blob: e7def0543f33e648ea156483d829bd1b1d441d9b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import cPickle
import errno
import gzip
import json
import multiprocessing
import optparse
import os
import re
import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import thread
import threading
import time
import zlib
# An object that catches SIGINT sent to the Python process and notices
# if processes passed to wait() die by SIGINT (we need to look for
# both of those cases, because pressing Ctrl+C can result in either
# the main process or one of the subprocesses getting the signal).
# Before a SIGINT is seen, wait(p) will simply call p.wait() and
# return the result. Once a SIGINT has been seen (in the main process
# or a subprocess, including the one the current call is waiting for),
# wait(p) will call p.terminate() and raise ProcessWasInterrupted.
class SigintHandler(object):
class ProcessWasInterrupted(Exception): pass
sigint_returncodes = {-signal.SIGINT, # Unix
-1073741510, # Windows
def __init__(self):
self.__lock = threading.Lock()
self.__processes = set()
self.__got_sigint = False
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signal_num, frame: self.interrupt())
def __on_sigint(self):
self.__got_sigint = True
while self.__processes:
except OSError:
def interrupt(self):
with self.__lock:
def got_sigint(self):
with self.__lock:
return self.__got_sigint
def wait(self, p):
with self.__lock:
if self.__got_sigint:
code = p.wait()
with self.__lock:
if code in self.sigint_returncodes:
if self.__got_sigint:
raise self.ProcessWasInterrupted
return code
sigint_handler = SigintHandler()
# Return the width of the terminal, or None if it couldn't be
# determined (e.g. because we're not being run interactively).
def term_width(out):
if not out.isatty():
return None
p = subprocess.Popen(["stty", "size"],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(out, err) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0 or err:
return None
return int(out.split()[1])
except (IndexError, OSError, ValueError):
return None
# Output transient and permanent lines of text. If several transient
# lines are written in sequence, the new will overwrite the old. We
# use this to ensure that lots of unimportant info (tests passing)
# won't drown out important info (tests failing).
class Outputter(object):
def __init__(self, out_file):
self.__out_file = out_file
self.__previous_line_was_transient = False
self.__width = term_width(out_file) # Line width, or None if not a tty.
def transient_line(self, msg):
if self.__width is None:
self.__out_file.write(msg + "\n")
self.__out_file.write("\r" + msg[:self.__width].ljust(self.__width))
self.__previous_line_was_transient = True
def flush_transient_output(self):
if self.__previous_line_was_transient:
self.__previous_line_was_transient = False
def permanent_line(self, msg):
self.__out_file.write(msg + "\n")
class Task(object):
"""Stores information about a task (single execution of a test).
This class stores information about the test to be executed (gtest binary and
test name), and its result (log file, exit code and runtime).
Each task is uniquely identified by the gtest binary, the test name and an
execution number that increases each time the test is executed.
Additionaly we store the last execution time, so that next time the test is
executed, the slowest tests are run first.
def __init__(self, test_binary, test_name, test_command, execution_number,
last_execution_time, output_dir):
self.test_name = test_name
self.output_dir = output_dir
self.test_binary = test_binary
self.test_command = test_command
self.execution_number = execution_number
self.last_execution_time = last_execution_time
self.exit_code = None
self.runtime_ms = None
self.test_id = (test_binary, test_name)
self.task_id = (test_binary, test_name, self.execution_number)
log_name = '%s-%s-%s.log' % (self.__normalize(test_binary),
self.log_file = os.path.join(output_dir, log_name)
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.last_execution_time is None:
return True
if other.last_execution_time is None:
return False
return self.last_execution_time > other.last_execution_time
def __normalize(self, string):
return re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '_', string)
def run(self):
begin = time.time()
with open(self.log_file, 'w') as log:
task = subprocess.Popen(self.test_command, stdout=log, stderr=log)
self.exit_code = sigint_handler.wait(task)
except sigint_handler.ProcessWasInterrupted:
self.runtime_ms = int(1000 * (time.time() - begin))
self.last_execution_time = None if self.exit_code else self.runtime_ms
class TaskManager(object):
"""Executes the tasks and stores the passed, failed and interrupted tasks.
When a task is run, this class keeps track if it passed, failed or was
interrupted. After a task finishes it calls the relevant functions of the
Logger, TestResults and TestTimes classes, and in case of failure, retries the
test as specified by the --retry_failed flag.
def __init__(self, times, logger, test_results, times_to_retry,
self.times = times
self.logger = logger
self.test_results = test_results
self.times_to_retry = times_to_retry
self.initial_execution_number = initial_execution_number
self.global_exit_code = 0
self.passed = []
self.failed = []
self.started = {}
self.execution_number = {}
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def __get_next_execution_number(self, test_id):
with self.lock:
next_execution_number = self.execution_number.setdefault(
test_id, self.initial_execution_number)
self.execution_number[test_id] += 1
return next_execution_number
def __register_start(self, task):
with self.lock:
self.started[task.task_id] = task
def __register_exit(self, task):
self.times.record_test_time(task.test_binary, task.test_name,
if self.test_results:
test_results.log(task.test_name, task.runtime_ms,
"PASS" if task.exit_code == 0 else "FAIL")
with self.lock:
if task.exit_code == 0:
def run_task(self, task):
for try_number in range(self.times_to_retry + 1):
if task.exit_code == 0:
if try_number < self.times_to_retry:
execution_number = self.__get_next_execution_number(task.test_id)
# We need create a new Task instance. Each task represents a single test
# execution, with its own runtime, exit code and log file.
task = Task(task.test_binary, task.test_name, task.test_command,
execution_number, task.last_execution_time, task.output_dir)
with self.lock:
if task.exit_code != 0:
self.global_exit_code = task.exit_code
class FilterFormat(object):
def __init__(self, output_dir):
if sys.stdout.isatty():
# stdout needs to be unbuffered since the output is interactive.
sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)
self.output_dir = output_dir
self.total_tasks = 0
self.finished_tasks = 0
self.out = Outputter(sys.stdout)
self.stdout_lock = threading.Lock()
def move_to(self, destination_dir, tasks):
destination_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, destination_dir)
for task in tasks:
shutil.move(task.log_file, destination_dir)
def print_tests(self, message, tasks):
self.out.permanent_line("%s (%s/%s):" %
(message, len(tasks), self.total_tasks))
for task in sorted(tasks):
runtime_ms = 'Interrupted'
if task.runtime_ms is not None:
runtime_ms = '%d ms' % task.runtime_ms
self.out.permanent_line("%11s: %s %s (try #%d)" % (
runtime_ms, task.test_binary, task.test_name, task.execution_number))
def log_exit(self, task):
with self.stdout_lock:
self.finished_tasks += 1
self.out.transient_line("[%d/%d] %s (%d ms)"
% (self.finished_tasks, self.total_tasks,
task.test_name, task.runtime_ms))
if task.exit_code != 0:
with open(task.log_file) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
"[%d/%d] %s returned/aborted with exit code %d (%d ms)"
% (self.finished_tasks, self.total_tasks, task.test_name,
task.exit_code, task.runtime_ms))
def log_tasks(self, total_tasks):
self.total_tasks += total_tasks
self.out.transient_line("[0/%d] Running tests..." % self.total_tasks)
def flush(self):
class CollectTestResults(object):
def __init__(self, json_dump_filepath):
self.test_results_lock = threading.Lock()
self.json_dump_file = open(json_dump_filepath, 'w')
self.test_results = {
"interrupted": False,
"path_delimiter": ".",
# Third version of the file format. See the link in the flag description
# for details.
"version": 3,
"seconds_since_epoch": int(time.time()),
"num_failures_by_type": {
"PASS": 0,
"FAIL": 0,
"tests": {},
def log(self, test, runtime_ms, actual_result):
with self.test_results_lock:
self.test_results['num_failures_by_type'][actual_result] += 1
results = self.test_results['tests']
for name in test.split('.'):
results = results.setdefault(name, {})
if results:
results['actual'] += ' ' + actual_result
else: # This is the first invocation of the test
results['actual'] = actual_result
results['times'] = [runtime_ms]
results['time'] = runtime_ms
results['expected'] = 'PASS'
def dump_to_file_and_close(self):
json.dump(self.test_results, self.json_dump_file)
class DummyTimer(object):
def start(self):
def cancel(self):
# Record of test runtimes. Has built-in locking.
class TestTimes(object):
def __init__(self, save_file):
"Create new object seeded with saved test times from the given file."
self.__times = {} # (test binary, test name) -> runtime in ms
# Protects calls to record_test_time(); other calls are not
# expected to be made concurrently.
self.__lock = threading.Lock()
with gzip.GzipFile(save_file, "rb") as f:
times = cPickle.load(f)
except (EOFError, IOError, cPickle.UnpicklingError, zlib.error):
# File doesn't exist, isn't readable, is malformed---whatever.
# Just ignore it.
# Discard saved times if the format isn't right.
if type(times) is not dict:
for ((test_binary, test_name), runtime) in times.items():
if (type(test_binary) is not str or type(test_name) is not str
or type(runtime) not in {int, long, type(None)}):
self.__times = times
def get_test_time(self, binary, testname):
"""Return the last duration for the given test as an integer number of
milliseconds, or None if the test failed or if there's no record for it."""
return self.__times.get((binary, testname), None)
def record_test_time(self, binary, testname, runtime_ms):
"""Record that the given test ran in the specified number of
milliseconds. If the test failed, runtime_ms should be None."""
with self.__lock:
self.__times[(binary, testname)] = runtime_ms
def write_to_file(self, save_file):
"Write all the times to file."
with open(save_file, "wb") as f:
with gzip.GzipFile("", "wb", 9, f) as gzf:
cPickle.dump(self.__times, gzf, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
except IOError:
pass # ignore errors---saving the times isn't that important
def find_tests(binaries, additional_args, options, times):
test_count = 0
tasks = []
for test_binary in binaries:
command = [test_binary]
if options.gtest_also_run_disabled_tests:
command += ['--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests']
list_command = command + ['--gtest_list_tests']
if options.gtest_filter != '':
list_command += ['--gtest_filter=' + options.gtest_filter]
test_list = subprocess.Popen(list_command,
except OSError as e:
sys.exit("%s: %s" % (test_binary, str(e)))
command += additional_args + ['--gtest_color=' + options.gtest_color]
test_group = ''
for line in test_list.split('\n'):
if not line.strip():
if line[0] != " ":
# Remove comments for typed tests and strip whitespace.
test_group = line.split('#')[0].strip()
# Remove comments for parameterized tests and strip whitespace.
line = line.split('#')[0].strip()
if not line:
test_name = test_group + line
if not options.gtest_also_run_disabled_tests and 'DISABLED_' in test_name:
last_execution_time = times.get_test_time(test_binary, test_name)
if options.failed and last_execution_time is not None:
test_command = command + ['--gtest_filter=' + test_name]
if (test_count - options.shard_index) % options.shard_count == 0:
for execution_number in range(options.repeat):
tasks.append(Task(test_binary, test_name, test_command,
execution_number + 1, last_execution_time,
test_count += 1
return tasks
def execute_tasks(tasks, pool_size, task_manager, timeout):
class WorkerFn(object):
def __init__(self, tasks):
self.task_id = 0
self.tasks = tasks
self.task_lock = threading.Lock()
def __call__(self):
while True:
with self.task_lock:
if self.task_id < len(self.tasks):
task = self.tasks[self.task_id]
self.task_id += 1
def start_daemon(func):
t = threading.Thread(target=func)
t.daemon = True
return t
worker_fn = WorkerFn(tasks)
workers = [start_daemon(worker_fn) for _ in range(pool_size)]
for worker in workers:
def main():
# Remove additional arguments (anything after --).
additional_args = []
for i in range(len(sys.argv)):
if sys.argv[i] == '--':
additional_args = sys.argv[i+1:]
sys.argv = sys.argv[:i]
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
usage = 'usage: %prog [options] binary [binary ...] -- [additional args]')
parser.add_option('-d', '--output_dir', type='string',
default=os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "gtest-parallel"),
help='output directory for test logs')
parser.add_option('-r', '--repeat', type='int', default=1,
help='Number of times to execute all the tests.')
parser.add_option('--retry_failed', type='int', default=0,
help='Number of times to repeat failed tests.')
parser.add_option('--failed', action='store_true', default=False,
help='run only failed and new tests')
parser.add_option('-w', '--workers', type='int',
help='number of workers to spawn')
parser.add_option('--gtest_color', type='string', default='yes',
help='color output')
parser.add_option('--gtest_filter', type='string', default='',
help='test filter')
parser.add_option('--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests', action='store_true',
default=False, help='run disabled tests too')
parser.add_option('--print_test_times', action='store_true', default=False,
help='list the run time of each test at the end of execution')
parser.add_option('--shard_count', type='int', default=1,
help='total number of shards (for sharding test execution '
'between multiple machines)')
parser.add_option('--shard_index', type='int', default=0,
help='zero-indexed number identifying this shard (for '
'sharding test execution between multiple machines)')
parser.add_option('--dump_json_test_results', type='string', default=None,
help='Saves the results of the tests as a JSON machine-'
'readable file. The format of the file is specified at '
parser.add_option('--timeout', type='int', default=None,
help='Interrupt all remaining processes after the given '
'time (in seconds).')
(options, binaries) = parser.parse_args()
if binaries == []:
if options.shard_count < 1:
parser.error("Invalid number of shards: %d. Must be at least 1." %
if not (0 <= options.shard_index < options.shard_count):
parser.error("Invalid shard index: %d. Must be between 0 and %d "
"(less than the number of shards)." %
(options.shard_index, options.shard_count - 1))
# Check that all test binaries have an unique basename. That way we can ensure
# the logs are saved to unique files even when two different binaries have
# common tests.
unique_binaries = set(os.path.basename(binary) for binary in binaries)
assert len(unique_binaries) == len(binaries), (
"All test binaries must have an unique basename.")
# Remove files from old test runs.
if os.path.isdir(options.output_dir):
# Create directory for test log output.
except OSError as e:
# Ignore errors if this directory already exists.
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(options.output_dir):
raise e
timeout = (DummyTimer() if options.timeout is None
else threading.Timer(options.timeout, sigint_handler.interrupt))
test_results = None
if options.dump_json_test_results is not None:
test_results = CollectTestResults(options.dump_json_test_results)
save_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".gtest-parallel-times")
times = TestTimes(save_file)
logger = FilterFormat(options.output_dir)
task_manager = TaskManager(times, logger, test_results, options.retry_failed,
options.repeat + 1)
tasks = find_tests(binaries, additional_args, options, times)
execute_tasks(tasks, options.workers, task_manager, timeout)
if task_manager.passed:
logger.move_to('passed', task_manager.passed)
if options.print_test_times:
logger.print_tests('PASSED TESTS', task_manager.passed)
if task_manager.failed:
logger.print_tests('FAILED TESTS', task_manager.failed)
logger.move_to('failed', task_manager.failed)
if task_manager.started:
logger.print_tests('INTERRUPTED TESTS', task_manager.started.values())
logger.move_to('interrupted', task_manager.started.values())
if test_results:
if sigint_handler.got_sigint():
return -signal.SIGINT
return task_manager.global_exit_code