blob: d31db9c9bb2db98a2b4cf8e82c6f83b3d9959a90 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for"""
import unittest
from pylib.utils import decorators
class NoRaiseExceptionDecoratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testFunctionDoesNotRaiseException(self):
"""Tests that the |NoRaiseException| decorator catches exception."""
def raiseException():
raise Exception()
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except'Exception was not caught by |NoRaiseException| decorator')
def testFunctionReturnsCorrectValues(self):
"""Tests that the |NoRaiseException| decorator returns correct values."""
def raiseException():
raise Exception()
def doesNotRaiseException():
return 999
self.assertEquals(raiseException(), 111)
self.assertEquals(doesNotRaiseException(), 999)
class MemoizeDecoratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testFunctionExceptionNotMemoized(self):
"""Tests that |Memoize| decorator does not cache exception results."""
class ExceptionType1(Exception):
class ExceptionType2(Exception):
def raiseExceptions():
if raiseExceptions.count == 0:
raiseExceptions.count += 1
raise ExceptionType1()
if raiseExceptions.count == 1:
raise ExceptionType2()
raiseExceptions.count = 0
with self.assertRaises(ExceptionType1):
with self.assertRaises(ExceptionType2):
def testFunctionResultMemoized(self):
"""Tests that |Memoize| decorator caches results."""
def memoized():
memoized.count += 1
return memoized.count
memoized.count = 0
def notMemoized():
notMemoized.count += 1
return notMemoized.count
notMemoized.count = 0
self.assertEquals(memoized(), 1)
self.assertEquals(memoized(), 1)
self.assertEquals(memoized(), 1)
self.assertEquals(notMemoized(), 1)
self.assertEquals(notMemoized(), 2)
self.assertEquals(notMemoized(), 3)
def testFunctionMemoizedBasedOnArgs(self):
"""Tests that |Memoize| caches results based on args and kwargs."""
def returnValueBasedOnArgsKwargs(a, k=0):
return a + k
self.assertEquals(returnValueBasedOnArgsKwargs(1, 1), 2)
self.assertEquals(returnValueBasedOnArgsKwargs(1, 2), 3)
self.assertEquals(returnValueBasedOnArgsKwargs(2, 1), 3)
self.assertEquals(returnValueBasedOnArgsKwargs(3, 3), 6)
if __name__ == '__main__':