blob: 6cebf0f729ea345753cfb1fa0cb10d6ebce190a4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" cythonize
Cythonize pyx files into C files as needed.
Usage: cythonize [root_dir]
Default [root_dir] is 'numpy'.
Checks pyx files to see if they have been changed relative to their
corresponding C files. If they have, then runs cython on these files to
recreate the C files.
The script thinks that the pyx files have changed relative to the C files
by comparing hashes stored in a database file.
Simple script to invoke Cython (and Tempita) on all .pyx (
files; while waiting for a proper build system. Uses file hashes to
figure out if rebuild is needed.
For now, this script should be run by developers when changing Cython files
only, and the resulting C files checked in, so that end-users (and Python-only
developers) do not get the Cython/Tempita dependencies.
Originally written by Dag Sverre Seljebotn, and copied here from:
Note: this script does not check any of the dependent C libraries; it only
operates on the Cython .pyx files.
import os
import re
import sys
import hashlib
import subprocess
HASH_FILE = 'cythonize.dat'
DEFAULT_ROOT = 'numpy'
VENDOR = 'NumPy'
# WindowsError is not defined on unix systems
except NameError:
WindowsError = None
# Rules
def process_pyx(fromfile, tofile):
flags = ['-3', '--fast-fail']
if tofile.endswith('.cxx'):
# try the cython in the installed python first (somewhat related to scipy/scipy#2397)
from Cython.Compiler.Version import version as cython_version
except ImportError:
# The `cython` command need not point to the version installed in the
# Python running this script, so raise an error to avoid the chance of
# using the wrong version of Cython.
raise OSError('Cython needs to be installed in Python as a module')
# check the version, and invoke through python
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
# Cython 0.29.21 is required for Python 3.9 and there are
# other fixes in the 0.29 series that are needed even for earlier
# Python versions.
# Note: keep in sync with that in pyproject.toml
required_version = LooseVersion('0.29.21')
if LooseVersion(cython_version) < required_version:
raise RuntimeError(f'Building {VENDOR} requires Cython >= {required_version}')
[sys.executable, '-m', 'cython'] + flags + ["-o", tofile, fromfile])
def process_tempita_pyx(fromfile, tofile):
import npy_tempita as tempita
assert fromfile.endswith('')
with open(fromfile, "r") as f:
tmpl =
pyxcontent = tempita.sub(tmpl)
pyxfile = fromfile[:-len('')] + '.pyx'
with open(pyxfile, "w") as f:
process_pyx(pyxfile, tofile)
def process_tempita_pyd(fromfile, tofile):
import npy_tempita as tempita
assert fromfile.endswith('')
assert tofile.endswith('.pxd')
with open(fromfile, "r") as f:
tmpl =
pyxcontent = tempita.sub(tmpl)
with open(tofile, "w") as f:
def process_tempita_pxi(fromfile, tofile):
import npy_tempita as tempita
assert fromfile.endswith('')
assert tofile.endswith('.pxi')
with open(fromfile, "r") as f:
tmpl =
pyxcontent = tempita.sub(tmpl)
with open(tofile, "w") as f:
def process_tempita_pxd(fromfile, tofile):
import npy_tempita as tempita
assert fromfile.endswith('')
assert tofile.endswith('.pxd')
with open(fromfile, "r") as f:
tmpl =
pyxcontent = tempita.sub(tmpl)
with open(tofile, "w") as f:
rules = {
# fromext : function, toext
'.pyx' : (process_pyx, '.c'),
'' : (process_tempita_pyx, '.c'),
'' : (process_tempita_pxi, '.pxi'),
'' : (process_tempita_pxd, '.pxd'),
'' : (process_tempita_pyd, '.pyd'),
# Hash db
def load_hashes(filename):
# Return { filename : (sha1 of input, sha1 of output) }
if os.path.isfile(filename):
hashes = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
filename, inhash, outhash = line.split()
hashes[filename] = (inhash, outhash)
hashes = {}
return hashes
def save_hashes(hash_db, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
for key, value in sorted(hash_db.items()):
f.write("%s %s %s\n" % (key, value[0], value[1]))
def sha1_of_file(filename):
h = hashlib.sha1()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
return h.hexdigest()
# Main program
def normpath(path):
path = path.replace(os.sep, '/')
if path.startswith('./'):
path = path[2:]
return path
def get_hash(frompath, topath):
from_hash = sha1_of_file(frompath)
to_hash = sha1_of_file(topath) if os.path.exists(topath) else None
return (from_hash, to_hash)
def process(path, fromfile, tofile, processor_function, hash_db):
fullfrompath = os.path.join(path, fromfile)
fulltopath = os.path.join(path, tofile)
current_hash = get_hash(fullfrompath, fulltopath)
if current_hash == hash_db.get(normpath(fullfrompath), None):
print(f'{fullfrompath} has not changed')
orig_cwd = os.getcwd()
print(f'Processing {fullfrompath}')
processor_function(fromfile, tofile)
# changed target file, recompute hash
current_hash = get_hash(fullfrompath, fulltopath)
# store hash in db
hash_db[normpath(fullfrompath)] = current_hash
def find_process_files(root_dir):
hash_db = load_hashes(HASH_FILE)
files = [x for x in os.listdir(root_dir) if not os.path.isdir(x)]
# .pxi or files are most likely dependencies for
# .pyx files, so we need to process them first
files.sort(key=lambda name: (name.endswith('.pxi') or
name.endswith('') or
for filename in files:
in_file = os.path.join(root_dir, filename + ".in")
for fromext, value in rules.items():
if filename.endswith(fromext):
if not value:
function, toext = value
if toext == '.c':
with open(os.path.join(root_dir, filename), 'rb') as f:
data =
m ="^\s*#\s*distutils:\s*language\s*=\s*c\+\+\s*$", data, re.I|re.M)
if m:
toext = ".cxx"
fromfile = filename
tofile = filename[:-len(fromext)] + toext
process(root_dir, fromfile, tofile, function, hash_db)
save_hashes(hash_db, HASH_FILE)
def main():
root_dir = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
root_dir = DEFAULT_ROOT
if __name__ == '__main__':