blob: 2da0d30e61f880625c4b2b73c399e7e469cff062 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2015 WebAssembly Community Group participants
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os, shutil, sys, subprocess, difflib, json, time, urllib2
interpreter = None
requested = []
torture = True
only_prepare = False
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg.startswith('--interpreter='):
interpreter = arg.split('=')[1]
print '[ using wasm interpreter at "%s" ]' % interpreter
assert os.path.exists(interpreter), 'interpreter not found'
elif arg == '--torture':
torture = True
elif arg == '--no-torture':
torture = False
elif arg == '--only-prepare':
only_prepare = True
warnings = []
def warn(text):
global warnings
print 'warning:', text
# setup
BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath('test')
WATERFALL_BUILD_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'wasm-install')
BIN_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(WATERFALL_BUILD_DIR, 'wasm-install', 'bin'))
os.environ['BINARYEN'] = os.getcwd()
def fetch_waterfall():
rev = open(os.path.join('test', 'revision')).read().strip()
local_rev = open(os.path.join('test', 'local-revision')).read().strip()
local_rev = None
if local_rev == rev: return
# fetch it
basename = 'wasm-binaries-' + rev + '.tbz2'
url = '' + basename
print '(downloading waterfall %s: %s)' % (rev, url)
downloaded = urllib2.urlopen(url).read().strip()
fullname = os.path.join('test', basename)
open(fullname, 'wb').write(downloaded)
print '(unpacking)'
if os.path.exists(WATERFALL_BUILD_DIR):
subprocess.check_call(['tar', '-xf', os.path.abspath(fullname)], cwd=WATERFALL_BUILD_DIR)
print '(noting local revision)'
open(os.path.join('test', 'local-revision'), 'w').write(rev)
has_vanilla_llvm = False
def setup_waterfall():
# if we can use the waterfall llvm, do so
global has_vanilla_llvm
CLANG = os.path.join(BIN_DIR, 'clang')
print 'trying waterfall clang at', CLANG
subprocess.check_call([CLANG, '-v'])
has_vanilla_llvm = True
print '...success'
except Exception, e:
warn('could not run vanilla LLVM from waterfall: ' + str(e) + ', looked for clang at ' + CLANG)
if only_prepare:
print 'waterfall is fetched and setup, exiting since --only-prepare'
# external tools
has_node = False
subprocess.check_call(['nodejs', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
has_node = 'nodejs'
subprocess.check_call(['node', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
has_node = 'node'
has_mozjs = False
subprocess.check_call(['mozjs', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
has_mozjs = True
has_emcc = False
subprocess.check_call(['emcc', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
has_emcc = True
has_vanilla_emcc = False
subprocess.check_call([os.path.join('test', 'emscripten', 'emcc'), '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
has_vanilla_emcc = True
# utilities
def run_command(cmd, expected_status=0, stderr=None):
print 'executing: ', ' '.join(cmd)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr)
out, err = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode != expected_status: raise Exception(('run_command failed', err))
return out
def fail(actual, expected):
raise Exception("incorrect output, diff:\n\n%s" % (
''.join([a.rstrip()+'\n' for a in difflib.unified_diff(expected.split('\n'), actual.split('\n'), fromfile='expected', tofile='actual')])[-1000:]
def fail_if_not_identical(actual, expected):
if expected != actual:
fail(actual, expected)
def fail_if_not_contained(actual, expected):
if expected not in actual:
fail(actual, expected)
if len(requested) == 0:
tests = sorted(os.listdir('test'))
tests = requested[:]
if not interpreter:
warn('no interpreter provided (did not test spec interpreter validation)')
if not has_node:
warn('no node found (did not check proper js form)')
if not has_mozjs:
warn('no mozjs found (did not check native wasm support nor asm.js validation)')
if not has_emcc:
warn('no emcc found (did not check non-vanilla emscripten/binaryen integration)')
if not has_vanilla_emcc:
warn('no functional emcc submodule found')
# check utilities
def split_wast(wast):
# .wast files can contain multiple modules, and assertions for each one.
# this splits out a wast into [(module, assertions), ..]
# we ignore module invalidity tests here.
wast = open(wast).read()
ret = []
def to_end(j):
depth = 1
while depth > 0 and j < len(wast):
if wast[j] == '"':
j = wast.find('"', j + 1)
elif wast[j] == '(':
depth += 1
elif wast[j] == ')':
depth -= 1
elif wast[j] == ';' and wast[j+1] == ';':
j = wast.find('\n', j)
j += 1
return j
i = 0
while i >= 0:
start = wast.find('(', i)
if start >= 0 and wast[start+1] == ';':
# block comment
i = wast.find(';)', start+2)
assert i > 0, wast[start:]
i += 2
skip = wast.find(';', i)
if skip >= 0 and skip < start and skip + 1 < len(wast):
if wast[skip+1] == ';':
i = wast.find('\n', i) + 1
if start < 0: break
i = to_end(start + 1)
chunk = wast[start:i]
if chunk.startswith('(module'):
ret += [(chunk, [])]
elif chunk.startswith('(assert_invalid'):
elif chunk.startswith(('(assert', '(invoke')):
return ret
def binary_format_check(wast, verify_final_result=True):
# checks we can convert the wast to binary and back
print ' (binary format check)'
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'wasm-as'), wast, '-o', 'a.wasm']
print ' ', ' '.join(cmd)
if os.path.exists('a.wasm'): os.unlink('a.wasm')
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
assert os.path.exists('a.wasm')
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'wasm-dis'), 'a.wasm', '-o', 'ab.wast']
print ' ', ' '.join(cmd)
if os.path.exists('ab.wast'): os.unlink('ab.wast')
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
assert os.path.exists('ab.wast')
# make sure it is a valid wast
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), 'ab.wast']
print ' ', ' '.join(cmd)
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if verify_final_result:
expected = open(wast + '.fromBinary').read()
actual = open('ab.wast').read()
if actual != expected:
fail(actual, expected)
return 'ab.wast'
def minify_check(wast, verify_final_result=True):
# checks we can parse minified output
print ' (minify check)'
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), wast, '--print-minified']
print ' ', ' '.join(cmd)
subprocess.check_call([os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), wast, '--print-minified'], stdout=open('a.wasm', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
assert os.path.exists('a.wasm')
subprocess.check_call([os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), 'a.wasm', '--print-minified'], stdout=open('b.wasm', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
assert os.path.exists('b.wasm')
if verify_final_result:
expected = open('a.wasm').read()
actual = open('b.wasm').read()
if actual != expected:
fail(actual, expected)
if os.path.exists('a.wasm'): os.unlink('a.wasm')
if os.path.exists('b.wasm'): os.unlink('b.wasm')
# tests
print '[ checking --help is useful... ]\n'
not_executable_suffix = ['.txt', '.js']
executables = sorted(filter(lambda x: not any(x.endswith(s) for s in
for e in executables:
print '.. %s --help' % e
out, err = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join('bin', e), '--help'],
assert len(out) == 0, 'Expected no stdout, got:\n%s' % out
assert e in err, 'Expected help to contain program name, got:\n%s' % err
assert len(err.split('\n')) > 8, 'Expected some help, got:\n%s' % err
print '\n[ checking binaryen-shell passes... ]\n'
for t in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'passes'))):
if t.endswith('.wast'):
print '..', t
passname = os.path.basename(t).replace('.wast', '')
opts = ['-O'] if passname == 'O' else ['--' + p for p in passname.split('_')]
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell')] + opts + [os.path.join('test', 'passes', t), '--print']
actual = run_command(cmd)
fail_if_not_identical(actual, open(os.path.join('test', 'passes', passname + '.txt')).read())
print '[ checking asm2wasm testcases... ]\n'
for asm in tests:
if asm.endswith('.asm.js'):
for precise in [1, 0]:
for opts in [1, 0]:
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'asm2wasm'), os.path.join('test', asm)]
wasm = asm.replace('.asm.js', '.fromasm')
if not precise:
cmd += ['--imprecise']
wasm += '.imprecise'
if not opts:
cmd += ['--no-opts']
wasm += '.no-opts'
wasm = os.path.join('test', wasm)
print '..', asm, wasm
actual = run_command(cmd)
# verify output
if not os.path.exists(wasm):
raise Exception('output .wast file %s does not exist' % wasm)
expected = open(wasm).read()
if actual != expected:
fail(actual, expected)
binary_format_check(wasm, verify_final_result=False)
# verify in wasm
if interpreter:
# remove imports, spec interpreter doesn't know what to do with them
subprocess.check_call([os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), '--remove-imports', '--print', wasm], stdout=open('ztemp.wast', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
proc = subprocess.Popen([interpreter, 'ztemp.wast'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode != 0:
try: # to parse the error
reported = err.split(':')[1]
start, end = reported.split('-')
start_line, start_col = map(int, start.split('.'))
lines = open('ztemp.wast').read().split('\n')
print '='*80
print lines[start_line-1]
print (' '*(start_col-1)) + '^'
print (' '*(start_col-2)) + '/_\\'
print '='*80
print err
except Exception, e:
raise Exception('wasm interpreter error: ' + err) # failed to pretty-print
raise Exception('wasm interpreter error')
print '\n[ checking binaryen-shell parsing & printing... ]\n'
for t in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'print'))):
if t.endswith('.wast'):
print '..', t
wasm = os.path.basename(t).replace('.wast', '')
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), os.path.join('test', 'print', t), '--print']
print ' ', ' '.join(cmd)
actual, err = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
fail_if_not_identical(actual, open(os.path.join('test', 'print', wasm + '.txt')).read())
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), os.path.join('test', 'print', t), '--print-minified']
print ' ', ' '.join(cmd)
actual, err = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
fail_if_not_identical(actual.strip(), open(os.path.join('test', 'print', wasm + '.minified.txt')).read().strip())
print '\n[ checking binaryen-shell testcases... ]\n'
for t in tests:
if t.endswith('.wast') and not t.startswith('spec'):
print '..', t
t = os.path.join('test', t)
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), t, '--print']
actual = run_command(cmd)
actual = actual.replace('printing before:\n', '')
expected = open(t).read()
if actual != expected:
fail(actual, expected)
print '\n[ checking binaryen-shell spec testcases... ]\n'
if len(requested) == 0:
spec_tests = [os.path.join('spec', t) for t in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'spec'))) if t not in BLACKLIST]
spec_tests = requested[:]
for t in spec_tests:
if t.startswith('spec') and t.endswith('.wast'):
print '..', t
wast = os.path.join('test', t)
def run_spec_test(wast):
print ' run binaryen-shell on', wast
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), wast]
return run_command(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def check_expected(actual, expected):
if expected and os.path.exists(expected):
expected = open(expected).read()
# fix it up, our pretty (i32.const 83) must become compared to a homely 83 : i32
def fix(x):
x = x.strip()
if not x: return x
v, t = x.split(' : ')
if v.endswith('.'): v = v[:-1] # remove trailing '.'
return '(' + t + '.const ' + v + ')'
expected = '\n'.join(map(fix, expected.split('\n')))
print ' (using expected output)'
actual = actual.strip()
expected = expected.strip()
if actual != expected:
fail(actual, expected)
expected = os.path.join('test', 'spec', 'expected-output', os.path.basename(wast) + '.log')
# some spec tests should fail (actual process failure, not just assert_invalid)
actual = run_spec_test(wast)
except Exception, e:
if 'wasm-validator error' in str(e) and '.fail.' in t:
print '<< test failed as expected >>'
continue # don't try all the binary format stuff TODO
raise e
check_expected(actual, expected)
# check binary format. here we can verify execution of the final result, no need for an output verification
split_num = 0
if os.path.basename(wast) not in ['has_feature.wast']: # avoid some tests with things still in spec tests, but likely to be taken out soon
actual = ''
for module, asserts in split_wast(wast):
print ' testing split module', split_num
split_num += 1
open('split.wast', 'w').write(module + '\n' + '\n'.join(asserts))
run_spec_test('split.wast') # before binary stuff - just check it's still ok split out
result_wast = binary_format_check('split.wast', verify_final_result=False)
# add the asserts, and verify that the test still passes
open(result_wast, 'a').write('\n' + '\n'.join(asserts))
actual += run_spec_test(result_wast)
# compare all the outputs to the expected output
check_expected(actual, os.path.join('test', 'spec', 'expected-output', os.path.basename(wast) + '.log'))
''' XXX disable wasm2asm for now, too much flux
print '\n[ checking wasm2asm testcases... ]\n'
for wasm in tests + [os.path.join('spec', name) for name in ['address.wast']]:#spec_tests:
if wasm.endswith('.wast') and os.path.basename(wasm) not in ['kitchen_sink.wast']: # i64s in kitchen_sink
print '..', wasm
asm = os.path.basename(wasm).replace('.wast', '.2asm.js')
actual, err = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join('bin', 'wasm2asm'), os.path.join('test', wasm)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
assert err == '', 'bad err:' + err
# verify output
expected_file = os.path.join('test', asm)
if not os.path.exists(expected_file):
print actual
raise Exception('output ' + expected_file + ' does not exist')
expected = open(expected_file).read()
if actual != expected:
fail(actual, expected)
open('a.2asm.js', 'w').write(actual)
if has_node:
# verify asm.js is valid js
proc = subprocess.Popen([has_node, 'a.2asm.js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
assert proc.returncode == 0
assert not out and not err, [out, err]
if has_mozjs:
# verify asm.js validates
open('a.2asm.js', 'w').write(actual)
proc = subprocess.Popen(['mozjs', '-w', 'a.2asm.js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
assert proc.returncode == 0
fail_if_not_contained(err, 'Successfully compiled asm.js code')
if has_node:
print '\n[ checking binaryen.js testcases... ]\n'
for s in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'binaryen.js'))):
if not s.endswith('.js'): continue
print s
f = open('a.js', 'w')
f.write(open(os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen.js')).read())
f.write(open(os.path.join('test', 'binaryen.js', s)).read())
cmd = [has_node, 'a.js']
out = run_command(cmd)
expected = open(os.path.join('test', 'binaryen.js', s + '.txt')).read()
if expected not in out:
fail(out, expected)
print '\n[ checking .s testcases... ]\n'
for dot_s_dir in ['dot_s', 'llvm_autogenerated']:
for s in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', dot_s_dir))):
if not s.endswith('.s'): continue
print '..', s
wasm = s.replace('.s', '.wast')
full = os.path.join('test', dot_s_dir, s)
stack_alloc = ['--allocate-stack=1024'] if dot_s_dir == 'llvm_autogenerated' else []
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 's2wasm'), full, '--emscripten-glue'] + stack_alloc
if s.startswith('start_'):
actual = run_command(cmd)
# verify output
expected_file = os.path.join('test', dot_s_dir, wasm)
if not os.path.exists(expected_file):
print actual
raise Exception('output ' + expected_file + ' does not exist')
expected = open(expected_file).read()
if actual != expected:
fail(actual, expected)
# verify with options
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 's2wasm'), full, '--global-base=1024'] + stack_alloc
# run binaryen-shell on the .wast to verify that it parses
cmd = [os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell'), expected_file]
print '\n[ running linker tests... ]\n'
# The {main,foo,bar,baz}.s files were created by running clang over the respective
# c files. The archive was created by running:
# llvm-ar -format=gnu rc foobar.a quux.s foo.s bar.s baz.s
s2wasm = os.path.join('bin', 's2wasm')
cmd = [s2wasm, os.path.join('test', 'linker', 'main.s'), '-l', os.path.join('test', 'linker', 'archive', 'foobar.a')]
output = run_command(cmd)
# foo should come from main.s and return 42
fail_if_not_contained(output, '(func $foo')
fail_if_not_contained(output, '(i32.const 42)')
# bar should be linked in from bar.s
fail_if_not_contained(output, '(func $bar')
# quux should be linked in from bar.s even though it comes before bar.s in the archive
fail_if_not_contained(output, '(func $quux')
# baz should not be linked in at all
if 'baz' in output:
raise Exception('output should not contain "baz": ' + output)
# Test an archive using a string table
cmd = [s2wasm, os.path.join('test', 'linker', 'main.s'), '-l', os.path.join('test', 'linker', 'archive', 'barlong.a')]
output = run_command(cmd)
# bar should be linked from the archive
fail_if_not_contained(output, '(func $bar')
print '\n[ running validation tests... ]\n'
wasm_as = os.path.join('bin', 'wasm-as')
# Ensure the tests validate by default
cmd = [wasm_as, os.path.join('test', 'validator', 'invalid_export.wast')]
cmd = [wasm_as, os.path.join('test', 'validator', 'invalid_import.wast')]
cmd = [wasm_as, '--validate=web', os.path.join('test', 'validator', 'invalid_export.wast')]
run_command(cmd, expected_status=1)
cmd = [wasm_as, '--validate=web', os.path.join('test', 'validator', 'invalid_import.wast')]
run_command(cmd, expected_status=1)
cmd = [wasm_as, '--validate=none', os.path.join('test', 'validator', 'invalid_return.wast')]
if torture:
print '\n[ checking torture testcases... ]\n'
unexpected_result_count = 0
import test.waterfall.src.link_assembly_files as link_assembly_files
s2wasm_torture_out = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('test', 's2wasm-torture-out'))
if os.path.isdir(s2wasm_torture_out):
unexpected_result_count +=
linker=os.path.abspath(os.path.join('bin', 's2wasm')),
files=os.path.abspath(os.path.join('test', 'torture-s', '*.s')),
fails=os.path.abspath(os.path.join('test', 's2wasm_known_gcc_test_failures.txt')),
assert os.path.isdir(s2wasm_torture_out), 'Expected output directory %s' % s2wasm_torture_out
import test.waterfall.src.execute_files as execute_files
unexpected_result_count +=
runner=os.path.abspath(os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen-shell')),
files=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(s2wasm_torture_out, '*.wast')),
fails=os.path.abspath(os.path.join('test', 's2wasm_known_binaryen_shell_test_failures.txt')),
if unexpected_result_count:
fail('%s failures' % unexpected_result_count, '0 failures')
if has_vanilla_emcc and has_vanilla_llvm:
print '\n[ checking emcc WASM_BACKEND testcases...]\n'
if has_vanilla_llvm:
os.environ['LLVM'] = BIN_DIR # use the vanilla LLVM
# if we did not set vanilla llvm, then we must set this env var to make emcc use the wasm backend.
# (if we are using vanilla llvm, things should just work)
print '(not using vanilla llvm, so setting env var to tell emcc to use wasm backend)'
os.environ['EMCC_WASM_BACKEND'] = '1'
VANILLA_EMCC = os.path.join('test', 'emscripten', 'emcc')
# run emcc to make sure it sets itself up properly, if it was never run before
command = [VANILLA_EMCC, '-v']
print '____' + ' '.join(command)
for c in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'wasm_backend'))):
if not c.endswith('cpp'): continue
print '..', c
base = c.replace('.cpp', '').replace('.c', '')
expected = open(os.path.join('test', 'wasm_backend', base + '.txt')).read()
for opts in [[], ['-O1'], ['-O2']]:
only = [] if opts != ['-O1'] or '_only' not in base else ['-s', 'ONLY_MY_CODE=1'] # only my code is a hack we used early in wasm backend dev, which somehow worked, but only with -O1
command = [VANILLA_EMCC, '-o', 'a.wasm.js', os.path.join('test', 'wasm_backend', c)] + opts + only
print '....' + ' '.join(command)
if os.path.exists('a.wasm.js'): os.unlink('a.wasm.js')
if has_node:
print ' (check in node)'
cmd = [has_node, 'a.wasm.js']
out = run_command(cmd)
if out.strip() != expected.strip():
fail(out, expected)
if has_vanilla_llvm:
del os.environ['LLVM']
del os.environ['EMCC_WASM_BACKEND']
print '\n[ checking example testcases... ]\n'
for t in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'example'))):
output_file = os.path.join('bin', 'example')
cmd = ['-Isrc', '-g', '-lasmjs', '-lsupport', '-Llib/.', '-pthread', '-o', output_file]
if t.endswith('.cpp'):
cmd = [os.path.join('test', 'example', t),
os.path.join('src', 'passes', 'pass.cpp'),
os.path.join('src', 'wasm.cpp'),
os.path.join('src', 'passes', 'Print.cpp')] + cmd
elif t.endswith('.c'):
# build the C file separately
extra = [os.environ.get('CC') or 'gcc',
os.path.join('test', 'example', t), '-c', '-o', 'example.o',
'-Isrc', '-g', '-Llib/.', '-pthread']
print ' '.join(extra)
# Link against the binaryen C library DSO, using an executable-relative rpath
cmd = ['example.o', '-lbinaryen'] + cmd
if sys.platform == 'linux' or sys.platform == 'linux2':
cmd = cmd + ['-Wl,-rpath=$ORIGIN/../lib']
if os.environ.get('COMPILER_FLAGS'):
for f in os.environ.get('COMPILER_FLAGS').split(' '):
cmd = [os.environ.get('CXX') or 'g++', '-std=c++11'] + cmd
print ' '.join(cmd)
actual = subprocess.Popen([output_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
expected = open(os.path.join('test', 'example', '.'.join(t.split('.')[:-1]) + '.txt')).read()
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# Also removes debug directory produced on Mac OS
shutil.rmtree(output_file + '.dSYM')
if actual != expected:
fail(actual, expected)
if has_emcc:
if has_mozjs:
print '\n[ checking native wasm support ]\n'
command = ['emcc', '-o', 'a.wasm.js', '-s', 'BINARYEN=1', os.path.join('test', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'BINARYEN_METHOD="native-wasm"', '-s', 'BINARYEN_SCRIPTS=""']
print ' '.join(command)
cmd = ['mozjs', 'a.wasm.js']
out = run_command(cmd)
assert 'hello, world!' in out, out
proc = subprocess.Popen([has_node, 'a.wasm.js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
assert proc.returncode != 0, 'should fail on no wasm support'
assert 'no native wasm support detected' in err, err
print '\n[ checking wasm.js methods... ]\n'
for method_init in ['interpret-asm2wasm', 'interpret-s-expr', 'asmjs', 'interpret-binary']:
for success in [1, 0]:
method = method_init
command = ['emcc', '-o', 'a.wasm.js', '-s', 'BINARYEN=1', os.path.join('test', 'hello_world.c') ]
command += ['-s', 'BINARYEN_METHOD="' + method + '"']
print method, ' : ', ' '.join(command), ' => ', success
see_polyfill = 'var WasmJS = ' in open('a.wasm.js').read()
if method and 'interpret' not in method:
assert not see_polyfill, 'verify polyfill was not added - we specified a method, and it does not need it'
assert see_polyfill, 'we need the polyfill'
def break_cashew():
asm = open('a.wasm.asm.js').read()
asm = asm.replace('"almost asm"', '"use asm"; var not_in_asm = [].length + (true || { x: 5 }.x);')
asm = asm.replace("'almost asm'", '"use asm"; var not_in_asm = [].length + (true || { x: 5 }.x);')
open('a.wasm.asm.js', 'w').write(asm)
if method == 'interpret-asm2wasm':
os.unlink('a.wasm.wast') # we should not need the .wast
if not success:
break_cashew() # we need cashew
elif method == 'interpret-s-expr':
os.unlink('a.wasm.asm.js') # we should not need the .asm.js
if not success:
elif method == 'asmjs':
os.unlink('a.wasm.wast') # we should not need the .wast
break_cashew() # we don't use cashew, so ok to break it
if not success:
elif method == 'interpret-binary':
os.unlink('a.wasm.wast') # we should not need the .wast
os.unlink('a.wasm.asm.js') # we should not need the .asm.js
if not success:
if has_node:
proc = subprocess.Popen([has_node, 'a.wasm.js'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
if success:
assert proc.returncode == 0, err
assert 'hello, world!' in out, out
assert proc.returncode != 0, err
assert 'hello, world!' not in out, out
print '\n[ checking wasm.js testcases... ]\n'
for c in tests:
if c.endswith(('.c', '.cpp')):
print '..', c
base = c.replace('.cpp', '').replace('.c', '')
post = base + '.post.js'
post = open(os.path.join('test', post)).read()
post = None
expected = open(os.path.join('test', base + '.txt')).read()
emcc = os.path.join('test', base + '.emcc')
extra = []
if os.path.exists(emcc):
extra = json.loads(open(emcc).read())
if os.path.exists('a.normal.js'): os.unlink('a.normal.js')
for opts in [[], ['-O1'], ['-O2'], ['-O3'], ['-Oz']]:
for method in ['interpret-asm2wasm', 'interpret-s-expr', 'asmjs', 'interpret-binary']:
command = ['emcc', '-o', 'a.wasm.js', '-s', 'BINARYEN=1', os.path.join('test', c)] + opts + extra
command += ['-s', 'BINARYEN_METHOD="' + method + '"']
print '....' + ' '.join(command)
subprocess.check_call(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if post:
open('a.wasm.js', 'a').write(post)
print ' (no post)'
for which in ['wasm']:
print '......', which
args = json.loads(open(os.path.join('test', base + '.args')).read())
args = []
print ' (no args)'
def execute():
if has_node:
cmd = [has_node, 'a.' + which + '.js'] + args
out = run_command(cmd)
if out.strip() != expected.strip():
fail(out, expected)
if method in ['interpret-asm2wasm', 'interpret-s-expr']:
# binary and back
shutil.copyfile('a.wasm.wast', 'a.wasm.original.wast')
recreated = binary_format_check('a.wasm.wast', verify_final_result=False)
shutil.copyfile(recreated, 'a.wasm.wast')
print '\n[ success! ]'
if warnings:
print '\n' + '\n'.join(warnings)