blob: c3b35eca7c3ab27529787fa3f940a4d96e1ee68f [file] [log] [blame]
Making Requests
To make a request, use:
.. code-block:: python
app.get('/path', [params], [headers], [extra_environ], ...)
This call to :meth:`` does a request for
``/path``, with any params, extra headers or WSGI
environment keys that you indicate. This returns a
:class:`~webtest.response.TestResponse` object,
based on :class:`webob.response.Response`. It has some
additional methods to make it easier to test.
If you want to do a POST request, use:
.. code-block:: python'/path', {'vars': 'values'}, [headers], [extra_environ],
[upload_files], ...)
Specifically the second argument of :meth:``
is the *body* of the request. You
can pass in a dictionary (or dictionary-like object), or a string
body (dictionary objects are turned into HTML form submissions).
You can also pass in the keyword argument upload_files, which is a
list of ``[(fieldname, filename, field_content)]``. File uploads use a
different form submission data type to pass the structured data.
You can use :meth:`` and
:meth:`` for PUT and DELETE requests.
Making JSON Requests
Webtest provide some facilities to test json apis.
The ``*_json`` methods will transform data to json before ``POST``/``PUT`` and
add the correct ``Content-Type`` for you.
Also Response have an attribute :attr:`~webtest.response.TestResponse.json` to allow you to retrieve json
contents as a python dict.
Doing *POST* request with :meth:``:
.. code-block:: python
>>> resp = app.post_json('/resource/', dict(id=1, value='value'))
>>> print(resp.request)
POST /resource/ HTTP/1.0
Content-Length: 27
Content-Type: application/json
>>> resp.json == {'id': 1, 'value': 'value'}
Doing *GET* request with :meth:`` and using :attr:`~webtest.response.TestResponse.json`:
To just parse body of the response, use Response.json:
.. code-block:: python
>>> resp = app.get('/resource/1/')
>>> print(resp.request)
GET /resource/1/ HTTP/1.0
>>> resp.json == {'id': 1, 'value': 'value'}
Modifying the Environment & Simulating Authentication
The best way to simulate authentication is if your application looks
in ``environ['REMOTE_USER']`` to see if someone is authenticated.
Then you can simply set that value, like:
.. code-block:: python
app.get('/secret', extra_environ=dict(REMOTE_USER='bob'))
If you want *all* your requests to have this key, do:
.. code-block:: python
app = TestApp(my_app, extra_environ=dict(REMOTE_USER='bob'))
If you have to use HTTP authorization you can use the ``.authorization``
property to set the ``HTTP_AUTHORIZATION`` key of the extra_environ
.. code-block:: python
app = TestApp(my_app)
app.authorization = ('Basic', ('user', 'password'))
Only Basic auth is supported for now.
Testing a non wsgi application
You can use WebTest to test an application on a real web server.
Just pass an url to the `TestApp` instead of a WSGI application::
app = TestApp('')
You can also use the ``WEBTEST_TARGET_URL`` env var to switch from a WSGI
application to a real server without having to modify your code::
os.environ['WEBTEST_TARGET_URL'] = ''
app = TestApp(wsgiapp) # will use the WEBTEST_TARGET_URL instead of the wsgiapp
By default the proxy will use ``httplib`` but you can use other backends by
adding an anchor to your url::
app = TestApp('')
app = TestApp('')
app = TestApp('')
What Is Tested By Default
A key concept behind WebTest is that there's lots of things you
shouldn't have to check everytime you do a request. It is assumed
that the response will either be a 2xx or 3xx response; if it isn't an
exception will be raised (you can override this for a request, of
course). The WSGI application is tested for WSGI compliance with
a slightly modified version of `wsgiref.validate
(modified to support arguments to ``InputWrapper.readline``)
automatically. Also it checks that nothing is printed to the
``environ['wsgi.errors']`` error stream, which typically indicates a
problem (one that would be non-fatal in a production situation, but if
you are testing is something you should avoid).
To indicate another status is expected, use the keyword argument
``status=404`` to (for example) check that it is a 404 status, or
``status="*"`` to allow any status, or ``status="400 Custom Bad Request"``
to use custom reason phrase.
If you expect errors to be printed, use ``expect_errors=True``.