blob: 49e7cad85016a8cfe0ff2b6952fa2fc2156412e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library observe.test.benchmark.index;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:benchmark_harness/benchmark_harness.dart';
import 'package:chart/chart.dart';
import 'package:observe/mirrors_used.dart' as mu; // Makes output smaller.
import 'package:smoke/mirrors.dart';
import 'object_benchmark.dart';
import 'setup_object_benchmark.dart';
import 'observable_list_benchmark.dart';
import 'setup_observable_list_benchmark.dart';
import 'path_benchmark.dart';
import 'setup_path_benchmark.dart';
/// Benchmark names to factory functions.
/// Uses [mu].
typedef BenchmarkBase BenchmarkFactory(
int objectCount, int mutationCount, String config);
final Map<String, BenchmarkFactory> benchmarkFactories = {
'ObjectBenchmark': (int o, int m, String c) => new ObjectBenchmark(o, m, c),
'SetupObjectBenchmark': (int o, int m, String c) =>
new SetupObjectBenchmark(o, c),
'ObservableListBenchmark': (int o, int m, String c) =>
new ObservableListBenchmark(o, m, c),
'SetupObservableListBenchmark': (int o, int m, String c) =>
new SetupObservableListBenchmark(o, c),
'PathBenchmark': (int o, int m, String c) => new PathBenchmark(o, m, c),
'SetupPathBenchmark': (int o, int m, String c) =>
new SetupPathBenchmark(o, c),
/// Benchmark names to possible configs.
final Map<String, List<String>> benchmarkConfigs = {
'ObjectBenchmark': [],
'SetupObjectBenchmark': [],
'ObservableListBenchmark': ['splice', 'update', 'push/pop', 'shift/unshift'],
'SetupObservableListBenchmark': [],
'PathBenchmark': ['leaf', 'root'],
'SetupPathBenchmark': [],
Iterable<int> objectCounts;
Iterable<int> mutationCounts;
final ButtonElement goButton = querySelector('#go');
final InputElement objectCountInput = querySelector('#objectCountInput');
final InputElement mutationCountInput = querySelector('#mutationCountInput');
final SpanElement mutationCountWrapper = querySelector('#mutationCountWrapper');
final SpanElement statusSpan = querySelector('#status');
final DivElement canvasWrapper = querySelector('#canvasWrapper');
final SelectElement benchmarkSelect = querySelector('#benchmarkSelect');
final SelectElement configSelect = querySelector('#configSelect');
final UListElement legendList = querySelector('#legendList');
final List<String> colors = [
[0, 0, 255],
[138, 43, 226],
[165, 42, 42],
[100, 149, 237],
[220, 20, 60],
[184, 134, 11]
].map((rgb) => 'rgba(' + rgb.join(',') + ',.7)').toList();
main() {
// TODO(jakemac): Use a transformer to generate the smoke config so we can see
// how that affects the benchmark.
benchmarkSelect.onChange.listen((_) => changeBenchmark());
goButton.onClick.listen((_) async {
goButton.disabled = true;
goButton.text = 'Running...';
legendList.text = '';
objectCounts =
objectCountInput.value.split(',').map((val) => int.parse(val));
if (benchmarkSelect.value.startsWith('Setup')) {
mutationCounts = [0];
} else {
mutationCounts =
mutationCountInput.value.split(',').map((val) => int.parse(val));
var i = 0;
mutationCounts.forEach((count) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.text = '$count mutations.'; = colors[i % colors.length];
var results = <List<double>>[];
for (int objectCount in objectCounts) {
int x = 0;
for (int mutationCount in mutationCounts) {
statusSpan.text =
'Testing: $objectCount objects with $mutationCount mutations';
// Let the status text render before running the next benchmark.
await new Future(() {});
var factory = benchmarkFactories[benchmarkSelect.value];
var benchmark = factory(objectCount, mutationCount, configSelect.value);
// Divide by 10 because benchmark_harness returns the amount of time it
// took to run 10 times, not once :(.
var resultMicros = benchmark.measure() / 10;
if (results.length <= x) results.add([]);
results[x].add(resultMicros / 1000);
void drawBenchmarks(List<List<double>> results) {
var datasets = [];
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
'fillColor': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
'strokeColor': colors[i % colors.length],
'pointColor': colors[i % colors.length],
'pointStrokeColor': "#fff",
'data': results[i],
var data = {
'labels': => '$c').toList(),
'datasets': datasets,
new Line(data, {
'bezierCurve': false,
goButton.disabled = false;
goButton.text = 'Run Benchmarks';
statusSpan.text = '';
void changeBenchmark() {
var configs = benchmarkConfigs[benchmarkSelect.value];
configSelect.text = '';
configs.forEach((config) {
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = config;
document.title = benchmarkSelect.value;
// Don't show the configSelect if there are no configs.
if (configs.isEmpty) { = 'none';
} else { = 'inline';
// Don't show the mutation counts box if running a Setup* benchmark.
if (benchmarkSelect.value.startsWith('Setup')) { = 'none';
} else { = 'inline';