blob: 7b45ae7ad42ff6d26879217f5b41ec6605220572 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Creates an html report that allows you to view binary size by component."""
import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import helpers
import map2size
# Node dictionary keys. These are output in json read by the webapp so
# keep them short to save file size.
# Note: If these change, the webapp must also change.
_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY = 'children'
_NODE_MAX_DEPTH_KEY = 'maxDepth'
# The display name of the bucket where we put symbols without path.
# Try to keep data buckets smaller than this to avoid killing the
# graphing lib.
def _GetOrMakeChildNode(node, node_type, name):
child = node[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY].get(name)
if child is None:
child = {
_NODE_TYPE_KEY: node_type,
if node_type != _NODE_TYPE_SYMBOL:
child[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY] = {}
node[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY][name] = child
assert child[_NODE_TYPE_KEY] == node_type
return child
def _SplitLargeBucket(bucket):
"""Split the given node into sub-buckets when it's too big."""
old_children = bucket[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY]
count = 0
for symbol_type, symbol_bucket in old_children.iteritems():
count += len(symbol_bucket[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY])
if count > _BIG_BUCKET_LIMIT:
new_children = {}
bucket[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY] = new_children
current_bucket = None
index = 0
for symbol_type, symbol_bucket in old_children.iteritems():
for symbol_name, value in symbol_bucket[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY].iteritems():
if index % _BIG_BUCKET_LIMIT == 0:
group_no = (index / _BIG_BUCKET_LIMIT) + 1
node_name = '%s subgroup %d' % (_NAME_NO_PATH_BUCKET, group_no)
current_bucket = _GetOrMakeChildNode(
bucket, _NODE_TYPE_PATH, node_name)
index += 1
symbol_size = value[_NODE_SYMBOL_SIZE_KEY]
_AddSymbolIntoFileNode(current_bucket, symbol_type, symbol_name,
symbol_size, True)
def _MakeChildrenDictsIntoLists(node):
"""Recursively converts all children from dicts -> lists."""
children = node.get(_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY)
if children:
children = children.values() # Convert dict -> list.
node[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY] = children
for child in children:
if len(children) > _BIG_BUCKET_LIMIT:
logging.warning('Bucket found with %d entries. Might be unusable.',
def _AddSymbolIntoFileNode(node, symbol_type, symbol_name, symbol_size,
"""Puts symbol into the file path node |node|."""
# Don't bother with buckets when not including symbols.
if include_symbols:
node = _GetOrMakeChildNode(node, _NODE_TYPE_BUCKET, symbol_type)
node[_NODE_SYMBOL_TYPE_KEY] = symbol_type
# 'node' is now the symbol-type bucket. Make the child entry.
if include_symbols or not symbol_name:
node_name = symbol_name or '[Anonymous]'
elif symbol_name.startswith('*'):
node_name = symbol_name
node_name = symbol_type
node = _GetOrMakeChildNode(node, _NODE_TYPE_SYMBOL, node_name)
node[_NODE_SYMBOL_SIZE_KEY] = node.get(_NODE_SYMBOL_SIZE_KEY, 0) + symbol_size
node[_NODE_SYMBOL_TYPE_KEY] = symbol_type
def _MakeCompactTree(symbols, include_symbols):
result = {
for symbol in symbols:
file_path = symbol.path or _NAME_NO_PATH_BUCKET
node = result
depth = 0
for path_part in file_path.split(os.path.sep):
if not path_part:
depth += 1
node = _GetOrMakeChildNode(node, _NODE_TYPE_PATH, path_part)
symbol_type = symbol.section
_AddSymbolIntoFileNode(node, symbol_type,, symbol.size,
depth += 2
result[_NODE_MAX_DEPTH_KEY] = max(result[_NODE_MAX_DEPTH_KEY], depth)
# The (no path) bucket can be extremely large if we failed to get
# path information. Split it into subgroups if needed.
no_path_bucket = result[_NODE_CHILDREN_KEY].get(_NAME_NO_PATH_BUCKET)
if no_path_bucket and include_symbols:
return result
def _CopyTemplateFiles(dest_dir):
d3_out = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'd3')
if not os.path.exists(d3_out):
os.makedirs(d3_out, 0755)
d3_src = os.path.join(helpers.SRC_ROOT, 'third_party', 'd3', 'src')
template_src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'template')
shutil.copy(os.path.join(d3_src, 'LICENSE'), d3_out)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(d3_src, 'd3.js'), d3_out)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(template_src, 'index.html'), dest_dir)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(template_src, 'D3SymbolTreeMap.js'), dest_dir)
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Path to input file. Can be a linker .map file, or '
'a .size file.')
parser.add_argument('--report-dir', metavar='PATH', required=True,
help='Write output to the specified directory. An HTML '
'report is generated here.')
parser.add_argument('--include-bss', action='store_true',
help='Include symbols from .bss (which consume no real '
parser.add_argument('--include-symbols', action='store_true',
help='Use per-symbol granularity rather than per-file.')
args = helpers.AddCommonOptionsAndParseArgs(parser, argv)
size_info = map2size.AnalyzeWithArgs(args, args.input_file)
symbols = size_info.symbols
if not args.include_bss:
symbols = size_info.WhereInSection('b').Inverted()
symbols = symbols.WhereBiggerThan(0)
# Copy report boilerplate into output directory. This also proves that the
# output directory is safe for writing, so there should be no problems writing
# the nm.out file later.
_CopyTemplateFiles(args.report_dir)'Creating JSON objects')
tree_root = _MakeCompactTree(symbols, args.include_symbols)'Serializing')
with open(os.path.join(args.report_dir, 'data.js'), 'w') as out_file:
out_file.write('var tree_data=')
# Use separators without whitespace to get a smaller file.
json.dump(tree_root, out_file, ensure_ascii=False, check_circular=False,
separators=(',', ':'))
print 'Report saved to ' + args.report_dir + '/index.html'
if __name__ == '__main__':