blob: 3700bb3ace47ac8c05da0c3e9259258e052f364b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2016 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// (very) basic linking functionality for s2wasm.
// Performs some of the tasks that will eventually be done by a real linker.
// Currently can allocate static variables and the stack, lay out memory
// and initial segment contents, and process relocations. (In particular, there
// is no merging of multiple modules). Currently this is only inteded to turn
// a .s file produced by LLVM into a usable wast file.
#include "support/archive.h"
#include "support/name.h"
#include "support/utilities.h"
#include "wasm.h"
namespace wasm {
class S2WasmBuilder;
// An "object file" for linking. Contains a wasm module, plus the associated
// information needed for linking/layout.
class LinkerObject {
struct Relocation {
enum Kind { kData, kFunction };
Kind kind; // Whether the symbol refers to data or a function.
// Instead of section offsets as relocation targets, for now this is just
// a pointer to the memory to rewrite.
uint32_t* data;
Name symbol; // Like the symbol index in ELF r_info field
int addend; // Like the ELF r_addend field
Relocation(Kind kind, uint32_t* data, Name symbol, int addend) :
kind(kind), data(data), symbol(symbol), addend(addend) {}
struct SymbolAlias {
Name symbol;
Relocation::Kind kind;
Offset offset;
SymbolAlias(Name symbol, Relocation::Kind kind, Offset offset) :
symbol(symbol), kind(kind), offset(offset) {}
// Information about symbols
struct SymbolInfo {
std::unordered_set<cashew::IString> implementedFunctions;
std::unordered_set<cashew::IString> undefinedFunctions;
std::unordered_set<cashew::IString> importedObjects;
// TODO: it's not clear that this really belongs here.
std::unordered_map<cashew::IString, SymbolAlias> aliasedSymbols;
// For now, do not support weak symbols or anything special. Just directly
// merge the functions together, and remove any newly-defined functions
// from undefinedFunction
void merge(SymbolInfo& other) {
for (const auto& func : other.implementedFunctions) {
LinkerObject() {}
// Allocate a static object
void addStatic(Address allocSize, Address alignment, Name name) {
staticObjects.emplace_back(allocSize, alignment, name);
void addGlobal(Name name) {
// This takes ownership of the added Relocation
void addRelocation(Relocation* relocation) {
bool isFunctionImplemented(Name name) {
return symbolInfo.implementedFunctions.count(name) != 0;
// An object is considered implemented if it is not imported
bool isObjectImplemented(Name name) {
return symbolInfo.importedObjects.count(name) == 0;
// If name is an alias, return what it points to. Otherwise return name.
Name resolveAlias(Name name, Relocation::Kind kind) {
auto aliased = symbolInfo.aliasedSymbols.find(name);
if (aliased != symbolInfo.aliasedSymbols.end() && aliased->second.kind == kind) return aliased->second.symbol;
return name;
SymbolAlias *getAlias(Name name, Relocation::Kind kind) {
auto aliased = symbolInfo.aliasedSymbols.find(name);
if (aliased != symbolInfo.aliasedSymbols.end() && aliased->second.kind == kind) return &aliased->second;
return nullptr;
// Add an initializer segment for the named static variable.
void addSegment(Name name, const char* data, Address size) {
segments[name] = wasm.memory.segments.size();
wasm.memory.segments.emplace_back(wasm.allocator.alloc<Const>()->set(Literal(uint32_t(0))), data, size);
void addSegment(Name name, std::vector<char>& data) {
segments[name] = wasm.memory.segments.size();
wasm.memory.segments.emplace_back(wasm.allocator.alloc<Const>()->set(Literal(uint32_t(0))), data);
void addInitializerFunction(Name name) {
void addUndefinedFunctionCall(Call* call) {
void addExternType(Name name, FunctionType* ty) {
externTypesMap[name] = ty;
FunctionType* getExternType(Name name) {
auto f = externTypesMap.find(name);
if (f == externTypesMap.end()) return nullptr;
return f->second;
void addIndirectIndex(Name name, Address index) {
indirectIndexes[name] = index;
bool isEmpty() {
return wasm.functions.empty();
friend class Linker;
Module wasm;
struct StaticObject {
Address allocSize;
Address alignment;
Name name;
StaticObject(Address allocSize, Address alignment, Name name) :
allocSize(allocSize), alignment(alignment), name(name) {}
std::vector<Name> globls;
std::vector<StaticObject> staticObjects;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Relocation>> relocations;
SymbolInfo symbolInfo;
using CallList = std::vector<Call*>;
std::map<Name, CallList> undefinedFunctionCalls;
// Types of functions which are declared but not defined.
std::unordered_map<cashew::IString, FunctionType*> externTypesMap;
std::map<Name, Address> segments; // name => segment index (in wasm module)
// preassigned indexes for functions called indirectly
std::map<Name, Address> indirectIndexes;
std::vector<Name> initializerFunctions;
LinkerObject(const LinkerObject&) = delete;
LinkerObject& operator=(const LinkerObject&) = delete;
// Class which performs some linker-like functionality; namely taking an object
// file with relocations, laying out the linear memory and segments, and
// applying the relocations, resulting in an executable wasm module.
class Linker {
Linker(Address globalBase, Address stackAllocation, Address userInitialMemory,
Address userMaxMemory, bool importMemory, bool ignoreUnknownSymbols,
Name startFunction, bool debug)
: ignoreUnknownSymbols(ignoreUnknownSymbols),
debug(debug) {
if (userMaxMemory && userMaxMemory < userInitialMemory) {
Fatal() << "Specified max memory " << userMaxMemory <<
" is < specified initial memory " << userInitialMemory;
if (roundUpToPageSize(userMaxMemory) != userMaxMemory) {
Fatal() << "Specified max memory " << userMaxMemory <<
" is not a multiple of 64k";
if (roundUpToPageSize(userInitialMemory) != userInitialMemory) {
Fatal() << "Specified initial memory " << userInitialMemory <<
" is not a multiple of 64k";
// Don't allow anything to be allocated at address 0
if (globalBase == 0) nextStatic = 1;
// Place the stack pointer at the bottom of the linear memory, to keep its
// address small (and thus with a small encoding).
// Allocate __dso_handle. For asm.js, emscripten provides this in JS, but
// wasm modules can't import data objects. Its value is 0 for the main
// executable, which is all we have with static linking. In the future this
// can go in a crtbegin or similar file.
out.addStatic(4, 4, "__dso_handle");
// Return a reference to the LinkerObject for the main executable. If empty,
// it can be passed to an S2WasmBuilder and constructed.
LinkerObject& getOutput() { return out; }
// Allocate the user stack, set up the initial memory size of the module, lay
// out the linear memory, process the relocations, and set up the indirect
// function table.
void layout();
// Support for emscripten integration: generates dyncall thunks, emits
// metadata for asmConsts, staticBump and initializer functions.
void emscriptenGlue(std::ostream& o);
// Add an object to the link by constructing it in-place with a builder.
// Returns false if an error occurred.
bool linkObject(S2WasmBuilder& builder);
// Add an archive to the link. Any objects in the archive that satisfy a
// currently-undefined reference will be added to the link.
// Returns false if an error occurred.
bool linkArchive(Archive& archive);
// Allocate a static variable and return its address in linear memory
Address allocateStatic(Address allocSize, Address alignment, Name name) {
Address address = alignAddr(nextStatic, alignment);
staticAddresses[name] = address;
nextStatic = address + allocSize;
return address;
// Allocate space for a stack pointer and (if stackAllocation > 0) set up a
// relocation for it to point to the top of the stack.
void placeStackPointer(Address stackAllocation);
void ensureFunctionImport(Name target, std::string signature);
void ensureObjectImport(Name target);
// Makes sure the table has a single segment, with offset 0,
// to which we can add content.
void ensureTableSegment();
std::vector<Name>& getTableDataRef();
std::vector<Name> getTableData();
// Retrieves (and assigns) an entry index in the indirect function table for
// a given function.
Index getFunctionIndex(Name name);
// Adds a dummy function in the indirect table at slot 0 to prevent NULL
// pointer miscomparisons.
void makeDummyFunction();
static Address roundUpToPageSize(Address size) {
return (size + Memory::kPageSize - 1) & Memory::kPageMask;
void exportFunction(Name name, bool must_export) {
if (!out.wasm.getFunctionOrNull(name)) {
if (out.wasm.getExportOrNull(name)) return; // Already exported
auto exp = new Export;
exp->name = exp->value = name;
exp->kind = ExternalKind::Function;
Function* getImportThunk(Name name, const FunctionType* t);
// The output module (linked executable)
LinkerObject out;
bool ignoreUnknownSymbols;
Name startFunction;
// where globals can start to be statically allocated, i.e., the data segment
Address globalBase;
Address nextStatic; // location of next static allocation
Address userInitialMemory; // Initial memory size (in bytes) specified by the user.
Address userMaxMemory; // Max memory size (in bytes) specified by the user.
//(after linking, this is rounded and set on the wasm object in pages)
bool importMemory; // Whether the memory should be imported instead of
// defined.
Address stackAllocation;
bool debug;
std::unordered_map<cashew::IString, int32_t> staticAddresses; // name => address
std::unordered_map<Address, Address> segmentsByAddress; // address => segment index
std::unordered_map<cashew::IString, Address> functionIndexes;
std::map<Address, cashew::IString> functionNames;
#endif // WASM_WASM_LINK_H