blob: e0105693a771e04ecb0a7f0c8973c7bcf95ba797 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <iterator>
#include <wasm-builder.h>
#include <wasm-printing.h>
#include <ir/find_all.h>
#include <ir/local-graph.h>
#include <cfg/cfg-traversal.h>
namespace wasm {
namespace LocalGraphInternal {
// Information about a basic block.
struct Info {
std::vector<Expression*> actions; // actions occurring in this block: get_locals and set_locals
std::unordered_map<Index, SetLocal*> lastSets; // for each index, the last set_local for it
// flow helper class. flows the gets to their sets
struct Flower : public CFGWalker<Flower, Visitor<Flower>, Info> {
LocalGraph::GetSetses& getSetses;
LocalGraph::Locations& locations;
Flower(LocalGraph::GetSetses& getSetses, LocalGraph::Locations& locations, Function* func) : getSetses(getSetses), locations(locations) {
// create the CFG by walking the IR
CFGWalker<Flower, Visitor<Flower>, Info>::doWalkFunction(func);
// flow gets across blocks
BasicBlock* makeBasicBlock() {
return new BasicBlock();
// cfg traversal work
static void doVisitGetLocal(Flower* self, Expression** currp) {
auto* curr = (*currp)->cast<GetLocal>();
// if in unreachable code, skip
if (!self->currBasicBlock) return;
self->locations[curr] = currp;
static void doVisitSetLocal(Flower* self, Expression** currp) {
auto* curr = (*currp)->cast<SetLocal>();
// if in unreachable code, skip
if (!self->currBasicBlock) return;
self->currBasicBlock->contents.lastSets[curr->index] = curr;
self->locations[curr] = currp;
void flow(Function* func) {
// This block struct is optimized for this flow process (Minimal information, iteration index).
struct FlowBlock {
// Last Traversed Iteration: This value helps us to find if this block has been seen while traversing blocks.
// We compare this value to the current iteration index in order to determine if we already process this block in the current iteration.
// This speeds up the processing compared to unordered_set or other struct usage. (No need to reset internal values, lookup into container, ...)
size_t lastTraversedIteration;
std::vector<Expression*> actions;
std::vector<FlowBlock*> in;
// Sor each index, the last set_local for it
// The unordered_map from BasicBlock.Info is converted into a vector
// This speeds up search as there are usually few sets in a block, so just scanning
// them linearly is efficient, avoiding hash computations (while in Info,
// it's convenient to have a map so we can assign them easily, where
// the last one seen overwrites the previous; and, we do that O(1)).
std::vector<std::pair<Index, SetLocal*>> lastSets;
auto numLocals = func->getNumLocals();
std::vector<std::vector<GetLocal*>> allGets;
std::vector<FlowBlock*> work;
// Convert input blocks (basicBlocks) into more efficient flow blocks to improve memory access.
std::vector<FlowBlock> flowBlocks;
// Init mapping between basicblocks and flowBlocks
std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, FlowBlock*> basicToFlowMap;
for (Index i = 0; i < basicBlocks.size(); ++i) {
basicToFlowMap[basicBlocks[i].get()] = &flowBlocks[i];
const size_t NULL_ITERATION = -1;
FlowBlock* entryFlowBlock = nullptr;
for (Index i = 0; i < flowBlocks.size(); ++i) {
auto& block = basicBlocks[i];
auto& flowBlock = flowBlocks[i];
// Get the equivalent block to entry in the flow list
if (block.get() == entry) entryFlowBlock = &flowBlock;
flowBlock.lastTraversedIteration = NULL_ITERATION;
// Map in block to flow blocks
auto& in = block->in;;
std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(),, [&](BasicBlock* block) {
return basicToFlowMap[block];
// Convert unordered_map to vector.
for (auto set : block->contents.lastSets) {
flowBlock.lastSets.emplace_back(std::make_pair(set.first, set.second));
assert(entryFlowBlock != nullptr);
size_t currentIteration = 0;
for (auto& block : flowBlocks) {
std::cout << "basic block " << block.get() << " :\n";
for (auto& action : block->contents.actions) {
std::cout << " action: " << *action << '\n';
for (auto* lastSet : block->contents.lastSets) {
std::cout << " last set " << lastSet << '\n';
// go through the block, finding each get and adding it to its index,
// and seeing how sets affect that
auto& actions = block.actions;
// move towards the front, handling things as we go
for (int i = int(actions.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
auto* action = actions[i];
if (auto* get = action->dynCast<GetLocal>()) {
} else {
// This set is the only set for all those gets.
auto* set = action->cast<SetLocal>();
auto& gets = allGets[set->index];
for (auto* get : gets) {
// If anything is left, we must flow it back through other blocks. we
// can do that for all gets as a whole, they will get the same results.
for (Index index = 0; index < numLocals; index++) {
auto& gets = allGets[index];
if (gets.empty()) continue;
// Note that we may need to revisit the later parts of this initial
// block, if we are in a loop, so don't mark it as seen.
while (!work.empty()) {
auto* curr = work.back();
// We have gone through this block; now we must handle flowing to
// the inputs.
if (curr->in.empty()) {
if (curr == entryFlowBlock) {
// These receive a param or zero init value.
for (auto* get : gets) {
} else {
for (auto* pred : curr->in) {
if (pred->lastTraversedIteration == currentIteration) {
// We've already seen pred in this iteration.
pred->lastTraversedIteration = currentIteration;
auto lastSet = std::find_if(pred->lastSets.begin(), pred->lastSets.end(), [&](std::pair<Index, SetLocal*>& value) {
return value.first == index;
if (lastSet != pred->lastSets.end()) {
// There is a set here, apply it, and stop the flow.
for (auto* get : gets) {
} else {
// Keep on flowing.
} // namespace LocalGraphInternal
// LocalGraph implementation
LocalGraph::LocalGraph(Function* func) {
LocalGraphInternal::Flower flower(getSetses, locations, func);
std::cout << "LocalGraph::dump\n";
for (auto& pair : getSetses) {
auto* get = pair.first;
auto& sets = pair.second;
std::cout << "GET\n" << get << " is influenced by\n";
for (auto* set : sets) {
std::cout << set << '\n';
std::cout << "total locations: " << locations.size() << '\n';
void LocalGraph::computeInfluences() {
for (auto& pair : locations) {
auto* curr = pair.first;
if (auto* set = curr->dynCast<SetLocal>()) {
FindAll<GetLocal> findAll(set->value);
for (auto* get : findAll.list) {
} else {
auto* get = curr->cast<GetLocal>();
for (auto* set : getSetses[get]) {
} // namespace wasm