blob: 1db356684e8209fbd2bfb1215e05782ecd322b30 [file] [log] [blame]
(tag $e-i32 (param i32))
(tag $e-i64 (param i64))
(tag $e-i32-i64 (param i32 i64))
(tag $e-anyref (param anyref))
(tag $e-empty)
(func $foo)
(func $bar)
(func $eh-test (local $x (i32 i64))
;; Simple try-catch
(throw $e-i32 (i32.const 0))
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
;; try-catch with multivalue tag
(throw $e-i32-i64 (i32.const 0) (i64.const 0))
(catch $e-i32-i64
(local.set $x (pop i32 i64))
(tuple.extract 0
(local.get $x)
;; Try with a block label
(try $l1
(br $l1)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(br $l1)
;; Empty try body
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
;; Multiple instructions within try and catch bodies
(call $foo)
(call $bar)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(call $foo)
(call $bar)
;; Multiple catch clauses
(throw $e-i32 (i32.const 0))
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(catch $e-i64
(drop (pop i64))
;; Single catch-all clause
(throw $e-i32 (i32.const 0))
;; catch and catch-all clauses together
(throw $e-i32 (i32.const 0))
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(catch $e-i64
(drop (pop i64))
(call $foo)
(call $bar)
;; nested try-catch
(throw $e-i32 (i32.const 0))
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(throw $e-i32 (i32.const 0))
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
;; try without catch or delegate
(throw $e-i32 (i32.const 0))
(func $delegate-test
;; Inner delegates target an outer catch
(try $l0
(call $foo)
(delegate $l0) ;; by label
(call $foo)
(delegate 0) ;; by depth
;; When there are both a branch and a delegate that target the same try
;; label. Because binaryen only allows blocks and loops to be targetted by
;; branches, we wrap the try with a block and make branches that block
;; instead, resulting in the br and delegate target different labels in the
;; output.
(try $l0
(br_if $l0 (i32.const 1))
(delegate $l0) ;; by label
(br_if $l0 (i32.const 1))
(delegate 0) ;; by depth
;; The inner delegate targets the outer delegate, which in turn targets the
;; caller.
(try $l0
(call $foo)
(delegate $l0)
(delegate 0)
;; 'catch' body can be empty when the tag's type is none.
(catch $e-empty)
(func $rethrow-test
;; Simple try-catch-rethrow
(try $l0
(call $foo)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(rethrow $l0) ;; by label
(rethrow 0) ;; by depth
;; When there are both a branch and a rethrow that target the same try
;; label. Because binaryen only allows blocks and loops to be targetted by
;; branches, we wrap the try with a block and make branches that block
;; instead, resulting in the br and rethrow target different labels in the
;; output.
(try $l0
(call $foo)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(rethrow $l0)
(br $l0)
;; One more level deep
(try $l0
(call $foo)
(call $foo)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(rethrow $l0) ;; by label
(rethrow 1) ;; by depth
;; Interleaving block
(try $l0
(call $foo)
(call $foo)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(block $b0
(rethrow $l0) ;; by label
(block $b1
(rethrow 2) ;; by depth
;; Within nested try, but rather in 'try' part and not 'catch'
(try $l0
(call $foo)
(rethrow $l0) ;; by label
(try $l0
(call $foo)
(rethrow 1) ;; by depth
(func $pop-test
(catch $e-i32
(throw $e-i32
(if (result i32)
;; pop is within an if condition, so this is OK.
(pop i32)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 3)
(catch $e-anyref
(pop funcref) ;; pop can be subtype
(func $catchless-try-with-inner-delegate
(try $label$0
(throw $e-i32
(i32.const 0)
(delegate $label$0)