blob: d5b2122c9ae2c30e43971a3f5411a6eb931a42b0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
from core import perf_benchmark
from telemetry import benchmark
from telemetry.timeline import chrome_trace_category_filter
from telemetry.timeline import chrome_trace_config
from telemetry.web_perf import timeline_based_measurement
import page_sets
# See tr.v.Numeric.getSummarizedScalarNumericsWithNames()
_IGNORED_STATS_RE = re.compile(
class _MemoryInfra(perf_benchmark.PerfBenchmark):
"""Base class for new-generation memory benchmarks based on memory-infra.
This benchmark records data using memory-infra (, which
is part of chrome tracing, and extracts it using timeline-based measurements.
def CreateTimelineBasedMeasurementOptions(self):
# Enable only memory-infra, to get memory dumps, and blink.console, to get
# the timeline markers used for mapping threads to tabs.
trace_memory = chrome_trace_category_filter.ChromeTraceCategoryFilter(
tbm_options = timeline_based_measurement.Options(
tbm_options.config.enable_android_graphics_memtrack = True
# Setting an empty memory dump config disables periodic dumps.
return tbm_options
def SetExtraBrowserOptions(self, options):
# Just before we measure memory we flush the system caches
# unfortunately this doesn't immediately take effect, instead
# the next page run is effected. Due to this the first page run
# has anomalous results. This option causes us to flush caches
# each time before Chrome starts so we effect even the first page
# - avoiding the bug.
options.clear_sytem_cache_for_browser_and_profile_on_start = True
class MemoryBenchmarkTrivialSitesDesktop(_MemoryInfra):
"""Measure memory usage on trivial sites."""
options = {'pageset_repeat': 5}
def CreateStorySet(self, options):
return page_sets.TrivialSitesStorySet(wait_in_seconds=0,
def Name(cls):
return 'memory.desktop'
def ShouldTearDownStateAfterEachStoryRun(cls):
return True
def ValueCanBeAddedPredicate(cls, value, is_first_result):
# TODO( Remove this stopgap when the perf dashboard
# is able to cope with the data load generated by TBMv2 metrics.
return not
@benchmark.Enabled('android') # catapult:#3176
class MemoryBenchmarkTop10Mobile(_MemoryInfra):
"""Measure foreground/background memory on top 10 mobile page set.
This metric provides memory measurements for the System Health Plan of
Chrome on Android.
page_set = page_sets.MemoryTop10Mobile
options = {'pageset_repeat': 5}
def Name(cls):
return 'memory.top_10_mobile'
def ShouldTearDownStateAfterEachStoryRun(cls):
return False
def ValueCanBeAddedPredicate(cls, value, is_first_result):
# TODO( Remove this stopgap when the perf dashboard
# is able to cope with the data load generated by TBMv2 metrics.
return not
@benchmark.Enabled('android') # catapult:#3176
class MemoryBenchmarkTop10MobileStress(MemoryBenchmarkTop10Mobile):
"""Run top 10 mobile page set without closing/restarting the browser.
This benchmark is intended to stress-test the browser, catching memory leaks
or possible crashes after interacting with the browser for a period of time.
page_set = page_sets.MemoryTop10MobileRealistic
def Name(cls):
return 'memory.top_10_mobile_stress'
def ShouldTearDownStateAfterEachStorySetRun(cls):
return False
# Benchmark disabled by default. Force to run with --also-run-disabled-tests.
class DualBrowserBenchmark(_MemoryInfra):
"""Measures memory usage while interacting with two different browsers.
The user story involves going back and forth between doing Google searches
on a webview-based browser (a stand in for the Search app), and loading
pages on a select browser.
page_set = page_sets.DualBrowserStorySet
options = {'pageset_repeat': 5}
def Name(cls):
return 'memory.dual_browser_test'
def ShouldTearDownStateAfterEachStoryRun(cls):
return False
def ValueCanBeAddedPredicate(cls, value, is_first_result):
# TODO( Remove this stopgap when the perf dashboard
# is able to cope with the data load generated by TBMv2 metrics.
return not
# Benchmark disabled by default. Force to run with --also-run-disabled-tests.
class LongRunningDualBrowserBenchmark(_MemoryInfra):
"""Measures memory during prolonged usage of alternating browsers.
Same as memory.dual_browser_test, but the test is run for 60 iterations
and the browser is *not* restarted between page set repeats.
page_set = page_sets.DualBrowserStorySet
options = {'pageset_repeat': 60}
def Name(cls):
return 'memory.long_running_dual_browser_test'
def ShouldTearDownStateAfterEachStoryRun(cls):
return False
def ShouldTearDownStateAfterEachStorySetRun(cls):
return False
def ValueCanBeAddedPredicate(cls, value, is_first_result):
# TODO( Remove this stopgap when the perf dashboard
# is able to cope with the data load generated by TBMv2 metrics.
return not
@benchmark.Enabled('android') # catapult:#3176
class RendererMemoryBlinkMemoryMobile(_MemoryInfra):
"""Timeline based benchmark for measuring memory consumption on mobile
sites on which blink's memory consumption is relatively high.
page_set = page_sets.BlinkMemoryMobilePageSet
def SetExtraBrowserOptions(self, options):
super(RendererMemoryBlinkMemoryMobile, self).SetExtraBrowserOptions(
# Ignore certs errors because record_wpr cannot handle certs correctly
# in some cases (e.g. WordPress).
def Name(cls):
return 'memory.blink_memory_mobile'
def ValueCanBeAddedPredicate(cls, value, is_first_result):
return (not and
'renderer_processes' in
def ShouldDisable(cls, possible_browser):
return (possible_browser.browser_type == 'reference' and
possible_browser.platform.GetDeviceTypeName() == 'Nexus 5X')
class _MemoryV8Benchmark(_MemoryInfra):
# Report only V8-specific and overall renderer memory values. Note that
# detailed values reported by the OS (such as native heap) are excluded.
_V8_AND_OVERALL_MEMORY_RE = re.compile(
def CreateTimelineBasedMeasurementOptions(self):
v8_categories = [
'blink.console', 'renderer.scheduler', 'v8', 'webkit.console']
memory_categories = ['blink.console', 'disabled-by-default-memory-infra']
category_filter = chrome_trace_category_filter.ChromeTraceCategoryFilter(
','.join(['-*'] + v8_categories + memory_categories))
options = timeline_based_measurement.Options(category_filter)
# Setting an empty memory dump config disables periodic dumps.
return options
def ValueCanBeAddedPredicate(cls, value, _):
if 'memory:chrome' in
# TODO(petrcermak): Remove the first two cases once
# lands in Catapult and rolls
# into Chromium.
return ('renderer:subsystem:v8' in or
'renderer:vmstats:overall' in or
return 'v8' in
class MemoryLongRunningIdleGmail(_MemoryV8Benchmark):
"""Use (recorded) real world web sites and measure memory consumption
of long running idle Gmail page """
page_set = page_sets.LongRunningIdleGmailPageSet
def Name(cls):
return 'memory.long_running_idle_gmail_tbmv2'
def ShouldDisable(cls, possible_browser):
return (cls.IsSvelte(possible_browser) or #
((possible_browser.browser_type == 'reference' and
possible_browser.platform.GetDeviceTypeName() == 'Nexus 5')))
@benchmark.Enabled('has tabs') #
class MemoryLongRunningIdleGmailBackground(_MemoryV8Benchmark):
"""Use (recorded) real world web sites and measure memory consumption
of long running idle Gmail page """
page_set = page_sets.LongRunningIdleGmailBackgroundPageSet
def Name(cls):
return 'memory.long_running_idle_gmail_background_tbmv2'
def ShouldDisable(cls, possible_browser): #
return cls.IsSvelte(possible_browser)