blob: 67f22a173264135d7d924c7fd0a3ed41cda0a712 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef wasm_analysis_monotone_analyzer_h
#define wasm_analysis_monotone_analyzer_h
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "cfg.h"
#include "lattice.h"
namespace wasm::analysis {
// A node which contains all the lattice states for a given CFG node.
template<typename Lattice> struct BlockState {
// CFG node corresponding to this state block.
const BasicBlock* cfgBlock;
// State at which the analysis flow starts for a CFG. For instance, the ending
// state for backward analysis, or the beginning state for forward analysis.
typename Lattice::Element inputState;
// All states are set to the bottom lattice element in this constructor.
BlockState(const BasicBlock* underlyingBlock, Lattice& lattice);
// Prints out BlockState information, but not any intermediate states.
void print(std::ostream& os);
// A transfer function using a lattice <Lattice> is required to have the
// following methods:
// Lattice::Element transfer(const BasicBlock* cfgBlock, Lattice::Element&
// inputState);
// This function takes in a pointer to a CFG BasicBlock and the input state
// associated with it and modifies the input state in-place into the ouptut
// state for the basic block by applying the analysis transfer function to each
// expression in the CFG BasicBlock. Starting with the input state, the transfer
// function is used to change the state to new intermediate states based on each
// expression until we reach the output state. The outuput state will be
// propagated to dependents of the CFG BasicBlock by the worklist algorithm in
// MonotoneCFGAnalyzer.
template<typename TransferFunction, typename Lattice>
constexpr bool has_transfer =
const BasicBlock*,
typename Lattice::Element&>::value;
// void enqueueWorklist(CFG&, std::queue<const BasicBlock*>& value);
// Loads CFG BasicBlocks in some order into the worklist. Custom specifying the
// order for each analysis brings performance savings. For example, when doing a
// backward analysis, loading the BasicBlocks in reverse order will lead to less
// state propagations, and therefore better performance. The opposite is true
// for a forward analysis.
template<typename TransferFunction, typename Lattice>
constexpr bool has_enqueueWorklist =
std::queue<const BasicBlock*>&>::value;
// <iterable> getDependents(const BasicBlock* currBlock);
// Returns an iterable to the CFG BasicBlocks which depend on currBlock for
// information (e.g. predecessors in a backward analysis). Used to select which
// blocks to propagate to after applying the transfer function to a block. At
// present, we allow this function to return any iterable, so we only assert
// that the method exists with the following parameters.
template<typename TransferFunction>
constexpr bool has_getDependents =
const BasicBlock*>::value;
// Combined TransferFunction assertions.
template<typename TransferFunction, typename Lattice>
constexpr bool is_TransferFunction = has_transfer<TransferFunction, Lattice>&&
has_enqueueWorklist<TransferFunction, Lattice>&&
template<typename Lattice, typename TransferFunction>
class MonotoneCFGAnalyzer {
static_assert(is_TransferFunction<TransferFunction, Lattice>);
Lattice& lattice;
TransferFunction& transferFunction;
CFG& cfg;
std::vector<BlockState<Lattice>> stateBlocks;
// Will constuct BlockState objects corresponding to BasicBlocks from the
// given CFG.
MonotoneCFGAnalyzer(Lattice& lattice,
TransferFunction& transferFunction,
CFG& cfg);
// Runs the worklist algorithm to compute the states for the BlockState graph.
void evaluate();
// This modifies the state of the CFG's entry block, with function
// information. This cannot be done otherwise in a forward analysis, as the
// entry block depends on no other blocks, and hence cannot be changed by
// them.
void evaluateFunctionEntry(Function* func);
// Iterates over all of the BlockStates after evaluate() is completed for the
// transfer function to collect the finalized intermediate states from each
// block. For instance, the reaching definitions analysis transfer functions
// will take the final states and use it to populate a map of local.get's to
// sets of local.set's which affect it.
void collectResults();
void evaluateAndCollectResults() {
// Prints out all BlockStates in this analyzer.
void print(std::ostream& os);
} // namespace wasm::analysis
#include "monotone-analyzer-impl.h"
#endif // wasm_analysis_monotone_analyzer_h