blob: 2800b6f6a9b84127c8a6170125944ebaf3dbf183 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import copy
import logging
import os
import pickle
import re
from import apk_helper
from import md5sum
from pylib import constants
from pylib.base import base_test_result
from pylib.base import test_exception
from pylib.base import test_instance
from pylib.constants import host_paths
from pylib.instrumentation import test_result
from pylib.instrumentation import instrumentation_parser
from pylib.utils import dexdump
from pylib.utils import proguard
with host_paths.SysPath(host_paths.BUILD_COMMON_PATH):
import unittest_util # pylint: disable=import-error
# Ref:
_COMMAND_LINE_PARAMETER = 'cmdlinearg-parameter'
'SmallTest', 'MediumTest', 'LargeTest', 'EnormousTest', 'IntegrationTest']
'DisabledTest', 'FlakyTest']
_NATIVE_CRASH_RE = re.compile('(process|native) crash', re.IGNORECASE)
r' with(?:out)? \{[^\}]*\}')
class MissingSizeAnnotationError(test_exception.TestException):
def __init__(self, class_name):
super(MissingSizeAnnotationError, self).__init__(class_name +
': Test method is missing required size annotation. Add one of: ' +
', '.join('@' + a for a in _VALID_ANNOTATIONS))
class TestListPickleException(test_exception.TestException):
# TODO(jbudorick): Make these private class methods of
# InstrumentationTestInstance once the instrumentation test_runner is
# deprecated.
def ParseAmInstrumentRawOutput(raw_output):
"""Parses the output of an |am instrument -r| call.
raw_output: the output of an |am instrument -r| call as a list of lines
A 3-tuple containing:
- the instrumentation code as an integer
- the instrumentation result as a list of lines
- the instrumentation statuses received as a list of 2-tuples
- the status code as an integer
- the bundle dump as a dict mapping string keys to a list of
strings, one for each line.
parser = instrumentation_parser.InstrumentationParser(raw_output)
statuses = list(parser.IterStatus())
code, bundle = parser.GetResult()
return (code, bundle, statuses)
def GenerateTestResults(
result_code, result_bundle, statuses, start_ms, duration_ms):
"""Generate test results from |statuses|.
result_code: The overall status code as an integer.
result_bundle: The summary bundle dump as a dict.
statuses: A list of 2-tuples containing:
- the status code as an integer
- the bundle dump as a dict mapping string keys to string values
Note that this is the same as the third item in the 3-tuple returned by
start_ms: The start time of the test in milliseconds.
duration_ms: The duration of the test in milliseconds.
A list containing an instance of InstrumentationTestResult for each test
results = []
current_result = None
for status_code, bundle in statuses:
test_class = bundle.get('class', '')
test_method = bundle.get('test', '')
if test_class and test_method:
test_name = '%s#%s' % (test_class, test_method)
if status_code == instrumentation_parser.STATUS_CODE_START:
if current_result:
current_result = test_result.InstrumentationTestResult(
test_name, base_test_result.ResultType.UNKNOWN, start_ms, duration_ms)
if status_code == instrumentation_parser.STATUS_CODE_OK:
if bundle.get('test_skipped', '').lower() in ('true', '1', 'yes'):
elif current_result.GetType() == base_test_result.ResultType.UNKNOWN:
elif status_code == instrumentation_parser.STATUS_CODE_SKIP:
if status_code not in (instrumentation_parser.STATUS_CODE_ERROR,
logging.error('Unrecognized status code %d. Handling as an error.',
if 'stack' in bundle:
if current_result:
if current_result.GetType() == base_test_result.ResultType.UNKNOWN:
crashed = (result_code == _ACTIVITY_RESULT_CANCELED
and any(
for l in result_bundle.itervalues()))
if crashed:
return results
def ParseCommandLineFlagParameters(annotations):
"""Determines whether the test is parameterized to be run with different
command-line flags.
annotations: The annotations of the test.
If the test is parameterized, returns a list of named tuples
with lists of flags, e.g.:
[(add=['--flag-to-add']), (remove=['--flag-to-remove']), ()]
That means, the test must be run three times, the first time with
"--flag-to-add" added to command-line, the second time with
"--flag-to-remove" to be removed from command-line, and the third time
with default command-line args. If the same flag is listed both for adding
and for removing, it is left unchanged.
If the test is not parametrized, returns None.
ParamsTuple = collections.namedtuple('ParamsTuple', ['add', 'remove'])
parameterized_tests = []
parameterized_tests = annotations[
parameterized_tests = [annotations[_PARAMETERIZED_TEST_ANNOTATION]]
return None
result = []
for pt in parameterized_tests:
if not pt:
for p in pt['parameters']:
to_add = []
to_remove = []
for a in p.get('arguments', []):
if a['name'] == 'add':
to_add = ['--%s' % f for f in a['stringArray']]
elif a['name'] == 'remove':
to_remove = ['--%s' % f for f in a['stringArray']]
result.append(ParamsTuple(to_add, to_remove))
return result if result else None
def FilterTests(tests, test_filter=None, annotations=None,
"""Filter a list of tests
tests: a list of tests. e.g. [
{'annotations": {}, 'class': 'com.example.TestA', 'methods':[]},
{'annotations": {}, 'class': 'com.example.TestB', 'methods':[]}]
test_filter: googletest-style filter string.
annotations: a dict of wanted annotations for test methods.
exclude_annotations: a dict of annotations to exclude.
A list of filtered tests
def gtest_filter(t):
if not test_filter:
return True
# Allow fully-qualified name as well as an omitted package.
unqualified_class_test = {
'class': t['class'].split('.')[-1],
'method': t['method']
names = [
GetTestName(t, sep='.'),
GetTestName(unqualified_class_test, sep='.'),
GetUniqueTestName(t, sep='.')
pattern_groups = test_filter.split('-')
if len(pattern_groups) > 1:
negative_filter = pattern_groups[1]
if unittest_util.FilterTestNames(names, negative_filter):
return []
positive_filter = pattern_groups[0]
return unittest_util.FilterTestNames(names, positive_filter)
def annotation_filter(all_annotations):
if not annotations:
return True
return any_annotation_matches(annotations, all_annotations)
def excluded_annotation_filter(all_annotations):
if not excluded_annotations:
return True
return not any_annotation_matches(excluded_annotations,
def any_annotation_matches(filter_annotations, all_annotations):
return any(
ak in all_annotations
and annotation_value_matches(av, all_annotations[ak])
for ak, av in filter_annotations)
def annotation_value_matches(filter_av, av):
if filter_av is None:
return True
elif isinstance(av, dict):
return filter_av in av['value']
elif isinstance(av, list):
return filter_av in av
return filter_av == av
filtered_tests = []
for t in tests:
# Gtest filtering
if not gtest_filter(t):
# Enforce that all tests declare their size.
if not any(a in _VALID_ANNOTATIONS for a in t['annotations']):
raise MissingSizeAnnotationError(GetTestName(t))
if (not annotation_filter(t['annotations'])
or not excluded_annotation_filter(t['annotations'])):
return filtered_tests
def GetAllTestsFromJar(test_jar):
pickle_path = '%s-proguard.pickle' % test_jar
tests = _GetTestsFromPickle(pickle_path, test_jar)
except TestListPickleException as e:'Could not get tests from pickle: %s', e)'Getting tests from JAR via proguard.')
tests = _GetTestsFromProguard(test_jar)
_SaveTestsToPickle(pickle_path, test_jar, tests)
return tests
def GetAllTestsFromApk(test_apk):
pickle_path = '%s-dexdump.pickle' % test_apk
tests = _GetTestsFromPickle(pickle_path, test_apk)
except TestListPickleException as e:'Could not get tests from pickle: %s', e)'Getting tests from dex via dexdump.')
tests = _GetTestsFromDexdump(test_apk)
_SaveTestsToPickle(pickle_path, test_apk, tests)
return tests
def _GetTestsFromPickle(pickle_path, jar_path):
if not os.path.exists(pickle_path):
raise TestListPickleException('%s does not exist.' % pickle_path)
if os.path.getmtime(pickle_path) <= os.path.getmtime(jar_path):
raise TestListPickleException(
'%s newer than %s.' % (jar_path, pickle_path))
with open(pickle_path, 'r') as pickle_file:
pickle_data = pickle.loads(
jar_md5 = md5sum.CalculateHostMd5Sums(jar_path)[jar_path]
if pickle_data['VERSION'] != _PICKLE_FORMAT_VERSION:
raise TestListPickleException('PICKLE_FORMAT_VERSION has changed.')
if pickle_data['JAR_MD5SUM'] != jar_md5:
raise TestListPickleException('JAR file MD5 sum differs.')
return pickle_data['TEST_METHODS']
def _GetTestsFromProguard(jar_path):
p = proguard.Dump(jar_path)
class_lookup = dict((c['class'], c) for c in p['classes'])
def is_test_class(c):
return c['class'].endswith('Test')
def is_test_method(m):
return m['method'].startswith('test')
def recursive_class_annotations(c):
s = c['superclass']
if s in class_lookup:
a = recursive_class_annotations(class_lookup[s])
a = {}
return a
def stripped_test_class(c):
return {
'class': c['class'],
'annotations': recursive_class_annotations(c),
'methods': [m for m in c['methods'] if is_test_method(m)],
'superclass': c['superclass'],
return [stripped_test_class(c) for c in p['classes']
if is_test_class(c)]
def _GetTestsFromDexdump(test_apk):
dump = dexdump.Dump(test_apk)
tests = []
def get_test_methods(methods):
return [
'method': m,
# No annotation info is available from dexdump.
# Set MediumTest annotation for default.
'annotations': {'MediumTest': None},
} for m in methods if m.startswith('test')]
for package_name, package_info in dump.iteritems():
for class_name, class_info in package_info['classes'].iteritems():
if class_name.endswith('Test'):
'class': '%s.%s' % (package_name, class_name),
'annotations': {},
'methods': get_test_methods(class_info['methods']),
'superclass': class_info['superclass'],
return tests
def _SaveTestsToPickle(pickle_path, jar_path, tests):
jar_md5 = md5sum.CalculateHostMd5Sums(jar_path)[jar_path]
pickle_data = {
'JAR_MD5SUM': jar_md5,
'TEST_METHODS': tests,
with open(pickle_path, 'w') as pickle_file:
pickle.dump(pickle_data, pickle_file)
class MissingJUnit4RunnerException(test_exception.TestException):
"""Raised when JUnit4 runner is not provided or specified in apk manifest"""
def __init__(self):
super(MissingJUnit4RunnerException, self).__init__(
'JUnit4 runner is not provided or specified in test apk manifest.')
class UnmatchedFilterException(test_exception.TestException):
"""Raised when a user specifies a filter that doesn't match any tests."""
def __init__(self, test_filter):
super(UnmatchedFilterException, self).__init__(
'Test filter "%s" matched no tests.' % test_filter)
def GetTestName(test, sep='#'):
"""Gets the name of the given test.
Note that this may return the same name for more than one test, e.g. if a
test is being run multiple times with different parameters.
test: the instrumentation test dict.
sep: the character(s) that should join the class name and the method name.
The test name as a string.
return '%s%s%s' % (test['class'], sep, test['method'])
def GetUniqueTestName(test, sep='#'):
"""Gets the unique name of the given test.
This will include text to disambiguate between tests for which GetTestName
would return the same name.
test: the instrumentation test dict.
sep: the character(s) that should join the class name and the method name.
The unique test name as a string.
display_name = GetTestName(test, sep=sep)
if 'flags' in test:
flags = test['flags']
if flags.add:
display_name = '%s with {%s}' % (display_name, ' '.join(flags.add))
if flags.remove:
display_name = '%s without {%s}' % (display_name, ' '.join(flags.remove))
return display_name
class InstrumentationTestInstance(test_instance.TestInstance):
def __init__(self, args, data_deps_delegate, error_func):
super(InstrumentationTestInstance, self).__init__()
self._additional_apks = []
self._apk_under_test = None
self._apk_under_test_incremental_install_script = None
self._package_info = None
self._suite = None
self._test_apk = None
self._test_apk_incremental_install_script = None
self._test_jar = None
self._test_package = None
self._test_runner = None
self._test_runner_junit4 = None
self._test_support_apk = None
self._initializeApkAttributes(args, error_func)
self._data_deps = None
self._data_deps_delegate = None
self._runtime_deps_path = None
self._initializeDataDependencyAttributes(args, data_deps_delegate)
self._annotations = None
self._excluded_annotations = None
self._test_filter = None
self._flags = None
self._driver_apk = None
self._driver_package = None
self._driver_name = None
self._timeout_scale = None
self._coverage_directory = None
self._store_tombstones = False
self._should_save_logcat = None
def _initializeApkAttributes(self, args, error_func):
if args.apk_under_test:
apk_under_test_path = args.apk_under_test
if not args.apk_under_test.endswith('.apk'):
apk_under_test_path = os.path.join(
constants.GetOutDirectory(), constants.SDK_BUILD_APKS_DIR,
'%s.apk' % args.apk_under_test)
# TODO(jbudorick): Move the realpath up to the argument parser once
# APK-by-name is no longer supported.
apk_under_test_path = os.path.realpath(apk_under_test_path)
if not os.path.exists(apk_under_test_path):
error_func('Unable to find APK under test: %s' % apk_under_test_path)
self._apk_under_test = apk_helper.ToHelper(apk_under_test_path)
if args.test_apk.endswith('.apk'):
self._suite = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.test_apk))[0]
test_apk_path = args.test_apk
self._test_apk = apk_helper.ToHelper(args.test_apk)
self._suite = args.test_apk
test_apk_path = os.path.join(
constants.GetOutDirectory(), constants.SDK_BUILD_APKS_DIR,
'%s.apk' % args.test_apk)
# TODO(jbudorick): Move the realpath up to the argument parser once
# APK-by-name is no longer supported.
test_apk_path = os.path.realpath(test_apk_path)
if not os.path.exists(test_apk_path):
error_func('Unable to find test APK: %s' % test_apk_path)
self._test_apk = apk_helper.ToHelper(test_apk_path)
self._apk_under_test_incremental_install_script = (
self._test_apk_incremental_install_script = (
if self._test_apk_incremental_install_script:
assert self._suite.endswith('_incremental')
self._suite = self._suite[:-len('_incremental')]
self._test_jar = args.test_jar
self._test_support_apk = apk_helper.ToHelper(os.path.join(
constants.GetOutDirectory(), constants.SDK_BUILD_TEST_JAVALIB_DIR,
'%sSupport.apk' % self._suite))
if not os.path.exists(self._test_apk.path):
error_func('Unable to find test APK: %s' % self._test_apk.path)
if not self._test_jar:
logging.warning('Test jar not specified. Test runner will not have '
'Java annotation info available. May not handle test '
'timeouts correctly.')
elif not os.path.exists(self._test_jar):
error_func('Unable to find test JAR: %s' % self._test_jar)
self._test_package = self._test_apk.GetPackageName()
all_instrumentations = self._test_apk.GetAllInstrumentations()
junit3_runners = [
x for x in all_instrumentations if ('true' not in x.get(
'chromium-junit4', ''))]
junit4_runners = [
x for x in all_instrumentations if ('true' in x.get(
'chromium-junit4', ''))]
if len(junit3_runners) > 1:
logging.warning('This test apk has more than one JUnit3 instrumentation')
if len(junit4_runners) > 1:
logging.warning('This test apk has more than one JUnit4 instrumentation')
self._test_runner = (
junit3_runners[0]['android:name'] if junit3_runners else
self._test_runner_junit4 = (
junit4_runners[0]['android:name'] if junit4_runners else None)
self._package_info = None
if self._apk_under_test:
package_under_test = self._apk_under_test.GetPackageName()
for package_info in constants.PACKAGE_INFO.itervalues():
if package_under_test == package_info.package:
self._package_info = package_info
if not self._package_info:
logging.warning('Unable to find package info for %s', self._test_package)
for apk in args.additional_apks:
if not os.path.exists(apk):
error_func('Unable to find additional APK: %s' % apk)
self._additional_apks = (
[apk_helper.ToHelper(x) for x in args.additional_apks])
def _initializeDataDependencyAttributes(self, args, data_deps_delegate):
self._data_deps = []
self._data_deps_delegate = data_deps_delegate
self._runtime_deps_path = args.runtime_deps_path
if not self._runtime_deps_path:
logging.warning('No data dependencies will be pushed.')
def _initializeTestFilterAttributes(self, args):
if args.test_filter:
self._test_filter = _CMDLINE_NAME_SEGMENT_RE.sub(
'', args.test_filter.replace('#', '.'))
def annotation_element(a):
a = a.split('=', 1)
return (a[0], a[1] if len(a) == 2 else None)
if args.annotation_str:
self._annotations = [
annotation_element(a) for a in args.annotation_str.split(',')]
elif not self._test_filter:
self._annotations = [
annotation_element(a) for a in _DEFAULT_ANNOTATIONS]
self._annotations = []
if args.exclude_annotation_str:
self._excluded_annotations = [
annotation_element(a) for a in args.exclude_annotation_str.split(',')]
self._excluded_annotations = []
requested_annotations = set(a[0] for a in self._annotations)
if not args.run_disabled:
annotation_element(a) for a in _EXCLUDE_UNLESS_REQUESTED_ANNOTATIONS
if a not in requested_annotations)
def _initializeFlagAttributes(self, args):
self._flags = ['--enable-test-intents']
# TODO(jbudorick): Transition "--device-flags" to "--device-flags-file"
if hasattr(args, 'device_flags') and args.device_flags:
with open(args.device_flags) as device_flags_file:
stripped_lines = (l.strip() for l in device_flags_file)
self._flags.extend([flag for flag in stripped_lines if flag])
if hasattr(args, 'device_flags_file') and args.device_flags_file:
with open(args.device_flags_file) as device_flags_file:
stripped_lines = (l.strip() for l in device_flags_file)
self._flags.extend([flag for flag in stripped_lines if flag])
if (hasattr(args, 'strict_mode') and
args.strict_mode and
args.strict_mode != 'off'):
self._flags.append('--strict-mode=' + args.strict_mode)
if hasattr(args, 'regenerate_goldens') and args.regenerate_goldens:
def _initializeDriverAttributes(self):
self._driver_apk = os.path.join(
constants.GetOutDirectory(), constants.SDK_BUILD_APKS_DIR,
if os.path.exists(self._driver_apk):
driver_apk = apk_helper.ApkHelper(self._driver_apk)
self._driver_package = driver_apk.GetPackageName()
self._driver_name = driver_apk.GetInstrumentationName()
self._driver_apk = None
def _initializeTestControlAttributes(self, args):
self._screenshot_dir = args.screenshot_dir
self._timeout_scale = args.timeout_scale or 1
def _initializeTestCoverageAttributes(self, args):
self._coverage_directory = args.coverage_dir
def _initializeTombstonesAttributes(self, args):
self._store_tombstones = args.store_tombstones
def _initializeLogAttributes(self, args):
self._should_save_logcat = bool(args.json_results_file)
def additional_apks(self):
return self._additional_apks
def apk_under_test(self):
return self._apk_under_test
def apk_under_test_incremental_install_script(self):
return self._apk_under_test_incremental_install_script
def coverage_directory(self):
return self._coverage_directory
def driver_apk(self):
return self._driver_apk
def driver_package(self):
return self._driver_package
def driver_name(self):
return self._driver_name
def flags(self):
return self._flags
def should_save_logcat(self):
return self._should_save_logcat
def package_info(self):
return self._package_info
def screenshot_dir(self):
return self._screenshot_dir
def store_tombstones(self):
return self._store_tombstones
def suite(self):
return self._suite
def test_apk(self):
return self._test_apk
def test_apk_incremental_install_script(self):
return self._test_apk_incremental_install_script
def test_jar(self):
return self._test_jar
def test_support_apk(self):
return self._test_support_apk
def test_package(self):
return self._test_package
def test_runner(self):
return self._test_runner
def test_runner_junit4(self):
return self._test_runner_junit4
def timeout_scale(self):
return self._timeout_scale
def TestType(self):
return 'instrumentation'
def SetUp(self):
def GetDataDependencies(self):
return self._data_deps
def GetTests(self):
if self.test_jar:
tests = GetAllTestsFromJar(self.test_jar)
tests = GetAllTestsFromApk(self.test_apk.path)
inflated_tests = self._ParametrizeTestsWithFlags(self._InflateTests(tests))
if self._test_runner_junit4 is None and any(
t['is_junit4'] for t in inflated_tests):
raise MissingJUnit4RunnerException()
filtered_tests = FilterTests(
inflated_tests, self._test_filter, self._annotations,
if self._test_filter and not filtered_tests:
for t in inflated_tests:
logging.debug(' %s', GetUniqueTestName(t))
raise UnmatchedFilterException(self._test_filter)
return filtered_tests
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def _InflateTests(self, tests):
inflated_tests = []
for c in tests:
for m in c['methods']:
a = dict(c['annotations'])
'class': c['class'],
'method': m['method'],
'annotations': a,
'is_junit4': c['superclass'] == 'java.lang.Object'
return inflated_tests
def _ParametrizeTestsWithFlags(self, tests):
new_tests = []
for t in tests:
parameters = ParseCommandLineFlagParameters(t['annotations'])
if parameters:
t['flags'] = parameters[0]
for p in parameters[1:]:
parameterized_t = copy.copy(t)
parameterized_t['flags'] = p
return tests + new_tests
def GetDriverEnvironmentVars(
self, test_list=None, test_list_file_path=None):
env = {
_EXTRA_DRIVER_TARGET_PACKAGE: self.test_package,
_EXTRA_DRIVER_TARGET_CLASS: self.test_runner,
_EXTRA_TIMEOUT_SCALE: self._timeout_scale,
if test_list:
env[_EXTRA_DRIVER_TEST_LIST] = ','.join(test_list)
if test_list_file_path:
return env
def ParseAmInstrumentRawOutput(raw_output):
return ParseAmInstrumentRawOutput(raw_output)
def GenerateTestResults(
result_code, result_bundle, statuses, start_ms, duration_ms):
return GenerateTestResults(result_code, result_bundle, statuses,
start_ms, duration_ms)
def TearDown(self):