blob: 7d71cec3cbf64bb22e2a3cb6095a8feb1109ef4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// WebAssembly intepreter for asm2wasm output, in a js environment.
// Receives asm.js, generates a runnable module that executes the code in a WebAssembly
// interpreter. This is suitable as a polyfill for WebAssembly support in browsers.
#include <emscripten.h>
#include "asm2wasm.h"
#include "wasm-interpreter.h"
#include "wasm-s-parser.h"
#include "wasm-binary.h"
#include "wasm-printing.h"
using namespace cashew;
using namespace wasm;
namespace wasm {
int debug = 0;
// global singletons
Asm2WasmBuilder* asm2wasm = nullptr;
SExpressionParser* sExpressionParser = nullptr;
SExpressionWasmBuilder* sExpressionWasmBuilder = nullptr;
ModuleInstance* instance = nullptr;
Module* module = nullptr;
bool wasmJSDebug = false;
static void prepare2wasm() {
assert(asm2wasm == nullptr && sExpressionParser == nullptr && sExpressionWasmBuilder == nullptr && instance == nullptr); // singletons
wasmJSDebug = 1;
wasmJSDebug = EM_ASM_INT_V({ return !!Module['outside']['WASM_JS_DEBUG'] }); // Set WASM_JS_DEBUG on the outside Module to get debugging
// receives asm.js code, parses into wasm.
// note: this modifies the input.
extern "C" void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE load_asm2wasm(char *input) {
Asm2WasmPreProcessor pre;
input = pre.process(input);
// proceed to parse and wasmify
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cerr << "asm parsing...\n";
cashew::Parser<Ref, DotZeroValueBuilder> builder;
Ref asmjs = builder.parseToplevel(input);
module = new Module();
uint32_t providedMemory = EM_ASM_INT_V({
return Module['providedTotalMemory']; // we receive the size of memory from emscripten
if (providedMemory & ~Memory::kPageMask) {
std::cerr << "Error: provided memory is not a multiple of the 64k wasm page size\n";
module->memory.initial = Address(providedMemory / Memory::kPageSize);
module->memory.max = pre.memoryGrowth ? Address(Memory::kMaxSize) : module->memory.initial;
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cerr << "wasming...\n";
asm2wasm = new Asm2WasmBuilder(*module, pre.memoryGrowth, debug, false /* TODO: support imprecise? */, false /* TODO: support optimizing? */);
void finalizeModule() {
uint32_t providedMemory = EM_ASM_INT_V({
return Module['providedTotalMemory']; // we receive the size of memory from emscripten
if (providedMemory & ~Memory::kPageMask) {
std::cerr << "Error: provided memory is not a multiple of the 64k wasm page size\n";
module->memory.initial = Address(providedMemory / Memory::kPageSize);
module->memory.max = module->checkExport(GROW_WASM_MEMORY) ? Address(Memory::kMaxSize) : module->memory.initial;
// global mapping is done in js in post.js
// loads wasm code in s-expression format
extern "C" void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE load_s_expr2wasm(char *input) {
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cerr << "wasm-s-expression parsing...\n";
sExpressionParser = new SExpressionParser(input);
Element& root = *sExpressionParser->root;
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cout << root << '\n';
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cerr << "wasming...\n";
module = new Module();
// A .wast may have multiple modules, with some asserts after them, but we just read the first here.
sExpressionWasmBuilder = new SExpressionWasmBuilder(*module, *root[0]);
// loads wasm code in binary format
extern "C" void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE load_binary2wasm(char *raw, int32_t size) {
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cerr << "wasm-binary parsing...\n";
module = new Module();
std::vector<char> input;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
input[i] = raw[i];
WasmBinaryBuilder parser(*module, input, debug);;
// instantiates the loaded wasm (which might be from asm2wasm, or
// s-expressions, or something else) with a JS external interface.
extern "C" void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE instantiate() {
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cerr << "instantiating module: \n" << module << '\n';
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cerr << "generating exports...\n";
Module['asmExports'] = {};
for (auto& curr : module->exports) {
if (curr->kind == Export::Function) {
var name = Pointer_stringify($0);
Module['asmExports'][name] = function() {
Module['tempArguments'] =;
return Module['tempReturn'];
}, curr->name.str);
// verify imports are provided
for (auto& import : module->imports) {
var mod = Pointer_stringify($0);
var base = Pointer_stringify($1);
var name = Pointer_stringify($2);
assert(Module['lookupImport'](mod, base) !== undefined, 'checking import ' + name + ' = ' + mod + '.' + base);
}, import->module.str, import->base.str, import->name.str);
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cerr << "creating instance...\n";
struct JSExternalInterface : ModuleInstance::ExternalInterface {
void init(Module& wasm, ModuleInstance& instance) override {
// look for imported memory
bool found = false;
for (auto& import : wasm.imports) {
if (import->module == ENV && import->base == MEMORY) {
assert(import->kind == Import::Memory);
// memory is imported
Module['asmExports']['memory'] = Module['lookupImport']('env', 'memory');
found = true;
if (!found) {
// no memory import; create a new buffer here, just like native wasm support would.
Module['asmExports']['memory'] = Module['outside']['newBuffer'] = new ArrayBuffer($0);
}, wasm.memory.initial * Memory::kPageSize);
for (auto segment : wasm.memory.segments) {
var source = Module['HEAP8'].subarray($1, $1 + $2);
var target = new Int8Array(Module['asmExports']['memory']);
target.set(source, $0);
}, ConstantExpressionRunner(instance.globals).visit(segment.offset).value.geti32(), &[0],;
// look for imported table
bool found = false;
for (auto& import : wasm.imports) {
if (import->module == ENV && import->base == TABLE) {
assert(import->kind == Import::Table);
// table is imported
Module['outside']['wasmTable'] = Module['lookupImport']('env', 'table');
found = true;
if (!found) {
// no table import; create a new one here, just like native wasm support would.
Module['outside']['wasmTable'] = new Array($0);
}, wasm.table.initial);
Module['asmExports']['table'] = Module['outside']['wasmTable'];
// Emulated table support is in a JS array. If the entry is a number, it's a function pointer. If not, it's a JS method to be called directly
// TODO: make them all JS methods, wrapping a dynCall where necessary?
for (auto segment : wasm.table.segments) {
Address offset = ConstantExpressionRunner(instance.globals).visit(segment.offset).value.geti32();
assert(offset + <= wasm.table.initial);
for (size_t i = 0; i !=; ++i) {
Module['outside']['wasmTable'][$0] = $1;
}, offset + i, wasm.getFunction([i]));
void prepareTempArgments(LiteralList& arguments) {
Module['tempArguments'] = [];
for (auto& argument : arguments) {
if (argument.type == i32) {
EM_ASM_({ Module['tempArguments'].push($0) }, argument.geti32());
} else if (argument.type == f32) {
EM_ASM_({ Module['tempArguments'].push($0) }, argument.getf32());
} else if (argument.type == f64) {
EM_ASM_({ Module['tempArguments'].push($0) }, argument.getf64());
} else {
Literal getResultFromJS(double ret, WasmType type) {
switch (type) {
case none: return Literal(0);
case i32: return Literal((int32_t)ret);
case f32: return Literal((float)ret);
case f64: return Literal((double)ret);
default: abort();
void importGlobals(std::map<Name, Literal>& globals, Module& wasm) override {
for (auto& import : wasm.imports) {
if (import->kind == Import::Global) {
double ret = EM_ASM_DOUBLE({
var mod = Pointer_stringify($0);
var base = Pointer_stringify($1);
var lookup = Module['lookupImport'](mod, base);
return lookup;
}, import->module.str, import->base.str);
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cout << "calling importGlobal for " << import->name << " returning " << ret << '\n';
globals[import->name] = getResultFromJS(ret, import->globalType);
Literal callImport(Import *import, LiteralList& arguments) override {
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cout << "calling import " << import->name.str << '\n';
double ret = EM_ASM_DOUBLE({
var mod = Pointer_stringify($0);
var base = Pointer_stringify($1);
var tempArguments = Module['tempArguments'];
Module['tempArguments'] = null;
var lookup = Module['lookupImport'](mod, base);
return lookup.apply(null, tempArguments);
}, import->module.str, import->base.str);
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cout << "calling import returning " << ret << '\n';
return getResultFromJS(ret, import->functionType->result);
Literal callTable(Index index, LiteralList& arguments, WasmType result, ModuleInstance& instance) override {
void* ptr = (void*)EM_ASM_INT({
var value = Module['outside']['wasmTable'][$0];
return typeof value === "number" ? value : -1;
}, index);
if (ptr == nullptr) trap("callTable overflow");
if (ptr != (void*)-1) {
// a Function we can call
Function* func = (Function*)ptr;
if (func->params.size() != arguments.size()) trap("callIndirect: bad # of arguments");
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->params.size(); i++) {
if (func->params[i] != arguments[i].type) {
trap("callIndirect: bad argument type");
return instance.callFunctionInternal(func->name, arguments);
} else {
// A JS function JS can call
double ret = EM_ASM_DOUBLE({
var func = Module['outside']['wasmTable'][$0];
var tempArguments = Module['tempArguments'];
Module['tempArguments'] = null;
return func.apply(null, tempArguments);
}, index);
return getResultFromJS(ret, result);
Literal load(Load* load, Address address) override {
uint32_t addr = address;
if (load->align < load->bytes || (addr & (load->bytes-1))) {
int64_t out64;
double ret = EM_ASM_DOUBLE({
var addr = $0;
var bytes = $1;
var isFloat = $2;
var isSigned = $3;
var out64 = $4;
var save0 = HEAP32[0];
var save1 = HEAP32[1];
for (var i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
HEAPU8[i] = Module["info"].parent["HEAPU8"][addr + i];
var ret;
if (!isFloat) {
if (bytes === 1) ret = isSigned ? HEAP8[0] : HEAPU8[0];
else if (bytes === 2) ret = isSigned ? HEAP16[0] : HEAPU16[0];
else if (bytes === 4) ret = isSigned ? HEAP32[0] : HEAPU32[0];
else if (bytes === 8) {
for (var i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
HEAPU8[out64 + i] = HEAPU8[i];
} else abort();
} else {
if (bytes === 4) ret = HEAPF32[0];
else if (bytes === 8) ret = HEAPF64[0];
else abort();
HEAP32[0] = save0; HEAP32[1] = save1;
return ret;
}, (uint32_t)addr, load->bytes, isWasmTypeFloat(load->type), load->signed_, &out64);
if (!isWasmTypeFloat(load->type)) {
if (load->type == i64) {
if (load->bytes == 8) {
return Literal(out64);
} else {
if (load->signed_) {
return Literal(int64_t(int32_t(ret)));
} else {
return Literal(int64_t(uint32_t(ret)));
return Literal((int32_t)ret);
} else if (load->bytes == 4) {
return Literal((float)ret);
} else if (load->bytes == 8) {
return Literal((double)ret);
// nicely aligned
if (!isWasmTypeFloat(load->type)) {
int64_t ret;
if (load->bytes == 1) {
if (load->signed_) {
ret = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAP8'][$0] }, addr);
} else {
ret = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAPU8'][$0] }, addr);
} else if (load->bytes == 2) {
if (load->signed_) {
ret = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAP16'][$0 >> 1] }, addr);
} else {
ret = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAPU16'][$0 >> 1] }, addr);
} else if (load->bytes == 4) {
if (load->signed_) {
ret = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAP32'][$0 >> 2] }, addr);
} else {
ret = uint32_t(EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAPU32'][$0 >> 2] }, addr));
} else if (load->bytes == 8) {
uint32_t low = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAP32'][$0 >> 2] }, addr);
uint32_t high = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAP32'][$0 >> 2] }, addr + 4);
ret = uint64_t(low) | (uint64_t(high) << 32);
} else abort();
return load->type == i32 ? Literal(int32_t(ret)) : Literal(ret);
} else {
if (load->bytes == 4) {
return Literal((float)EM_ASM_DOUBLE({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAPF32'][$0 >> 2] }, addr));
} else if (load->bytes == 8) {
return Literal(EM_ASM_DOUBLE({ return Module['info'].parent['HEAPF64'][$0 >> 3] }, addr));
void store(Store* store_, Address address, Literal value) override {
uint32_t addr = address;
// support int64 stores
if (value.type == WasmType::i64) {
Store fake = *store_;
fake.bytes = 4;
fake.type = i32;
uint64_t v = value.geti64();
store(&fake, addr, Literal(uint32_t(v)));
v >>= 32;
store(&fake, addr + 4, Literal(uint32_t(v)));
// normal non-int64 value
if (store_->align < store_->bytes || (addr & (store_->bytes-1))) {
var addr = $0;
var bytes = $1;
var isFloat = $2;
var value = $3;
var save0 = HEAP32[0];
var save1 = HEAP32[1];
if (!isFloat) {
if (bytes === 1) HEAPU8[0] = value;
else if (bytes === 2) HEAPU16[0] = value;
else if (bytes === 4) HEAPU32[0] = value;
else abort();
} else {
if (bytes === 4) HEAPF32[0] = value;
else if (bytes === 8) HEAPF64[0] = value;
else abort();
for (var i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
Module["info"].parent["HEAPU8"][addr + i] = HEAPU8[i];
HEAP32[0] = save0; HEAP32[1] = save1;
}, (uint32_t)addr, store_->bytes, isWasmTypeFloat(store_->valueType), isWasmTypeFloat(store_->valueType) ? value.getFloat() : (double)value.getInteger());
// nicely aligned
if (!isWasmTypeFloat(store_->valueType)) {
if (store_->bytes == 1) {
EM_ASM_INT({ Module['info'].parent['HEAP8'][$0] = $1 }, addr, value.geti32());
} else if (store_->bytes == 2) {
EM_ASM_INT({ Module['info'].parent['HEAP16'][$0 >> 1] = $1 }, addr, value.geti32());
} else if (store_->bytes == 4) {
EM_ASM_INT({ Module['info'].parent['HEAP32'][$0 >> 2] = $1 }, addr, value.geti32());
} else {
} else {
if (store_->bytes == 4) {
EM_ASM_DOUBLE({ Module['info'].parent['HEAPF32'][$0 >> 2] = $1 }, addr, value.getf32());
} else if (store_->bytes == 8) {
EM_ASM_DOUBLE({ Module['info'].parent['HEAPF64'][$0 >> 3] = $1 }, addr, value.getf64());
} else {
void growMemory(Address oldSize, Address newSize) override {
var size = $0;
var buffer;
try {
buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size);
} catch(e) {
// fail to grow memory. post.js notices this since the buffer is unchanged
var oldHEAP8 = Module['outside']['HEAP8'];
var temp = new Int8Array(buffer);
Module['outside']['buffer'] = buffer;
}, (uint32_t)newSize);
void trap(const char* why) override {
abort("wasm trap: " + Pointer_stringify($0));
}, why);
instance = new ModuleInstance(*module, new JSExternalInterface());
// stack trace hooks
Module['outside']['extraStackTrace'] = function() {
return Pointer_stringify(Module['_interpreter_stack_trace']());
extern "C" int EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE interpreter_stack_trace() {
std::string stack = instance->printFunctionStack();
return (int)strdup(stack.c_str()); // XXX leak
// Does a call from js into an export of the module.
extern "C" void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE call_from_js(const char *target) {
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cout << "call_from_js " << target << '\n';
IString exportName(target);
IString functionName = instance->wasm.getExport(exportName)->value;
Function *function = instance->wasm.getFunction(functionName);
size_t seen = EM_ASM_INT_V({ return Module['tempArguments'].length });
size_t actual = function->params.size();
LiteralList arguments;
for (size_t i = 0; i < actual; i++) {
WasmType type = function->params[i];
// add the parameter, with a zero value if JS did not provide it.
if (type == i32) {
arguments.push_back(Literal(i < seen ? EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['tempArguments'][$0] }, i) : (int32_t)0));
} else if (type == f32) {
arguments.push_back(Literal(i < seen ? (float)EM_ASM_DOUBLE({ return Module['tempArguments'][$0] }, i) : (float)0.0));
} else if (type == f64) {
arguments.push_back(Literal(i < seen ? EM_ASM_DOUBLE({ return Module['tempArguments'][$0] }, i) : (double)0.0));
} else {
Literal ret = instance->callExport(exportName, arguments);
if (wasmJSDebug) std::cout << "call_from_js returning " << ret << '\n';
if (ret.type == none) EM_ASM({ Module['tempReturn'] = undefined });
else if (ret.type == i32) EM_ASM_({ Module['tempReturn'] = $0 }, ret.geti32());
else if (ret.type == f32) EM_ASM_({ Module['tempReturn'] = $0 }, ret.getf32());
else if (ret.type == f64) EM_ASM_({ Module['tempReturn'] = $0 }, ret.getf64());
else abort();