blob: 002026b30cb01044817feec5821daf43bc0d0cf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package endpoints
import (
// Mainly for debug logging
// Server serves registered RPC services using registered codecs.
type Server struct {
root string
services *serviceMap
// NewServer returns a new RPC server.
func NewServer(root string) *Server {
if root == "" {
root = "/_ah/spi/"
} else if root[len(root)-1] != '/' {
root += "/"
server := &Server{root: root, services: new(serviceMap)}
backend := newBackendService(server), "BackendService", "", "", true, true)
return server
// RegisterService adds a new service to the server.
// The name parameter is optional: if empty it will be inferred from
// the receiver type name.
// Methods from the receiver will be extracted if these rules are satisfied:
// - The receiver is exported (begins with an upper case letter) or local
// (defined in the package registering the service).
// - The method name is exported.
// - The method has either 2 arguments and 2 return values:
// *http.Request|Context, *arg => *reply, error
// or 3 arguments and 1 return value:
// *http.Request|Context, *arg, *reply => error
// - The first argument is either *http.Request or Context.
// - Second argument (*arg) and *reply are exported or local.
// - First argument, *arg and *reply are all pointers.
// - First (or second, if method has 2 arguments) return value is of type error.
// All other methods are ignored.
func (s *Server) RegisterService(srv interface{}, name, ver, desc string, isDefault bool) (*RPCService, error) {
return, name, ver, desc, isDefault, false)
// RegisterServiceWithDefaults will register provided service and will try to
// infer Endpoints config params from its method names and types.
// See RegisterService for details.
func (s *Server) RegisterServiceWithDefaults(srv interface{}) (*RPCService, error) {
return s.RegisterService(srv, "", "", "", true)
// Must is a helper that wraps a call to a function returning (*Template, error) and
// panics if the error is non-nil. It is intended for use in variable initializations
// such as:
// var s = endpoints.Must(endpoints.RegisterService(s, "Service", "v1", "some service", true))
func Must(s *RPCService, err error) *RPCService {
if err != nil {
return s
// ServiceByName returns a registered service or nil if there's no service
// registered by that name.
func (s *Server) ServiceByName(serviceName string) *RPCService {
// HandleHTTP adds Server s to specified http.ServeMux.
// If no mux is provided http.DefaultServeMux will be used.
func (s *Server) HandleHTTP(mux *http.ServeMux) {
if mux == nil {
mux = http.DefaultServeMux
mux.Handle(s.root, s)
// ServeHTTP is Server's implementation of http.Handler interface.
func (s *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
c := NewContext(r)
// Always respond with JSON, even when an error occurs.
// Note: API server doesn't expect an encoding in Content-Type header.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
if r.Method != "POST" {
err := fmt.Errorf("rpc: POST method required, got %q", r.Method)
writeError(w, err)
// methodName has "ServiceName.MethodName" format.
var methodName string
idx := strings.LastIndex(r.URL.Path, "/")
if idx < 0 {
writeError(w, fmt.Errorf("rpc: no method in path %q", r.URL.Path))
methodName = r.URL.Path[idx+1:]
// Get service method specs
serviceSpec, methodSpec, err :=
if err != nil {
writeError(w, err)
// Initialize RPC method request
reqValue := reflect.New(methodSpec.ReqType)
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
writeError(w, err)
log.Debugf(c, "SPI request body: %s", body)
// if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(req.Interface()); err != nil {
// writeError(w, fmt.Errorf("Error while decoding JSON: %q", err))
// return
// }
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, reqValue.Interface()); err != nil {
writeError(w, err)
if err := validateRequest(reqValue.Interface()); err != nil {
writeError(w, err)
// Restore the body in the original request.
r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body))
numIn, numOut := methodSpec.method.Type.NumIn(), methodSpec.method.Type.NumOut()
// Construct arguments for the method call
var httpReqOrCtx interface{} = r
if methodSpec.wantsContext {
httpReqOrCtx = c
args := []reflect.Value{serviceSpec.rcvr, reflect.ValueOf(httpReqOrCtx)}
if numIn > 2 {
args = append(args, reqValue)
var respValue reflect.Value
if numIn > 3 {
respValue = reflect.New(methodSpec.RespType)
args = append(args, respValue)
// Invoke the service method
var errValue reflect.Value
res := methodSpec.method.Func.Call(args)
if numOut == 2 {
respValue = res[0]
errValue = res[1]
} else {
errValue = res[0]
// Check if method returned an error
if err := errValue.Interface(); err != nil {
writeError(w, err.(error))
// Encode non-error response
if numIn == 4 || numOut == 2 {
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(respValue.Interface()); err != nil {
writeError(w, err)
// DefaultServer is the default RPC server, so you don't have to explicitly
// create one.
var DefaultServer *Server
// RegisterService registers a service using DefaultServer.
// See Server.RegisterService for details.
func RegisterService(srv interface{}, name, ver, desc string, isDefault bool) (
*RPCService, error) {
return DefaultServer.RegisterService(srv, name, ver, desc, isDefault)
// RegisterServiceWithDefaults registers a service using DefaultServer.
// See Server.RegisterServiceWithDefaults for details.
func RegisterServiceWithDefaults(srv interface{}) (*RPCService, error) {
return DefaultServer.RegisterServiceWithDefaults(srv)
// HandleHTTP calls DefaultServer's HandleHTTP method using default serve mux.
func HandleHTTP() {
// TODO: var DefaultServer = NewServer("") won't work so it's in the init()
// function for now.
func init() {
DefaultServer = NewServer("")