blob: 517398c5cd8639136e78d0197ab978fce8670bf2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Parses WebAssembly code in S-Expression format, as in .wast files
// such as are in the spec test suite.
#ifndef wasm_wasm_s_parser_h
#define wasm_wasm_s_parser_h
#include "wasm.h"
#include "mixed_arena.h"
#include "parsing.h" // for UniqueNameMapper. TODO: move dependency to cpp file?
namespace wasm {
class SourceLocation
cashew::IString filename;
uint32_t line;
uint32_t column;
SourceLocation(cashew::IString filename_, uint32_t line_, uint32_t column_ = 0)
: filename(filename_), line(line_), column(column_) {}
// An element in an S-Expression: a list or a string
class Element {
typedef ArenaVector<Element*> List;
bool isList_;
List list_;
cashew::IString str_;
bool dollared_;
bool quoted_;
Element(MixedArena& allocator) : isList_(true), list_(allocator), line(-1), col(-1), startLoc(nullptr), endLoc(nullptr) {}
bool isList() const { return isList_; }
bool isStr() const { return !isList_; }
bool dollared() const { return isStr() && dollared_; }
bool quoted() const { return isStr() && quoted_; }
size_t line, col;
// original locations at the start/end of the S-Expression list
SourceLocation* startLoc;
SourceLocation* endLoc;
// list methods
List& list();
Element* operator[](unsigned i);
size_t size() {
return list().size();
// string methods
cashew::IString str() const;
const char* c_str() const;
Element* setString(cashew::IString str__, bool dollared__, bool quoted__);
Element* setMetadata(size_t line_, size_t col_, SourceLocation* startLoc_);
// printing
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, Element& e);
void dump();
// Generic S-Expression parsing into lists
class SExpressionParser {
char* input;
size_t line;
char* lineStart;
SourceLocation* loc;
MixedArena allocator;
// Assumes control of and modifies the input.
SExpressionParser(char* input);
Element* root;
Element* parse();
void skipWhitespace();
void parseDebugLocation();
Element* parseString();
// SExpressions => WebAssembly module
class SExpressionWasmBuilder {
Module& wasm;
MixedArena& allocator;
std::vector<Name> functionNames;
std::vector<Name> functionTypeNames;
std::vector<Name> globalNames;
int functionCounter;
int globalCounter;
std::map<Name, Type> functionTypes; // we need to know function return types before we parse their contents
std::unordered_map<cashew::IString, Index> debugInfoFileIndices;
// Assumes control of and modifies the input.
SExpressionWasmBuilder(Module& wasm, Element& module, Name* moduleName = nullptr);
// pre-parse types and function definitions, so we know function return types before parsing their contents
void preParseFunctionType(Element& s);
bool isImport(Element& curr);
void preParseImports(Element& curr);
void parseModuleElement(Element& curr);
// function parsing state
std::unique_ptr<Function> currFunction;
std::map<Name, Type> currLocalTypes;
size_t localIndex; // params and vars
size_t otherIndex;
bool brokeToAutoBlock;
UniqueNameMapper nameMapper;
Name getFunctionName(Element& s);
Name getFunctionTypeName(Element& s);
Name getGlobalName(Element& s);
void parseStart(Element& s) { wasm.addStart(getFunctionName(*s[1]));}
// returns the next index in s
size_t parseFunctionNames(Element& s, Name& name, Name& exportName);
void parseFunction(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
Type stringToType(cashew::IString str, bool allowError=false, bool prefix=false) {
return stringToType(str.str, allowError, prefix);
Type stringToType(const char* str, bool allowError=false, bool prefix=false);
bool isType(cashew::IString str) {
return stringToType(str, true) != none;
Expression* parseExpression(Element* s) {
return parseExpression(*s);
Expression* parseExpression(Element& s);
MixedArena& getAllocator() {
return allocator;
Expression* makeExpression(Element& s);
Expression* makeUnreachable();
Expression* makeNop();
Expression* makeBinary(Element& s, BinaryOp op);
Expression* makeUnary(Element& s, UnaryOp op);
Expression* makeSelect(Element& s);
Expression* makeDrop(Element& s);
Expression* makeHost(Element& s, HostOp op);
Index getLocalIndex(Element& s);
Expression* makeGetLocal(Element& s);
Expression* makeTeeLocal(Element& s);
Expression* makeSetLocal(Element& s);
Expression* makeGetGlobal(Element& s);
Expression* makeSetGlobal(Element& s);
Expression* makeBlock(Element& s);
Expression* makeThenOrElse(Element& s);
Expression* makeConst(Element& s, Type type);
Expression* makeLoad(Element& s, Type type, bool isAtomic);
Expression* makeStore(Element& s, Type type, bool isAtomic);
Expression* makeAtomicRMWOrCmpxchg(Element& s, Type type);
Expression* makeAtomicRMW(Element& s, Type type, uint8_t bytes, const char* extra);
Expression* makeAtomicCmpxchg(Element& s, Type type, uint8_t bytes, const char* extra);
Expression* makeAtomicWait(Element& s, Type type);
Expression* makeAtomicWake(Element& s);
Expression* makeIf(Element& s);
Expression* makeMaybeBlock(Element& s, size_t i, Type type);
Expression* makeLoop(Element& s);
Expression* makeCall(Element& s);
Expression* makeCallIndirect(Element& s);
template<class T>
void parseCallOperands(Element& s, Index i, Index j, T* call) {
while (i < j) {
Name getLabel(Element& s);
Expression* makeBreak(Element& s);
Expression* makeBreakTable(Element& s);
Expression* makeReturn(Element& s);
Type parseOptionalResultType(Element& s, Index& i);
Index parseMemoryLimits(Element& s, Index i);
void stringToBinary(const char* input, size_t size, std::vector<char>& data);
void parseMemory(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
void parseData(Element& s);
void parseInnerData(Element& s, Index i = 1, Expression* offset = nullptr);
void parseExport(Element& s);
void parseImport(Element& s);
void parseGlobal(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
void parseTable(Element& s, bool preParseImport = false);
void parseElem(Element& s);
void parseInnerElem(Element& s, Index i = 1, Expression* offset = nullptr);
void parseType(Element& s);
Function::DebugLocation getDebugLocation(const SourceLocation& loc);
} // namespace wasm
#endif // wasm_wasm_s_parser_h