blob: 91cd2d8e1d530b0529ddc08f6ed9eb7704153511 [file] [log] [blame]
1.7.2 (2017-03-15)
- Allow unnamed fields in form data to be properly transcoded when calling
request.decode with an alternate encoding. See
1.7.1 (2017-01-16)
- ``Response.__init__`` would discard ``app_iter`` when a ``Response`` had no
body, this would cause issues when ``app_iter`` was an object that was tied
to the life-cycle of a web application and had to be properly closed.
``app_iter`` is more advanced API for ``Response`` and thus even if it
contains a body and is thus against the HTTP RFC's, we should let the users
shoot themselves by returning a body. See
1.7.0 (2016-12-22)
- WebOb is no longer supported on Python 2.6 and PyPy3 (due to pip no longer
supporting Python 3.2 even on PyPy)
Backwards Incompatibility
- ``Response.content_type`` removes all existing Content-Type parameters, and
if the new Content-Type is "texty" it adds a new charset (unless already
provided) using the ``default_charset``. See
- ``Response.set_cookie`` no longer accepts a key argument. This was deprecated
in WebOb 1.5 and as mentioned in the deprecation, is being removed in 1.7
- ``Response.__init__`` will no longer set the default Content-Type, nor
Content-Length on Responses that don't have a body. This allows WebOb to
return proper responses for things like `Response(status='204 No Content')`.
- ``Response.text`` will no longer raise if the Content-Type does not have a
charset, it will fall back to using the new ``default_body_encoding`. To get
the old behaviour back please sub-class ``Response`` and set
``default_body_encoding`` to ``None``. See
- WebOb no longer supports Chunked Encoding, this means that if you are using
WebOb and need Chunked Encoding you will be required to have a proxy that
unchunks the request for you. Please read for more background.
- ``Response`` has a new ``default_body_encoding`` which may be used to allow
getting/setting ``Response.text`` when a Content-Type has no charset. See
- ``webob.Request`` with any HTTP method is now allowed to have a body. This
allows DELETE to have a request body for passing extra information. See and
- Add ``tell()`` to ``ResponseBodyFile`` so that it may be used for example for
zipfile support. See
- Allow the return from ``wsgify.middleware`` to be used as a decorator. See
- Fixup ``cgi.FieldStorage`` on Python 3.x to work-around issue reported in
Python bug report 27777 and 24764. This is currently applied for Python
versions less than 3.7. See and
- ``Response.set_cookie`` now accepts ``datetime`` objects for the ``expires``
kwarg and will correctly convert them to UTC with no tzinfo for use in
calculating the ``max_age``. See
- Fixes ``request.PATH_SAFE`` to contain all of the path safe characters
according to RFC3986. See
- WebOb's exceptions will lazily read underlying variables when inserted into
templates to avoid expensive computations/crashes when inserting into the
template. This had a bad performance regression on Py27 because of the way
the lazified class was created and returned. See
- ``wsgify.__call__`` raised a ``TypeError`` with an unhelpful message, it will
now return the ``repr`` for the wrapped function:
- ``Response.json``'s ``json.dumps``/``json.loads`` are now always UTF-8. It no
longer tries to use the charset.
- The ``Response.__init__`` will by default no longer set the Content-Type to
the default if a ``headerlist`` is provided. This fixes issues whereby
``Request.get_response()`` would return a Response that didn't match the
actual response. See and
- Cleans up the remainder of the issues with the updated WebOb exceptions that
were taught to return JSON in version 1.6. See and
- ``Response.from_file`` now parses the status line correctly when the status
line contains an HTTP with version, as well as a status text that contains
multiple white spaces (e.g HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found). See
- ``Response`` now has a new property named ``has_body`` that may be used to
interrogate the ``Response`` to find out if ``Response.body`` is or isn't
This is used in the exception handling code so that if you use a WebOb HTTP
Exception and pass a generator to ``app_iter`` WebOb won't attempt to read
the whole thing and instead allows it to be returned to the WSGI server. See