blob: b1b40d6837295ba8cae9f3184090ee46ab83f6f5 [file] [log] [blame]
pip is the easiest way to install psutil.
It is shipped by default with Python 2.7.9+ and 3.4+. If you're using an
older Python version `install pip <>`__
If you GIT cloned psutil source code you can also install pip with::
make install-pip
Unless you're on Windows, in order to install psutil with pip you'll also need
a C compiler installed.
pip will retrieve psutil source code or binaries from
`PYPI <>`__ repository.
Permission issues (UNIX)
The commands below assume you're running as root.
If you're not or you bump into permission errors you can either:
* prepend ``sudo``, e.g.:
sudo pip install psutil
* install psutil for your user only (not at system level):
pip install --user psutil
Ubuntu / Debian::
sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev python-pip
pip install psutil
RedHat / CentOS::
sudo yum install gcc python-devel python-pip
pip install psutil
If you're on Python 3 use ``python3-dev`` and ``python3-pip`` instead.
Major Linux distros also provide binary distributions of psutil so, for
instance, on Ubuntu and Debian you can also do::
sudo apt-get install python-psutil
On RedHat and CentOS::
sudo yum install python-psutil
This is not recommended though as Linux distros usually ship older psutil
Install `XcodeTools <>`__
first, then:
pip install psutil
The easiest way to install psutil on Windows is to just use the pre-compiled
exe/wheel installers hosted on
`PYPI <>`__ via pip::
C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install psutil
If you want to compile psutil from sources you'll need **Visual Studio**
(Mingw32 is no longer supported):
* Python 2.6, 2.7: `VS-2008 <>`__
* Python 3.3, 3.4: `VS-2010 <>`__
* Python 3.5+: `VS-2015 <>`__
Compiling 64 bit versions of Python 2.6 and 2.7 with VS 2008 requires
`Windows SDK and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 <>`__.
Once installed run vcvars64.bat, then you can finally compile (see
`here <>`__).
To compile / install psutil from sources on Windows run::
make.bat build
make.bat install
pkg install python gcc
python -m pip install psutil
export PKG_PATH="`uname -r`/packages/`arch -s`/"
pkg_add -v python gcc
python -m pip install psutil
export PKG_PATH="`uname -m`/`uname -r`/All"
pkg_add -v pkgin
pkgin install python gcc
python -m pip install psutil
If ``cc`` compiler is not installed create a symlink to ``gcc``:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/local/bin/cc
pkg install gcc
python -m pip install psutil
Dev Guide
If you plan on hacking on psutil you may want to take a look at the
`dev guide <>`__.