blob: 8ae5a50e357fcc9615dab6171037b1aedef0a969 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include "base/containers/flat_tree.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
// An implementation of the flat_set GetKeyFromValue template parameter that
// extracts the key as the first element of a pair.
template <class Key, class Mapped>
struct GetKeyFromValuePairFirst {
const Key& operator()(const std::pair<Key, Mapped>& p) const {
return p.first;
} // namespace internal
// This file implements flat_map container. It is an alternative to standard
// sorted containers that stores its elements in contiguous memory (a vector).
// Additional documentation and usage advice is in flat_set.h.
// Most of the core functionality is inherited from flat_tree. Please see
// flat_tree.h for more details for most of these functions. As a quick
// reference, the functions available are:
// Assignment functions:
// flat_map& operator=(const flat_map&);
// flat_map& operator=(flat_map&&);
// flat_map& operator=(initializer_list<pair<Key, Mapped>>);
// Memory management functions:
// void reserve(size_t);
// size_t capacity() const;
// void shrink_to_fit();
// Size management functions:
// void clear();
// size_t size() const;
// size_t max_size() const;
// bool empty() const;
// Iterator functions:
// iterator begin();
// const_iterator begin() const;
// const_iterator cbegin() const;
// iterator end();
// const_iterator end() const;
// const_iterator cend() const;
// reverse_iterator rbegin();
// const reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
// const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const;
// reverse_iterator rend();
// const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
// const_reverse_iterator crend() const;
// Insert and accessor functions:
// Mapped& operator[](const Key&);
// Mapped& operator[](Key&&);
// pair<iterator, bool> insert(const pair<Key, Mapped>&);
// pair<iterator, bool> insert(pair<Key, Mapped>&&);
// pair<iterator, bool> emplace(Args&&...);
// iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator, Args&&...);
// Erase functions:
// iterator erase(const_iterator);
// iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator& last);
// size_t erase(const Key& key)
// Comparators (see std::map documentation).
// key_compare key_comp() const;
// value_compare value_comp() const;
// Search functions:
// size_t count(const Key&) const;
// iterator find(const Key&);
// const_iterator find(const Key&) const;
// pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(Key&)
// iterator lower_bound(const Key&);
// const_iterator lower_bound(const Key&) const;
// iterator upper_bound(const Key&);
// const_iterator upper_bound(const Key&) const;
// General functions
// void swap(flat_map&&)
// Non-member operators:
// bool operator==(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
// bool operator!=(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
// bool operator<(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
// bool operator>(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
// bool operator>=(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
// bool operator<=(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare = std::less<Key>>
// Meets the requirements of Container, AssociativeContainer,
// ReversibleContainer.
// Requires: Key is Movable, Compare is a StrictWeakOrdering on Key.
class flat_map : public ::base::internal::flat_tree<
std::pair<Key, Mapped>,
::base::internal::GetKeyFromValuePairFirst<Key, Mapped>,
Compare> {
using tree = typename ::base::internal::flat_tree<
std::pair<Key, Mapped>,
::base::internal::GetKeyFromValuePairFirst<Key, Mapped>,
using mapped_type = Mapped;
using value_type = typename tree::value_type;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lifetime.
// Constructors that take range guarantee O(N * log(N)) + O(N) complexity
// (N is a range length). Thr range constructors are NOT stable. If there are
// duplicates an arbitrary one will be chosen.
// Assume that move constructors invalidate iterators and references.
explicit flat_map(const Compare& comp);
// Not stable in the presence of duplicates in the initializer list.
template <class InputIterator>
flat_map(InputIterator first,
InputIterator last,
const Compare& comp = Compare());
flat_map(const flat_map&);
// Not stable in the presence of duplicates in the initializer list.
flat_map(std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist,
const Compare& comp = Compare());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assignments.
// Assume that move assignment invalidates iterators and references.
flat_map& operator=(const flat_map&);
flat_map& operator=(flat_map&&);
// Not stable in the presence of duplicates in the initializer list.
flat_map& operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Map-specific insert operations.
// Normal insert() functions are inherited from flat_tree.
// Assume that every operation invalidates iterators and references.
// Insertion of one element can take O(size).
mapped_type& operator[](const Key& key);
mapped_type& operator[](Key&& key);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General operations.
// Assume that swap invalidates iterators and references.
void swap(flat_map& other);
friend void swap(flat_map& lhs, flat_map& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lifetime.
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::flat_map() = default;
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::flat_map(const Compare& comp) : tree(comp) {}
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
template <class InputIterator>
flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::flat_map(InputIterator first,
InputIterator last,
const Compare& comp)
: tree(first, last, comp) {}
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::flat_map(const flat_map&) = default;
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::flat_map(flat_map&&) = default;
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::flat_map(
std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist,
const Compare& comp)
: flat_map(std::begin(ilist), std::end(ilist), comp) {}
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::~flat_map() = default;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assignments.
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::operator=(const flat_map&)
-> flat_map& = default;
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::operator=(flat_map &&)
-> flat_map& = default;
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::operator=(
std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist) -> flat_map& {
return *this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Insert operations.
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::operator[](const Key& key) -> Mapped& {
typename tree::iterator found = tree::lower_bound(key);
if (found == tree::end() || tree::key_comp()(key, found->first))
found = unsafe_emplace(found, key, Mapped());
return found->second;
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::operator[](Key&& key) -> Mapped& {
const Key& key_ref = key;
typename tree::iterator found = tree::lower_bound(key_ref);
if (found == tree::end() || tree::key_comp()(key, found->first))
found = tree::unsafe_emplace(found, std::move(key), Mapped());
return found->second;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General operations.
template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare>
void flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare>::swap(flat_map& other) {
} // namespace base