blob: 9770bccc804038a23e0c5f940e7a387084d9035c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_packets.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_stream_sequencer_buffer.h"
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"
namespace net {
namespace test {
class QuicStreamSequencerPeer;
} // namespace test
class QuicClock;
class QuicStream;
// Buffers frames until we have something which can be passed
// up to the next layer.
class QUIC_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicStreamSequencer {
QuicStreamSequencer(QuicStream* quic_stream, const QuicClock* clock);
virtual ~QuicStreamSequencer();
// If the frame is the next one we need in order to process in-order data,
// ProcessData will be immediately called on the stream until all buffered
// data is processed or the stream fails to consume data. Any unconsumed
// data will be buffered. If the frame is not the next in line, it will be
// buffered.
void OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame);
// Once data is buffered, it's up to the stream to read it when the stream
// can handle more data. The following three functions make that possible.
// Fills in up to iov_len iovecs with the next readable regions. Returns the
// number of iovs used. Non-destructive of the underlying data.
int GetReadableRegions(iovec* iov, size_t iov_len) const;
// Fills in one iovec with the next readable region. |timestamp| is
// data arrived at the sequencer, and is used for measuring head of
// line blocking (HOL). Returns false if there is no readable
// region available.
bool GetReadableRegion(iovec* iov, QuicTime* timestamp) const;
// Copies the data into the iov_len buffers provided. Returns the number of
// bytes read. Any buffered data no longer in use will be released.
// TODO(rch): remove this method and instead implement it as a helper method
// based on GetReadableRegions and MarkConsumed.
int Readv(const struct iovec* iov, size_t iov_len);
// Consumes |num_bytes| data. Used in conjunction with |GetReadableRegions|
// to do zero-copy reads.
void MarkConsumed(size_t num_bytes);
// Returns true if the sequncer has bytes available for reading.
bool HasBytesToRead() const;
// Returns true if the sequencer has delivered the fin.
bool IsClosed() const;
// Calls |OnDataAvailable| on |stream_| if there is buffered data that can
// be processed, and causes |OnDataAvailable| to be called as new data
// arrives.
void SetUnblocked();
// Blocks processing of frames until |SetUnblocked| is called.
void SetBlockedUntilFlush();
// Sets the sequencer to discard all incoming data itself and not call
// |stream_->OnDataAvailable()|. |stream_->OnFinRead()| will be called
// automatically when the FIN is consumed (which may be immediately).
void StopReading();
// Free the memory of underlying buffer.
void ReleaseBuffer();
// Free the memory of underlying buffer when no bytes remain in it.
void ReleaseBufferIfEmpty();
// Number of bytes in the buffer right now.
size_t NumBytesBuffered() const;
// Number of bytes has been consumed.
QuicStreamOffset NumBytesConsumed() const;
int num_frames_received() const { return num_frames_received_; }
int num_duplicate_frames_received() const {
return num_duplicate_frames_received_;
bool ignore_read_data() const { return ignore_read_data_; }
// Returns std::string describing internal state.
const std::string DebugString() const;
friend class test::QuicStreamSequencerPeer;
// Deletes and records as consumed any buffered data that is now in-sequence.
// (To be called only after StopReading has been called.)
void FlushBufferedFrames();
// Wait until we've seen 'offset' bytes, and then terminate the stream.
void CloseStreamAtOffset(QuicStreamOffset offset);
// If we've received a FIN and have processed all remaining data, then inform
// the stream of FIN, and clear buffers.
bool MaybeCloseStream();
// The stream which owns this sequencer.
QuicStream* stream_;
// Stores received data in offset order.
QuicStreamSequencerBuffer buffered_frames_;
// The offset, if any, we got a stream termination for. When this many bytes
// have been processed, the sequencer will be closed.
QuicStreamOffset close_offset_;
// If true, the sequencer is blocked from passing data to the stream and will
// buffer all new incoming data until FlushBufferedFrames is called.
bool blocked_;
// Count of the number of frames received.
int num_frames_received_;
// Count of the number of duplicate frames received.
int num_duplicate_frames_received_;
// Not owned.
const QuicClock* clock_;
// If true, all incoming data will be discarded.
bool ignore_read_data_;
} // namespace net