blob: d2e51341e4373c6377ac3ca125467e405b7e27a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef wasm_passes_stringify_walker_h
#define wasm_passes_stringify_walker_h
#include "ir/iteration.h"
#include "ir/module-utils.h"
#include "ir/utils.h"
#include "support/suffix_tree.h"
#include "wasm-traversal.h"
#include <queue>
namespace wasm {
* This walker does a normal postorder traversal except that it defers
* traversing the contents of control flow structures it encounters. This
* effectively un-nests control flow.
* For example, the below (contrived) wat:
* 1 : (block
* 2 : (if
* 3 : (i32.const 0)
* 4 : (then (return (i32.const 1)))
* 5 : (else (return (i32.const 0)))))
* 6 : (drop
* 7 : (i32.add
* 8 : (i32.const 20)
* 9 : (i32.const 10)))
* 10: (if
* 11: (i32.const 1)
* 12: (then (return (i32.const 2)))
* 14: )
* Would have its expressions visited in the following order (based on line
* number):
* 1, 3, 2, 8, 9, 7, 6, 11, 10, 4, 5, 12
* Of note:
* - The visits to if-True on line 4 and if-False on line 5 are deferred until
* after the rest of the siblings of the if expression on line 2 are visited
* - The if-condition (i32.const 0) on line 3 is visited before the if
* expression on line 2. Similarly, the if-condition (i32.const 1) on line
* 11 is visited before the if expression on line 10.
* - The add (line 7) binary operator's left and right children (lines 8 - 9)
* are visited first as they need to be on the stack before the add
* operation is executed
template<typename SubType>
struct StringifyWalker
: public PostWalker<SubType, UnifiedExpressionVisitor<SubType>> {
using Super = PostWalker<SubType, UnifiedExpressionVisitor<SubType>>;
struct SeparatorReason {
struct FuncStart {
Function* func;
struct BlockStart {
Block* curr;
struct IfStart {
If* iff;
struct ElseStart {
If* iff;
struct LoopStart {
Loop* loop;
struct TryBodyStart {};
struct TryCatchStart {};
struct End {
Expression* curr;
using Separator = std::variant<FuncStart,
Separator reason;
SeparatorReason(Separator reason) : reason(reason) {}
static SeparatorReason makeFuncStart(Function* func) {
return SeparatorReason(FuncStart{func});
static SeparatorReason makeBlockStart(Block* block) {
return SeparatorReason(BlockStart{block});
static SeparatorReason makeIfStart(If* iff) {
return SeparatorReason(IfStart{iff});
static SeparatorReason makeElseStart(If* iff) {
return SeparatorReason(ElseStart{iff});
static SeparatorReason makeLoopStart(Loop* loop) {
return SeparatorReason(LoopStart{loop});
static SeparatorReason makeTryCatchStart() {
return SeparatorReason(TryCatchStart{});
static SeparatorReason makeTryBodyStart() {
return SeparatorReason(TryBodyStart{});
static SeparatorReason makeEnd() { return SeparatorReason(End{}); }
bool isFuncStart() { return std::get_if<FuncStart>(&reason); }
bool isBlockStart() { return std::get_if<BlockStart>(&reason); }
bool isIfStart() { return std::get_if<IfStart>(&reason); }
bool isElseStart() { return std::get_if<ElseStart>(&reason); }
bool isLoopStart() { return std::get_if<LoopStart>(&reason); }
bool isTryBodyStart() { return std::get_if<TryBodyStart>(&reason); }
bool isTryCatchStart() { return std::get_if<TryCatchStart>(&reason); }
bool isEnd() { return std::get_if<End>(&reason); }
friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& o,
typename StringifyWalker::SeparatorReason reason) {
if (reason.isFuncStart()) {
return o << "Func Start";
} else if (reason.isBlockStart()) {
return o << "Block Start";
} else if (reason.isIfStart()) {
return o << "If Start";
} else if (reason.isElseStart()) {
return o << "Else Start";
} else if (reason.isLoopStart()) {
return o << "Loop Start";
} else if (reason.isTryBodyStart()) {
return o << "Try Body Start";
} else if (reason.isTryCatchStart()) {
return o << "Try Catch Start";
} else if (reason.isEnd()) {
return o << "End";
return o << "~~~Undefined in operator<< overload~~~";
std::queue<Expression**> controlFlowQueue;
* To initiate the walk, subclasses should call walkModule with a pointer to
* the wasm module.
* Member functions addUniqueSymbol and visitExpression are provided as
* extension points for subclasses. These functions will be called at
* appropriate points during the walk and should be implemented by subclasses.
void visitExpression(Expression* curr);
void addUniqueSymbol(SeparatorReason reason);
void doWalkModule(Module* module);
void doWalkFunction(Function* func);
static void scan(SubType* self, Expression** currp);
static void doVisitExpression(SubType* self, Expression** currp);
void dequeueControlFlow();
} // namespace wasm
#include "stringify-walker-impl.h"
namespace wasm {
// This custom hasher conforms to std::hash<Key>. Its purpose is to provide
// a custom hash for if expressions, so the if-condition of the if expression is
// not included in the hash for the if expression. This is needed because in the
// binary format, the if-condition comes before and is consumed by the if. To
// match the binary format, we hash the if condition before and separately from
// the rest of the if expression.
struct StringifyHasher {
size_t operator()(Expression* curr) const;
// This custom equator conforms to std::equal_to<Key>. Similar to
// StringifyHasher, it's purpose is to not include the if-condition when
// evaluating the equality of two if expressions.
struct StringifyEquator {
bool operator()(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs) const;
struct HashStringifyWalker : public StringifyWalker<HashStringifyWalker> {
// After calling walkModule, this vector contains the result of encoding a
// wasm module as a string of uint32_t values. Each value represents either an
// Expression or a separator to mark the end of control flow.
std::vector<uint32_t> hashString;
// A monotonic counter used to ensure that unique expressions in the
// module are assigned a unique value in the hashString
uint32_t nextVal = 0;
// A monotonic counter used to ensure that each separator in the
// module is assigned a unique value in the hashString
int32_t nextSeparatorVal = -1;
// Contains a mapping of expression pointer to value to ensure we
// use the same value for matching expressions. A custom hasher and
// equator is provided in order to separate out evaluation of the if-condition
// when evaluating if expressions.
std::unordered_map<Expression*, uint32_t, StringifyHasher, StringifyEquator>
std::vector<Expression*> exprs;
void addUniqueSymbol(SeparatorReason reason);
void visitExpression(Expression* curr);
// Functions that filter vectors of SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring
struct StringifyProcessor {
static std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>
repeatSubstrings(const std::vector<uint32_t>& hashString);
static std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>
dedupe(const std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>& substrings);
// Filter is the general purpose function backing subsequent filter functions.
// It can be used directly, but generally prefer a wrapper function
// to encapsulate your condition and make it available for tests
static std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>
filter(const std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>& substrings,
const std::vector<Expression*>& exprs,
std::function<bool(const Expression*)> condition);
static std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>
filterLocalSets(const std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>& substrings,
const std::vector<Expression*>& exprs);
static std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>
filterBranches(const std::vector<SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring>& substrings,
const std::vector<Expression*>& exprs);
} // namespace wasm
#endif // wasm_passes_stringify_walker_h