blob: afdb38c89e649760c885d2f0ca0f6a048377461e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
;; reftype :: externref | funcref
;; NOTE: the subtyping relationship has been removed from the reference-types proposal but an
;; `--enable-anyref` feature flag is present in Binaryen that we use below to test subtyping.
;; reftype :: reftype | anyref
;; reftype <: anyref
(type $sig_externref (func (param externref)))
(type $sig_funcref (func (param funcref)))
(type $sig_anyref (func (param anyref)))
(func $take_externref (param externref))
(func $take_funcref (param funcref))
(func $take_anyref (param anyref))
(func $foo)
(table funcref (elem $take_externref $take_funcref $take_anyref))
(elem declare func $ref-taken-but-not-in-table)
(import "env" "import_func" (func $import_func (param externref) (result funcref)))
(import "env" "import_global" (global $import_global externref))
(export "export_func" (func $import_func (param externref) (result funcref)))
(export "export_global" (global $import_global))
;; Test global initializer expressions
(global $global_externref (mut externref) (ref.null extern))
(global $global_funcref (mut funcref) (ref.null func))
(global $global_funcref_func (mut funcref) (ref.func $foo))
(global $global_anyref (mut anyref) (ref.null any))
;; Test subtype relationship in global initializer expressions
(global $global_anyref2 (mut anyref) (ref.null extern))
(global $global_anyref3 (mut anyref) (ref.null func))
(global $global_anyref4 (mut anyref) (ref.func $foo))
(tag $e-i32 (param i32))
(func $test
(local $local_externref externref)
(local $local_funcref funcref)
(local $local_anyref anyref)
;; Test types for local.get/set
(local.set $local_externref (local.get $local_externref))
(local.set $local_externref (global.get $global_externref))
(local.set $local_externref (ref.null extern))
(local.set $local_funcref (local.get $local_funcref))
(local.set $local_funcref (global.get $global_funcref))
(local.set $local_funcref (ref.null func))
(local.set $local_funcref (ref.func $foo))
(local.set $local_anyref (local.get $local_anyref))
(local.set $local_anyref (global.get $global_anyref))
(local.set $local_anyref (ref.null any))
;; Test subtype relationship for local.set
(local.set $local_anyref (local.get $local_externref))
(local.set $local_anyref (global.get $global_externref))
(local.set $local_anyref (ref.null extern))
(local.set $local_anyref (local.get $local_funcref))
(local.set $local_anyref (global.get $global_funcref))
(local.set $local_anyref (ref.null func))
(local.set $local_anyref (ref.func $foo))
;; Test types for global.get/set
(global.set $global_externref (global.get $global_externref))
(global.set $global_externref (local.get $local_externref))
(global.set $global_externref (ref.null extern))
(global.set $global_funcref (global.get $global_funcref))
(global.set $global_funcref (local.get $local_funcref))
(global.set $global_funcref (ref.null func))
(global.set $global_funcref (ref.func $foo))
(global.set $global_anyref (global.get $global_anyref))
(global.set $global_anyref (local.get $local_anyref))
(global.set $global_anyref (ref.null any))
;; Test subtype relationship for global.set
(global.set $global_anyref (global.get $global_externref))
(global.set $global_anyref (local.get $local_externref))
(global.set $global_anyref (ref.null extern))
(global.set $global_anyref (global.get $global_funcref))
(global.set $global_anyref (local.get $local_funcref))
(global.set $global_anyref (ref.null func))
(global.set $global_anyref (ref.func $foo))
;; Test function call params
(call $take_externref (local.get $local_externref))
(call $take_externref (global.get $global_externref))
(call $take_externref (ref.null extern))
(call $take_funcref (local.get $local_funcref))
(call $take_funcref (global.get $global_funcref))
(call $take_funcref (ref.null func))
(call $take_funcref (ref.func $foo))
(call $take_anyref (local.get $local_anyref))
(call $take_anyref (global.get $global_anyref))
(call $take_anyref (ref.null any))
;; Test subtype relationship for function call params
(call $take_anyref (local.get $local_externref))
(call $take_anyref (global.get $global_externref))
(call $take_anyref (ref.null extern))
(call $take_anyref (local.get $local_funcref))
(call $take_anyref (global.get $global_funcref))
(call $take_anyref (ref.null func))
(call $take_anyref (ref.func $foo))
;; Test call_indirect params
(call_indirect (type $sig_externref) (local.get $local_externref) (i32.const 0))
(call_indirect (type $sig_externref) (global.get $global_externref) (i32.const 0))
(call_indirect (type $sig_externref) (ref.null extern) (i32.const 0))
(call_indirect (type $sig_funcref) (local.get $local_funcref) (i32.const 1))
(call_indirect (type $sig_funcref) (global.get $global_funcref) (i32.const 1))
(call_indirect (type $sig_funcref) (ref.null func) (i32.const 1))
(call_indirect (type $sig_funcref) (ref.func $foo) (i32.const 1))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (local.get $local_anyref) (i32.const 3))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (global.get $global_anyref) (i32.const 3))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (ref.null any) (i32.const 3))
;; Test subtype relationship for call_indirect params
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (local.get $local_externref) (i32.const 3))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (global.get $global_externref) (i32.const 3))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (ref.null extern) (i32.const 3))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (local.get $local_funcref) (i32.const 3))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (global.get $global_funcref) (i32.const 3))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (ref.null func) (i32.const 3))
(call_indirect (type $sig_anyref) (ref.func $foo) (i32.const 3))
;; Test block return type
(block (result externref)
(br_if 0 (local.get $local_externref) (i32.const 1))
(block (result externref)
(br_if 0 (global.get $global_externref) (i32.const 1))
(block (result externref)
(br_if 0 (ref.null extern) (i32.const 1))
(block (result funcref)
(br_if 0 (local.get $local_funcref) (i32.const 1))
(block (result funcref)
(br_if 0 (global.get $global_funcref) (i32.const 1))
(block (result funcref)
(br_if 0 (ref.null func) (i32.const 1))
(block (result funcref)
(br_if 0 (ref.func $foo) (i32.const 1))
(block (result anyref)
(br_if 0 (local.get $local_anyref) (i32.const 1))
(block (result anyref)
(br_if 0 (global.get $global_anyref) (i32.const 1))
(block (result anyref)
(br_if 0 (ref.null any) (i32.const 1))
;; Test subtype relationship for block return type
(block (result anyref)
(br_if 0 (local.get $local_externref) (i32.const 1))
(block (result anyref)
(br_if 0 (local.get $local_funcref) (i32.const 1))
(block (result anyref)
(br_if 0 (ref.null extern) (i32.const 1))
(block (result anyref)
(br_if 0 (ref.null func) (i32.const 1))
(block (result anyref)
(br_if 0 (ref.func $foo) (i32.const 1))
;; Test loop return type
(loop (result externref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(loop (result externref)
(global.get $global_externref)
(loop (result externref)
(ref.null extern)
(loop (result funcref)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(loop (result funcref)
(global.get $global_funcref)
(loop (result funcref)
(ref.null func)
(loop (result funcref)
(ref.func $foo)
(loop (result anyref)
(local.get $local_anyref)
(loop (result anyref)
(global.get $global_anyref)
(loop (result anyref)
(ref.null any)
;; Test subtype relationship for loop return type
(loop (result anyref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(loop (result anyref)
(global.get $global_externref)
(loop (result anyref)
(ref.null extern)
(loop (result anyref)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(loop (result anyref)
(global.get $global_funcref)
(loop (result anyref)
(ref.null func)
(loop (result anyref)
(ref.func $foo)
;; Test if return type
(if (result externref)
(i32.const 1)
(local.get $local_externref)
(ref.null extern)
(if (result funcref)
(i32.const 1)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(ref.null func)
(if (result anyref)
(i32.const 1)
(local.get $local_anyref)
(ref.null any)
;; Test subtype relationship for if return type
(if (result anyref)
(i32.const 1)
(local.get $local_externref)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(if (result anyref)
(i32.const 1)
(ref.null extern)
(ref.null func)
(if (result anyref)
(i32.const 1)
(ref.func $foo)
(ref.null extern)
;; Test try return type
(try (result externref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(ref.null extern)
(try (result funcref)
(ref.func $foo)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(ref.null func)
;; Test subtype relationship for try return type
(try (result anyref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(ref.func $foo)
(try (result anyref)
(ref.func $foo)
(catch $e-i32
(drop (pop i32))
(local.get $local_externref)
;; Test typed select
(select (result externref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(ref.null extern)
(i32.const 1)
(select (result funcref)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(ref.null func)
(i32.const 1)
(select (result i32)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 2)
(i32.const 1)
;; Test subtype relationship for typed select
(select (result anyref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(i32.const 1)
(select (result anyref)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(i32.const 1)
;; ref.is_null takes any reference types
(drop (ref.is_null (local.get $local_externref)))
(drop (ref.is_null (global.get $global_externref)))
(drop (ref.is_null (ref.null extern)))
(drop (ref.is_null (local.get $local_funcref)))
(drop (ref.is_null (global.get $global_funcref)))
(drop (ref.is_null (ref.null func)))
(drop (ref.is_null (ref.func $foo)))
(drop (ref.is_null (local.get $local_anyref)))
(drop (ref.is_null (global.get $global_anyref)))
(drop (ref.is_null (ref.null any)))
;; Test function return type
(func $return_externref_local (result externref)
(local $local_externref externref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(func $return_externref_global (result externref)
(global.get $global_externref)
(func $return_externref_null (result externref)
(ref.null extern)
(func $return_funcref_local (result funcref)
(local $local_funcref funcref)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(func $return_funcref_global (result funcref)
(global.get $global_funcref)
(func $return_funcref_null (result funcref)
(ref.null func)
(func $return_funcref_func (result funcref)
(ref.func $foo)
(func $return_anyref_local (result anyref)
(local $local_anyref anyref)
(local.get $local_anyref)
(func $return_anyref_global (result anyref)
(global.get $global_anyref)
(func $return_anyref_null (result anyref)
(ref.null any)
;; Test subtype relationship in function return type
(func $return_anyref2 (result anyref)
(local $local_externref externref)
(local.get $local_externref)
(func $return_anyref3 (result anyref)
(global.get $global_externref)
(func $return_anyref4 (result anyref)
(ref.null extern)
(func $return_anyref5 (result anyref)
(local $local_funcref funcref)
(local.get $local_funcref)
(func $return_anyref6 (result anyref)
(global.get $global_funcref)
(func $return_anyref7 (result anyref)
(ref.null func)
(func $return_anyref8 (result anyref)
(ref.func $foo)
;; Test returns
(func $returns_externref (result externref)
(local $local_externref externref)
(return (local.get $local_externref))
(return (global.get $global_externref))
(return (ref.null extern))
(func $returns_funcref (result funcref)
(local $local_funcref funcref)
(return (local.get $local_funcref))
(return (global.get $global_funcref))
(return (ref.func $foo))
(return (ref.null func))
(func $returns_anyref (result anyref)
(local $local_anyref anyref)
(return (local.get $local_anyref))
(return (global.get $global_anyref))
(return (ref.null any))
;; Test subtype relationship in returns
(func $returns_anyref2 (result anyref)
(local $local_externref externref)
(local $local_funcref funcref)
(return (local.get $local_externref))
(return (global.get $global_externref))
(return (ref.null extern))
(return (local.get $local_funcref))
(return (global.get $global_funcref))
(return (ref.func $foo))
(return (ref.null func))
(func $ref-user
;; an "elem declare func" must be emitted for this ref.func which is not
;; in the table
(ref.func $ref-taken-but-not-in-table)
(func $ref-taken-but-not-in-table)