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<meta name="keywords" content="Python,HTML,browser,stateful,web,client,client-side,mechanize,form,ClientForm,ClientCookie,pullparser,WWW::Mechanize">
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<p>Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python, after Andy Lester's Perl
module <a
<li><code>mechanize.Browser</code> is a subclass of
<code>mechanize.UserAgent</code>, which is, in turn, a subclass of
<code>ClientCookie.OpenerDirector</code> (like
<code>urllib2.OpenerDirector</code>) (so any URL can be opened, not just
<code>http:</code>). <code>mechanize.UserAgent</code> offers easy dynamic
configuration of user-agent features like protocol, cookie, redirection and
<code>robots.txt</code> handling, without having to make a new
<code>OpenerDirector</code> each time, eg. by calling
<code>build_opener()</code> (it's not stable yet, though).
<li>Easy HTML form filling, using <a href="../ClientForm/">ClientForm</a>
<li>Convenient link parsing and following.
<li>Browser history (<code>.back()</code> and <code>.reload()</code>
<li>The <code>Referer</code> HTTP header is added properly (optional).
<li>Automatic observance of <a
<li>In future, should be able to optionally use DOMForm (implementation of
ClientForm interface on top of HTML DOM) instead of ClientForm, which would
allow easy &quot;escape&quot; to the lower-level HTML DOM API in cases
where the higher-level <code>mechanize.Browser</code> / ClientForm API is
not sufficient.
<p>An example:
import re
from mechanize import Browser
b = Browser()"")
# follow second link with element text matching regular expression
response = b.follow_link(text_regex=re.compile(r"cheese\s*shop"), nr=1)
assert b.viewing_html()
print b.title()
print response.geturl()
print # headers
print # body
# Browser passes through unknown attributes (including methods)
# to the selected HTMLForm (from ClientForm).
b["cheeses"] = ["mozzarella", "caerphilly"] # (the method here is __setitem__)
response2 = b.submit() # submit current form
response3 = b.back() # back to cheese shop
# the history mechanism uses cached requests and responses
assert response3 is response
# we can still use the response, even though we closed it:
response4 = b.reload()
assert response4 is not response3
for form in b.forms():
print form
# .links() optionally accepts the keyword args of .follow_/.find_link()
for link in b.links(url_regex=re.compile("")):
print link
b.follow_link(link) # takes EITHER Link instance OR keyword args
<p>Full documentation is in the docstrings.
<p>Thanks to Ian Bicking, for persuading me that a <code>UserAgent</code> class
would be useful.
<li>Fix <code>.response()</code> method (each call should return independent
pointer to same data).
<li>Should work with either Python 2.4 <code>urllib2</code> or ClientCookie
(currently depends on latter: just a matter of deciding on a way to specify
<li>Stabilise <code>mechanize.UserAgent</code>.
<li>Test with non-http URLs.
<li>History cache expiration.
<li>Do auth and proxies properly (ClientCookie probably needs some work here,
too -- and maybe urllib2 also). Need to configure local squid and apache,
<li>Integrate with DOMForm, and sort out any resulting interface issues
(including replacing pullparser). DOMForm will be an optional replacement
for ClientForm.
<li>Add some utilities useful for testing (eg. fetch images and stylesheets in
page, easy assertion of things like: cookies sent by server, redirections,
HTTP error codes etc.).
<a name="download"></a>
<p>All documentation (including this web page) is included in the distribution.
<p>This is an alpha release: interfaces may change, and there will be bugs.
<p><em>Development release.</em>
<li><a href="./src/mechanize-0.0.9a.tar.gz">mechanize-0.0.9a.tar.gz</a>
<li><a href="./src/"></a>
<li><a href="./src/ChangeLog.txt">Change Log</a> (included in distribution)
<li><a href="./src/">Older versions.</a>
<p>For installation instructions, see the INSTALL file included in the
<h2>See also</h2>
<p>Richard Jones' <a href="">webunit</a>
(this is not the same as Steven Purcell's <a
href="">code of the same name</a>). webunit and
mechanize are quite similar. On the minus side, webunit is missing things like
browser history, high-level forms and links handling, thorough cookie handling,
refresh redirection, adding of the Referer header, observance of robots.txt and
easy extensibility. On the plus side, webunit has a bunch of utility functions
bound up in its WebFetcher class, which look useful for writing tests (though
they'd be easy to duplicate using mechanize). In general, webunit has more of
a frameworky emphasis, with aims limited to writing tests, where mechanize and
the modules it depends on try hard to be general-purpose libraries.
<p>There are many related links in the <a
href="../bits/GeneralFAQ.html">General FAQ</a> page, too.
<a name="faq"></a>
<li>Which version of Python do I need?
<p>2.2 or above.
<li>What else do I need?
<p><a href="../ClientCookie/">ClientCookie</a> 0.4.19 or newer (<strong>note
the required version!</strong>), <a href="../ClientForm/">ClientForm</a>
0.1.x, and <a href="../pullparser/">pullparser</a> 0.0.4b or newer.
<li>Which license?
<p>The <a href="">
BSD license</a> (included in distribution).
<p><a href="">John J. Lee</a>, January 2005.
<div id="Menu">
<a href="..">Home</a><br>
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<a href="../ClientCookie/">ClientCookie</a><br>
<a href="../ClientForm/">ClientForm</a><br>
<a href="../DOMForm/">DOMForm</a><br>
<a href="../python-spidermonkey/">python-spidermonkey</a><br>
<a href="../ClientTable/">ClientTable</a><br>
<span class="thispage">mechanize</span><br>
<a href="../pullparser/">pullparser</span><br>
<a href="../bits/GeneralFAQ.html">General FAQs</a><br>
<a href="../bits/">1.5.2</a><br>
<a href="../bits/">1.5.2</a><br>
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<a href="./#faq">FAQs</a><br>