blob: 3805a3e38f38413fc46728087b4d1c88579fa664 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef wasm_wasm_ir_builder_h
#define wasm_wasm_ir_builder_h
#include <vector>
#include "support/result.h"
#include "wasm-builder.h"
#include "wasm-traversal.h"
#include "wasm-type.h"
#include "wasm.h"
namespace wasm {
// A utility for constructing valid Binaryen IR from arbitrary valid sequences
// of WebAssembly instructions. The user is responsible for providing Expression
// nodes with all of their non-child fields already filled out, and IRBuilder is
// responsible for setting child fields and finalizing nodes.
// To use, call CHECK_ERR(visit(...)) or CHECK_ERR(makeXYZ(...)) on each
// expression in the sequence, then call build().
class IRBuilder : public UnifiedExpressionVisitor<IRBuilder, Result<>> {
IRBuilder(Module& wasm, Function* func = nullptr)
: wasm(wasm), func(func), builder(wasm) {}
// Get the valid Binaryen IR expression representing the sequence of visited
// instructions. The IRBuilder is reset and can be used with a fresh sequence
// of instructions after this is called.
[[nodiscard]] Result<Expression*> build();
// Call visit() on an existing Expression with its non-child fields
// initialized to initialize the child fields and refinalize it. The specific
// visitors are internal implementation details.
[[nodiscard]] Result<> visit(Expression*);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> visitExpression(Expression*);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> visitBlock(Block*);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> visitReturn(Return*);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> visitStructNew(StructNew*);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> visitArrayNew(ArrayNew*);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> visitEnd();
// Alternatively, call makeXYZ to have the IRBuilder allocate the nodes. This
// is generally safer than calling `visit` because the function signatures
// ensure that there are no missing fields.
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeNop();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeBlock(Name label, Type type);
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeIf();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeLoop();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeBreak();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeSwitch();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeCall();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeCallIndirect();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeLocalGet(Index local);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeLocalSet(Index local);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeLocalTee(Index local);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeGlobalGet(Name global);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeGlobalSet(Name global);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeLoad(unsigned bytes,
bool signed_,
Address offset,
unsigned align,
Type type,
Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStore(
unsigned bytes, Address offset, unsigned align, Type type, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<>
makeAtomicLoad(unsigned bytes, Address offset, Type type, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<>
makeAtomicStore(unsigned bytes, Address offset, Type type, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeAtomicRMW(
AtomicRMWOp op, unsigned bytes, Address offset, Type type, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<>
makeAtomicCmpxchg(unsigned bytes, Address offset, Type type, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeAtomicWait(Type type, Address offset, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeAtomicNotify(Address offset, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeAtomicFence();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeSIMDExtract(SIMDExtractOp op, uint8_t lane);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeSIMDReplace(SIMDReplaceOp op, uint8_t lane);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeSIMDShuffle(const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& lanes);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeSIMDTernary(SIMDTernaryOp op);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeSIMDShift(SIMDShiftOp op);
[[nodiscard]] Result<>
makeSIMDLoad(SIMDLoadOp op, Address offset, unsigned align, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeSIMDLoadStoreLane(SIMDLoadStoreLaneOp op,
Address offset,
unsigned align,
uint8_t lane,
Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeMemoryInit(Name data, Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeDataDrop(Name data);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeMemoryCopy(Name destMem, Name srcMem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeMemoryFill(Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeConst(Literal val);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeUnary(UnaryOp op);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeBinary(BinaryOp op);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeSelect(std::optional<Type> type = std::nullopt);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeDrop();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeReturn();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeMemorySize(Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeMemoryGrow(Name mem);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeUnreachable();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makePop();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeRefNull(HeapType type);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeRefIsNull();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeRefFunc();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeRefEq();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeTableGet();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeTableSet();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeTableSize();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeTableGrow();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeTry();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeThrow();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeRethrow();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeTupleMake();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeTupleExtract();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeI31New();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeI31Get(bool signed_);
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeCallRef();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeRefTest();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeRefCast();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeBrOn();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStructNew(HeapType type);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStructNewDefault(HeapType type);
[[nodiscard]] Result<>
makeStructGet(HeapType type, Index field, bool signed_);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStructSet(HeapType type, Index field);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayNew(HeapType type);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayNewDefault(HeapType type);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayNewData(HeapType type, Name data);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayNewElem(HeapType type, Name elem);
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayNewFixed();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayGet(HeapType type, bool signed_);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArraySet(HeapType type);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayLen();
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayCopy(HeapType destType, HeapType srcType);
[[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayFill(HeapType type);
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayInitData();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeArrayInitElem();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeRefAs();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringNew();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringConst();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringMeasure();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringEncode();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringConcat();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringEq();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringAs();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringWTF8Advance();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringWTF16Get();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringIterNext();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringIterMove();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringSliceWTF();
// [[nodiscard]] Result<> makeStringSliceIter();
void setFunction(Function* func) { this->func = func; }
Module& wasm;
Function* func;
Builder builder;
// The context for a single block scope, including the instructions parsed
// inside that scope so far and the ultimate result type we expect this block
// to have.
struct BlockCtx {
std::vector<Expression*> exprStack;
Block* block;
// Whether we have seen an unreachable instruction and are in
// stack-polymorphic unreachable mode.
bool unreachable = false;
// The stack of block contexts currently being parsed.
std::vector<BlockCtx> scopeStack;
BlockCtx& getScope() {
if (scopeStack.empty()) {
// We are not in a block context, so push a dummy scope.
scopeStack.push_back({{}, nullptr});
return scopeStack.back();
[[nodiscard]] Result<Index> addScratchLocal(Type);
[[nodiscard]] Result<Expression*> pop();
void push(Expression*);
struct HoistedVal {
// The index in the stack of the original value-producing expression.
Index valIndex;
// The local.get placed on the stack, if any.
LocalGet* get;
// Find the last value-producing expression, if any, and hoist its value to
// the top of the stack using a scratch local if necessary.
[[nodiscard]] MaybeResult<HoistedVal> hoistLastValue();
// Transform the stack as necessary such that the original producer of the
// hoisted value will be popped along with the final expression that produces
// the value, if they are different. May only be called directly after
// hoistLastValue().
[[nodiscard]] Result<> packageHoistedValue(const HoistedVal&);
} // namespace wasm
#endif // wasm_wasm_ir_builder_h