blob: fdca4a6e999b58fac465a00c6107ac9b8ce16319 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* Umbrella public header for the EarlGrey framework.
* Instead of importing individual headers, import this header using:
* @code
* @import EarlGrey; // if your project uses modules
* @endcode
* OR if your project doesn't use modules:
* @code
* #import <EarlGrey/EarlGrey.h>
* @endcode
* To learn more, check out:
#import <EarlGrey/GREYAction.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYActionBlock.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYActions.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYAllOf.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYAnyOf.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYAssertion.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYAssertionBlock.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYAssertionDefines.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYAssertions.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYBaseAction.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYBaseMatcher.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYCondition.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYConfiguration.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYConstants.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYDataEnumerator.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYDefines.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYDescription.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYDispatchQueueIdlingResource.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYElementFinder.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYElementHierarchy.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYElementInteraction.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYElementMatcherBlock.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYFailureHandler.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYFrameworkException.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYIdlingResource.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYInteraction.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYLayoutConstraint.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYManagedObjectContextIdlingResource.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYMatcher.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYMatchers.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYNSTimerIdlingResource.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYNot.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYOperationQueueIdlingResource.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYProvider.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYScreenshotUtil.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYScrollActionError.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYSyncAPI.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYTestHelper.h>
#import <EarlGrey/GREYUIThreadExecutor.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
* Key for currently set failure handler for EarlGrey in thread's local storage dictionary.
GREY_EXTERN NSString *const kGREYFailureHandlerKey;
* Convenience replacement for every EarlGrey method call with
* EarlGreyImpl::invokedFromFile:lineNumber: so it can get the invocation file and line to
* report to XCTest on failure.
#define EarlGrey [EarlGreyImpl invokedFromFile:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__] \
* Entrypoint to the EarlGrey framework.
* Use methods of this class to initiate interaction with any UI element on the screen.
@interface EarlGreyImpl : NSObject
* Provides the file name and line number of the code that is calling into EarlGrey.
* In case of a failure, the information is used to tell XCTest the exact line which caused
* the failure so it can be highlighted in the IDE.
* @param fileName The name of the file where the failing code exists.
* @param lineNumber The line number of the failing code.
* @return An EarlGreyImpl instance, with details of the code invoking EarlGrey.
+ (instancetype)invokedFromFile:(NSString *)fileName lineNumber:(NSUInteger)lineNumber;
* @remark init is not an available initializer. Use the other initializers.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* Initiates an interaction by selecting a single UI element of the application. In this step, a
* matcher is passed that EarlGrey can use to parse the UI Hierarchy. This step will not show any
* changes in the visible UI. You need to use a GREYAction or GREYAssertion in order to actually
* perform the interaction.
* The interaction will start on the UI element that matches the specified @c elementMatcher.
* Interaction will fail when multiple elements are matched. In that case, you will have to
* refine the @c elementMatcher to match a single element or use GREYInteraction::atIndex to
* specify the index of the element in the list of elements matched.
* By default, EarlGrey looks at all the windows from front to back and
* searches for the UI element. To focus on a specific window or container, use
* GREYElementInteraction::inRoot:.
* For example, this code will match a UI element with accessibility identifier "foo"
* that is inside FooWindow :
* @code
* [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityID(@"foo")]
* inRoot:grey_kindOfClass([FooWindow class])]
* @endcode
* @param elementMatcher The matcher specifying the UI element that will be targeted by the
* interaction.
* @return A GREYElementInteraction instance, initialized with an appropriate matcher.
- (GREYElementInteraction *)selectElementWithMatcher:(id<GREYMatcher>)elementMatcher;
* Sets the global failure handler for all framework related failures.
* A default failure handler is provided by the framework and it is @b strongly advised to use
* that if you don't need to customize error handling in your test. Passing in @c nil will revert
* the failure handler to default framework provided failure handler.
* @param handler The failure handler to be used for all test failures.
- (void)setFailureHandler:(id<GREYFailureHandler>)handler;
* Convenience wrapper to invoke GREYFailureHandler::handleException:details: on the global
* failure handler.
* @param exception The exception to be handled.
* @param details Any extra details about the failure.
- (void)handleException:(GREYFrameworkException *)exception details:(NSString *)details;
* Rotate the device to a given @c deviceOrientation. All device orientations except for
* @c UIDeviceOrientationUnknown are supported. If a non-nil @c errorOrNil is provided, it will
* be populated with the failure reason if the orientation change fails, otherwise a test failure
* will be registered.
* @param deviceOrientation The desired orientation of the device.
* @param[out] errorOrNil Error that will be populated on failure. If @c nil, a test
* failure will be reported if the rotation attempt fails.
* @return @c YES if the rotation was successful, @c NO otherwise.
- (BOOL)rotateDeviceToOrientation:(UIDeviceOrientation)deviceOrientation
errorOrNil:(__strong NSError **)errorOrNil;