GCS file in the default bucket under
   the appengine_pipeline directory. Optionally using another directory level
   specified by pipeline_id
     encoded_value: The encoded JSON string.
-    pipeline_id: A pipeline id to segment files in Cloud Storage, if none, 
+    pipeline_id: A pipeline id to segment files in Cloud Storage, if none,
       the file will be created under appengine_pipeline
     The blobstore.BlobKey for the file that was created.
   default_bucket = app_identity.get_default_gcs_bucket_name()
+  if default_bucket is None:
+    raise Exception(
+      "No default cloud storage bucket has been set for this application. "
+      "This app was likely created before v1.9.0, please see: "
+      "")
   path_components = ['/', default_bucket, "appengine_pipeline"]
   if pipeline_id: