blob: 40925ca4db611ebc3a6878a0c1c6ebbfb94c06fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Some examples of how the dart type system/checked mode interacts with dart type unsoundness.
// Suppose we were to "trust types" in the following sense: if the program passes the dart
// type checker, assume that all checks implied by checked mode would have passed, and
// compile under that assumption. What does that buy you? These examples are intended to
// illustrate why this is less than you might think. This file has no static errors or
// warnings, and runs fine in checked mode, but it demonstrates lots of ways in which
// nonetheless we can produce no such method errors, or sideways casts, etc.
// A simple class
class A {
int x = 0;
// Overriding x with an assignable type (supertype) is ok
class B extends A {
num x = 1.0;
int y = 1;
// Contain a B
class S0 {
B field;
// Override to an A
class S1 extends S0 {
A field;
S1(A this.field);
// If we assume that s has type S0, can we assume that s.field has type B? No.
void nsm0(S0 s) {
// Dynamic dispatch required.
// With global subclass information, the compiler could potentially get rid
// of some of the checks here when bad overrides as above don't happen.
try {
} on NoSuchMethodError catch (r) {
print("Oops, no field y in something of type B");
// If we assume that f returns a B, can we assume that B.y exists? No.
void nsm1(B f()) {
// Dynamic dispatch required.
// Even with global subclass info, the compiler can't do anything here, since
// this relies on screwy subtyping rather than screwy field overrides.
try {
} on NoSuchMethodError catch (r) {
print("Oops, no field y in something of type B (extra badness)");
// If we assume that s is an S1, can we assume that s.field is an A? No.
void doubleForInt0(S1 s) {
// Dynamic dispatch required.
// With global subclass info we can possibly know when we need to emit careful code
// here, but we certainly can't just generate a simple unconditional primitive operation
// (even ignoring nulls)
s.field.x + 1;
if (s.field.x is double) {
print("Oops, got double for int");
// Can we assume that f returns an int (or a subtype of an int)? No.
// Can we assume that f returns an int (or subtype or a supertype of an int)? No.
void doubleForInt1(int f()) {
// Dynamic dispatch required.
// Here, even with global subclass info we're still stuck - we can't really
// ever trust the return types on closures. Note that int and double aren't
// even assignment compatible in this case.
f() + 1;
if (f() is double) {
print("Oops, got double for int (extra badness)");
class C extends A {}
// Can we assume that f returns something on the same branch of the inheritance chain as B? No.
void sidewaysCast(B f()) {
// Just to emphasize the point, here's a more general case where the static type
// isn't even on the same branch of the subtype hierarchy as the dynamic type.
if (f() is C) {
"Static type of expression is B, but runtime type is C (neither sub nor supertype)");
if (f() is B) {
// Do something here. This code doesn't get reached.... unless the compiler optimizes
// based on trusting types and eliminates the is check, in which case we may suddenly
// execute different code.
// If we assume that x has type List<B>, what can we assume about the type of the elements? Nothing.
void generic0(List<B> x) {
// What can we assume about the elements of this array if we trust types?
// Absolutely nothing, whatsoever.
if (x[0] is int) {
"Parameter type is List<B> but actually contains an int (completely unrelated type)");
void main() {
nsm0(new S1(new A()));
nsm1(() => new A());
doubleForInt0(new S1(new B()));
doubleForInt1(() {
num b = 1.0;
return b;
sidewaysCast(() {
A a = new C();
return a;