blob: 8a4eefc44df4e2107bc8c2a60c72cbe92e1b4c77 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Main Python API for analyzing binary size."""
import argparse
import ast
import distutils.spawn
import gzip
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import function_signature
import helpers
import mapfileparser
import symbols
# File format version for .size files.
def _OpenMaybeGz(path, mode=None):
"""Calls `` if |path| ends in ".gz", otherwise calls `open()`."""
if path.endswith('.gz'):
if mode and 'w' in mode:
return gzip.GzipFile(path, mode, 1)
return, mode)
return open(path, mode or 'r')
def _EndsWithMaybeGz(path, suffix):
return path.endswith(suffix) or path.endswith(suffix + '.gz')
def _IterLines(s):
prev_idx = -1
while True:
idx = s.find('\n', prev_idx + 1)
if idx == -1:
yield s[prev_idx + 1:idx]
prev_idx = idx
def _UnmangleRemainingSymbols(symbol_group, tool_prefix):
"""Uses c++filt to unmangle any symbols that need it."""
to_process = [s for s in symbol_group if and'_Z')]
if not to_process:
return'Unmangling %d names', len(to_process))
proc = subprocess.Popen([tool_prefix + 'c++filt'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout = proc.communicate('\n'.join( for s in to_process))[0]
assert proc.returncode == 0
for i, line in enumerate(_IterLines(stdout)):
to_process[i].name = line
def _NormalizeNames(symbol_group):
"""Ensures that all names are formatted in a useful way.
This includes:
- Assigning of |function_signature| (for functions).
- Stripping of return types in |function_signature| and |name|.
- Stripping parameters from |name|.
- Moving "vtable for" and the like to be suffixes rather than prefixes.
found_prefixes = set()
for symbol in symbol_group:
if not or'*'):
# See comment in _RemoveDuplicatesAndCalculatePadding() about when this
# can happen.
# E.g.: vtable for FOO
idx =' for ', 0, 30)
if idx != -1:
found_prefixes.add([:idx + 4]) =[idx + 5:] + ' [' +[:idx] + ']'
# E.g.: virtual thunk to FOO
idx =' to ', 0, 30)
if idx != -1:
found_prefixes.add([:idx + 3]) =[idx + 4:] + ' [' +[:idx] + ']'
# Strip out return type, and identify where parameter list starts.
if symbol.section == 't':
symbol.function_signature, = (
# Remove anonymous namespaces (they just harm clustering). ='(anonymous namespace)::', '')
logging.debug('Found name prefixes of: %r', found_prefixes)
def _NormalizeObjectPaths(symbol_group):
"""Ensures that all paths are formatted in a useful way."""
for symbol in symbol_group:
if symbol.path:
if symbol.path.startswith('obj/'):
# Convert obj/third_party/... -> third_party/...
symbol.path = symbol.path[4:]
elif symbol.path.startswith('../../'):
# Convert ../../third_party/... -> third_party/...
symbol.path = symbol.path[6:]
if symbol.path.endswith(')'):
# Convert foo/bar.a(baz.o) -> foo/bar.a/baz.o
start_idx = symbol.path.index('(')
paren_path = symbol.path[start_idx + 1:-1]
symbol.path = symbol.path[:start_idx] + os.path.sep + paren_path
def _RemoveDuplicatesAndCalculatePadding(symbol_group):
"""Removes symbols at the same address and calculates the |padding| field.
Symbols must already be sorted by |address|.
i = 0
to_remove = set()
all_symbols = symbol_group.symbols
for i in xrange(len(all_symbols)):
prev_symbol = all_symbols[i - 1]
symbol = all_symbols[i]
if prev_symbol.section_name is not symbol.section_name:
if symbol.address > 0 and prev_symbol.address > 0:
# Fold symbols that are at the same address (happens in nm output).
if symbol.address == prev_symbol.address:
symbol.size = max(prev_symbol.size, symbol.size)
# Even with symbols at the same address removed, overlaps can still
# happen. In this case, padding will be negative (and this is fine).
padding = symbol.address - prev_symbol.end_address
# These thresholds were found by manually auditing arm32 Chrome.
# E.g.: Set them to 0 and see what warnings get logged.
# TODO(agrieve): See if these thresholds make sense for architectures
# other than arm32.
if (symbol.section in 'rd' and padding >= 256 or
symbol.section in 't' and padding >= 64):
# For nm data, this is caused by data that has no associated symbol.
# The linker map file lists them with no name, but with a file.
# Example:
# .data 0x02d42764 0x120 .../V8SharedWorkerGlobalScope.o
# Where as most look like:
# .data.MANGLED_NAME...
logging.debug('Large padding of %d between:\n A) %r\n B) %r' % (
padding, prev_symbol, symbol))
symbol.padding = padding
symbol.size += padding
assert symbol.size >= 0, 'Symbol has negative size: %r' % symbol
# Map files have no overlaps, so worth special-casing the no-op case.
if to_remove:'Removing %d overlapping symbols', len(to_remove))
symbol_group.symbols = (
[s for i, s in enumerate(all_symbols) if i not in to_remove])
def _PrintStats(result, write_func):
"""Prints out how accurate |result| is."""
for section in symbols.SECTION_TO_SECTION_NAME:
if section == 'd':
expected_size = sum(v for k, v in result.section_sizes.iteritems()
if k.startswith('.data'))
expected_size = result.section_sizes[
def one_stat(group):
template = ('Section %s has %.1f%% of %d bytes accounted for from '
'%d symbols. %d bytes are unaccounted for. Padding '
'accounts for %d bytes\n')
actual_size = group.size
count = len(group)
padding = group.padding
size_percent = 100.0 * actual_size / expected_size
return (template % (section, size_percent, actual_size, count,
expected_size - actual_size, padding))
in_section = result.symbol_group.WhereInSection(section)
star_syms = in_section.WhereNameMatches(r'^\*')
attributed_syms = star_syms.Inverted().WhereHasAnyAttribution()
anonymous_syms = attributed_syms.Inverted()
if star_syms or anonymous_syms:
missing_size = star_syms.size + anonymous_syms.size
write_func(('+ Without %d merge sections and %d anonymous entries ('
'accounting for %d bytes):\n') % (
len(star_syms), len(anonymous_syms), missing_size))
write_func('+ ' + one_stat(attributed_syms))
def _SaveResult(result, file_obj):
"""Saves the result to the given file object."""
# Store one bucket per line.
file_obj.write('%d\n' % _SERIALIZATION_VERSION)
file_obj.write('%r\n' % result.section_sizes)
file_obj.write('%d\n' % len(result.symbol_group))
prev_section_name = None
# Store symbol fields as tab-separated.
# Store only non-derived fields.
for symbol in result.symbol_group:
if symbol.section_name != prev_section_name:
file_obj.write('%s\n' % symbol.section_name)
prev_section_name = symbol.section_name
# Don't write padding nor name since these are derived values.
file_obj.write('%x\t%x\t%s\t%s\n' % (
symbol.address, symbol.size_without_padding,
symbol.function_signature or or '',
symbol.path or ''))
def _LoadResults(file_obj):
"""Loads a result from the given file."""
lines = iter(file_obj)
actual_version = int(next(lines))
assert actual_version == _SERIALIZATION_VERSION, (
'Version mismatch. Need to write some upgrade code.')
section_sizes = ast.literal_eval(next(lines))
num_syms = int(next(lines))
symbol_list = [None] * num_syms
section_name = None
for i in xrange(num_syms):
line = next(lines)[:-1]
if '\t' not in line:
section_name = intern(line)
line = next(lines)[:-1]
new_sym = symbols.Symbol.__new__(symbols.Symbol)
parts = line.split('\t')
new_sym.section_name = section_name
new_sym.address = int(parts[0], 16)
new_sym.size = int(parts[1], 16) = parts[2] or None
new_sym.path = parts[3] or None
new_sym.padding = 0 # Derived
new_sym.function_signature = None # Derived
symbol_list[i] = new_sym
# Recompute derived values (padding and function names).
result = mapfileparser.ParseResult(symbol_list, section_sizes)'Calculating padding')
_RemoveDuplicatesAndCalculatePadding(result.symbol_group)'Deriving signatures')
# Re-parse out function parameters.
return result
def AddOptions(parser):
help='Path to input file. Can be a linker .map file, an '
'unstripped binary, or a saved result from '
parser.add_argument('--tool-prefix', default='',
help='Path prefix for c++filt.')
help='Path to the root build directory.')
def _DetectToolPrefix(tool_prefix, input_file, output_directory=None):
"""Calls Analyze with values from args."""
if not output_directory:
abs_path = os.path.abspath(input_file)
release_idx = abs_path.find('Release')
if release_idx != -1:
output_directory = abs_path[:release_idx] + 'Release'
output_directory = os.path.relpath(abs_path[:release_idx] + '/Release')
logging.debug('Detected --output-directory=%s', output_directory)
if not tool_prefix and output_directory:
# Auto-detect from build_vars.txt
build_vars_path = os.path.join(output_directory, 'build_vars.txt')
if os.path.exists(build_vars_path):
with open(build_vars_path) as f:
build_vars = dict(l.rstrip().split('=', 1) for l in f if '=' in l)
logging.debug('Found --tool-prefix from build_vars.txt')
tool_prefix = build_vars['android_tool_prefix']
if os.path.sep not in tool_prefix:
full_path = distutils.spawn.find_executable(tool_prefix + 'c++filt')
full_path = tool_prefix + 'c++filt'
if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
raise Exception('Bad --tool-prefix. Path not found: %s' % full_path)'Using --tool-prefix=%s', tool_prefix)
return tool_prefix
def AnalyzeWithArgs(args):
return Analyze(args.input_file, args.output_directory, args.tool_prefix)
def Analyze(path, output_directory=None, tool_prefix=''):
if _EndsWithMaybeGz(path, '.size'):'Loading cached results.')
with _OpenMaybeGz(path) as f:
result = _LoadResults(f)
elif not _EndsWithMaybeGz(path, '.map'):
raise Exception('Expected input to be a .map or a .size')
# Verify tool_prefix early.
tool_prefix = _DetectToolPrefix(tool_prefix, path, output_directory)
with _OpenMaybeGz(path) as map_file:
result = mapfileparser.MapFileParser().Parse(map_file)
# Map file for some reason doesn't unmangle all names.'Calculating padding')
# Unmangle prints its own log statement.
_UnmangleRemainingSymbols(result.symbol_group, tool_prefix)
# Resolve paths prints its own log statement.'Normalizing names')
_NormalizeNames(result.symbol_group)'Normalizing paths')
if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
_PrintStats(result, lambda l:'Finished analyzing %d symbols', len(result.symbol_group))
return result
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--output', required=True,
help='Path to store results. Must end in .size or '
args = helpers.AddCommonOptionsAndParseArgs(parser)
if not _EndsWithMaybeGz(args.output, '.size'):
raise Exception('--output must end with .size or .size.gz')
result = AnalyzeWithArgs(args)'Saving result to %s', args.output)
with _OpenMaybeGz(args.output, 'wb') as f:
_SaveResult(result, f)'Done')
if __name__ == '__main__':