blob: 81838fe1865d5f819eaa9e7bdd41e2bd458584bc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generates interface properties on global objects.
Concretely these are implemented as "constructor attributes", meaning
"attributes whose name ends with Constructor" (special-cased by code generator),
hence "global constructors" for short.
For reference on global objects, see:
Design document:
import itertools
import optparse
import os
import cPickle as pickle
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from utilities import get_file_contents, idl_filename_to_interface_name, read_file_to_list, write_file, get_interface_extended_attributes_from_idl, is_callback_interface_from_idl
interface_name_to_global_names = {}
global_name_to_constructors = defaultdict(list)
HEADER_FORMAT = """// Stub header file for {{idl_basename}}
// Required because the IDL compiler assumes that a corresponding header file
// exists for each IDL file.
def parse_options():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--idl-files-list', help='file listing IDL files')
parser.add_option('--global-objects-file', help='pickle file of global objects')
parser.add_option('--write-file-only-if-changed', type='int', help='if true, do not write an output file if it would be identical to the existing one, which avoids unnecessary rebuilds in ninja')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if options.idl_files_list is None:
parser.error('Must specify a file listing IDL files using --idl-files-list.')
if options.global_objects_file is None:
parser.error('Must specify a pickle file of global objects using --global-objects-file.')
if options.write_file_only_if_changed is None:
parser.error('Must specify whether output files are only written if changed using --write-file-only-if-changed.')
options.write_file_only_if_changed = bool(options.write_file_only_if_changed)
return options, args
def flatten_list(iterable):
return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(iterable))
def interface_name_to_constructors(interface_name):
"""Returns constructors for an interface."""
global_names = interface_name_to_global_names[interface_name]
return flatten_list(global_name_to_constructors[global_name]
for global_name in global_names)
def record_global_constructors(idl_filename):
interface_name = idl_filename_to_interface_name(idl_filename)
full_path = os.path.realpath(idl_filename)
idl_file_contents = get_file_contents(full_path)
extended_attributes = get_interface_extended_attributes_from_idl(idl_file_contents)
# An interface property is produced for every non-callback interface
# that does not have [NoInterfaceObject].
# Callback interfaces with constants also have interface properties,
# but there are none of these in Blink.
if (is_callback_interface_from_idl(idl_file_contents) or
'NoInterfaceObject' in extended_attributes):
# The [Exposed] extended attribute MUST take an identifier list. Each
# identifier in the list MUST be a global name. An interface or interface
# member the extended attribute applies to will be exposed only on objects
# associated with ECMAScript global environments whose global object
# implements an interface that has a matching global name.
# FIXME: In spec names are comma-separated, but that makes parsing very
# difficult (
exposed_global_names = extended_attributes.get('Exposed', 'Window').split('&')
new_constructors_list = generate_global_constructors_list(interface_name, extended_attributes)
for exposed_global_name in exposed_global_names:
def generate_global_constructors_list(interface_name, extended_attributes):
extended_attributes_list = [
name + '=' + extended_attributes[name]
for name in 'Conditional', 'PerContextEnabled', 'RuntimeEnabled'
if name in extended_attributes]
if extended_attributes_list:
extended_string = '[%s] ' % ', '.join(extended_attributes_list)
extended_string = ''
attribute_string = 'attribute {interface_name}Constructor {interface_name}'.format(interface_name=interface_name)
attributes_list = [extended_string + attribute_string]
# In addition to the usual interface property, for every [NamedConstructor]
# extended attribute on an interface, a corresponding property MUST exist
# on the ECMAScript global object.
if 'NamedConstructor' in extended_attributes:
named_constructor = extended_attributes['NamedConstructor']
# Extract function name, namely everything before opening '('
constructor_name = re.sub(r'\(.*', '', named_constructor)
# Note the reduplicated 'ConstructorConstructor'
# FIXME: rename to NamedConstructor
attribute_string = 'attribute %sConstructorConstructor %s' % (interface_name, constructor_name)
attributes_list.append(extended_string + attribute_string)
return attributes_list
def write_global_constructors_partial_interface(interface_name, idl_filename, constructor_attributes_list, only_if_changed):
# FIXME: replace this with a simple Jinja template
lines = (['partial interface %s {\n' % interface_name] +
[' %s;\n' % constructor_attribute
# FIXME: sort by interface name (not first by extended attributes)
for constructor_attribute in sorted(constructor_attributes_list)] +
write_file(''.join(lines), idl_filename, only_if_changed)
header_filename = os.path.splitext(idl_filename)[0] + '.h'
idl_basename = os.path.basename(idl_filename)
header_filename, only_if_changed)
def main():
options, args = parse_options()
# Input IDL files are passed in a file, due to OS command line length
# limits. This is generated at GYP time, which is ok b/c files are static.
idl_files = read_file_to_list(options.idl_files_list)
# Output IDL files (to generate) are passed at the command line, since
# these are in the build directory, which is determined at build time, not
# GYP time.
# These are passed as pairs of GlobalObjectName, GlobalObject.idl
interface_name_idl_filename = [(args[i], args[i + 1])
for i in range(0, len(args), 2)]
with open(options.global_objects_file) as global_objects_file:
for idl_filename in idl_files:
# Check for [Exposed] / [Global] mismatch.
known_global_names = frozenset(itertools.chain.from_iterable(interface_name_to_global_names.values()))
exposed_global_names = frozenset(global_name_to_constructors)
if not exposed_global_names.issubset(known_global_names):
unknown_global_names = exposed_global_names.difference(known_global_names)
raise ValueError('The following global names were used in '
'[Exposed=xxx] but do not match any [Global] / '
'[PrimaryGlobal] interface: %s'
% list(unknown_global_names))
# Write partial interfaces containing constructor attributes for each
# global interface.
for interface_name, idl_filename in interface_name_idl_filename:
constructors = interface_name_to_constructors(interface_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':