blob: 8b0c5664ed8b31687f359c2fbfba95e1fae11720 [file] [log] [blame]
(import "env" "pair" (func $pair (result i32 i64)))
(global $g1 (mut (i32 i64)) (tuple.make (i32.const 0) (i64.const 0)))
(global $g2 (i32 i64) (tuple.make (i32.const 0) (i64.const 0)))
;; Test basic lowering of tuple.make, tuple.extract, and tuple variables
(func $triple (result i32 i64 f32)
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 7)
(f32.const 13)
(func $get-first (result i32)
(tuple.extract 0
(call $triple)
(func $get-second (result i64)
(tuple.extract 1
(call $triple)
(func $get-third (result f32)
(tuple.extract 2
(call $triple)
(func $reverse (result f32 i64 i32)
(local $x (i32 i64 f32))
(local.set $x
(call $triple)
(tuple.extract 2
(local.get $x)
(tuple.extract 1
(local.get $x)
(tuple.extract 0
(local.get $x)
(func $unreachable (result i64)
(tuple.extract 1
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 7)
;; Test multivalue globals
(func $global (result i32 i64)
(global.set $g1
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 7)
(global.get $g2)
;; Test lowering of multivalue drops
(func $drop-call
(call $pair)
(func $drop-tuple-make
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(func $drop-block
(block (result i32 i64)
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
;; Test multivalue control structures
(func $mv-return (result i32 i64)
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(func $mv-return-in-block (result i32 i64)
(block (result i32 i64)
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(func $mv-block-break (result i32 i64)
(block $l (result i32 i64)
(br $l
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(func $mv-block-br-if (result i32 i64)
(block $l (result i32 i64)
(br_if $l
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(i32.const 1)
(func $mv-if (result i32 i64 externref)
(if (result i32 i64 externref)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(ref.null extern)
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(ref.null extern)
(func $mv-loop (result i32 i64)
(loop (result i32 i64)
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(func $mv-switch (result i32 i64)
(block $a (result i32 i64)
(block $b (result i32 i64)
(br_table $a $b
(i32.const 42)
(i64.const 42)
(i32.const 0)