blob: 00b755bf7c59515b2d688dd486bb650fd2d70684 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef wasm_ast_utils_h
#define wasm_ast_utils_h
#include "wasm.h"
#include "wasm-traversal.h"
#include "wasm-builder.h"
#include "pass.h"
namespace wasm {
// Finds if there are breaks targeting a name. Note that since names are
// unique in our IR, we just need to look for the name, and do not need
// to analyze scoping.
struct BreakSeeker : public PostWalker<BreakSeeker> {
Name target;
Index found;
WasmType valueType;
BreakSeeker(Name target) : target(target), found(0) {}
void noteFound(Expression* value) {
if (found == 1) valueType = unreachable;
if (!value) valueType = none;
else if (value->type != unreachable) valueType = value->type;
void visitBreak(Break *curr) {
if (curr->name == target) noteFound(curr->value);
void visitSwitch(Switch *curr) {
for (auto name : curr->targets) {
if (name == target) noteFound(curr->value);
if (curr->default_ == target) noteFound(curr->value);
static bool has(Expression* tree, Name target) {
if (! return false;
BreakSeeker breakSeeker(target);
return breakSeeker.found > 0;
static Index count(Expression* tree, Name target) {
if (! return 0;
BreakSeeker breakSeeker(target);
return breakSeeker.found;
// Look for side effects, including control flow
// TODO: optimize
struct EffectAnalyzer : public PostWalker<EffectAnalyzer> {
EffectAnalyzer(PassOptions& passOptions, Expression *ast = nullptr) {
ignoreImplicitTraps = passOptions.ignoreImplicitTraps;
if (ast) analyze(ast);
bool ignoreImplicitTraps;
void analyze(Expression *ast) {
// if we are left with breaks, they are external
if (breakNames.size() > 0) branches = true;
bool branches = false; // branches out of this expression
bool calls = false;
std::set<Index> localsRead;
std::set<Index> localsWritten;
std::set<Name> globalsRead;
std::set<Name> globalsWritten;
bool readsMemory = false;
bool writesMemory = false;
bool implicitTrap = false; // a load or div/rem, which may trap. we ignore trap
// differences, so it is ok to reorder these, and we
// also allow reordering them with other effects
// (so a trap may occur later or earlier, if it is
// going to occur anyhow), but we can't remove them,
// they count as side effects
bool accessesLocal() { return localsRead.size() + localsWritten.size() > 0; }
bool accessesGlobal() { return globalsRead.size() + globalsWritten.size() > 0; }
bool accessesMemory() { return calls || readsMemory || writesMemory; }
bool hasSideEffects() { return calls || localsWritten.size() > 0 || writesMemory || branches || globalsWritten.size() > 0 || implicitTrap; }
bool hasAnything() { return branches || calls || accessesLocal() || readsMemory || writesMemory || accessesGlobal() || implicitTrap; }
// checks if these effects would invalidate another set (e.g., if we write, we invalidate someone that reads, they can't be moved past us)
bool invalidates(EffectAnalyzer& other) {
if (branches || other.branches
|| ((writesMemory || calls) && other.accessesMemory())
|| (accessesMemory() && (other.writesMemory || other.calls))) {
return true;
for (auto local : localsWritten) {
if (other.localsWritten.count(local) || other.localsRead.count(local)) {
return true;
for (auto local : localsRead) {
if (other.localsWritten.count(local)) return true;
if ((accessesGlobal() && other.calls) || (other.accessesGlobal() && calls)) {
return true;
for (auto global : globalsWritten) {
if (other.globalsWritten.count(global) || other.globalsRead.count(global)) {
return true;
for (auto global : globalsRead) {
if (other.globalsWritten.count(global)) return true;
// we are ok to reorder implicit traps, but not conditionalize them
if ((implicitTrap && other.branches) || (other.implicitTrap && branches)) {
return true;
return false;
void mergeIn(EffectAnalyzer& other) {
branches = branches || other.branches;
calls = calls || other.calls;
readsMemory = readsMemory || other.readsMemory;
writesMemory = writesMemory || other.writesMemory;
for (auto i : other.localsRead) localsRead.insert(i);
for (auto i : other.localsWritten) localsWritten.insert(i);
for (auto i : other.globalsRead) globalsRead.insert(i);
for (auto i : other.globalsWritten) globalsWritten.insert(i);
// the checks above happen after the node's children were processed, in the order of execution
// we must also check for control flow that happens before the children, i.e., loops
bool checkPre(Expression* curr) {
if (curr->is<Loop>()) {
branches = true;
return true;
return false;
bool checkPost(Expression* curr) {
if (curr->is<Loop>()) {
branches = true;
return hasAnything();
std::set<Name> breakNames;
void visitBreak(Break *curr) {
void visitSwitch(Switch *curr) {
for (auto name : curr->targets) {
void visitBlock(Block* curr) {
if (curr-> breakNames.erase(curr->name); // these were internal breaks
void visitLoop(Loop* curr) {
if (curr-> breakNames.erase(curr->name); // these were internal breaks
void visitCall(Call *curr) { calls = true; }
void visitCallImport(CallImport *curr) { calls = true; }
void visitCallIndirect(CallIndirect *curr) { calls = true; }
void visitGetLocal(GetLocal *curr) {
void visitSetLocal(SetLocal *curr) {
void visitGetGlobal(GetGlobal *curr) {
void visitSetGlobal(SetGlobal *curr) {
void visitLoad(Load *curr) {
readsMemory = true;
if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) implicitTrap = true;
void visitStore(Store *curr) {
writesMemory = true;
if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) implicitTrap = true;
void visitUnary(Unary *curr) {
if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) {
switch (curr->op) {
case TruncSFloat32ToInt32:
case TruncSFloat32ToInt64:
case TruncUFloat32ToInt32:
case TruncUFloat32ToInt64:
case TruncSFloat64ToInt32:
case TruncSFloat64ToInt64:
case TruncUFloat64ToInt32:
case TruncUFloat64ToInt64: {
implicitTrap = true;
default: {}
void visitBinary(Binary *curr) {
if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) {
switch (curr->op) {
case DivSInt32:
case DivUInt32:
case RemSInt32:
case RemUInt32:
case DivSInt64:
case DivUInt64:
case RemSInt64:
case RemUInt64: {
implicitTrap = true;
default: {}
void visitReturn(Return *curr) { branches = true; }
void visitHost(Host *curr) { calls = true; }
void visitUnreachable(Unreachable *curr) { branches = true; }
// Measure the size of an AST
struct Measurer : public PostWalker<Measurer, UnifiedExpressionVisitor<Measurer>> {
Index size = 0;
void visitExpression(Expression* curr) {
static Index measure(Expression* tree) {
Measurer measurer;
return measurer.size;
// Manipulate expressions
struct ExpressionManipulator {
// Re-use a node's memory. This helps avoid allocation when optimizing.
template<typename InputType, typename OutputType>
static OutputType* convert(InputType *input) {
static_assert(sizeof(OutputType) <= sizeof(InputType),
"Can only convert to a smaller size Expression node");
input->~InputType(); // arena-allocaed, so no destructor, but avoid UB.
OutputType* output = (OutputType*)(input);
new (output) OutputType;
return output;
// Convenience method for nop, which is a common conversion
template<typename InputType>
static void nop(InputType* target) {
convert<InputType, Nop>(target);
// Convert a node that allocates
template<typename InputType, typename OutputType>
static OutputType* convert(InputType *input, MixedArena& allocator) {
assert(sizeof(OutputType) <= sizeof(InputType));
input->~InputType(); // arena-allocaed, so no destructor, but avoid UB.
OutputType* output = (OutputType*)(input);
new (output) OutputType(allocator);
return output;
using CustomCopier = std::function<Expression*(Expression*)>;
static Expression* flexibleCopy(Expression* original, Module& wasm, CustomCopier custom);
static Expression* copy(Expression* original, Module& wasm) {
auto copy = [](Expression* curr) {
return nullptr;
return flexibleCopy(original, wasm, copy);
// Splice an item into the middle of a block's list
static void spliceIntoBlock(Block* block, Index index, Expression* add);
struct ExpressionAnalyzer {
// Given a stack of expressions, checks if the topmost is used as a result.
// For example, if the parent is a block and the node is before the last position,
// it is not used.
static bool isResultUsed(std::vector<Expression*> stack, Function* func);
// Checks if a value is dropped.
static bool isResultDropped(std::vector<Expression*> stack);
// Checks if a break is a simple - no condition, no value, just a plain branching
static bool isSimple(Break* curr) {
return !curr->condition && !curr->value;
// Checks if an expression does not flow out in an obvious way.
// We return true if it cannot flow out. If it can flow out, we
// might still return true, as the analysis here is simple and fast.
static bool obviouslyDoesNotFlowOut(Expression* curr) {
if (auto* br = curr->dynCast<Break>()) {
if (!br->condition) return true;
} else if (auto* block = curr->dynCast<Block>()) {
if (block->list.size() > 0 && obviouslyDoesNotFlowOut(block->list.back()) && !BreakSeeker::has(block, block->name)) return true;
return false;
using ExprComparer = std::function<bool(Expression*, Expression*)>;
static bool flexibleEqual(Expression* left, Expression* right, ExprComparer comparer);
static bool equal(Expression* left, Expression* right) {
auto comparer = [](Expression* left, Expression* right) {
return false;
return flexibleEqual(left, right, comparer);
// hash an expression, ignoring superficial details like specific internal names
static uint32_t hash(Expression* curr);
// Finalizes a node
struct ReFinalize : public WalkerPass<PostWalker<ReFinalize>> {
ReFinalize() { name = "refinalize"; }
void visitBlock(Block *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitIf(If *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitLoop(Loop *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitBreak(Break *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitSwitch(Switch *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitCall(Call *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitCallImport(CallImport *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitCallIndirect(CallIndirect *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitGetLocal(GetLocal *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitSetLocal(SetLocal *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitGetGlobal(GetGlobal *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitSetGlobal(SetGlobal *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitLoad(Load *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitStore(Store *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitConst(Const *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitUnary(Unary *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitBinary(Binary *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitSelect(Select *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitDrop(Drop *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitReturn(Return *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitHost(Host *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitNop(Nop *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
void visitUnreachable(Unreachable *curr) { curr->finalize(); }
// Adds drop() operations where necessary. This lets you not worry about adding drop when
// generating code.
struct AutoDrop : public WalkerPass<ExpressionStackWalker<AutoDrop>> {
bool isFunctionParallel() override { return true; }
Pass* create() override { return new AutoDrop; }
AutoDrop() { name = "autodrop"; }
bool maybeDrop(Expression*& child) {
bool acted = false;
if (isConcreteWasmType(child->type)) {
if (!ExpressionAnalyzer::isResultUsed(expressionStack, getFunction()) && !ExpressionAnalyzer::isResultDropped(expressionStack)) {
child = Builder(*getModule()).makeDrop(child);
acted = true;
return acted;
void reFinalize() {
for (int i = int(expressionStack.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
auto* curr = expressionStack[i];
void visitBlock(Block* curr) {
if (curr->list.size() == 0) return;
for (Index i = 0; i < curr->list.size() - 1; i++) {
auto* child = curr->list[i];
if (isConcreteWasmType(child->type)) {
curr->list[i] = Builder(*getModule()).makeDrop(child);
if (maybeDrop(curr->list.back())) {
assert(curr->type == none);
void visitIf(If* curr) {
bool acted = false;
if (maybeDrop(curr->ifTrue)) acted = true;
if (curr->ifFalse) {
if (maybeDrop(curr->ifFalse)) acted = true;
if (acted) {
assert(curr->type == none);
void visitFunction(Function* curr) {
if (curr->result == none && isConcreteWasmType(curr->body->type)) {
curr->body = Builder(*getModule()).makeDrop(curr->body);
struct I64Utilities {
static Expression* recreateI64(Builder& builder, Expression* low, Expression* high) {
static Expression* recreateI64(Builder& builder, Index low, Index high) {
return recreateI64(builder, builder.makeGetLocal(low, i32), builder.makeGetLocal(high, i32));
static Expression* getI64High(Builder& builder, Index index) {
builder.makeGetLocal(index, i64),
static Expression* getI64Low(Builder& builder, Index index) {
builder.makeGetLocal(index, i64)
} // namespace wasm
#endif // wasm_ast_utils_h