blob: 478a0dd7c420bcdb5b5709a7395856d838457257 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// asm.js-to-WebAssembly translator. Uses the Emscripten optimizer
// infrastructure.
#ifndef wasm_asm2wasm_h
#define wasm_asm2wasm_h
#include "wasm.h"
#include "emscripten-optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "mixed_arena.h"
#include "shared-constants.h"
#include "asmjs/shared-constants.h"
#include "asm_v_wasm.h"
#include "passes/passes.h"
#include "pass.h"
#include "ast_utils.h"
#include "wasm-builder.h"
#include "wasm-validator.h"
#include "wasm-module-building.h"
namespace wasm {
using namespace cashew;
// Utilities
static void abort_on(std::string why, Ref element) {
std::cerr << why << ' ';
std::cerr << '\n';
static void abort_on(std::string why, IString element) {
std::cerr << why << ' ' << element.str << '\n';
// useful when we need to see our parent, in an asm.js expression stack
struct AstStackHelper {
static std::vector<Ref> astStack;
AstStackHelper(Ref curr) {
~AstStackHelper() {
Ref getParent() {
if (astStack.size() >= 2) {
return astStack[astStack.size()-2];
} else {
return Ref();
std::vector<Ref> AstStackHelper::astStack;
// Asm2WasmPreProcessor - does some initial parsing/processing
// of asm.js code.
struct Asm2WasmPreProcessor {
bool memoryGrowth = false;
char* process(char* input) {
// emcc --separate-asm modules can look like
// Module["asm"] = (function(global, env, buffer) {
// ..
// });
// we need to clean that up.
if (*input == 'M') {
size_t num = strlen(input);
while (*input != 'f') {
char *end = input + num - 1;
while (*end != '}') {
*end = 0;
// asm.js memory growth uses a quite elaborate pattern. Instead of parsing and
// matching it, we do a simpler detection on emscripten's asm.js output format
char *marker = strstr(input, START_FUNCS);
if (marker) {
*marker = 0; // look for memory growth code just up to here
char *growthSign = strstr(input, "return true;"); // this can only show up in growth code, as normal asm.js lacks "true"
if (growthSign) {
memoryGrowth = true;
// clean out this function, we don't need it
char *growthFuncStart = strstr(input, "function ");
assert(strstr(growthFuncStart + 1, "function ") == 0); // should be only this one function in this area, so no confusion for us
char *growthFuncEnd = strchr(growthSign, '}');
assert(growthFuncEnd > growthFuncStart + 5);
growthFuncStart[0] = '/';
growthFuncStart[1] = '*';
growthFuncEnd[0] = '*';
growthFuncEnd[1] = '/';
*marker = START_FUNCS[0];
return input;
// Asm2WasmBuilder - converts an asm.js module into WebAssembly
class Asm2WasmBuilder {
Module& wasm;
MixedArena &allocator;
Builder builder;
std::unique_ptr<OptimizingIncrementalModuleBuilder> optimizingBuilder;
// globals
struct MappedGlobal {
WasmType type;
bool import; // if true, this is an import - we should read the value, not just set a zero
IString module, base;
MappedGlobal() : type(none), import(false) {}
MappedGlobal(WasmType type) : type(type), import(false) {}
MappedGlobal(WasmType type, bool import, IString module, IString base) : type(type), import(import), module(module), base(base) {}
// function table
std::map<IString, int> functionTableStarts; // each asm function table gets a range in the one wasm table, starting at a location
bool memoryGrowth;
bool debug;
bool imprecise;
bool optimize;
std::map<IString, MappedGlobal> mappedGlobals;
void allocateGlobal(IString name, WasmType type) {
assert(mappedGlobals.find(name) == mappedGlobals.end());
mappedGlobals.emplace(name, MappedGlobal(type));
auto global = new Global();
global->name = name;
global->type = type;
Literal value;
if (type == i32) value = Literal(uint32_t(0));
else if (type == f32) value = Literal(float(0));
else if (type == f64) value = Literal(double(0));
global->init = wasm.allocator.alloc<Const>()->set(value);
struct View {
unsigned bytes;
bool integer, signed_;
AsmType type;
View() : bytes(0) {}
View(unsigned bytes, bool integer, bool signed_, AsmType type) : bytes(bytes), integer(integer), signed_(signed_), type(type) {}
std::map<IString, View> views; // name (e.g. HEAP8) => view info
// Imported names of Math.*
IString Math_imul;
IString Math_clz32;
IString Math_fround;
IString Math_abs;
IString Math_floor;
IString Math_ceil;
IString Math_sqrt;
IString llvm_cttz_i32;
IString tempDoublePtr; // imported name of tempDoublePtr
// possibly-minified names, detected via their exports
IString udivmoddi4;
IString getTempRet0;
// function types. we fill in this information as we see
// uses, in the first pass
std::map<IString, std::unique_ptr<FunctionType>> importedFunctionTypes;
void noteImportedFunctionCall(Ref ast, WasmType resultType, AsmData *asmData, CallImport* call) {
assert(ast[0] == CALL && ast[1][0] == NAME);
IString importName = ast[1][1]->getIString();
auto type = make_unique<FunctionType>();
type->name = IString((std::string("type$") + importName.str).c_str(), false); // TODO: make a list of such types
type->result = resultType;
Ref args = ast[2];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args->size(); i++) {
type->params.push_back(detectWasmType(args[i], asmData));
// if we already saw this signature, verify it's the same (or else handle that)
if (importedFunctionTypes.find(importName) != importedFunctionTypes.end()) {
FunctionType* previous = importedFunctionTypes[importName].get();
if (*type != *previous) {
// merge it in. we'll add on extra 0 parameters for ones not actually used, and upgrade types to
// double where there is a conflict (which is ok since in JS, double can contain everything
// i32 and f32 can).
for (size_t i = 0; i < type->params.size(); i++) {
if (previous->params.size() > i) {
if (previous->params[i] == none) {
previous->params[i] = type->params[i]; // use a more concrete type
} else if (previous->params[i] != type->params[i]) {
previous->params[i] = f64; // overloaded type, make it a double
} else {
previous->params.push_back(type->params[i]); // add a new param
if (previous->result == none) {
previous->result = type->result; // use a more concrete type
} else if (previous->result != type->result) {
previous->result = f64; // overloaded return type, make it a double
} else {
FunctionType* getFunctionType(Ref parent, ExpressionList& operands) {
// generate signature
WasmType result = !!parent ? detectWasmType(parent, nullptr) : none;
return ensureFunctionType(getSig(result, operands), &wasm);
Asm2WasmBuilder(Module& wasm, bool memoryGrowth, bool debug, bool imprecise, bool optimize)
: wasm(wasm),
optimize(optimize) {}
void processAsm(Ref ast);
AsmType detectAsmType(Ref ast, AsmData *data) {
if (ast[0] == NAME) {
IString name = ast[1]->getIString();
if (!data->isLocal(name)) {
// must be global
assert(mappedGlobals.find(name) != mappedGlobals.end());
return wasmToAsmType(mappedGlobals[name].type);
} else if (ast[0] == SUB && ast[1][0] == NAME) {
// could be a heap access, use view info
auto view = views.find(ast[1][1]->getIString());
if (view != views.end()) {
return view->second.type;
return detectType(ast, data, false, Math_fround);
WasmType detectWasmType(Ref ast, AsmData *data) {
return asmToWasmType(detectAsmType(ast, data));
bool isUnsignedCoercion(Ref ast) {
return detectSign(ast, Math_fround) == ASM_UNSIGNED;
BinaryOp parseAsmBinaryOp(IString op, Ref left, Ref right, Expression* leftWasm, Expression* rightWasm) {
WasmType leftType = leftWasm->type;
bool isInteger = leftType == WasmType::i32;
if (op == PLUS) return isInteger ? BinaryOp::AddInt32 : (leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::AddFloat32 : BinaryOp::AddFloat64);
if (op == MINUS) return isInteger ? BinaryOp::SubInt32 : (leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::SubFloat32 : BinaryOp::SubFloat64);
if (op == MUL) return isInteger ? BinaryOp::MulInt32 : (leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::MulFloat32 : BinaryOp::MulFloat64);
if (op == AND) return BinaryOp::AndInt32;
if (op == OR) return BinaryOp::OrInt32;
if (op == XOR) return BinaryOp::XorInt32;
if (op == LSHIFT) return BinaryOp::ShlInt32;
if (op == RSHIFT) return BinaryOp::ShrSInt32;
if (op == TRSHIFT) return BinaryOp::ShrUInt32;
if (op == EQ) return isInteger ? BinaryOp::EqInt32 : (leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::EqFloat32 : BinaryOp::EqFloat64);
if (op == NE) return isInteger ? BinaryOp::NeInt32 : (leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::NeFloat32 : BinaryOp::NeFloat64);
bool isUnsigned = isUnsignedCoercion(left) || isUnsignedCoercion(right);
if (op == DIV) {
if (isInteger) {
return isUnsigned ? BinaryOp::DivUInt32 : BinaryOp::DivSInt32;
return leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::DivFloat32 : BinaryOp::DivFloat64;
if (op == MOD) {
if (isInteger) {
return isUnsigned ? BinaryOp::RemUInt32 : BinaryOp::RemSInt32;
return BinaryOp::RemSInt32; // XXX no floating-point remainder op, this must be handled by the caller
if (op == GE) {
if (isInteger) {
return isUnsigned ? BinaryOp::GeUInt32 : BinaryOp::GeSInt32;
return leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::GeFloat32 : BinaryOp::GeFloat64;
if (op == GT) {
if (isInteger) {
return isUnsigned ? BinaryOp::GtUInt32 : BinaryOp::GtSInt32;
return leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::GtFloat32 : BinaryOp::GtFloat64;
if (op == LE) {
if (isInteger) {
return isUnsigned ? BinaryOp::LeUInt32 : BinaryOp::LeSInt32;
return leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::LeFloat32 : BinaryOp::LeFloat64;
if (op == LT) {
if (isInteger) {
return isUnsigned ? BinaryOp::LtUInt32 : BinaryOp::LtSInt32;
return leftType == f32 ? BinaryOp::LtFloat32 : BinaryOp::LtFloat64;
abort_on("bad wasm binary op", op);
abort(); // avoid warning
int32_t bytesToShift(unsigned bytes) {
switch (bytes) {
case 1: return 0;
case 2: return 1;
case 4: return 2;
case 8: return 3;
default: {}
return -1; // avoid warning
std::map<unsigned, Ref> tempNums;
Literal checkLiteral(Ref ast) {
if (ast[0] == NUM) {
return Literal((int32_t)ast[1]->getInteger());
} else if (ast[0] == UNARY_PREFIX) {
if (ast[1] == PLUS && ast[2][0] == NUM) {
return Literal((double)ast[2][1]->getNumber());
if (ast[1] == MINUS && ast[2][0] == NUM) {
double num = -ast[2][1]->getNumber();
if (isSInteger32(num)) return Literal((int32_t)num);
if (isUInteger32(num)) return Literal((uint32_t)num);
assert(false && "expected signed or unsigned int32");
if (ast[1] == PLUS && ast[2][0] == UNARY_PREFIX && ast[2][1] == MINUS && ast[2][2][0] == NUM) {
return Literal((double)-ast[2][2][1]->getNumber());
if (ast[1] == MINUS && ast[2][0] == UNARY_PREFIX && ast[2][1] == PLUS && ast[2][2][0] == NUM) {
return Literal((double)-ast[2][2][1]->getNumber());
return Literal();
Literal getLiteral(Ref ast) {
Literal ret = checkLiteral(ast);
if (ret.type == none) abort();
return ret;
void fixCallType(Expression* call, WasmType type) {
if (call->is<Call>()) call->cast<Call>()->type = type;
if (call->is<CallImport>()) call->cast<CallImport>()->type = type;
else if (call->is<CallIndirect>()) call->cast<CallIndirect>()->type = type;
FunctionType* getBuiltinFunctionType(Name module, Name base, ExpressionList* operands = nullptr) {
if (module == GLOBAL_MATH) {
if (base == ABS) {
assert(operands && operands->size() == 1);
WasmType type = (*operands)[0]->type;
if (type == i32) return ensureFunctionType("ii", &wasm);
if (type == f32) return ensureFunctionType("ff", &wasm);
if (type == f64) return ensureFunctionType("dd", &wasm);
return nullptr;
// ensure a nameless block
Block* blockify(Expression* expression) {
if (expression->is<Block>() && !expression->cast<Block>()-> return expression->dynCast<Block>();
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Block>();
return ret;
Function* processFunction(Ref ast);
void Asm2WasmBuilder::processAsm(Ref ast) {
assert(ast[0] == TOPLEVEL);
Ref asmFunction = ast[1][0];
assert(asmFunction[0] == DEFUN);
Ref body = asmFunction[3];
assert(body[0][0] == STAT && body[0][1][0] == STRING && (body[0][1][1]->getIString() == IString("use asm") || body[0][1][1]->getIString() == IString("almost asm")));
auto addImport = [&](IString name, Ref imported, WasmType type) {
assert(imported[0] == DOT);
Ref module = imported[1];
IString moduleName;
if (module[0] == DOT) {
// we can have (global.Math).floor; skip the 'Math'
assert(module[1][0] == NAME);
if (module[2] == MATH) {
if (imported[2] == IMUL) {
Math_imul = name;
} else if (imported[2] == CLZ32) {
Math_clz32 = name;
} else if (imported[2] == FROUND) {
Math_fround = name;
} else if (imported[2] == ABS) {
Math_abs = name;
} else if (imported[2] == FLOOR) {
Math_floor = name;
} else if (imported[2] == CEIL) {
Math_ceil = name;
} else if (imported[2] == SQRT) {
Math_sqrt = name;
std::string fullName = module[1][1]->getCString();
fullName += '.';
fullName += + module[2]->getCString();
moduleName = IString(fullName.c_str(), false);
} else {
assert(module[0] == NAME);
moduleName = module[1]->getIString();
if (moduleName == ENV) {
auto base = imported[2]->getIString();
if (base == TEMP_DOUBLE_PTR) {
tempDoublePtr = name;
// we don't return here, as we can only optimize out some uses of tDP. So it remains imported
} else if (base == LLVM_CTTZ_I32) {
llvm_cttz_i32 = name;
auto import = new Import();
import->name = name;
import->module = moduleName;
import->base = imported[2]->getIString();
// special-case some asm builtins
if (import->module == GLOBAL && (import->base == NAN_ || import->base == INFINITY_)) {
type = WasmType::f64;
if (type != WasmType::none) {
import->kind = Import::Global;
import->globalType = type;
mappedGlobals.emplace(name, type);
} else {
import->kind = Import::Function;
IString Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, UInt8Array, UInt16Array, UInt32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array;
// set up optimization
if (optimize) {
Index numFunctions = 0;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < body->size(); i++) {
if (body[i][0] == DEFUN) numFunctions++;
optimizingBuilder = make_unique<OptimizingIncrementalModuleBuilder>(&wasm, numFunctions, [&](PassRunner& passRunner) {
// run autodrop first, before optimizations
// optimize relooper label variable usage at the wasm level, where it is easy
// first pass - do almost everything, but function imports and indirect calls
for (unsigned i = 1; i < body->size(); i++) {
Ref curr = body[i];
if (curr[0] == VAR) {
// import, global, or table
for (unsigned j = 0; j < curr[1]->size(); j++) {
Ref pair = curr[1][j];
IString name = pair[0]->getIString();
Ref value = pair[1];
if (value[0] == NUM) {
// global int
assert(value[1]->getNumber() == 0);
allocateGlobal(name, WasmType::i32);
} else if (value[0] == BINARY) {
// int import
assert(value[1] == OR && value[3][0] == NUM && value[3][1]->getNumber() == 0);
Ref import = value[2]; // env.what
addImport(name, import, WasmType::i32);
} else if (value[0] == UNARY_PREFIX) {
// double import or global
assert(value[1] == PLUS);
Ref import = value[2];
if (import[0] == NUM) {
// global
assert(import[1]->getNumber() == 0);
allocateGlobal(name, WasmType::f64);
} else {
// import
addImport(name, import, WasmType::f64);
} else if (value[0] == CALL) {
assert(value[1][0] == NAME && value[1][1] == Math_fround && value[2][0][0] == NUM && value[2][0][1]->getNumber() == 0);
allocateGlobal(name, WasmType::f32);
} else if (value[0] == DOT) {
// simple module.base import. can be a view, or a function.
if (value[1][0] == NAME) {
IString module = value[1][1]->getIString();
IString base = value[2]->getIString();
if (module == GLOBAL) {
if (base == INT8ARRAY) {
Int8Array = name;
} else if (base == INT16ARRAY) {
Int16Array = name;
} else if (base == INT32ARRAY) {
Int32Array = name;
} else if (base == UINT8ARRAY) {
UInt8Array = name;
} else if (base == UINT16ARRAY) {
UInt16Array = name;
} else if (base == UINT32ARRAY) {
UInt32Array = name;
} else if (base == FLOAT32ARRAY) {
Float32Array = name;
} else if (base == FLOAT64ARRAY) {
Float64Array = name;
// function import
addImport(name, value, WasmType::none);
} else if (value[0] == NEW) {
// ignore imports of typed arrays, but note the names of the arrays
value = value[1];
assert(value[0] == CALL);
unsigned bytes;
bool integer, signed_;
AsmType asmType;
Ref constructor = value[1];
if (constructor[0] == DOT) { // global.*Array
IString heap = constructor[2]->getIString();
if (heap == INT8ARRAY) {
bytes = 1; integer = true; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (heap == INT16ARRAY) {
bytes = 2; integer = true; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (heap == INT32ARRAY) {
bytes = 4; integer = true; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (heap == UINT8ARRAY) {
bytes = 1; integer = true; signed_ = false; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (heap == UINT16ARRAY) {
bytes = 2; integer = true; signed_ = false; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (heap == UINT32ARRAY) {
bytes = 4; integer = true; signed_ = false; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (heap == FLOAT32ARRAY) {
bytes = 4; integer = false; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_FLOAT;
} else if (heap == FLOAT64ARRAY) {
bytes = 8; integer = false; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_DOUBLE;
} else {
abort_on("invalid view import", heap);
} else { // *ArrayView that was previously imported
assert(constructor[0] == NAME);
IString viewName = constructor[1]->getIString();
if (viewName == Int8Array) {
bytes = 1; integer = true; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (viewName == Int16Array) {
bytes = 2; integer = true; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (viewName == Int32Array) {
bytes = 4; integer = true; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (viewName == UInt8Array) {
bytes = 1; integer = true; signed_ = false; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (viewName == UInt16Array) {
bytes = 2; integer = true; signed_ = false; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (viewName == UInt32Array) {
bytes = 4; integer = true; signed_ = false; asmType = ASM_INT;
} else if (viewName == Float32Array) {
bytes = 4; integer = false; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_FLOAT;
} else if (viewName == Float64Array) {
bytes = 8; integer = false; signed_ = true; asmType = ASM_DOUBLE;
} else {
abort_on("invalid short view import", viewName);
assert(views.find(name) == views.end());
views.emplace(name, View(bytes, integer, signed_, asmType));
} else if (value[0] == ARRAY) {
// function table. we merge them into one big table, so e.g. [foo, b1] , [b2, bar] => [foo, b1, b2, bar]
// TODO: when not using aliasing function pointers, we could merge them by noticing that
// index 0 in each table is the null func, and each other index should only have one
// non-null func. However, that breaks down when function pointer casts are emulated.
if (wasm.table.segments.size() == 0) {
auto& segment = wasm.table.segments[0];
functionTableStarts[name] =; // this table starts here
Ref contents = value[1];
for (unsigned k = 0; k < contents->size(); k++) {
IString curr = contents[k][1]->getIString();;
wasm.table.initial = wasm.table.max =;
} else {
abort_on("invalid var element", pair);
} else if (curr[0] == DEFUN) {
// function
auto* func = processFunction(curr);
if (optimize) {
} else {
} else if (curr[0] == RETURN) {
// exports
Ref object = curr[1];
Ref contents = object[1];
std::map<Name, Export*> exported;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < contents->size(); k++) {
Ref pair = contents[k];
IString key = pair[0]->getIString();
assert(pair[1][0] == NAME);
IString value = pair[1][1]->getIString();
if (key == Name("_emscripten_replace_memory")) {
// asm.js memory growth provides this special non-asm function, which we don't need (we use grow_memory)
} else if (key == UDIVMODDI4) {
udivmoddi4 = value;
} else if (key == GET_TEMP_RET0) {
getTempRet0 = value;
if (exported.count(key) > 0) {
// asm.js allows duplicate exports, but not wasm. use the last, like asm.js
exported[key]->value = value;
} else {
auto* export_ = new Export;
export_->name = key;
export_->value = value;
export_->kind = Export::Function;
exported[key] = export_;
if (optimize) {
PassRunner passRunner(&wasm);
// second pass. first, function imports
std::vector<IString> toErase;
for (auto& import : wasm.imports) {
if (import->kind != Import::Function) continue;
IString name = import->name;
if (importedFunctionTypes.find(name) != importedFunctionTypes.end()) {
// special math builtins
FunctionType* builtin = getBuiltinFunctionType(import->module, import->base);
if (builtin) {
import->functionType = builtin;
import->functionType = ensureFunctionType(getSig(importedFunctionTypes[name].get()), &wasm);
} else if (import->module != ASM2WASM) { // special-case the special module
// never actually used
for (auto curr : toErase) {
// Finalize calls now that everything is known and generated
struct FinalizeCalls : public WalkerPass<PostWalker<FinalizeCalls, Visitor<FinalizeCalls>>> {
bool isFunctionParallel() override { return true; }
Pass* create() override { return new FinalizeCalls(parent); }
Asm2WasmBuilder* parent;
FinalizeCalls(Asm2WasmBuilder* parent) : parent(parent) {}
void visitCall(Call* curr) {
assert(getModule()->checkFunction(curr->target) ? true : (std::cerr << curr->target << '\n', false));
auto result = getModule()->getFunction(curr->target)->result;
if (curr->type != result) {
curr->type = result;
void visitCallImport(CallImport* curr) {
// fill out call_import - add extra params as needed, etc. asm tolerates ffi overloading, wasm does not
auto iter = parent->importedFunctionTypes.find(curr->target);
if (iter == parent->importedFunctionTypes.end()) return; // one of our fake imports for callIndirect fixups
auto type = iter->second.get();
for (size_t i = 0; i < type->params.size(); i++) {
if (i >= curr->operands.size()) {
// add a new param
auto val = parent->allocator.alloc<Const>();
val->type = val->value.type = type->params[i];
} else if (curr->operands[i]->type != type->params[i]) {
assert(type->params[i] == f64);
// overloaded, upgrade to f64
switch (curr->operands[i]->type) {
case i32: curr->operands[i] = parent->builder.makeUnary(ConvertSInt32ToFloat64, curr->operands[i]); break;
case f32: curr->operands[i] = parent->builder.makeUnary(PromoteFloat32, curr->operands[i]); break;
default: {} // f64, unreachable, etc., are all good
auto importResult = getModule()->getImport(curr->target)->functionType->result;
if (curr->type != importResult) {
if (importResult == f64) {
// we use a JS f64 value which is the most general, and convert to it
switch (curr->type) {
case i32: replaceCurrent(parent->builder.makeUnary(TruncSFloat64ToInt32, curr)); break;
case f32: replaceCurrent(parent->builder.makeUnary(DemoteFloat64, curr)); break;
case none: replaceCurrent(parent->builder.makeDrop(curr)); break;
} else {
assert(curr->type == none);
// we don't want a return value here, but the import does provide one
curr->type = importResult;
void visitCallIndirect(CallIndirect* curr) {
// we already call into target = something + offset, where offset is a callImport with the name of the table. replace that with the table offset
auto add = curr->target->cast<Binary>();
auto offset = add->right->cast<CallImport>();
auto tableName = offset->target;
add->right = parent->builder.makeConst(Literal((int32_t)parent->functionTableStarts[tableName]));
PassRunner passRunner(&wasm);
passRunner.add<ReFinalize>(); // FinalizeCalls changes call types, need to percolate
passRunner.add<AutoDrop>(); // FinalizeCalls may cause us to require additional drops
if (optimize) {
// autodrop can add some garbage
// apply memory growth, if relevant
if (memoryGrowth) {
// create and export a function that just calls memory growth
Builder builder(wasm);
{ { NEW_SIZE, i32 } },
{ builder.makeGetLocal(0, i32) }
auto export_ = new Export;
export_->name = export_->value = GROW_WASM_MEMORY;
export_->kind = Export::Function;
#if 0
// export memory
auto memoryExport = make_unique<Export>();
memoryExport->name = MEMORY;
memoryExport->value = Name::fromInt(0);
memoryExport->kind = Export::Memory;
// import memory
auto memoryImport = make_unique<Import>();
memoryImport->name = MEMORY;
memoryImport->module = ENV;
memoryImport->base = MEMORY;
memoryImport->kind = Import::Memory;
// import table
auto tableImport = make_unique<Import>();
tableImport->name = TABLE;
tableImport->module = ENV;
tableImport->base = TABLE;
tableImport->kind = Import::Table;
// Import memory offset
auto* import = new Import;
import->name = Name("memoryBase");
import->module = Name("env");
import->base = Name("memoryBase");
import->kind = Import::Global;
import->globalType = i32;
// Import table offset
auto* import = new Import;
import->name = Name("tableBase");
import->module = Name("env");
import->base = Name("tableBase");
import->kind = Import::Global;
import->globalType = i32;
if ( && {
// generate a wasm-optimized __udivmoddi4 method, which we can do much more efficiently in wasm
// we can only do this if we know getTempRet0 as well since we use it to figure out which minified global is tempRet0
// (getTempRet0 might be an import, if this is a shared module, so we can't optimize that case)
Name tempRet0;
Expression* curr = wasm.getFunction(getTempRet0)->body;
if (curr->is<Block>()) curr = curr->cast<Block>()->list[0];
if (curr->is<Return>()) curr = curr->cast<Return>()->value;
auto* get = curr->cast<GetGlobal>();
tempRet0 = get->name;
// udivmoddi4 receives xl, xh, yl, yl, r, and
// if r then *r = x % y
// returns x / y
auto* func = wasm.getFunction(udivmoddi4);
Index xl = Builder::addParam(func, "xl", i32),
xh = Builder::addParam(func, "xh", i32),
yl = Builder::addParam(func, "yl", i32),
yh = Builder::addParam(func, "yh", i32),
r = Builder::addParam(func, "r", i32),
x64 = Builder::addVar(func, "x64", i64),
y64 = Builder::addVar(func, "y64", i64);
auto* body = allocator.alloc<Block>();
auto recreateI64 = [&](Index target, Index low, Index high) {
return builder.makeSetLocal(
builder.makeGetLocal(low, i32)
builder.makeGetLocal(high, i32)
body->list.push_back(recreateI64(x64, xl, xh));
body->list.push_back(recreateI64(y64, yl, yh));
builder.makeGetLocal(r, i32),
8, 0, 8,
builder.makeGetLocal(r, i32),
builder.makeGetLocal(x64, i64),
builder.makeGetLocal(y64, i64)
builder.makeGetLocal(x64, i64),
builder.makeGetLocal(y64, i64)
builder.makeGetLocal(x64, i64),
builder.makeGetLocal(x64, i64)
func->body = body;
Function* Asm2WasmBuilder::processFunction(Ref ast) {
auto name = ast[1]->getIString();
if (debug) {
std::cout << "\nfunc: " << ast[1]->getIString().str << '\n';
std::cout << '\n';
auto function = new Function;
function->name = name;
Ref params = ast[2];
Ref body = ast[3];
unsigned nextId = 0;
auto getNextId = [&nextId](std::string prefix) {
return IString((prefix + '$' + std::to_string(nextId++)).c_str(), false);
// given an asm.js label, returns the wasm label for breaks or continues
auto getBreakLabelName = [](IString label) {
return IString((std::string("label$break$") + label.str).c_str(), false);
auto getContinueLabelName = [](IString label) {
return IString((std::string("label$continue$") + label.str).c_str(), false);
IStringSet functionVariables; // params or vars
IString parentLabel; // set in LABEL, then read in WHILE/DO/SWITCH
std::vector<IString> breakStack; // where a break will go
std::vector<IString> continueStack; // where a continue will go
AsmData asmData; // need to know var and param types, for asm type detection
for (unsigned i = 0; i < params->size(); i++) {
Ref curr = body[i];
assert(curr[0] == STAT);
curr = curr[1];
assert(curr[0] == ASSIGN && curr[2][0] == NAME);
IString name = curr[2][1]->getIString();
AsmType asmType = detectType(curr[3], nullptr, false, Math_fround);
Builder::addParam(function, name, asmToWasmType(asmType));
asmData.addParam(name, asmType);
unsigned start = params->size();
while (start < body->size() && body[start][0] == VAR) {
Ref curr = body[start];
for (unsigned j = 0; j < curr[1]->size(); j++) {
Ref pair = curr[1][j];
IString name = pair[0]->getIString();
AsmType asmType = detectType(pair[1], nullptr, true, Math_fround);
Builder::addVar(function, name, asmToWasmType(asmType));
asmData.addVar(name, asmType);
bool addedI32Temp = false;
auto ensureI32Temp = [&]() {
if (addedI32Temp) return;
addedI32Temp = true;
Builder::addVar(function, I32_TEMP, i32);
asmData.addVar(I32_TEMP, ASM_INT);
bool seenReturn = false; // function->result is updated if we see a return
// processors
std::function<Expression* (Ref, unsigned)> processStatements;
std::function<Expression* (Ref, unsigned)> processUnshifted;
std::function<Expression* (Ref)> process = [&](Ref ast) -> Expression* {
AstStackHelper astStackHelper(ast); // TODO: only create one when we need it?
if (debug) {
std::cout << "at: ";
std::cout << '\n';
IString what = ast[0]->getIString();
if (what == STAT) {
return process(ast[1]); // and drop return value, if any
} else if (what == ASSIGN) {
if (ast[2][0] == NAME) {
IString name = ast[2][1]->getIString();
if (functionVariables.has(name)) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<SetLocal>();
ret->index = function->getLocalIndex(ast[2][1]->getIString());
ret->value = process(ast[3]);
return ret;
// global var
assert(mappedGlobals.find(name) != mappedGlobals.end());
auto* ret = builder.makeSetGlobal(name, process(ast[3]));
// set_global does not return; if our value is trivially not used, don't emit a load (if nontrivially not used, opts get it later)
if (astStackHelper.getParent()[0] == STAT) return ret;
return builder.makeSequence(ret, builder.makeGetGlobal(name, ret->value->type));
} else if (ast[2][0] == SUB) {
Ref target = ast[2];
assert(target[1][0] == NAME);
IString heap = target[1][1]->getIString();
assert(views.find(heap) != views.end());
View& view = views[heap];
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Store>();
ret->bytes = view.bytes;
ret->offset = 0;
ret->align = view.bytes;
ret->ptr = processUnshifted(target[2], view.bytes);
ret->value = process(ast[3]);
ret->valueType = asmToWasmType(view.type);
if (ret->valueType != ret->value->type) {
// in asm.js we have some implicit coercions that we must do explicitly here
if (ret->valueType == f32 && ret->value->type == f64) {
auto conv = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
conv->op = DemoteFloat64;
conv->value = ret->value;
conv->type = WasmType::f32;
ret->value = conv;
} else {
return ret;
abort_on("confusing assign", ast);
} else if (what == BINARY) {
if ((ast[1] == OR || ast[1] == TRSHIFT) && ast[3][0] == NUM && ast[3][1]->getNumber() == 0) {
auto ret = process(ast[2]); // just look through the ()|0 or ()>>>0 coercion
fixCallType(ret, i32);
return ret;
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Binary>();
ret->left = process(ast[2]);
ret->right = process(ast[3]);
ret->op = parseAsmBinaryOp(ast[1]->getIString(), ast[2], ast[3], ret->left, ret->right);
if (ret->op == BinaryOp::RemSInt32 && isWasmTypeFloat(ret->type)) {
// WebAssembly does not have floating-point remainder, we have to emit a call to a special import of ours
CallImport *call = allocator.alloc<CallImport>();
call->target = F64_REM;
call->type = f64;
static bool addedImport = false;
if (!addedImport) {
addedImport = true;
auto import = new Import; // f64-rem = asm2wasm.f64-rem;
import->name = F64_REM;
import->module = ASM2WASM;
import->base = F64_REM;
import->functionType = ensureFunctionType("ddd", &wasm);
import->kind = Import::Function;
return call;
} else if (!imprecise && (ret->op == BinaryOp::RemSInt32 || ret->op == BinaryOp::RemUInt32 ||
ret->op == BinaryOp::DivSInt32 || ret->op == BinaryOp::DivUInt32)) {
// we are precise, and the wasm operation might trap if done over 0, so generate a safe call
CallImport *call = allocator.alloc<CallImport>();
switch (ret->op) {
case BinaryOp::RemSInt32: call->target = I32S_REM; break;
case BinaryOp::RemUInt32: call->target = I32U_REM; break;
case BinaryOp::DivSInt32: call->target = I32S_DIV; break;
case BinaryOp::DivUInt32: call->target = I32U_DIV; break;
call->type = i32;
static std::set<Name> addedImport;
if (addedImport.count(call->target) == 0) {
auto import = new Import;
import->name = call->target;
import->module = ASM2WASM;
import->base = call->target;
import->functionType = ensureFunctionType("iii", &wasm);
import->kind = Import::Function;
return call;
return ret;
} else if (what == NUM) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Const>();
double num = ast[1]->getNumber();
if (isSInteger32(num)) {
ret->value = Literal(int32_t(toSInteger32(num)));
} else if (isUInteger32(num)) {
ret->value = Literal(uint32_t(toUInteger32(num)));
} else {
ret->value = Literal(num);
ret->type = ret->value.type;
return ret;
} else if (what == NAME) {
IString name = ast[1]->getIString();
if (functionVariables.has(name)) {
// var in scope
auto ret = allocator.alloc<GetLocal>();
ret->index = function->getLocalIndex(name);
ret->type = asmToWasmType(asmData.getType(name));
return ret;
if (name == DEBUGGER) {
CallImport *call = allocator.alloc<CallImport>();
call->target = DEBUGGER;
call->type = none;
static bool addedImport = false;
if (!addedImport) {
addedImport = true;
auto import = new Import; // debugger = asm2wasm.debugger;
import->name = DEBUGGER;
import->module = ASM2WASM;
import->base = DEBUGGER;
import->functionType = ensureFunctionType("v", &wasm);
import->kind = Import::Function;
return call;
// global var
assert(mappedGlobals.find(name) != mappedGlobals.end() ? true : (std::cerr << name.str << '\n', false));
MappedGlobal& global = mappedGlobals[name];
return builder.makeGetGlobal(name, global.type);
} else if (what == SUB) {
Ref target = ast[1];
assert(target[0] == NAME);
IString heap = target[1]->getIString();
assert(views.find(heap) != views.end());
View& view = views[heap];
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Load>();
ret->bytes = view.bytes;
ret->signed_ = view.signed_;
ret->offset = 0;
ret->align = view.bytes;
ret->ptr = processUnshifted(ast[2], view.bytes);
ret->type = getWasmType(view.bytes, !view.integer);
return ret;
} else if (what == UNARY_PREFIX) {
if (ast[1] == PLUS) {
Literal literal = checkLiteral(ast);
if (literal.type != none) {
return builder.makeConst(literal);
auto ret = process(ast[2]); // we are a +() coercion
if (ret->type == i32) {
auto conv = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
conv->op = isUnsignedCoercion(ast[2]) ? ConvertUInt32ToFloat64 : ConvertSInt32ToFloat64;
conv->value = ret;
conv->type = WasmType::f64;
return conv;
if (ret->type == f32) {
auto conv = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
conv->op = PromoteFloat32;
conv->value = ret;
conv->type = WasmType::f64;
return conv;
fixCallType(ret, f64);
return ret;
} else if (ast[1] == MINUS) {
if (ast[2][0] == NUM || (ast[2][0] == UNARY_PREFIX && ast[2][1] == PLUS && ast[2][2][0] == NUM)) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Const>();
ret->value = getLiteral(ast);
ret->type = ret->value.type;
return ret;
AsmType asmType = detectAsmType(ast[2], &asmData);
if (asmType == ASM_INT) {
// wasm has no unary negation for int, so do 0-
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Binary>();
ret->op = SubInt32;
ret->left = builder.makeConst(Literal((int32_t)0));
ret->right = process(ast[2]);
ret->type = WasmType::i32;
return ret;
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
ret->value = process(ast[2]);
if (asmType == ASM_DOUBLE) {
ret->op = NegFloat64;
ret->type = WasmType::f64;
} else if (asmType == ASM_FLOAT) {
ret->op = NegFloat32;
ret->type = WasmType::f32;
} else {
return ret;
} else if (ast[1] == B_NOT) {
// ~, might be ~~ as a coercion or just a not
if (ast[2][0] == UNARY_PREFIX && ast[2][1] == B_NOT) {
if (imprecise) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
ret->value = process(ast[2][2]);
ret->op = ret->value->type == f64 ? TruncSFloat64ToInt32 : TruncSFloat32ToInt32; // imprecise, because this wasm thing might trap, while asm.js never would
ret->type = WasmType::i32;
return ret;
} else {
// WebAssembly traps on float-to-int overflows, but asm.js wouldn't, so we must emulate that
CallImport *ret = allocator.alloc<CallImport>();
ret->target = F64_TO_INT;
auto input = process(ast[2][2]);
if (input->type == f32) {
auto conv = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
conv->op = PromoteFloat32;
conv->value = input;
conv->type = WasmType::f64;
input = conv;
ret->type = i32;
static bool addedImport = false;
if (!addedImport) {
addedImport = true;
auto import = new Import; // f64-to-int = asm2wasm.f64-to-int;
import->name = F64_TO_INT;
import->module = ASM2WASM;
import->base = F64_TO_INT;
import->functionType = ensureFunctionType("id", &wasm);
import->kind = Import::Function;
return ret;
// no bitwise unary not, so do xor with -1
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Binary>();
ret->op = XorInt32;
ret->left = process(ast[2]);
ret->right = builder.makeConst(Literal(int32_t(-1)));
ret->type = WasmType::i32;
return ret;
} else if (ast[1] == L_NOT) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
ret->op = EqZInt32;
ret->value = process(ast[2]);
ret->type = i32;
return ret;
abort_on("bad unary", ast);
} else if (what == IF) {
auto* condition = process(ast[1]);
auto* ifTrue = process(ast[2]);
return builder.makeIf(condition, ifTrue, !!ast[3] ? process(ast[3]) : nullptr);
} else if (what == CALL) {
if (ast[1][0] == NAME) {
IString name = ast[1][1]->getIString();
if (name == Math_imul) {
assert(ast[2]->size() == 2);
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Binary>();
ret->op = MulInt32;
ret->left = process(ast[2][0]);
ret->right = process(ast[2][1]);
ret->type = WasmType::i32;
return ret;
if (name == Math_clz32 || name == llvm_cttz_i32) {
assert(ast[2]->size() == 1);
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
ret->op = name == Math_clz32 ? ClzInt32 : CtzInt32;
ret->value = process(ast[2][0]);
ret->type = WasmType::i32;
return ret;
if (name == Math_fround) {
assert(ast[2]->size() == 1);
Literal lit = checkLiteral(ast[2][0]);
if (lit.type == i32) {
return builder.makeConst(Literal((float)lit.geti32()));
} else if (lit.type == f64) {
return builder.makeConst(Literal((float)lit.getf64()));
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
ret->value = process(ast[2][0]);
if (ret->value->type == f64) {
ret->op = DemoteFloat64;
} else if (ret->value->type == i32) {
ret->op = ConvertSInt32ToFloat32;
} else if (ret->value->type == f32) {
return ret->value;
} else if (ret->value->type == none) { // call, etc.
ret->value->type = f32;
return ret->value;
} else {
abort_on("confusing fround target", ast[2][0]);
ret->type = f32;
return ret;
if (name == Math_abs) {
// overloaded on type: i32, f32 or f64
Expression* value = process(ast[2][0]);
if (value->type == i32) {
// No wasm support, so use a temp local
auto set = allocator.alloc<SetLocal>();
set->index = function->getLocalIndex(I32_TEMP);
set->value = value;
auto get = [&]() {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<GetLocal>();
ret->index = function->getLocalIndex(I32_TEMP);
ret->type = i32;
return ret;
auto isNegative = allocator.alloc<Binary>();
isNegative->op = LtSInt32;
isNegative->left = get();
isNegative->right = builder.makeConst(Literal(0));
auto block = allocator.alloc<Block>();
auto flip = allocator.alloc<Binary>();
flip->op = SubInt32;
flip->left = builder.makeConst(Literal(0));
flip->right = get();
flip->type = i32;
auto select = allocator.alloc<Select>();
select->ifTrue = flip;
select->ifFalse = get();
select->condition = isNegative;
select->type = i32;
return block;
} else if (value->type == f32 || value->type == f64) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
ret->op = value->type == f32 ? AbsFloat32 : AbsFloat64;
ret->value = value;
ret->type = value->type;
return ret;
} else {
if (name == Math_floor || name == Math_sqrt || name == Math_ceil) {
// overloaded on type: f32 or f64
Expression* value = process(ast[2][0]);
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
ret->value = value;
if (value->type == f32) {
ret->op = name == Math_floor ? FloorFloat32 : name == Math_ceil ? CeilFloat32 : SqrtFloat32;
ret->type = value->type;
} else if (value->type == f64) {
ret->op = name == Math_floor ? FloorFloat64 : name == Math_ceil ? CeilFloat64 : SqrtFloat64;
ret->type = value->type;
} else {
return ret;
Expression* ret;
ExpressionList* operands;
if (wasm.checkImport(name)) {
Ref parent = astStackHelper.getParent();
WasmType type = !!parent ? detectWasmType(parent, &asmData) : none;
auto specific = allocator.alloc<CallImport>();
noteImportedFunctionCall(ast, type, &asmData, specific);
specific->target = name;
operands = &specific->operands;
ret = specific;
} else {
auto specific = allocator.alloc<Call>();
specific->target = name;
operands = &specific->operands;
ret = specific;
Ref args = ast[2];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args->size(); i++) {
return ret;
// function pointers
auto ret = allocator.alloc<CallIndirect>();
Ref target = ast[1];
assert(target[0] == SUB && target[1][0] == NAME && target[2][0] == BINARY && target[2][1] == AND && target[2][3][0] == NUM); // FUNCTION_TABLE[(expr) & mask]
ret->target = process(target[2]); // TODO: as an optimization, we could look through the mask
Ref args = ast[2];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args->size(); i++) {
auto* fullType = getFunctionType(astStackHelper.getParent(), ret->operands);
ret->fullType = fullType->name;
ret->type = fullType->result;
// we don't know the table offset yet. emit target = target + callImport(tableName), which we fix up later when we know how asm function tables are layed out inside the wasm table.
ret->target = builder.makeBinary(BinaryOp::AddInt32, ret->target, builder.makeCallImport(target[1][1]->getIString(), {}, i32));
return ret;
} else if (what == RETURN) {
WasmType type = !!ast[1] ? detectWasmType(ast[1], &asmData) : none;
if (seenReturn) {
assert(function->result == type);
} else {
function->result = type;
// wasm has no return, so we just break on the topmost block
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Return>();
ret->value = !!ast[1] ? process(ast[1]) : nullptr;
return ret;
} else if (what == BLOCK) {
Name name;
if ( {
name = getBreakLabelName(parentLabel);
parentLabel = IString();
auto ret = processStatements(ast[1], 0);
if ( {
Block* block = ret->dynCast<Block>();
if (block && block->name.isNull()) {
block->name = name;
} else {
block = allocator.alloc<Block>();
block->name = name;
ret = block;
return ret;
} else if (what == BREAK) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Break>();
assert(breakStack.size() > 0);
ret->name = !!ast[1] ? getBreakLabelName(ast[1]->getIString()) : breakStack.back();
return ret;
} else if (what == CONTINUE) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Break>();
assert(continueStack.size() > 0);
ret->name = !!ast[1] ? getContinueLabelName(ast[1]->getIString()) : continueStack.back();
return ret;
} else if (what == WHILE) {
bool forever = ast[1][0] == NUM && ast[1][1]->getInteger() == 1;
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Loop>();
IString out, in;
if (!parentLabel.isNull()) {
out = getBreakLabelName(parentLabel);
in = getContinueLabelName(parentLabel);
parentLabel = IString();
} else {
out = getNextId("while-out");
in = getNextId("while-in");
ret->name = in;
if (forever) {
ret->body = process(ast[2]);
} else {
Break *breakOut = allocator.alloc<Break>();
breakOut->name = out;
If *condition = allocator.alloc<If>();
condition->condition = builder.makeUnary(EqZInt32, process(ast[1]));
condition->ifTrue = breakOut;
auto body = allocator.alloc<Block>();
ret->body = body;
// loops do not automatically loop, add a branch back
Block* block = builder.blockifyWithName(ret->body, out);
auto continuer = allocator.alloc<Break>();
continuer->name = ret->name;
ret->body = block;
return ret;
} else if (what == DO) {
if (ast[1][0] == NUM && ast[1][1]->getNumber() == 0) {
// one-time loop, unless there is a continue
IString stop;
if (!parentLabel.isNull()) {
stop = getBreakLabelName(parentLabel);
parentLabel = IString();
} else {
stop = getNextId("do-once");
IString more = getNextId("unlikely-continue");
auto child = process(ast[2]);
// if we never continued, we don't need a loop
BreakSeeker breakSeeker(more);
if (breakSeeker.found == 0) {
auto block = allocator.alloc<Block>();
if (isConcreteWasmType(child->type)) {
block->list.push_back(builder.makeNop()); // ensure a nop at the end, so the block has guaranteed none type and no values fall through
block->name = stop;
return block;
} else {
auto loop = allocator.alloc<Loop>();
loop->body = child;
loop->name = more;
return builder.blockifyWithName(loop, stop);
// general do-while loop
auto loop = allocator.alloc<Loop>();
IString out, in;
if (!parentLabel.isNull()) {
out = getBreakLabelName(parentLabel);
in = getContinueLabelName(parentLabel);
parentLabel = IString();
} else {
out = getNextId("do-out");
in = getNextId("do-in");
loop->name = in;
loop->body = process(ast[2]);
Break *continuer = allocator.alloc<Break>();
continuer->name = in;
continuer->condition = process(ast[1]);
Block *block = builder.blockifyWithName(loop->body, out, continuer);
loop->body = block;
return loop;
} else if (what == FOR) {
Ref finit = ast[1],
fcond = ast[2],
finc = ast[3],
fbody = ast[4];
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Loop>();
IString out, in;
if (!parentLabel.isNull()) {
out = getBreakLabelName(parentLabel);
in = getContinueLabelName(parentLabel);
parentLabel = IString();
} else {
out = getNextId("for-out");
in = getNextId("for-in");
ret->name = in;
Break *breakOut = allocator.alloc<Break>();
breakOut->name = out;
If *condition = allocator.alloc<If>();
condition->condition = builder.makeUnary(EqZInt32, process(fcond));
condition->ifTrue = breakOut;
auto body = allocator.alloc<Block>();
ret->body = body;
// loops do not automatically loop, add a branch back
auto continuer = allocator.alloc<Break>();
continuer->name = ret->name;
Block* block = builder.blockifyWithName(ret->body, out, continuer);
ret->body = block;
Block *outer = allocator.alloc<Block>();
// add an outer block for the init as well
return outer;
} else if (what == LABEL) {
parentLabel = ast[1]->getIString();
return process(ast[2]);
} else if (what == CONDITIONAL) {
auto ret = allocator.alloc<If>();
ret->condition = process(ast[1]);
ret->ifTrue = process(ast[2]);
ret->ifFalse = process(ast[3]);
return ret;
} else if (what == SEQ) {
// Some (x, y) patterns can be optimized, like bitcasts,
// (HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = i, Math_fround(HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2])); // i32->f32
// (HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = i, +HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2]); // i32->f32, no fround
// (HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = f, HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] | 0); // f32->i32
if (ast[1][0] == ASSIGN && ast[1][2][0] == SUB && ast[1][2][1][0] == NAME && ast[1][2][2][0] == BINARY && ast[1][2][2][1] == RSHIFT &&
ast[1][2][2][2][0] == NAME && ast[1][2][2][2][1] == tempDoublePtr && ast[1][2][2][3][0] == NUM && ast[1][2][2][3][1]->getNumber() == 2) {
// (?[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = ?, ?) so far
auto heap = ast[1][2][1][1]->getIString();
if (views.find(heap) != views.end()) {
AsmType writeType = views[heap].type;
AsmType readType = ASM_NONE;
Ref readValue;
if (ast[2][0] == BINARY && ast[2][1] == OR && ast[2][3][0] == NUM && ast[2][3][1]->getNumber() == 0) {
readType = ASM_INT;
readValue = ast[2][2];
} else if (ast[2][0] == UNARY_PREFIX && ast[2][1] == PLUS) {
readType = ASM_DOUBLE;
readValue = ast[2][2];
} else if (ast[2][0] == CALL && ast[2][1][0] == NAME && ast[2][1][1] == Math_fround) {
readType = ASM_FLOAT;
readValue = ast[2][2][0];
if (readType != ASM_NONE) {
if (readValue[0] == SUB && readValue[1][0] == NAME && readValue[2][0] == BINARY && readValue[2][1] == RSHIFT &&
readValue[2][2][0] == NAME && readValue[2][2][1] == tempDoublePtr && readValue[2][3][0] == NUM && readValue[2][3][1]->getNumber() == 2) {
// pattern looks right!
Ref writtenValue = ast[1][3];
if (writeType == ASM_INT && (readType == ASM_FLOAT || readType == ASM_DOUBLE)) {
auto conv = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
conv->op = ReinterpretInt32;
conv->value = process(writtenValue);
conv->type = WasmType::f32;
if (readType == ASM_DOUBLE) {
auto promote = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
promote->op = PromoteFloat32;
promote->value = conv;
promote->type = WasmType::f64;
return promote;
return conv;
} else if (writeType == ASM_FLOAT && readType == ASM_INT) {
auto conv = allocator.alloc<Unary>();
conv->op = ReinterpretFloat32;
conv->value = process(writtenValue);
if (conv->value->type == f64) {
// this has an implicit f64->f32 in the write to memory
conv->value = builder.makeUnary(DemoteFloat64, conv->value);
conv->type = WasmType::i32;
return conv;
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Block>();
return ret;
} else if (what == SWITCH) {
IString name; // for breaking out of the entire switch
if (!parentLabel.isNull()) {
name = getBreakLabelName(parentLabel);
parentLabel = IString();
} else {
name = getNextId("switch");
auto br = allocator.alloc<Switch>();
br->condition = process(ast[1]);
assert(br->condition->type == i32);
Ref cases = ast[2];
bool seen = false;
int min = 0; // the lowest index we see; we will offset to it
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cases->size(); i++) {
Ref curr = cases[i];
Ref condition = curr[0];
if (!condition->isNull()) {
assert(condition[0] == NUM || condition[0] == UNARY_PREFIX);
int32_t index = getLiteral(condition).geti32();
if (!seen) {
seen = true;
min = index;
} else {
if (index < min) min = index;
Binary* offsetor = allocator.alloc<Binary>();
offsetor->op = BinaryOp::SubInt32;
offsetor->left = br->condition;
offsetor->right = builder.makeConst(Literal(min));
offsetor->type = i32;
br->condition = offsetor;
auto top = allocator.alloc<Block>();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cases->size(); i++) {
Ref curr = cases[i];
Ref condition = curr[0];
Ref body = curr[1];
auto case_ = processStatements(body, 0);
Name name;
if (condition->isNull()) {
name = br->default_ = getNextId("switch-default");
} else {
assert(condition[0] == NUM || condition[0] == UNARY_PREFIX);
int32_t index = getLiteral(condition).geti32();
assert(index >= min);
index -= min;
assert(index >= 0);
size_t index_s = index;
name = getNextId("switch-case");
if (br->targets.size() <= index_s) {
br->targets[index_s] = name;
auto next = allocator.alloc<Block>();
top->name = name;
top = next;
// ensure a default
if (br->default_.isNull()) {
br->default_ = getNextId("switch-default");
for (size_t i = 0; i < br->targets.size(); i++) {
if (br->targets[i].isNull()) br->targets[i] = br->default_;
top->name = br->default_;
// Create a topmost block for breaking out of the entire switch
auto ret = allocator.alloc<Block>();
ret->name = name;
return ret;
abort_on("confusing expression", ast);
return (Expression*)nullptr; // avoid warning
// given HEAP32[addr >> 2], we need an absolute address, and would like to remove that shift.
// if there is a shift, we can just look through it, etc.
processUnshifted = [&](Ref ptr, unsigned bytes) {
auto shifts = bytesToShift(bytes);
// HEAP?[addr >> ?], or HEAP8[x | 0]
if ((ptr[0] == BINARY && ptr[1] == RSHIFT && ptr[3][0] == NUM && ptr[3][1]->getInteger() == shifts) ||
(bytes == 1 && ptr[0] == BINARY && ptr[1] == OR && ptr[3][0] == NUM && ptr[3][1]->getInteger() == 0)) {
return process(ptr[2]); // look through it
} else if (ptr[0] == NUM) {
// constant, apply a shift (e.g. HEAP32[1] is address 4)
unsigned addr = ptr[1]->getInteger();
unsigned shifted = addr << shifts;
return (Expression*)builder.makeConst(Literal(int32_t(shifted)));
abort_on("bad processUnshifted", ptr);
return (Expression*)nullptr; // avoid warning
processStatements = [&](Ref ast, unsigned from) -> Expression* {
unsigned size = ast->size() - from;
if (size == 0) return allocator.alloc<Nop>();
if (size == 1) return process(ast[from]);
auto block = allocator.alloc<Block>();
for (unsigned i = from; i < ast->size(); i++) {
return block;
// body
function->body = processStatements(body, start);
// cleanups/checks
assert(breakStack.size() == 0 && continueStack.size() == 0);
return function;
} // namespace wasm
#endif // wasm_asm2wasm_h