blob: 88785beb444c77b193bdf2362f61179becca1305 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Translate a binary stream of bytes into a valid wasm module, *somehow*.
// This is helpful for fuzzing.
high chance for set at start of loop
high chance of get of a set local in the scope of that scope
high chance of a tee in that case => loop var
#include <wasm-builder.h>
#include <ir/literal-utils.h>
namespace wasm {
// helper structs, since list initialization has a fixed order of
// evaluation, avoiding UB
struct ThreeArgs {
Expression *a;
Expression *b;
Expression *c;
struct UnaryArgs {
UnaryOp a;
Expression *b;
struct BinaryArgs {
BinaryOp a;
Expression *b;
Expression *c;
// main reader
class TranslateToFuzzReader {
TranslateToFuzzReader(Module& wasm, std::string& filename) : wasm(wasm), builder(wasm) {
auto input(read_file<std::vector<char>>(filename, Flags::Binary, Flags::Release));
TranslateToFuzzReader(Module& wasm, std::vector<char> input) : wasm(wasm), builder(wasm) {
void pickPasses(OptimizationOptions& options) {
while (options.passes.size() < 20 && !finishedInput && !oneIn(3)) {
switch (upTo(32)) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4: {
options.passOptions.optimizeLevel = upTo(4);
options.passOptions.shrinkLevel = upTo(4);
case 5: options.passes.push_back("coalesce-locals"); break;
case 6: options.passes.push_back("code-pushing"); break;
case 7: options.passes.push_back("code-folding"); break;
case 8: options.passes.push_back("dce"); break;
case 9: options.passes.push_back("duplicate-function-elimination"); break;
case 10: options.passes.push_back("flatten"); break;
case 11: options.passes.push_back("inlining"); break;
case 12: options.passes.push_back("inlining-optimizing"); break;
case 13: options.passes.push_back("local-cse"); break;
case 14: options.passes.push_back("memory-packing"); break;
case 15: options.passes.push_back("merge-blocks"); break;
case 16: options.passes.push_back("optimize-instructions"); break;
case 17: options.passes.push_back("pick-load-signs"); break;
case 18: options.passes.push_back("precompute"); break;
case 19: options.passes.push_back("precompute-propagate"); break;
case 20: options.passes.push_back("remove-unused-brs"); break;
case 21: options.passes.push_back("remove-unused-module-elements"); break;
case 22: options.passes.push_back("remove-unused-names"); break;
case 23: options.passes.push_back("reorder-functions"); break;
case 24: options.passes.push_back("reorder-locals"); break;
case 25: {
case 26: options.passes.push_back("simplify-locals"); break;
case 27: options.passes.push_back("simplify-locals-notee"); break;
case 28: options.passes.push_back("simplify-locals-nostructure"); break;
case 29: options.passes.push_back("simplify-locals-notee-nostructure"); break;
case 30: options.passes.push_back("ssa"); break;
case 31: options.passes.push_back("vacuum"); break;
if (oneIn(2)) {
options.passOptions.optimizeLevel = upTo(4);
if (oneIn(2)) {
options.passOptions.shrinkLevel = upTo(4);
std::cout << "opt level: " << options.passOptions.optimizeLevel << '\n';
std::cout << "shrink level: " << options.passOptions.shrinkLevel << '\n';
void build() {
// keep adding functions until we run out of input
while (!finishedInput) {
auto* func = addFunction();
if (HANG_LIMIT > 0) {
if (DE_NAN) {
Module& wasm;
Builder builder;
std::vector<char> bytes; // the input bytes
size_t pos; // the position in the input
bool finishedInput; // whether we already cycled through all the input (if so, we should try to finish things off)
// The maximum amount of params to each function.
static const int MAX_PARAMS = 10;
// The maximum amount of vars in each function.
static const int MAX_VARS = 20;
// some things require luck, try them a few times
static const int TRIES = 10;
// beyond a nesting limit, greatly decrease the chance to continue to nest
static const int NESTING_LIMIT = 11;
// the maximum size of a block
static const int BLOCK_FACTOR = 5;
// the memory that we use, a small portion so that we have a good chance of
// looking at writes (we also look outside of this region with small probability)
// this should be a power of 2
static const int USABLE_MEMORY = 16;
// the number of runtime iterations (function calls, loop backbranches) we
// allow before we stop execution with a trap, to prevent hangs. 0 means
// no hang protection.
static const int HANG_LIMIT = 10;
// Optionally remove NaNs, which are a source of nondeterminism (which makes
// cross-VM comparisons harder)
static const bool DE_NAN = true;
// Whether to emit atomics
static const bool ATOMICS = true;
// Whether to emit atomic waits (which in single-threaded mode, may hang...)
static const bool ATOMIC_WAITS = false;
// after we finish the input, we start going through it again, but xoring
// so it's not identical
int xorFactor = 0;
void readData(std::vector<char> input) {
pos = 0;
finishedInput = false;
// ensure *some* input to be read
if (bytes.size() == 0) {
int8_t get() {
if (pos == bytes.size()) {
// we ran out of input, go to the start for more stuff
finishedInput = true;
pos = 0;
return bytes[pos++] ^ xorFactor;
int16_t get16() {
auto temp = uint16_t(get()) << 8;
return temp | uint16_t(get());
int32_t get32() {
auto temp = uint32_t(get16()) << 16;
return temp | uint32_t(get16());
int64_t get64() {
auto temp = uint64_t(get32()) << 32;
return temp | uint64_t(get32());
float getFloat() {
return Literal(get32()).reinterpretf32();
double getDouble() {
return Literal(get64()).reinterpretf64();
void setupMemory() {
wasm.memory.exists = true;
// use one page
wasm.memory.initial = wasm.memory.max = 1;
// init some data
auto num = upTo(USABLE_MEMORY * 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
auto value = upTo(512);
wasm.memory.segments[0].data.push_back(value >= 256 ? 0 : (value & 0xff));
void setupTable() {
wasm.table.exists = true;
std::map<Type, std::vector<Name>> globalsByType;
void setupGlobals() {
size_t index = 0;
for (auto type : { i32, i64, f32, f64 }) {
auto num = upTo(3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
auto* glob = builder.makeGlobal(
std::string("global$") + std::to_string(index++),
void finalizeTable() {
wasm.table.initial = wasm.table.segments[0].data.size();
wasm.table.max = oneIn(2) ? Address(Table::kMaxSize) : wasm.table.initial;
const Name HANG_LIMIT_GLOBAL = "hangLimit";
void addHangLimitSupport() {
auto* glob = builder.makeGlobal(
auto* func = new Function;
func->name = "hangLimitInitializer";
func->result = none;
func->body = builder.makeSetGlobal(glob->name,
auto* export_ = new Export;
export_->name = func->name;
export_->value = func->name;
export_->kind = ExternalKind::Function;
Expression* makeHangLimitCheck() {
return builder.makeSequence(
builder.makeGetGlobal(HANG_LIMIT_GLOBAL, i32)
builder.makeGetGlobal(HANG_LIMIT_GLOBAL, i32),
void addDeNanSupport() {
auto add = [&](Name name, Type type, Literal literal, BinaryOp op) {
auto* func = new Function;
func->name = name;
func->result = type;
func->body = builder.makeIf(
builder.makeGetLocal(0, type),
builder.makeGetLocal(0, type)
builder.makeGetLocal(0, type),
add("deNan32", f32, Literal(float(0)), EqFloat32);
add("deNan64", f64, Literal(double(0)), EqFloat64);
Expression* makeDeNanOp(Expression* expr) {
if (!DE_NAN) return expr;
if (expr->type == f32) {
return builder.makeCall("deNan32", { expr }, f32);
} else if (expr->type == f64) {
return builder.makeCall("deNan64", { expr }, f64);
return expr; // unreachable etc. is fine
// function generation state
Function* func;
std::vector<Expression*> breakableStack; // things we can break to
Index labelIndex;
// a list of things relevant to computing the odds of an infinite loop,
// which we try to minimize the risk of
std::vector<Expression*> hangStack;
std::map<Type, std::vector<Index>> typeLocals; // type => list of locals with that type
Function* addFunction() {
Index num = wasm.functions.size();
func = new Function;
func->name = std::string("func_") + std::to_string(num);
func->result = getReachableType();
Index numParams = upToSquared(MAX_PARAMS);
for (Index i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
auto type = getConcreteType();
Index numVars = upToSquared(MAX_VARS);
for (Index i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
auto type = getConcreteType();
typeLocals[type].push_back(func->params.size() + func->vars.size());
labelIndex = 0;
// with small chance, make the body unreachable
auto bodyType = func->result;
if (oneIn(10)) {
bodyType = unreachable;
// with reasonable chance make the body a block
if (oneIn(2)) {
func->body = makeBlock(bodyType);
} else {
func->body = make(bodyType);
if (HANG_LIMIT > 0) {
func->body = builder.makeSequence(
// export some, but not all (to allow inlining etc.). make sure to
// export at least one, though, to keep each testcase interesting
if (num == 0 || oneIn(2)) {
func->type = ensureFunctionType(getSig(func), &wasm)->name;
auto* export_ = new Export;
export_->name = func->name;
export_->value = func->name;
export_->kind = ExternalKind::Function;
// add some to the table
while (oneIn(3)) {
// cleanup
return func;
// the fuzzer external interface sends in zeros (simpler to compare
// across invocations from JS or wasm-opt etc.). Add invocations in
// the wasm, so they run everywhere
void addInvocations(Function* func) {
std::vector<Expression*> invocations;
while (oneIn(2) && !finishedInput) {
std::vector<Expression*> args;
for (auto type : func->params) {
Expression* invoke = builder.makeCall(func->name, args, func->result);
if (isConcreteType(func->result)) {
invoke = builder.makeDrop(invoke);
if (invocations.empty()) return;
auto* invoker = new Function;
invoker->name = func->name.str + std::string("_invoker");
invoker->result = none;
invoker->body = builder.makeBlock(invocations);
invoker->type = ensureFunctionType(getSig(invoker), &wasm)->name;
auto* export_ = new Export;
export_->name = invoker->name;
export_->value = invoker->name;
export_->kind = ExternalKind::Function;
Name makeLabel() {
return std::string("label$") + std::to_string(labelIndex++);
// always call the toplevel make(type) command, not the internal specific ones
int nesting = 0;
Expression* make(Type type) {
// when we should stop, emit something small (but not necessarily trivial)
if (finishedInput ||
nesting >= 5 * NESTING_LIMIT || // hard limit
(nesting >= NESTING_LIMIT && !oneIn(3))) {
if (isConcreteType(type)) {
if (oneIn(2)) {
return makeConst(type);
} else {
return makeGetLocal(type);
} else if (type == none) {
if (oneIn(2)) {
return makeNop(type);
} else {
return makeSetLocal(type);
assert(type == unreachable);
return makeTrivial(type);
Expression* ret;
switch (type) {
case i32:
case i64:
case f32:
case f64: ret = _makeConcrete(type); break;
case none: ret = _makenone(); break;
case unreachable: ret = _makeunreachable(); break;
assert(ret->type == type); // we should create the right type of thing
return ret;
Expression* _makeConcrete(Type type) {
auto choice = upTo(100);
if (choice < 10) return makeConst(type);
if (choice < 30) return makeSetLocal(type);
if (choice < 50) return makeGetLocal(type);
if (choice < 60) return makeBlock(type);
if (choice < 70) return makeIf(type);
if (choice < 80) return makeLoop(type);
if (choice < 90) return makeBreak(type);
switch (upTo(15)) {
case 0: return makeBlock(type);
case 1: return makeIf(type);
case 2: return makeLoop(type);
case 3: return makeBreak(type);
case 4: return makeCall(type);
case 5: return makeCallIndirect(type);
case 6: return makeGetLocal(type);
case 7: return makeSetLocal(type);
case 8: return makeLoad(type);
case 9: return makeConst(type);
case 10: return makeUnary(type);
case 11: return makeBinary(type);
case 12: return makeSelect(type);
case 13: return makeGetGlobal(type);
case 14: return makeAtomic(type);
Expression* _makenone() {
auto choice = upTo(100);
if (choice < 50) return makeSetLocal(none);
if (choice < 60) return makeBlock(none);
if (choice < 70) return makeIf(none);
if (choice < 80) return makeLoop(none);
if (choice < 90) return makeBreak(none);
switch (upTo(11)) {
case 0: return makeBlock(none);
case 1: return makeIf(none);
case 2: return makeLoop(none);
case 3: return makeBreak(none);
case 4: return makeCall(none);
case 5: return makeCallIndirect(none);
case 6: return makeSetLocal(none);
case 7: return makeStore(none);
case 8: return makeDrop(none);
case 9: return makeNop(none);
case 10: return makeSetGlobal(none);
Expression* _makeunreachable() {
switch (upTo(15)) {
case 0: return makeBlock(unreachable);
case 1: return makeIf(unreachable);
case 2: return makeLoop(unreachable);
case 3: return makeBreak(unreachable);
case 4: return makeCall(unreachable);
case 5: return makeCallIndirect(unreachable);
case 6: return makeSetLocal(unreachable);
case 7: return makeStore(unreachable);
case 8: return makeUnary(unreachable);
case 9: return makeBinary(unreachable);
case 10: return makeSelect(unreachable);
case 11: return makeSwitch(unreachable);
case 12: return makeDrop(unreachable);
case 13: return makeReturn(unreachable);
case 14: return makeUnreachable(unreachable);
// make something with no chance of infinite recursion
Expression* makeTrivial(Type type) {
if (isConcreteType(type)) {
if (oneIn(2)) {
return makeGetLocal(type);
} else {
return makeConst(type);
} else if (type == none) {
return makeNop(type);
assert(type == unreachable);
Expression* ret = nullptr;
if (isConcreteType(func->result)) {
ret = makeTrivial(func->result);
return builder.makeReturn(ret);
// specific expression creators
Expression* makeBlock(Type type) {
auto* ret = builder.makeBlock();
ret->type = type; // so we have it during child creation
ret->name = makeLabel();
Index num = upToSquared(BLOCK_FACTOR - 1); // we add another later
if (nesting >= NESTING_LIMIT / 2) {
// smaller blocks past the limit
num /= 2;
if (nesting >= NESTING_LIMIT && oneIn(2)) {
// smaller blocks past the limit
num /= 2;
// not likely to have a block of size 1
if (num == 0 && !oneIn(10)) {
while (num > 0 && !finishedInput) {
// give a chance to make the final element an unreachable break, instead
// of concrete - a common pattern (branch to the top of a loop etc.)
if (!finishedInput && isConcreteType(type) && oneIn(2)) {
} else {
if (isConcreteType(type)) {
} else {
if (ret->type != type) {
// e.g. we might want an unreachable block, but a child breaks to it
assert(type == unreachable && ret->type == none);
return builder.makeSequence(ret, make(unreachable));
return ret;
Expression* makeLoop(Type type) {
auto* ret = wasm.allocator.alloc<Loop>();
ret->type = type; // so we have it during child creation
ret->name = makeLabel();
// either create random content, or do something more targeted
if (oneIn(2)) {
ret->body = makeMaybeBlock(type);
} else {
// ensure a branch back. also optionally create some loop vars
std::vector<Expression*> list;
list.push_back(makeMaybeBlock(none)); // primary contents
list.push_back(builder.makeBreak(ret->name, nullptr, makeCondition())); // possible branch back
list.push_back(make(type)); // final element, so we have the right type
ret->body = builder.makeBlock(list);
if (HANG_LIMIT > 0) {
ret->body = builder.makeSequence(
return ret;
Expression* makeCondition() {
// we want a 50-50 chance for the condition to be taken, for interesting
// execution paths. by itself, there is bias (e.g. most consts are "yes")
// so even that out with noise
auto* ret = make(i32);
if (oneIn(2)) {
ret = builder.makeUnary(UnaryOp::EqZInt32, ret);
return ret;
// make something, with a good chance of it being a block
Expression* makeMaybeBlock(Type type) {
// if past the limit, prefer not to emit blocks
if (nesting >= NESTING_LIMIT || oneIn(3)) {
return make(type);
} else {
return makeBlock(type);
Expression* makeIf(Type type) {
auto* condition = makeCondition();
auto* ret = makeIf({ condition, makeMaybeBlock(type), makeMaybeBlock(type) });
return ret;
Expression* makeIf(const struct ThreeArgs& args) {
return builder.makeIf(args.a, args.b, args.c);
Expression* makeBreak(Type type) {
if (breakableStack.empty()) return makeTrivial(type);
Expression* condition = nullptr;
if (type != unreachable) {
condition = makeCondition();
// we need to find a proper target to break to; try a few times
int tries = TRIES;
while (tries-- > 0) {
auto* target = vectorPick(breakableStack);
auto name = getTargetName(target);
auto valueType = getTargetType(target);
if (isConcreteType(type)) {
// we are flowing out a value
if (valueType != type) {
// we need to break to a proper place
auto* ret = builder.makeBreak(name, make(type), condition);
return ret;
} else if (type == none) {
if (valueType != none) {
// we need to break to a proper place
auto* ret = builder.makeBreak(name, nullptr, condition);
return ret;
} else {
assert(type == unreachable);
if (valueType != none) {
// we need to break to a proper place
// we are about to make an *un*conditional break. if it is
// to a loop, we prefer there to be a condition along the
// way, to reduce the chance of infinite looping
size_t conditions = 0;
int i = hangStack.size();
while (--i >= 0) {
auto* item = hangStack[i];
if (item == nullptr) {
} else if (auto* loop = item->cast<Loop>()) {
if (loop->name == name) {
// we found the target, no more conditions matter
switch (conditions) {
case 0: {
if (!oneIn(4)) continue;
case 1: {
if (!oneIn(2)) continue;
default: {
if (oneIn(conditions + 1)) continue;
return builder.makeBreak(name);
// we failed to find something
if (type != unreachable) {
return makeTrivial(type);
Expression* makeCall(Type type) {
// seems ok, go on
int tries = TRIES;
while (tries-- > 0) {
Function* target = func;
if (!wasm.functions.empty() && !oneIn(wasm.functions.size())) {
target = vectorPick(wasm.functions).get();
if (target->result != type) continue;
// we found one!
std::vector<Expression*> args;
for (auto argType : target->params) {
return builder.makeCall(target->name, args, type);
// we failed to find something
return make(type);
Expression* makeCallIndirect(Type type) {
auto& data = wasm.table.segments[0].data;
if (data.empty()) return make(type);
// look for a call target with the right type
Index start = upTo(data.size());
Index i = start;
Function* func;
while (1) {
// TODO: handle unreachable
func = wasm.getFunction(data[i]);
if (func->result == type) {
if (i == data.size()) i = 0;
if (i == start) return make(type);
// with high probability, make sure the type is valid otherwise, most are
// going to trap
Expression* target;
if (!oneIn(10)) {
target = builder.makeConst(Literal(int32_t(i)));
} else {
target = make(i32);
std::vector<Expression*> args;
for (auto type : func->params) {
func->type = ensureFunctionType(getSig(func), &wasm)->name;
return builder.makeCallIndirect(
Expression* makeGetLocal(Type type) {
auto& locals = typeLocals[type];
if (locals.empty()) return makeConst(type);
return builder.makeGetLocal(vectorPick(locals), type);
Expression* makeSetLocal(Type type) {
bool tee = type != none;
Type valueType;
if (tee) {
valueType = type;
} else {
valueType = getConcreteType();
auto& locals = typeLocals[valueType];
if (locals.empty()) return makeTrivial(type);
auto* value = make(valueType);
if (tee) {
return builder.makeTeeLocal(vectorPick(locals), value);
} else {
return builder.makeSetLocal(vectorPick(locals), value);
Expression* makeGetGlobal(Type type) {
auto& globals = globalsByType[type];
if (globals.empty()) return makeConst(type);
return builder.makeGetGlobal(vectorPick(globals), type);
Expression* makeSetGlobal(Type type) {
assert(type == none);
type = getConcreteType();
auto& globals = globalsByType[type];
if (globals.empty()) return makeTrivial(none);
auto* value = make(type);
return builder.makeSetGlobal(vectorPick(globals), value);
Expression* makePointer() {
auto* ret = make(i32);
// with high probability, mask the pointer so it's in a reasonable
// range. otherwise, most pointers are going to be out of range and
// most memory ops will just trap
if (!oneIn(10)) {
ret = builder.makeBinary(AndInt32,
builder.makeConst(Literal(int32_t(USABLE_MEMORY - 1)))
return ret;
Load* makeNonAtomicLoad(Type type) {
auto offset = logify(get());
auto ptr = makePointer();
switch (type) {
case i32: {
bool signed_ = get() & 1;
switch (upTo(3)) {
case 0: return builder.makeLoad(1, signed_, offset, 1, ptr, type);
case 1: return builder.makeLoad(2, signed_, offset, pick(1, 2), ptr, type);
case 2: return builder.makeLoad(4, signed_, offset, pick(1, 2, 4), ptr, type);
case i64: {
bool signed_ = get() & 1;
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: return builder.makeLoad(1, signed_, offset, 1, ptr, type);
case 1: return builder.makeLoad(2, signed_, offset, pick(1, 2), ptr, type);
case 2: return builder.makeLoad(4, signed_, offset, pick(1, 2, 4), ptr, type);
case 3: return builder.makeLoad(8, signed_, offset, pick(1, 2, 4, 8), ptr, type);
case f32: {
return builder.makeLoad(4, false, offset, pick(1, 2, 4), ptr, type);
case f64: {
return builder.makeLoad(8, false, offset, pick(1, 2, 4, 8), ptr, type);
Expression* makeLoad(Type type) {
auto* ret = makeNonAtomicLoad(type);
if (type != i32 && type != i64) return ret;
if (!ATOMICS || oneIn(2)) return ret;
// make it atomic
wasm.memory.shared = true;
ret->isAtomic = true;
ret->signed_ = false;
ret->align = ret->bytes;
return ret;
Store* makeNonAtomicStore(Type type) {
if (type == unreachable) {
// make a normal store, then make it unreachable
auto* ret = makeNonAtomicStore(getConcreteType());
switch (upTo(3)) {
case 0: ret->ptr = make(unreachable); break;
case 1: ret->value = make(unreachable); break;
case 2: ret->ptr = make(unreachable); ret->value = make(unreachable); break;
return ret;
// the type is none or unreachable. we also need to pick the value
// type.
if (type == none) {
type = getConcreteType();
auto offset = logify(get());
auto ptr = makePointer();
auto value = make(type);
switch (type) {
case i32: {
switch (upTo(3)) {
case 0: return builder.makeStore(1, offset, 1, ptr, value, type);
case 1: return builder.makeStore(2, offset, pick(1, 2), ptr, value, type);
case 2: return builder.makeStore(4, offset, pick(1, 2, 4), ptr, value, type);
case i64: {
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: return builder.makeStore(1, offset, 1, ptr, value, type);
case 1: return builder.makeStore(2, offset, pick(1, 2), ptr, value, type);
case 2: return builder.makeStore(4, offset, pick(1, 2, 4), ptr, value, type);
case 3: return builder.makeStore(8, offset, pick(1, 2, 4, 8), ptr, value, type);
case f32: {
return builder.makeStore(4, offset, pick(1, 2, 4), ptr, value, type);
case f64: {
return builder.makeStore(8, offset, pick(1, 2, 4, 8), ptr, value, type);
Store* makeStore(Type type) {
auto* ret = makeNonAtomicStore(type);
if (ret->value->type != i32 && ret->value->type != i64) return ret;
if (!ATOMICS || oneIn(2)) return ret;
// make it atomic
wasm.memory.shared = true;
ret->isAtomic = true;
ret->align = ret->bytes;
return ret;
Expression* makeConst(Type type) {
Literal value;
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: {
// totally random, entire range
switch (type) {
case i32: value = Literal(get32()); break;
case i64: value = Literal(get64()); break;
case f32: value = Literal(getFloat()); break;
case f64: value = Literal(getDouble()); break;
case 1: {
// small range
int64_t small;
switch (upTo(6)) {
case 0: small = int8_t(get()); break;
case 1: small = uint8_t(get()); break;
case 2: small = int16_t(get16()); break;
case 3: small = uint16_t(get16()); break;
case 4: small = int32_t(get32()); break;
case 5: small = uint32_t(get32()); break;
switch (type) {
case i32: value = Literal(int32_t(small)); break;
case i64: value = Literal(int64_t(small)); break;
case f32: value = Literal(float(small)); break;
case f64: value = Literal(double(small)); break;
case 2: {
// special values
switch (type) {
case i32: value = Literal(pick<int32_t>(0,
std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())); break;
case i64: value = Literal(pick<int64_t>(0,
std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())); break;
case f32: value = Literal(pick<float>(0,
std::numeric_limits<float>::min(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())); break;
case f64: value = Literal(pick<double>(0,
std::numeric_limits<float>::min(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<double>::min(), std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())); break;
// tweak around special values
if (oneIn(3)) { // +- 1
value = value.add(LiteralUtils::makeLiteralFromInt32(upTo(3) - 1, type));
if (oneIn(2)) { // flip sign
value = value.mul(LiteralUtils::makeLiteralFromInt32(-1, type));
case 3: {
// powers of 2
switch (type) {
case i32: value = Literal(int32_t(1) << upTo(32)); break;
case i64: value = Literal(int64_t(1) << upTo(64)); break;
case f32: value = Literal(float(int64_t(1) << upTo(64))); break;
case f64: value = Literal(double(int64_t(1) << upTo(64))); break;
// maybe negative
if (oneIn(2)) {
value = value.mul(LiteralUtils::makeLiteralFromInt32(-1, type));
auto* ret = wasm.allocator.alloc<Const>();
ret->value = value;
ret->type = value.type;
return ret;
Expression* makeUnary(const UnaryArgs& args) {
return builder.makeUnary(args.a, args.b);
Expression* makeUnary(Type type) {
if (type == unreachable) {
if (auto* unary = makeUnary(getConcreteType())->dynCast<Unary>()) {
return makeDeNanOp(builder.makeUnary(unary->op, make(unreachable)));
// give up
return makeTrivial(type);
switch (type) {
case i32: {
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: {
if (ATOMICS) {
return makeUnary({ pick(EqZInt32, ClzInt32, CtzInt32, PopcntInt32, ExtendS8Int32, ExtendS16Int32), make(i32) });
} else {
return makeUnary({ pick(EqZInt32, ClzInt32, CtzInt32, PopcntInt32), make(i32) });
case 1: return makeUnary({ pick(EqZInt64, WrapInt64), make(i64) });
case 2: return makeUnary({ pick(TruncSFloat32ToInt32, TruncUFloat32ToInt32, ReinterpretFloat32), make(f32) });
case 3: return makeUnary({ pick(TruncSFloat64ToInt32, TruncUFloat64ToInt32), make(f64) });
case i64: {
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: {
if (ATOMICS) {
return makeUnary({ pick(ClzInt64, CtzInt64, PopcntInt64, ExtendS8Int64, ExtendS16Int64, ExtendS32Int64), make(i64) });
} else {
return makeUnary({ pick(ClzInt64, CtzInt64, PopcntInt64), make(i64) });
case 1: return makeUnary({ pick(ExtendSInt32, ExtendUInt32), make(i32) });
case 2: return makeUnary({ pick(TruncSFloat32ToInt64, TruncUFloat32ToInt64), make(f32) });
case 3: return makeUnary({ pick(TruncSFloat64ToInt64, TruncUFloat64ToInt64, ReinterpretFloat64), make(f64) });
case f32: {
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: return makeDeNanOp(makeUnary({ pick(NegFloat32, AbsFloat32, CeilFloat32, FloorFloat32, TruncFloat32, NearestFloat32, SqrtFloat32), make(f32) }));
case 1: return makeDeNanOp(makeUnary({ pick(ConvertUInt32ToFloat32, ConvertSInt32ToFloat32, ReinterpretInt32), make(i32) }));
case 2: return makeDeNanOp(makeUnary({ pick(ConvertUInt64ToFloat32, ConvertSInt64ToFloat32), make(i64) }));
case 3: return makeDeNanOp(makeUnary({ DemoteFloat64, make(f64) }));
case f64: {
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: return makeDeNanOp(makeUnary({ pick(NegFloat64, AbsFloat64, CeilFloat64, FloorFloat64, TruncFloat64, NearestFloat64, SqrtFloat64), make(f64) }));
case 1: return makeDeNanOp(makeUnary({ pick(ConvertUInt32ToFloat64, ConvertSInt32ToFloat64), make(i32) }));
case 2: return makeDeNanOp(makeUnary({ pick(ConvertUInt64ToFloat64, ConvertSInt64ToFloat64, ReinterpretInt64), make(i64) }));
case 3: return makeDeNanOp(makeUnary({ PromoteFloat32, make(f32) }));
Expression* makeBinary(const BinaryArgs& args) {
return builder.makeBinary(args.a, args.b, args.c);
Expression* makeBinary(Type type) {
if (type == unreachable) {
if (auto* binary = makeBinary(getConcreteType())->dynCast<Binary>()) {
return makeDeNanOp(makeBinary({ binary->op, make(unreachable), make(unreachable) }));
// give up
return makeTrivial(type);
switch (type) {
case i32: {
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: return makeBinary({ pick(AddInt32, SubInt32, MulInt32, DivSInt32, DivUInt32, RemSInt32, RemUInt32, AndInt32, OrInt32, XorInt32, ShlInt32, ShrUInt32, ShrSInt32, RotLInt32, RotRInt32, EqInt32, NeInt32, LtSInt32, LtUInt32, LeSInt32, LeUInt32, GtSInt32, GtUInt32, GeSInt32, GeUInt32), make(i32), make(i32) });
case 1: return makeBinary({ pick(EqInt64, NeInt64, LtSInt64, LtUInt64, LeSInt64, LeUInt64, GtSInt64, GtUInt64, GeSInt64, GeUInt64), make(i64), make(i64) });
case 2: return makeBinary({ pick(EqFloat32, NeFloat32, LtFloat32, LeFloat32, GtFloat32, GeFloat32), make(f32), make(f32) });
case 3: return makeBinary({ pick(EqFloat64, NeFloat64, LtFloat64, LeFloat64, GtFloat64, GeFloat64), make(f64), make(f64) });
case i64: {
return makeBinary({ pick(AddInt64, SubInt64, MulInt64, DivSInt64, DivUInt64, RemSInt64, RemUInt64, AndInt64, OrInt64, XorInt64, ShlInt64, ShrUInt64, ShrSInt64, RotLInt64, RotRInt64), make(i64), make(i64) });
case f32: {
return makeDeNanOp(makeBinary({ pick(AddFloat32, SubFloat32, MulFloat32, DivFloat32, CopySignFloat32, MinFloat32, MaxFloat32), make(f32), make(f32) }));
case f64: {
return makeDeNanOp(makeBinary({ pick(AddFloat64, SubFloat64, MulFloat64, DivFloat64, CopySignFloat64, MinFloat64, MaxFloat64), make(f64), make(f64) }));
Expression* makeSelect(const ThreeArgs& args) {
return builder.makeSelect(args.a, args.b, args.c);
Expression* makeSelect(Type type) {
return makeDeNanOp(makeSelect({ make(i32), make(type), make(type) }));
Expression* makeSwitch(Type type) {
assert(type == unreachable);
if (breakableStack.empty()) return make(type);
// we need to find proper targets to break to; try a bunch
int tries = TRIES;
std::vector<Name> names;
Type valueType = unreachable;
while (tries-- > 0) {
auto* target = vectorPick(breakableStack);
auto name = getTargetName(target);
auto currValueType = getTargetType(target);
if (names.empty()) {
valueType = currValueType;
} else {
if (valueType != currValueType) {
continue; // all values must be the same
if (names.size() < 2) {
// we failed to find enough
return make(type);
auto default_ = names.back();
auto temp1 = make(i32), temp2 = isConcreteType(valueType) ? make(valueType) : nullptr;
return builder.makeSwitch(names, default_, temp1, temp2);
Expression* makeDrop(Type type) {
return builder.makeDrop(make(type == unreachable ? type : getConcreteType()));
Expression* makeReturn(Type type) {
return builder.makeReturn(isConcreteType(func->result) ? make(func->result) : nullptr);
Expression* makeNop(Type type) {
assert(type == none);
return builder.makeNop();
Expression* makeUnreachable(Type type) {
assert(type == unreachable);
return builder.makeUnreachable();
Expression* makeAtomic(Type type) {
if (!ATOMICS || (type != i32 && type != i64)) return makeTrivial(type);
wasm.memory.shared = true;
if (type == i32 && oneIn(2)) {
if (ATOMIC_WAITS && oneIn(2)) {
auto* ptr = makePointer();
auto expectedType = pick(i32, i64);
auto* expected = make(expectedType);
auto* timeout = make(i64);
return builder.makeAtomicWait(ptr, expected, timeout, expectedType, logify(get()));
} else {
auto* ptr = makePointer();
auto* count = make(i32);
return builder.makeAtomicWake(ptr, count, logify(get()));
Index bytes;
switch (type) {
case i32: {
switch (upTo(3)) {
case 0: bytes = 1; break;
case 1: bytes = pick(1, 2); break;
case 2: bytes = pick(1, 2, 4); break;
case i64: {
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: bytes = 1; break;
case 1: bytes = pick(1, 2); break;
case 2: bytes = pick(1, 2, 4); break;
case 3: bytes = pick(1, 2, 4, 8); break;
auto offset = logify(get());
auto* ptr = makePointer();
if (oneIn(2)) {
auto* value = make(type);
return builder.makeAtomicRMW(pick(AtomicRMWOp::Add, AtomicRMWOp::Sub, AtomicRMWOp::And, AtomicRMWOp::Or, AtomicRMWOp::Xor, AtomicRMWOp::Xchg),
bytes, offset, ptr, value, type);
} else {
auto* expected = make(type);
auto* replacement = make(type);
return builder.makeAtomicCmpxchg(bytes, offset, ptr, expected, replacement, type);
// special getters
Type getType() {
switch (upTo(6)) {
case 0: return i32;
case 1: return i64;
case 2: return f32;
case 3: return f64;
case 4: return none;
case 5: return unreachable;
Type getReachableType() {
switch (upTo(5)) {
case 0: return i32;
case 1: return i64;
case 2: return f32;
case 3: return f64;
case 4: return none;
Type getConcreteType() {
switch (upTo(4)) {
case 0: return i32;
case 1: return i64;
case 2: return f32;
case 3: return f64;
// statistical distributions
// 0 to the limit, logarithmic scale
Index logify(Index x) {
return std::floor(std::log(std::max(Index(1) + x, Index(1))));
// one of the integer values in [0, x)
// this isn't a perfectly uniform distribution, but it's fast
// and reasonable
Index upTo(Index x) {
if (x == 0) return 0;
Index raw;
if (x <= 255) {
raw = get();
} else if (x <= 65535) {
raw = get16();
} else {
raw = get32();
auto ret = raw % x;
// use extra bits as "noise" for later
xorFactor += raw / x;
return ret;
bool oneIn(Index x) {
return upTo(x) == 0;
bool onceEvery(Index x) {
static int counter = 0;
return counter % x == 0;
// apply upTo twice, generating a skewed distribution towards
// low values
Index upToSquared(Index x) {
return upTo(upTo(x));
// pick from a vector
template<typename T>
const T& vectorPick(const std::vector<T>& vec) {
auto index = upTo(vec.size());
return vec[index];
// pick from a fixed list
template<typename T, typename... Args>
T pick(T first, Args... args) {
auto num = sizeof...(Args) + 1;
auto temp = upTo(num);
return pickGivenNum<T>(temp, first, args...);
template<typename T>
T pickGivenNum(size_t num, T first) {
assert(num == 0);
return first;
// Trick to avoid a bug in GCC 7.x.
// Upstream bug report:
#define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000 \
+ __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 \
#if GCC_VERSION > 70000 && GCC_VERSION < 70300
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
template<typename T, typename... Args>
T pickGivenNum(size_t num, T first, Args... args) {
if (num == 0) return first;
return pickGivenNum<T>(num - 1, args...);
#if GCC_VERSION > 70000 && GCC_VERSION < 70300
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// utilities
Name getTargetName(Expression* target) {
if (auto* block = target->dynCast<Block>()) {
return block->name;
} else if (auto* loop = target->dynCast<Loop>()) {
return loop->name;
Type getTargetType(Expression* target) {
if (auto* block = target->dynCast<Block>()) {
return block->type;
} else if (target->is<Loop>()) {
return none;
} // namespace wasm
// XXX Switch class has a condition?! is it real? should the node type be the value type if it exists?!