blob: 9420179cf861e4d416673da717da7f3eb9e277bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Simple WebAssembly module validator.
// There are some options regarding how to validate:
// * validateWeb: The Web platform doesn't have i64 values, so it is illegal
// to import or export such a value. When this option is set,
// such imports/exports are validation errors.
// * validateGlobally: Binaryen supports building modules in parallel, which
// means you can add and optimize a function before the
// module is complete, for example, you can add function A
// with a call to function B before function B exists.
// When validateGlobally is disabled, we don't look at
// global correctness, and instead only check inside
// each function (so in the example above we wouldn't care
// about function B not existing yet, but we would care
// if e.g. inside function A an i32.add receives an i64).
#ifndef wasm_wasm_validator_h
#define wasm_wasm_validator_h
#include <set>
#include "support/colors.h"
#include "wasm.h"
#include "wasm-printing.h"
#include "ast_utils.h"
#include "ast/branch-utils.h"
namespace wasm {
struct WasmValidator : public PostWalker<WasmValidator> {
bool valid = true;
// what to validate, see comment up top
bool validateWeb = false;
bool validateGlobally = true;
struct BreakInfo {
WasmType type;
Index arity;
BreakInfo() {}
BreakInfo(WasmType type, Index arity) : type(type), arity(arity) {}
std::map<Name, std::vector<Expression*>> breakTargets; // more than one block/loop may use a label name, so stack them
std::map<Expression*, BreakInfo> breakInfos;
WasmType returnType = unreachable; // type used in returns
std::set<Name> labelNames; // Binaryen IR requires that label names must be unique - IR generators must ensure that
void noteLabelName(Name name) {
if (! return;
shouldBeTrue(labelNames.find(name) == labelNames.end(), name, "names in Binaryen IR must be unique - IR generators must ensure that");
bool validate(Module& module, bool validateWeb_ = false, bool validateGlobally_ = true) {
validateWeb = validateWeb_;
validateGlobally = validateGlobally_;
// wasm logic validation
// validate additional internal IR details when in pass-debug mode
if (PassRunner::getPassDebug()) {
// print if an error occurred
if (!valid) {
WasmPrinter::printModule(&module, std::cerr);
return valid;
// visitors
static void visitPreBlock(WasmValidator* self, Expression** currp) {
auto* curr = (*currp)->cast<Block>();
if (curr-> self->breakTargets[curr->name].push_back(curr);
void visitBlock(Block *curr) {
// if we are break'ed to, then the value must be right for us
if (curr-> {
if (breakInfos.count(curr) > 0) {
auto& info = breakInfos[curr];
if (isConcreteWasmType(curr->type)) {
shouldBeTrue(info.arity != 0, curr, "break arities must be > 0 if block has a value");
} else {
shouldBeTrue(info.arity == 0, curr, "break arities must be 0 if block has no value");
// none or unreachable means a poison value that we should ignore - if consumed, it will error
if (isConcreteWasmType(info.type) && isConcreteWasmType(curr->type)) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->type, info.type, curr, "block+breaks must have right type if breaks return a value");
if (isConcreteWasmType(curr->type) && info.arity && info.type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->type, info.type, curr, "block+breaks must have right type if breaks have arity");
shouldBeTrue(info.arity != Index(-1), curr, "break arities must match");
if (curr->list.size() > 0) {
auto last = curr->list.back()->type;
if (isConcreteWasmType(last) && info.type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(last, info.type, curr, "block+breaks must have right type if block ends with a reachable value");
if (last == none) {
shouldBeTrue(info.arity == Index(0), curr, "if block ends with a none, breaks cannot send a value of any type");
if (curr->list.size() > 1) {
for (Index i = 0; i < curr->list.size() - 1; i++) {
if (!shouldBeTrue(!isConcreteWasmType(curr->list[i]->type), curr, "non-final block elements returning a value must be drop()ed (binaryen's autodrop option might help you)")) {
std::cerr << "(on index " << i << ":\n" << curr->list[i] << "\n), type: " << curr->list[i]->type << "\n";
if (curr->list.size() > 0) {
auto backType = curr->list.back()->type;
if (!isConcreteWasmType(curr->type)) {
if (isConcreteWasmType(backType)) {
shouldBeTrue(curr->type == unreachable, curr, "block with no value and a last element with a value must be unreachable");
} else {
if (isConcreteWasmType(backType)) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->type, backType, curr, "block with value and last element with value must match types");
} else {
shouldBeUnequal(backType, none, curr, "block with value must not have last element that is none");
if (isConcreteWasmType(curr->type)) {
shouldBeTrue(curr->list.size() > 0, curr, "block with a value must not be empty");
static void visitPreLoop(WasmValidator* self, Expression** currp) {
auto* curr = (*currp)->cast<Loop>();
if (curr-> self->breakTargets[curr->name].push_back(curr);
void visitLoop(Loop *curr) {
if (curr-> {
if (breakInfos.count(curr) > 0) {
auto& info = breakInfos[curr];
shouldBeEqual(info.arity, Index(0), curr, "breaks to a loop cannot pass a value");
if (curr->type == none) {
shouldBeFalse(isConcreteWasmType(curr->body->type), curr, "bad body for a loop that has no value");
void visitIf(If *curr) {
shouldBeTrue(curr->condition->type == unreachable || curr->condition->type == i32, curr, "if condition must be valid");
if (!curr->ifFalse) {
shouldBeFalse(isConcreteWasmType(curr->ifTrue->type), curr, "if without else must not return a value in body");
if (curr->condition->type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->type, none, curr, "if without else and reachable condition must be none");
} else {
if (curr->type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->ifTrue->type, curr->type, curr, "returning if-else's true must have right type");
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->ifFalse->type, curr->type, curr, "returning if-else's false must have right type");
} else {
if (curr->condition->type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->ifTrue->type, unreachable, curr, "unreachable if-else must have unreachable true");
shouldBeEqual(curr->ifFalse->type, unreachable, curr, "unreachable if-else must have unreachable false");
// override scan to add a pre and a post check task to all nodes
static void scan(WasmValidator* self, Expression** currp) {
PostWalker<WasmValidator>::scan(self, currp);
auto* curr = *currp;
if (curr->is<Block>()) self->pushTask(visitPreBlock, currp);
if (curr->is<Loop>()) self->pushTask(visitPreLoop, currp);
void noteBreak(Name name, Expression* value, Expression* curr) {
WasmType valueType = none;
Index arity = 0;
if (value) {
valueType = value->type;
shouldBeUnequal(valueType, none, curr, "breaks must have a valid value");
arity = 1;
if (!shouldBeTrue(breakTargets[name].size() > 0, curr, "all break targets must be valid")) return;
auto* target = breakTargets[name].back();
if (breakInfos.count(target) == 0) {
breakInfos[target] = BreakInfo(valueType, arity);
} else {
auto& info = breakInfos[target];
if (info.type == unreachable) {
info.type = valueType;
} else if (valueType != unreachable) {
if (valueType != info.type) {
info.type = none; // a poison value that must not be consumed
if (arity != info.arity) {
info.arity = Index(-1); // a poison value
void visitBreak(Break *curr) {
// note breaks (that are actually taken)
if (BranchUtils::isBranchTaken(curr)) {
noteBreak(curr->name, curr->value, curr);
if (curr->condition) {
shouldBeTrue(curr->condition->type == unreachable || curr->condition->type == i32, curr, "break condition must be i32");
void visitSwitch(Switch *curr) {
// note breaks (that are actually taken)
if (BranchUtils::isBranchTaken(curr)) {
for (auto& target : curr->targets) {
noteBreak(target, curr->value, curr);
noteBreak(curr->default_, curr->value, curr);
shouldBeTrue(curr->condition->type == unreachable || curr->condition->type == i32, curr, "br_table condition must be i32");
void visitCall(Call *curr) {
if (!validateGlobally) return;
auto* target = getModule()->getFunctionOrNull(curr->target);
if (!shouldBeTrue(!!target, curr, "call target must exist")) return;
if (!shouldBeTrue(curr->operands.size() == target->params.size(), curr, "call param number must match")) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < curr->operands.size(); i++) {
if (!shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->operands[i]->type, target->params[i], curr, "call param types must match")) {
std::cerr << "(on argument " << i << ")\n";
void visitCallImport(CallImport *curr) {
if (!validateGlobally) return;
auto* import = getModule()->getImportOrNull(curr->target);
if (!shouldBeTrue(!!import, curr, "call_import target must exist")) return;
if (!shouldBeTrue(!!import->, curr, "called import must be function")) return;
auto* type = getModule()->getFunctionType(import->functionType);
if (!shouldBeTrue(curr->operands.size() == type->params.size(), curr, "call param number must match")) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < curr->operands.size(); i++) {
if (!shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->operands[i]->type, type->params[i], curr, "call param types must match")) {
std::cerr << "(on argument " << i << ")\n";
void visitCallIndirect(CallIndirect *curr) {
if (!validateGlobally) return;
auto* type = getModule()->getFunctionTypeOrNull(curr->fullType);
if (!shouldBeTrue(!!type, curr, "call_indirect type must exist")) return;
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->target->type, i32, curr, "indirect call target must be an i32");
if (!shouldBeTrue(curr->operands.size() == type->params.size(), curr, "call param number must match")) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < curr->operands.size(); i++) {
if (!shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->operands[i]->type, type->params[i], curr, "call param types must match")) {
std::cerr << "(on argument " << i << ")\n";
void visitGetLocal(GetLocal* curr) {
shouldBeTrue(isConcreteWasmType(curr->type), curr, "get_local must have a valid type - check what you provided when you constructed the node");
void visitSetLocal(SetLocal *curr) {
shouldBeTrue(curr->index < getFunction()->getNumLocals(), curr, "set_local index must be small enough");
if (curr->value->type != unreachable) {
if (curr->type != none) { // tee is ok anyhow
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->value->type, curr->type, curr, "set_local type must be correct");
shouldBeEqual(getFunction()->getLocalType(curr->index), curr->value->type, curr, "set_local type must match function");
void visitLoad(Load *curr) {
validateAlignment(curr->align, curr->type, curr->bytes);
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->ptr->type, i32, curr, "load pointer type must be i32");
void visitStore(Store *curr) {
validateAlignment(curr->align, curr->type, curr->bytes);
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->ptr->type, i32, curr, "store pointer type must be i32");
shouldBeUnequal(curr->value->type, none, curr, "store value type must not be none");
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->value->type, curr->valueType, curr, "store value type must match");
void visitBinary(Binary *curr) {
if (curr->left->type != unreachable && curr->right->type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->left->type, curr->right->type, curr, "binary child types must be equal");
switch (curr->op) {
case AddInt32:
case SubInt32:
case MulInt32:
case DivSInt32:
case DivUInt32:
case RemSInt32:
case RemUInt32:
case AndInt32:
case OrInt32:
case XorInt32:
case ShlInt32:
case ShrUInt32:
case ShrSInt32:
case RotLInt32:
case RotRInt32:
case EqInt32:
case NeInt32:
case LtSInt32:
case LtUInt32:
case LeSInt32:
case LeUInt32:
case GtSInt32:
case GtUInt32:
case GeSInt32:
case GeUInt32: {
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->left->type, i32, curr, "i32 op");
case AddInt64:
case SubInt64:
case MulInt64:
case DivSInt64:
case DivUInt64:
case RemSInt64:
case RemUInt64:
case AndInt64:
case OrInt64:
case XorInt64:
case ShlInt64:
case ShrUInt64:
case ShrSInt64:
case RotLInt64:
case RotRInt64:
case EqInt64:
case NeInt64:
case LtSInt64:
case LtUInt64:
case LeSInt64:
case LeUInt64:
case GtSInt64:
case GtUInt64:
case GeSInt64:
case GeUInt64: {
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->left->type, i64, curr, "i64 op");
case AddFloat32:
case SubFloat32:
case MulFloat32:
case DivFloat32:
case CopySignFloat32:
case MinFloat32:
case MaxFloat32:
case EqFloat32:
case NeFloat32:
case LtFloat32:
case LeFloat32:
case GtFloat32:
case GeFloat32: {
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->left->type, f32, curr, "f32 op");
case AddFloat64:
case SubFloat64:
case MulFloat64:
case DivFloat64:
case CopySignFloat64:
case MinFloat64:
case MaxFloat64:
case EqFloat64:
case NeFloat64:
case LtFloat64:
case LeFloat64:
case GtFloat64:
case GeFloat64: {
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->left->type, f64, curr, "f64 op");
void visitUnary(Unary *curr) {
shouldBeUnequal(curr->value->type, none, curr, "unaries must not receive a none as their input");
if (curr->value->type == unreachable) return; // nothing to check
switch (curr->op) {
case ClzInt32:
case CtzInt32:
case PopcntInt32: {
shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i32, curr, "i32 unary value type must be correct");
case ClzInt64:
case CtzInt64:
case PopcntInt64: {
shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i64, curr, "i64 unary value type must be correct");
case NegFloat32:
case AbsFloat32:
case CeilFloat32:
case FloorFloat32:
case TruncFloat32:
case NearestFloat32:
case SqrtFloat32: {
shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f32, curr, "f32 unary value type must be correct");
case NegFloat64:
case AbsFloat64:
case CeilFloat64:
case FloorFloat64:
case TruncFloat64:
case NearestFloat64:
case SqrtFloat64: {
shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f64, curr, "f64 unary value type must be correct");
case EqZInt32: {
shouldBeTrue(curr->value->type == i32, curr, "i32.eqz input must be i32");
case EqZInt64: {
shouldBeTrue(curr->value->type == i64, curr, "i64.eqz input must be i64");
case ExtendSInt32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i32, curr, "extend type must be correct"); break;
case ExtendUInt32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i32, curr, "extend type must be correct"); break;
case WrapInt64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i64, curr, "wrap type must be correct"); break;
case TruncSFloat32ToInt32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f32, curr, "trunc type must be correct"); break;
case TruncSFloat32ToInt64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f32, curr, "trunc type must be correct"); break;
case TruncUFloat32ToInt32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f32, curr, "trunc type must be correct"); break;
case TruncUFloat32ToInt64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f32, curr, "trunc type must be correct"); break;
case TruncSFloat64ToInt32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f64, curr, "trunc type must be correct"); break;
case TruncSFloat64ToInt64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f64, curr, "trunc type must be correct"); break;
case TruncUFloat64ToInt32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f64, curr, "trunc type must be correct"); break;
case TruncUFloat64ToInt64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f64, curr, "trunc type must be correct"); break;
case ReinterpretFloat32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f32, curr, "reinterpret/f32 type must be correct"); break;
case ReinterpretFloat64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f64, curr, "reinterpret/f64 type must be correct"); break;
case ConvertUInt32ToFloat32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i32, curr, "convert type must be correct"); break;
case ConvertUInt32ToFloat64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i32, curr, "convert type must be correct"); break;
case ConvertSInt32ToFloat32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i32, curr, "convert type must be correct"); break;
case ConvertSInt32ToFloat64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i32, curr, "convert type must be correct"); break;
case ConvertUInt64ToFloat32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i64, curr, "convert type must be correct"); break;
case ConvertUInt64ToFloat64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i64, curr, "convert type must be correct"); break;
case ConvertSInt64ToFloat32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i64, curr, "convert type must be correct"); break;
case ConvertSInt64ToFloat64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i64, curr, "convert type must be correct"); break;
case PromoteFloat32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f32, curr, "promote type must be correct"); break;
case DemoteFloat64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, f64, curr, "demote type must be correct"); break;
case ReinterpretInt32: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i32, curr, "reinterpret/i32 type must be correct"); break;
case ReinterpretInt64: shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, i64, curr, "reinterpret/i64 type must be correct"); break;
default: abort();
void visitSelect(Select* curr) {
shouldBeUnequal(curr->ifTrue->type, none, curr, "select left must be valid");
shouldBeUnequal(curr->ifFalse->type, none, curr, "select right must be valid");
shouldBeTrue(curr->condition->type == unreachable || curr->condition->type == i32, curr, "select condition must be valid");
if (curr->ifTrue->type != unreachable && curr->ifFalse->type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->ifTrue->type, curr->ifFalse->type, curr, "select sides must be equal");
void visitDrop(Drop* curr) {
shouldBeTrue(isConcreteWasmType(curr->value->type) || curr->value->type == unreachable, curr, "can only drop a valid value");
void visitReturn(Return* curr) {
if (curr->value) {
if (returnType == unreachable) {
returnType = curr->value->type;
} else if (curr->value->type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->value->type, returnType, curr, "function results must match");
} else {
returnType = none;
void visitHost(Host* curr) {
switch (curr->op) {
case GrowMemory: {
shouldBeEqual(curr->operands.size(), size_t(1), curr, "grow_memory must have 1 operand");
shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(curr->operands[0]->type, i32, curr, "grow_memory must have i32 operand");
case PageSize:
case CurrentMemory:
case HasFeature: break;
void visitImport(Import* curr) {
if (!validateGlobally) return;
if (curr->kind == ExternalKind::Function) {
if (validateWeb) {
auto* functionType = getModule()->getFunctionType(curr->functionType);
shouldBeUnequal(functionType->result, i64, curr->name, "Imported function must not have i64 return type");
for (WasmType param : functionType->params) {
shouldBeUnequal(param, i64, curr->name, "Imported function must not have i64 parameters");
if (curr->kind == ExternalKind::Table) {
shouldBeTrue(getModule()->table.imported, curr->name, "Table import record exists but table is not marked as imported");
if (curr->kind == ExternalKind::Memory) {
shouldBeTrue(getModule()->memory.imported, curr->name, "Memory import record exists but memory is not marked as imported");
void visitExport(Export* curr) {
if (!validateGlobally) return;
if (curr->kind == ExternalKind::Function) {
if (validateWeb) {
Function* f = getModule()->getFunction(curr->value);
shouldBeUnequal(f->result, i64, f->name, "Exported function must not have i64 return type");
for (auto param : f->params) {
shouldBeUnequal(param, i64, f->name, "Exported function must not have i64 parameters");
void visitGlobal(Global* curr) {
if (!validateGlobally) return;
shouldBeTrue(curr->init != nullptr, curr->name, "global init must be non-null");
shouldBeTrue(curr->init->is<Const>() || curr->init->is<GetGlobal>(), curr->name, "global init must be valid");
if (!shouldBeEqual(curr->type, curr->init->type, curr->init, "global init must have correct type")) {
std::cerr << "(on global " << curr->name << '\n';
void visitFunction(Function *curr) {
// if function has no result, it is ignored
// if body is unreachable, it might be e.g. a return
if (curr->body->type != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->result, curr->body->type, curr->body, "function body type must match, if function returns");
if (returnType != unreachable) {
shouldBeEqual(curr->result, returnType, curr->body, "function result must match, if function has returns");
returnType = unreachable;
bool checkOffset(Expression* curr, Address add, Address max) {
if (curr->is<GetGlobal>()) return true;
auto* c = curr->dynCast<Const>();
if (!c) return false;
uint64_t raw = c->value.getInteger();
if (raw > std::numeric_limits<Address::address_t>::max()) {
return false;
if (raw + uint64_t(add) > std::numeric_limits<Address::address_t>::max()) {
return false;
Address offset = raw;
return offset + add <= max;
void visitMemory(Memory *curr) {
shouldBeFalse(curr->initial > curr->max, "memory", "memory max >= initial");
shouldBeTrue(curr->max <= Memory::kMaxSize, "memory", "max memory must be <= 4GB");
Index mustBeGreaterOrEqual = 0;
for (auto& segment : curr->segments) {
if (!shouldBeEqual(segment.offset->type, i32, segment.offset, "segment offset should be i32")) continue;
shouldBeTrue(checkOffset(segment.offset,, getModule()->memory.initial * Memory::kPageSize), segment.offset, "segment offset should be reasonable");
Index size =;
shouldBeTrue(size <= curr->initial * Memory::kPageSize,, "segment size should fit in memory");
if (segment.offset->is<Const>()) {
Index start = segment.offset->cast<Const>()->value.geti32();
Index end = start + size;
shouldBeTrue(end <= curr->initial * Memory::kPageSize,, "segment size should fit in memory");
shouldBeTrue(start >= mustBeGreaterOrEqual,, "segment size should fit in memory");
mustBeGreaterOrEqual = end;
void visitTable(Table* curr) {
for (auto& segment : curr->segments) {
shouldBeEqual(segment.offset->type, i32, segment.offset, "segment offset should be i32");
shouldBeTrue(checkOffset(segment.offset,, getModule()->table.initial * Table::kPageSize), segment.offset, "segment offset should be reasonable");
void visitModule(Module *curr) {
if (!validateGlobally) return;
// exports
std::set<Name> exportNames;
for (auto& exp : curr->exports) {
Name name = exp->value;
if (exp->kind == ExternalKind::Function) {
bool found = false;
for (auto& func : curr->functions) {
if (func->name == name) {
found = true;
shouldBeTrue(found, name, "module function exports must be found");
} else if (exp->kind == ExternalKind::Global) {
shouldBeTrue(curr->getGlobalOrNull(name), name, "module global exports must be found");
} else if (exp->kind == ExternalKind::Table) {
shouldBeTrue(name == Name("0") || name == curr->, name, "module table exports must be found");
} else if (exp->kind == ExternalKind::Memory) {
shouldBeTrue(name == Name("0") || name == curr->, name, "module memory exports must be found");
} else {
Name exportName = exp->name;
shouldBeFalse(exportNames.count(exportName) > 0, exportName, "module exports must be unique");
// start
if (curr-> {
auto func = curr->getFunctionOrNull(curr->start);
if (shouldBeTrue(func != nullptr, curr->start, "start must be found")) {
shouldBeTrue(func->params.size() == 0, curr, "start must have 0 params");
shouldBeTrue(func->result == none, curr, "start must not return a value");
void doWalkFunction(Function* func) {
// helpers
std::ostream& fail() {
if (getFunction()) {
std::cerr << "[wasm-validator error in function ";
std::cerr << getFunction()->name;
std::cerr << "] ";
} else {
std::cerr << "[wasm-validator error in module] ";
return std::cerr;
template<typename T>
bool shouldBeTrue(bool result, T curr, const char* text) {
if (!result) {
fail() << "unexpected false: " << text << ", on \n" << curr << std::endl;
valid = false;
return false;
return result;
template<typename T>
bool shouldBeFalse(bool result, T curr, const char* text) {
if (result) {
fail() << "unexpected true: " << text << ", on \n" << curr << std::endl;
valid = false;
return false;
return result;
template<typename T, typename S>
bool shouldBeEqual(S left, S right, T curr, const char* text) {
if (left != right) {
fail() << "" << left << " != " << right << ": " << text << ", on \n";
WasmPrinter::printExpression(curr, std::cerr, false, true) << std::endl;
valid = false;
return false;
return true;
template<typename T, typename S, typename U>
bool shouldBeEqual(S left, S right, T curr, U other, const char* text) {
if (left != right) {
fail() << "" << left << " != " << right << ": " << text << ", on \n" << curr << " / " << other << std::endl;
valid = false;
return false;
return true;
template<typename T, typename S>
bool shouldBeEqualOrFirstIsUnreachable(S left, S right, T curr, const char* text) {
if (left != unreachable && left != right) {
fail() << "" << left << " != " << right << ": " << text << ", on \n";
WasmPrinter::printExpression(curr, std::cerr, false, true) << std::endl;
valid = false;
return false;
return true;
template<typename T, typename S>
bool shouldBeUnequal(S left, S right, T curr, const char* text) {
if (left == right) {
fail() << "" << left << " == " << right << ": " << text << ", on \n" << curr << std::endl;
valid = false;
return false;
return true;
void validateAlignment(size_t align, WasmType type, Index bytes) {
switch (align) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8: break;
fail() << "bad alignment: " << align << std::endl;
valid = false;
shouldBeTrue(align <= bytes, align, "alignment must not exceed natural");
switch (type) {
case i32:
case f32: {
shouldBeTrue(align <= 4, align, "alignment must not exceed natural");
case i64:
case f64: {
shouldBeTrue(align <= 8, align, "alignment must not exceed natural");
default: {}
void validateBinaryenIR(Module& wasm) {
struct BinaryenIRValidator : public PostWalker<BinaryenIRValidator, UnifiedExpressionVisitor<BinaryenIRValidator>> {
WasmValidator& parent;
BinaryenIRValidator(WasmValidator& parent) : parent(parent) {}
void visitExpression(Expression* curr) {
// check if a node type is 'stale', i.e., we forgot to finalize() the node.
auto oldType = curr->type;
auto newType = curr->type;
if (newType != oldType) {
// We accept concrete => undefined,
// e.g.
// (drop (block (result i32) (unreachable)))
// The block has an added type, not derived from the ast itself, so it is
// ok for it to be either i32 or unreachable.
if (!(isConcreteWasmType(oldType) && newType == unreachable)) { << "stale type found in " << (getFunction() ? getFunction()->name : Name("(global scope)")) << " on " << curr << "\n(marked as " << printWasmType(oldType) << ", should be " << printWasmType(newType) << ")\n";
parent.valid = false;
curr->type = oldType;
BinaryenIRValidator binaryenIRValidator(*this);
} // namespace wasm
#endif // wasm_wasm_validator_h