blob: 870d2b60b4d37cc824a5f9c62dff35fbbddc7d13 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
// Convert an integer or floating point value to a string.
// In contrast to std::stringstream, "char" values are
// converted to a string of digits, and we don't use scientific notation.
template<typename T> std::string NumToString(T t) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return ss.str();
// Avoid char types used as character data.
template<> inline std::string NumToString<signed char>(signed char t) {
return NumToString(static_cast<int>(t));
template<> inline std::string NumToString<unsigned char>(unsigned char t) {
return NumToString(static_cast<int>(t));
// Special versions for floats/doubles.
template<> inline std::string NumToString<double>(double t) {
// to_string() prints different numbers of digits for floats depending on
// platform and isn't available on Android, so we use stringstream
std::stringstream ss;
// Use std::fixed to surpress scientific notation.
ss << std::fixed << t;
auto s = ss.str();
// Sadly, std::fixed turns "1" into "1.00000", so here we undo that.
auto p = s.find_last_not_of('0');
if (p != std::string::npos) {
s.resize(p + 1); // Strip trailing zeroes.
if (s[s.size() - 1] == '.')
s.erase(s.size() - 1, 1); // Strip '.' if a whole number.
return s;
template<> inline std::string NumToString<float>(float t) {
return NumToString(static_cast<double>(t));
// Convert an integer value to a hexadecimal string.
// The returned string length is always xdigits long, prefixed by 0 digits.
// For example, IntToStringHex(0x23, 8) returns the string "00000023".
inline std::string IntToStringHex(int i, int xdigits) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::setw(xdigits)
<< std::setfill('0')
<< std::hex
<< std::uppercase
<< i;
return ss.str();
// Portable implementation of strtoll().
inline int64_t StringToInt(const char *str, char **endptr = nullptr,
int base = 10) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
return _strtoi64(str, endptr, base);
return strtoll(str, endptr, base);
// Portable implementation of strtoull().
inline uint64_t StringToUInt(const char *str, char **endptr = nullptr,
int base = 10) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
return _strtoui64(str, endptr, base);
return strtoull(str, endptr, base);
typedef bool (*LoadFileFunction)(const char *filename, bool binary,
std::string *dest);
typedef bool (*FileExistsFunction)(const char *filename);
LoadFileFunction SetLoadFileFunction(LoadFileFunction load_file_function);
FileExistsFunction SetFileExistsFunction(FileExistsFunction
// Check if file "name" exists.
bool FileExists(const char *name);
// Check if "name" exists and it is also a directory.
bool DirExists(const char *name);
// Load file "name" into "buf" returning true if successful
// false otherwise. If "binary" is false data is read
// using ifstream's text mode, otherwise data is read with
// no transcoding.
bool LoadFile(const char *name, bool binary, std::string *buf);
// Save data "buf" of length "len" bytes into a file
// "name" returning true if successful, false otherwise.
// If "binary" is false data is written using ifstream's
// text mode, otherwise data is written with no
// transcoding.
inline bool SaveFile(const char *name, const char *buf, size_t len,
bool binary) {
std::ofstream ofs(name, binary ? std::ofstream::binary : std::ofstream::out);
if (!ofs.is_open()) return false;
ofs.write(buf, len);
return !ofs.bad();
// Save data "buf" into file "name" returning true if
// successful, false otherwise. If "binary" is false
// data is written using ifstream's text mode, otherwise
// data is written with no transcoding.
inline bool SaveFile(const char *name, const std::string &buf, bool binary) {
return SaveFile(name, buf.c_str(), buf.size(), binary);
// Functionality for minimalistic portable path handling:
static const char kPosixPathSeparator = '/';
#ifdef _WIN32
static const char kPathSeparator = '\\';
static const char *PathSeparatorSet = "\\/"; // Intentionally no ':'
static const char kPathSeparator = kPosixPathSeparator;
static const char *PathSeparatorSet = "/";
#endif // _WIN32
// Returns the path with the extension, if any, removed.
inline std::string StripExtension(const std::string &filepath) {
size_t i = filepath.find_last_of(".");
return i != std::string::npos ? filepath.substr(0, i) : filepath;
// Returns the extension, if any.
inline std::string GetExtension(const std::string &filepath) {
size_t i = filepath.find_last_of(".");
return i != std::string::npos ? filepath.substr(i + 1) : "";
// Return the last component of the path, after the last separator.
inline std::string StripPath(const std::string &filepath) {
size_t i = filepath.find_last_of(PathSeparatorSet);
return i != std::string::npos ? filepath.substr(i + 1) : filepath;
// Strip the last component of the path + separator.
inline std::string StripFileName(const std::string &filepath) {
size_t i = filepath.find_last_of(PathSeparatorSet);
return i != std::string::npos ? filepath.substr(0, i) : "";
// Concatenates a path with a filename, regardless of wether the path
// ends in a separator or not.
inline std::string ConCatPathFileName(const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename) {
std::string filepath = path;
if (path.length() && path[path.size() - 1] != kPathSeparator &&
path[path.size() - 1] != kPosixPathSeparator)
filepath += kPathSeparator;
filepath += filename;
return filepath;
// This function ensure a directory exists, by recursively
// creating dirs for any parts of the path that don't exist yet.
inline void EnsureDirExists(const std::string &filepath) {
auto parent = StripFileName(filepath);
if (parent.length()) EnsureDirExists(parent);
#ifdef _WIN32
mkdir(filepath.c_str(), S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP);
// Obtains the absolute path from any other path.
// Returns the input path if the absolute path couldn't be resolved.
inline std::string AbsolutePath(const std::string &filepath) {
return filepath;
#ifdef _WIN32
char abs_path[MAX_PATH];
return GetFullPathNameA(filepath.c_str(), MAX_PATH, abs_path, nullptr)
char abs_path[PATH_MAX];
return realpath(filepath.c_str(), abs_path)
? abs_path
: filepath;
// To and from UTF-8 unicode conversion functions
// Convert a unicode code point into a UTF-8 representation by appending it
// to a string. Returns the number of bytes generated.
inline int ToUTF8(uint32_t ucc, std::string *out) {
assert(!(ucc & 0x80000000)); // Top bit can't be set.
// 6 possible encodings:
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// Max bits this encoding can represent.
uint32_t max_bits = 6 + i * 5 + static_cast<int>(!i);
if (ucc < (1u << max_bits)) { // does it fit?
// Remaining bits not encoded in the first byte, store 6 bits each
uint32_t remain_bits = i * 6;
// Store first byte:
(*out) += static_cast<char>((0xFE << (max_bits - remain_bits)) |
(ucc >> remain_bits));
// Store remaining bytes:
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
(*out) += static_cast<char>(((ucc >> (j * 6)) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
return i + 1; // Return the number of bytes added.
assert(0); // Impossible to arrive here.
return -1;
// Converts whatever prefix of the incoming string corresponds to a valid
// UTF-8 sequence into a unicode code. The incoming pointer will have been
// advanced past all bytes parsed.
// returns -1 upon corrupt UTF-8 encoding (ignore the incoming pointer in
// this case).
inline int FromUTF8(const char **in) {
int len = 0;
// Count leading 1 bits.
for (int mask = 0x80; mask >= 0x04; mask >>= 1) {
if (**in & mask) {
} else {
if ((**in << len) & 0x80) return -1; // Bit after leading 1's must be 0.
if (!len) return *(*in)++;
// UTF-8 encoded values with a length are between 2 and 4 bytes.
if (len < 2 || len > 4) {
return -1;
// Grab initial bits of the code.
int ucc = *(*in)++ & ((1 << (7 - len)) - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
if ((**in & 0xC0) != 0x80) return -1; // Upper bits must 1 0.
ucc <<= 6;
ucc |= *(*in)++ & 0x3F; // Grab 6 more bits of the code.
// UTF-8 cannot encode values between 0xD800 and 0xDFFF (reserved for
// UTF-16 surrogate pairs).
if (ucc >= 0xD800 && ucc <= 0xDFFF) {
return -1;
// UTF-8 must represent code points in their shortest possible encoding.
switch (len) {
case 2:
// Two bytes of UTF-8 can represent code points from U+0080 to U+07FF.
if (ucc < 0x0080 || ucc > 0x07FF) {
return -1;
case 3:
// Three bytes of UTF-8 can represent code points from U+0800 to U+FFFF.
if (ucc < 0x0800 || ucc > 0xFFFF) {
return -1;
case 4:
// Four bytes of UTF-8 can represent code points from U+10000 to U+10FFFF.
if (ucc < 0x10000 || ucc > 0x10FFFF) {
return -1;
return ucc;
// Wraps a string to a maximum length, inserting new lines where necessary. Any
// existing whitespace will be collapsed down to a single space. A prefix or
// suffix can be provided, which will be inserted before or after a wrapped
// line, respectively.
inline std::string WordWrap(const std::string in, size_t max_length,
const std::string wrapped_line_prefix,
const std::string wrapped_line_suffix) {
std::istringstream in_stream(in);
std::string wrapped, line, word;
in_stream >> word;
line = word;
while (in_stream >> word) {
if ((line.length() + 1 + word.length() + wrapped_line_suffix.length()) <
max_length) {
line += " " + word;
} else {
wrapped += line + wrapped_line_suffix + "\n";
line = wrapped_line_prefix + word;
wrapped += line;
return wrapped;
} // namespace flatbuffers