blob: 06dea2034a974a941f2bc0bf362164c3752f00fb [file] [log] [blame]
(memory 256 256)
(type $0 (func))
(type $1 (func (param i32)))
(type $2 (func (result f32)))
(type $3 (func (result i32)))
(type $4 (func (param i32 f64 i32 i32)))
(import $int "env" "int" (result i32))
(global $Int i32 (i32.const 0))
(func $b (type $0)
(i32.const 50)
(i32.const 51)
(i32.const 52)
(block $waka1
(i32.const 53)
(br $waka1)
(i32.const 54)
(block $waka2
(br $waka2)
(i32.const 56)
(block $waka3
(br_table $waka3 $waka3 $waka3
(i32.const 57)
(i32.const 58)
(i32.const 100)
(i32.const 101)
(i32.const 102)
(i32.const 103)
(i32.const 104)
(func $l (type $0)
(local $x i32)
(local $y i32)
(get_local $x)
(set_local $x
(get_local $x)
(block $in-a-block
(get_local $x)
(block $two-in-a-block
(get_local $x)
(get_local $y)
(set_local $x
(block $result-used i32
(get_local $x)
(set_local $x
(block $two-and-result-used i32
(get_local $x)
(get_local $y)
(func $loopy (type $1) (param $0 i32)
(loop $loop-in1
(loop $loop-in3
(loop $loop-in5 i32
(get_local $0)
(i32.const 20)
(func $unary (type $2) (result f32)
(f32.const 1)
(f32.const 2)
(func $binary (type $2) (result f32)
(f32.const 1)
(f32.const 2)
(f32.const 3)
(f32.const 4)
(f32.const 5)
(f32.const 6)
(func $select (type $3) (result i32)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.const 2)
(i32.const 3)
(i32.const 4)
(i32.const 5)
(i32.const 6)
(i32.const 7)
(i32.const 8)
(i32.const 9)
(i32.const 10)
(i32.const 11)
(i32.const 12)
(i32.const 13)
(i32.const 14)
(i32.const 15)
(func $block-to-one (type $0)
(block $block0
(block $block1
(block $block2
(block $block3
(block $block4
(func $recurse (type $0)
(f32.const 1)
(func $func-block (type $0)
(f32.const 1)
(func $Gu (type $4) (param $b i32) (param $e f64) (param $l i32) (param $d i32)
(if i32
(get_local $d)
(block $block1 i32
(tee_local $l
(get_local $b)
(i32.const 60)
(get_local $e)
(i32.const 0)
(func $if-drop (result i32)
(block $out
(if i32
(call $if-drop)
(call $int)
(br $out)
(if i32
(call $if-drop)
(br $out)
(call $int)
(i32.const 1)
(func $drop-silly
(i32.const 1)
(call $int)
(i32.const 2)
(i32.const 3)
(i32.const 4)
(call $int)
(call $int)
(i32.const 5)
(call $int)
(call $int)
(func $drop-get-global
(block i32
(call $drop-get-global)
(get_global $Int) ;; this is not needed due to the block being drop'd, but make sure the call is not then dropped either
(func $relooperJumpThreading1
(local $$vararg_ptr5 i32)
(local $$11 i32)
(loop $while-in$1
(block $jumpthreading$outer$8 i32
(block $jumpthreading$inner$8
(br $jumpthreading$outer$8 ;; the rest is dead in the outer block, but be careful to leave the return value!
(i32.const 0)
(get_local $$vararg_ptr5)
(get_local $$11)
(i32.const 0)
(func $relooperJumpThreading2
(loop $while-in$1
(block $jumpthreading$outer$8 i32
(block $jumpthreading$inner$8
(br $jumpthreading$outer$8
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0)
(func $relooperJumpThreading3
(loop $while-in$1
(block $jumpthreading$outer$8 i32
(br $jumpthreading$outer$8 ;; code after this is dead, can kill it, but preserve the return value at the end!
(i32.const 0)
(drop (i32.const 3))
(drop (i32.const 2))
(drop (i32.const 1))
(i32.const 0)
(func $if2drops (result i32)
(call $if2drops)
(call $if2drops)
(call $if2drops)
(i32.const 2)
(func $if2drops-different (result i32)
(call $if2drops)
(call $if2drops) ;; i32
(call $unary) ;; f32!
(i32.const 2)
(func $if-const (param $x i32)
(if (i32.const 0) (call $if-const (i32.const 1)))
(if (i32.const 2) (call $if-const (i32.const 3)))
(if (i32.const 0) (call $if-const (i32.const 4)) (call $if-const (i32.const 5)))
(if (i32.const 6) (call $if-const (i32.const 7)) (call $if-const (i32.const 8)))