blob: ba9cc2290c2613f5fccb57666aed2cb0f2e10212 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:observable/observable.dart';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:observe/src/path_observer.dart'
show getSegmentsOfPropertyPathForTesting, observerSentinelForTesting;
import 'observe_test_utils.dart';
import 'package:observe/mirrors_used.dart' as mu; // make test smaller.
import 'package:smoke/mirrors.dart';
// This file contains code ported from:
// Dart note: getting invalid properties is an error, unlike in JS where it
// returns undefined. This difference comes up where we check for _throwsNSM in
// the tests below.
/// Uses [mu].
main() {
group('PathObserver', observePathTests);
group('PropertyPath', () {
test('toString length', () {
expectPath(p, str, len, [keys]) {
var path = new PropertyPath(p);
expect(path.toString(), str);
expect(path.length, len, reason: 'expected path length $len for $path');
if (keys == null) {
expect(path.isValid, isFalse);
} else {
expect(path.isValid, isTrue);
expect(getSegmentsOfPropertyPathForTesting(path), keys);
expectPath('/foo', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('abc', 'abc', 1, [#abc]);
expectPath('a.b.c', 'a.b.c', 3, [#a, #b, #c]);
expectPath('a.b.c ', 'a.b.c', 3, [#a, #b, #c]);
expectPath(' a.b.c', 'a.b.c', 3, [#a, #b, #c]);
expectPath(' a.b.c ', 'a.b.c', 3, [#a, #b, #c]);
expectPath('[1].abc', '[1].abc', 2, [1, #abc]);
expectPath([#qux], 'qux', 1, [#qux]);
expectPath([1, #foo, #bar], '[1]', 3, [1, #foo, #bar]);
expectPath([1, #foo, 'bar'], '[1].foo["bar"]', 3, [1, #foo, 'bar']);
// From test.js: "path validity" test:
expectPath('', '', 0, []);
expectPath(' ', '', 0, []);
expectPath(null, '', 0, []);
expectPath('a', 'a', 1, [#a]);
expectPath('a.b', 'a.b', 2, [#a, #b]);
expectPath('a. b', 'a.b', 2, [#a, #b]);
expectPath('a .b', 'a.b', 2, [#a, #b]);
expectPath('a . b', 'a.b', 2, [#a, #b]);
expectPath(' a . b ', 'a.b', 2, [#a, #b]);
expectPath('a[0]', 'a[0]', 2, [#a, 0]);
expectPath('a [0]', 'a[0]', 2, [#a, 0]);
expectPath('a[0][1]', 'a[0][1]', 3, [#a, 0, 1]);
expectPath('a [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ', 'a[0][1]', 3, [#a, 0, 1]);
expectPath('[1234567890] ', '[1234567890]', 1, [1234567890]);
expectPath(' [1234567890] ', '[1234567890]', 1, [1234567890]);
expectPath('opt0', 'opt0', 1, [#opt0]);
// Dart note: Modified to avoid a private Dart symbol:
r'$foo.$bar.baz_', r'$foo.$bar.baz_', 3, [#$foo, #$bar, #baz_]);
// Dart note: this test is different because we treat ["baz"] always as a
// indexing operation.
expectPath('foo["baz"]', 'foo.baz', 2, [#foo, #baz]);
expectPath('foo["b\\"az"]', 'foo["b\\"az"]', 2, [#foo, 'b"az']);
expectPath("foo['b\\'az']", 'foo["b\'az"]', 2, [#foo, "b'az"]);
expectPath([#a, #b], 'a.b', 2, [#a, #b]);
expectPath([], '', 0, []);
expectPath('.', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath(' . ', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('..', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('a[4', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('a.b.', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('a,b', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('a["foo]', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('[0x04]', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('[0foo]', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('[foo-bar]', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('foo-bar', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('42', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('a[04]', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath(' a [ 04 ]', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath(' 42 ', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath('foo["bar]', '<invalid path>', 0);
expectPath("foo['bar]", '<invalid path>', 0);
test('objects with toString are not supported', () {
// Dart note: this was intentionally not ported. See path_observer.dart.
expect(() => new PropertyPath([new Foo('a'), new Foo('b')]), throws);
test('invalid path returns null value', () {
var path = new PropertyPath('a b');
expect(path.isValid, isFalse);
'a': {'b': 2}
test('caching and ==', () {
var start = new PropertyPath('abc[0]');
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
expect(identical(new PropertyPath('abc[0]'), start), true,
reason: 'should return identical path');
var p = new PropertyPath('abc[$i]');
expect(identical(p, start), false,
reason: 'different paths should not be merged');
var end = new PropertyPath('abc[0]');
expect(identical(end, start), false, reason: 'first entry expired');
expect(end, start, reason: 'different instances are equal');
test('hashCode equal', () {
var a = new PropertyPath([#foo, 2, #bar]);
var b = new PropertyPath('foo[2].bar');
expect(identical(a, b), false, reason: 'only strings cached');
expect(a, b, reason: 'same paths are equal');
expect(a.hashCode, b.hashCode, reason: 'equal hashCodes');
test('hashCode not equal', () {
expect(2.hashCode, isNot(3.hashCode),
reason: 'test depends on 2 and 3 having different hashcodes');
var a = new PropertyPath([2]);
var b = new PropertyPath([3]);
expect(a, isNot(b), reason: 'different paths');
expect(a.hashCode, isNot(b.hashCode), reason: 'different hashCodes');
group('CompoundObserver', compoundObserverTests);
observePathTests() {
test('Degenerate Values', () {
expect(new PathObserver(null, '').value, null);
expect(new PathObserver(123, '').value, 123);
expect(() => new PathObserver(123, '').value, _throwsNSM('foo'));
// shouldn't throw:
new PathObserver(123, '') {})
new PropertyPath('').setValueFrom(null, null);
new PropertyPath('').setValueFrom(123, 42);
expect(() => new PropertyPath('').setValueFrom(123, 42),
Object foo = {};
expect(new PathObserver(foo, '').value, foo);
foo = new Object();
expect(new PathObserver(foo, '').value, foo);
expect(new PathObserver(foo, 'a/3!').value, null);
test('get value at path ObservableBox', () {
var obj = new ObservableBox(new ObservableBox(new ObservableBox(1)));
expect(new PathObserver(obj, '').value, obj);
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'value').value, obj.value);
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'value.value').value, obj.value.value);
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'value.value.value').value, 1);
obj.value.value.value = 2;
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'value.value.value').value, 2);
obj.value.value = new ObservableBox(3);
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'value.value.value').value, 3);
obj.value = new ObservableBox(4);
expect(() => new PathObserver(obj, 'value.value.value').value,
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'value.value').value, 4);
test('get value at path ObservableMap', () {
var obj = toObservable({
'a': {
'b': {'c': 1}
expect(new PathObserver(obj, '').value, obj);
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'a').value, obj['a']);
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'a.b').value, obj['a']['b']);
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'a.b.c').value, 1);
obj['a']['b']['c'] = 2;
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'a.b.c').value, 2);
obj['a']['b'] = toObservable({'c': 3});
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'a.b.c').value, 3);
obj['a'] = toObservable({'b': 4});
expect(() => new PathObserver(obj, 'a.b.c').value, _throwsNSM('c'));
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'a.b').value, 4);
test('set value at path', () {
var obj = toObservable({});
new PropertyPath('foo').setValueFrom(obj, 3);
expect(obj['foo'], 3);
var bar = toObservable({'baz': 3});
new PropertyPath('bar').setValueFrom(obj, bar);
expect(obj['bar'], bar);
expect(() => new PropertyPath('bar.baz.bat').setValueFrom(obj, 'not here'),
expect(() => new PathObserver(obj, 'bar.baz.bat').value, _throwsNSM('bat'));
test('set value back to same', () {
var obj = toObservable({});
var path = new PathObserver(obj, 'foo');
var values = []; {
expect(x, path.value, reason: 'callback should get current value');
path.value = 3;
expect(obj['foo'], 3);
expect(path.value, 3);
new PropertyPath('foo').setValueFrom(obj, 2);
return new Future(() {
expect(path.value, 2);
expect(new PathObserver(obj, 'foo').value, 2);
new PropertyPath('foo').setValueFrom(obj, 3);
.then((_) {
expect(path.value, 3);
.then((_) {
expect(values, [2, 3]);
test('Observe and Unobserve - Paths', () {
var arr = toObservable({});
arr['foo'] = 'bar';
var fooValues = [];
var fooPath = new PathObserver(arr, 'foo');;
arr['foo'] = 'baz';
arr['bat'] = 'bag';
var batValues = [];
var batPath = new PathObserver(arr, 'bat');;
return new Future(() {
expect(fooValues, ['baz']);
expect(batValues, []);
arr['foo'] = 'bar';
arr['bat'] = 'boo';
arr['bat'] = 'boot';
}).then(newMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(fooValues, ['baz']);
expect(batValues, []);
test('Path Value With Indices', () {
var model = toObservable([]);
var path = new PathObserver(model, '[0]'); {
expect(path.value, 123);
expect(x, 123);
group('ObservableList', () {
test('isNotEmpty', () {
var model = new ObservableList();
var path = new PathObserver(model, 'isNotEmpty');
expect(path.value, false); {
expect(path.value, true);
test('isEmpty', () {
var model = new ObservableList();
var path = new PathObserver(model, 'isEmpty');
expect(path.value, true); {
expect(path.value, false);
for (var createModel in [() => new TestModel(), () => new WatcherModel()]) {
test('Path Observation - ${createModel().runtimeType}', () {
var model = createModel()
..a = (createModel()..b = (createModel()..c = 'hello, world'));
var path = new PathObserver(model, 'a.b.c');
var lastValue = null;
var errorSeen = false;
runZoned(() { {
lastValue = x;
}, onError: (e) {
expect(e, _isNoSuchMethodOf('c'));
errorSeen = true;
model.a.b.c = 'hello, mom';
expect(lastValue, null);
return new Future(() {
expect(lastValue, 'hello, mom');
model.a.b = createModel()..c = 'hello, dad';
.then((_) {
expect(lastValue, 'hello, dad');
model.a = createModel()..b = (createModel()..c = 'hello, you');
.then((_) {
expect(lastValue, 'hello, you');
model.a.b = 1;
expect(errorSeen, isFalse);
.then((_) {
expect(errorSeen, isTrue);
expect(lastValue, 'hello, you');
// Stop observing
model.a.b = createModel()
..c = 'hello, back again -- but not observing';
.then((_) {
expect(lastValue, 'hello, you');
// Resume observing
new PathObserver(model, 'a.b.c').open((x) {
lastValue = x;
model.a.b.c = 'hello. Back for reals';
.then((_) {
expect(lastValue, 'hello. Back for reals');
test('observe map', () {
var model = toObservable({'a': 1});
var path = new PathObserver(model, 'a');
var values = [path.value];;
expect(values, [1]);
model['a'] = 2;
return new Future(() {
expect(values, [1, 2]);
model['a'] = 3;
}).then(newMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(values, [1, 2]);
test('errors thrown from getter/setter', () {
var model = new ObjectWithErrors();
var observer = new PathObserver(model, 'foo');
expect(() => observer.value, _throwsNSM('bar'));
expect(model.getFooCalled, 1);
expect(() {
observer.value = 123;
}, _throwsNSM('bar='));
expect(model.setFooCalled, [123]);
test('object with noSuchMethod', () {
var model = new NoSuchMethodModel();
var observer = new PathObserver(model, 'foo');
expect(observer.value, 42);
observer.value = 'hi';
expect(model._foo, 'hi');
expect(observer.value, 'hi');
expect(model.log, [#foo, const Symbol('foo='), #foo]);
// These shouldn't throw
observer = new PathObserver(model, 'bar');
expect(observer.value, null, reason: 'path not found');
observer.value = 42;
expect(observer.value, null, reason: 'path not found');
test('object with indexer', () {
var model = new IndexerModel();
var observer = new PathObserver(model, 'foo');
expect(observer.value, 42);
expect(model.log, ['[] foo']);
observer.value = 'hi';
expect(model.log, ['[]= foo hi']);
expect(model._foo, 'hi');
expect(observer.value, 'hi');
// These shouldn't throw
observer = new PathObserver(model, 'bar');
expect(observer.value, null, reason: 'path not found');
expect(model.log, ['[] bar']);
observer.value = 42;
expect(model.log, ['[]= bar 42']);
test('regression for TemplateBinding#161', () {
var model = toObservable({
'obj': toObservable({'bar': false})
var ob1 = new PathObserver(model, '');
var called = false; {
called = true;
var obj2 = new PathObserver(model, 'obj'); {
model['obj']['bar'] = true;
model['obj'] = toObservable({'obj': 'obj'});
return new Future(() {}).then((_) => expect(called, true));
compoundObserverTests() {
var model;
var observer;
bool called;
var newValues;
var oldValues;
var observed;
setUp(() {
model = new TestModel(1, 2, 3);
called = false;
callback(a, b, c) {
called = true;
newValues = a;
oldValues = b;
observed = c;
reset() {
called = false;
newValues = null;
oldValues = null;
observed = null;
expectNoChanges() {
expect(called, isFalse);
expect(newValues, isNull);
expect(oldValues, isNull);
expect(observed, isNull);
expectedNewValues, expectedOldValues, expectedObserved,
{deliver: true}) {
if (deliver) observer.deliver();
expect(called, isTrue);
expect(newValues, expectedNewValues);
var oldValuesAsMap = {};
for (int i = 0; i < expectedOldValues.length; i++) {
if (expectedOldValues[i] != null) {
oldValuesAsMap[i] = expectedOldValues[i];
expect(oldValues, oldValuesAsMap);
expect(observed, expectedObserved);
tearDown(() {
_path(s) => new PropertyPath(s);
test('simple', () {
observer = new CompoundObserver();
observer.addPath(model, 'a');
observer.addPath(model, 'b');
observer.addPath(model, _path('c'));;
var expectedObs = [model, _path('a'), model, _path('b'), model, _path('c')];
model.a = -10;
model.b = 20;
model.c = 30;
expectCompoundPathChanges([-10, 20, 30], [1, 2, 3], expectedObs);
model.a = 'a';
model.c = 'c';
expectCompoundPathChanges(['a', 20, 'c'], [-10, null, 30], expectedObs);
model.a = 2;
model.b = 3;
model.c = 4;
expectCompoundPathChanges([2, 3, 4], ['a', 20, 'c'], expectedObs);
model.a = 'z';
model.b = 'y';
model.c = 'x';
expect(observer.value, ['z', 'y', 'x']);
expect(model.a, 'z');
expect(model.b, 'y');
expect(model.c, 'x');
test('reportChangesOnOpen', () {
observer = new CompoundObserver(true);
observer.addPath(model, 'a');
observer.addPath(model, 'b');
observer.addPath(model, _path('c'));
model.a = -10;
model.b = 20;;
var expectedObs = [model, _path('a'), model, _path('b'), model, _path('c')];
expectCompoundPathChanges([-10, 20, 3], [1, 2, null], expectedObs,
deliver: false);
test('All Observers', () {
observer = new CompoundObserver();
var pathObserver1 = new PathObserver(model, 'a');
var pathObserver2 = new PathObserver(model, 'b');
var pathObserver3 = new PathObserver(model, _path('c'));
var expectedObs = [
model.a = -10;
model.b = 20;
model.c = 30;
expectCompoundPathChanges([-10, 20, 30], [1, 2, 3], expectedObs);
model.a = 'a';
model.c = 'c';
expectCompoundPathChanges(['a', 20, 'c'], [-10, null, 30], expectedObs);
test('Degenerate Values', () {
observer = new CompoundObserver();
observer.addPath(model, '.'); // invalid path
observer.addPath('obj-value', ''); // empty path
// Dart note: we don't port these two tests because in Dart we produce
// exceptions for these invalid paths.
// observer.addPath(model, 'foo'); // unreachable
// observer.addPath(3, 'bar'); // non-object with non-empty path
var values =;
expect(values.length, 2);
expect(values[0], null);
expect(values[1], 'obj-value');
test('Heterogeneous', () {
model.c = null;
var otherModel = new TestModel(null, null, 3);
twice(value) => value * 2;
half(value) => value ~/ 2;
var compound = new CompoundObserver();
compound.addPath(model, 'a');
compound.addObserver(new ObserverTransform(
new PathObserver(model, 'b'), twice,
setValue: half));
compound.addObserver(new PathObserver(otherModel, 'c'));
combine(values) => values[0] + values[1] + values[2];
observer = new ObserverTransform(compound, combine);
var newValue;
transformCallback(v) {
newValue = v;
called = true;
expect(, 8);
model.a = 2;
model.b = 4;
expect(called, isTrue);
expect(newValue, 13);
called = false;
model.b = 10;
otherModel.c = 5;
expect(called, isTrue);
expect(newValue, 27);
called = false;
model.a = 20;
model.b = 1;
otherModel.c = 5;
expect(called, isFalse);
expect(newValue, 27);
/// A matcher that checks that a closure throws a NoSuchMethodError matching the
/// given [name].
_throwsNSM(String name) => throwsA(_isNoSuchMethodOf(name));
/// A matcher that checkes whether an exception is a NoSuchMethodError matching
/// the given [name].
_isNoSuchMethodOf(String name) => predicate((e) =>
e is NoSuchMethodError &&
// Dart2js and VM error messages are a bit different, but they both contain
// the name.
('$e'.contains("'$name'") || // VM error
'$e'.contains('\'Symbol("$name")\''))); // dart2js error
class ObjectWithErrors {
int getFooCalled = 0;
List setFooCalled = [];
get foo {
(this as dynamic).bar;
set foo(value) {
(this as dynamic).bar = value;
class NoSuchMethodModel {
var _foo = 42;
List log = [];
// TODO(ahe): Remove @reflectable from here (once either of
// or are fixed).
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
final name = invocation.memberName;
if (name == #foo && invocation.isGetter) return _foo;
if (name == const Symbol('foo=')) {
_foo = invocation.positionalArguments[0];
return null;
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class IndexerModel implements Indexable<String, dynamic> {
var _foo = 42;
List log = [];
operator [](index) {
log.add('[] $index');
if (index == 'foo') return _foo;
operator []=(index, value) {
log.add('[]= $index $value');
if (index == 'foo') _foo = value;
class TestModel extends Observable implements WatcherModel {
var _a, _b, _c;
TestModel([this._a, this._b, this._c]);
get a => _a;
void set a(newValue) {
_a = notifyPropertyChange(#a, _a, newValue);
get b => _b;
void set b(newValue) {
_b = notifyPropertyChange(#b, _b, newValue);
get c => _c;
void set c(newValue) {
_c = notifyPropertyChange(#c, _c, newValue);
class WatcherModel extends AutoObservable {
// TODO(jmesserly): dart2js does not let these be on the same line:
// @observable var a, b, c;
var a;
var b;
var c;
class Foo {
var value;
String toString() => 'Foo$value';