blob: 75add32302bdbe563d58a8d85938eedc56896f0f [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2006 Steve Nygard
#import "CDTypeFormatter.h"
#include <assert.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NSScanner-Extensions.h"
#import "NSString-Extensions.h"
#import "CDClassDump.h" // not ideal
#import "CDMethodType.h"
#import "CDSymbolReferences.h"
#import "CDType.h"
#import "CDTypeLexer.h"
#import "CDTypeParser.h"
@implementation CDTypeFormatter
- (BOOL)shouldExpand;
return shouldExpand;
- (void)setShouldExpand:(BOOL)newFlag;
shouldExpand = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldAutoExpand;
return shouldAutoExpand;
- (void)setShouldAutoExpand:(BOOL)newFlag;
shouldAutoExpand = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldShowLexing;
return shouldShowLexing;
- (void)setShouldShowLexing:(BOOL)newFlag;
shouldShowLexing = newFlag;
- (int)baseLevel;
return baseLevel;
- (void)setBaseLevel:(int)newBaseLevel;
baseLevel = newBaseLevel;
- (id)delegate;
return nonretainedDelegate;
- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate;
nonretainedDelegate = newDelegate;
- (NSString *)_specialCaseVariable:(NSString *)name type:(NSString *)type;
if ([type isEqual:@"c"] == YES) {
if (name == nil)
return @"BOOL";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"BOOL %@", name];
#if 0
} else if ([type isEqual:@"b1"] == YES) {
if (name == nil)
return @"BOOL :1";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"BOOL %@:1", name];
return nil;
// TODO (2004-01-28): See if we can pass in the actual CDType.
- (NSString *)formatVariable:(NSString *)name type:(NSString *)type symbolReferences:(CDSymbolReferences *)symbolReferences;
CDTypeParser *aParser;
CDType *resultType;
NSMutableString *resultString;
NSString *specialCase;
//NSLog(@"%s, shouldExpandStructures: %d", _cmd, shouldExpandStructures);
//NSLog(@" > %s", _cmd);
//NSLog(@"name: '%@', type: '%@', level: %d", name, type, level);
// Special cases: char -> BOOLs, 1 bit ints -> BOOL too?
specialCase = [self _specialCaseVariable:name type:type];
if (specialCase != nil) {
resultString = [NSMutableString string];
[resultString appendString:[NSString spacesIndentedToLevel:baseLevel spacesPerLevel:4]];
[resultString appendString:specialCase];
return resultString;
aParser = [[CDTypeParser alloc] initWithType:type];
[[aParser lexer] setShouldShowLexing:shouldShowLexing];
resultType = [aParser parseType];
//NSLog(@"resultType: %p", resultType);
if (resultType == nil) {
[aParser release];
//NSLog(@"< %s", _cmd);
return nil;
resultString = [NSMutableString string];
[resultType setVariableName:name];
[resultString appendString:[NSString spacesIndentedToLevel:baseLevel spacesPerLevel:4]];
[resultString appendString:[resultType formattedString:nil formatter:self level:0 symbolReferences:symbolReferences]];
[aParser release];
//NSLog(@"< %s", _cmd);
return resultString;
- (NSString *)formatMethodName:(NSString *)methodName type:(NSString *)type symbolReferences:(CDSymbolReferences *)symbolReferences;
CDTypeParser *aParser;
NSArray *methodTypes;
NSMutableString *resultString;
aParser = [[CDTypeParser alloc] initWithType:type];
methodTypes = [aParser parseMethodType];
if (methodTypes == nil)
NSLog(@"Warning: Parsing method types failed, %@", methodName);
[aParser release];
if (methodTypes == nil || [methodTypes count] == 0) {
return nil;
resultString = [NSMutableString string];
int count, index;
BOOL noMoreTypes;
CDMethodType *aMethodType;
NSScanner *scanner;
NSString *specialCase;
count = [methodTypes count];
index = 0;
noMoreTypes = NO;
aMethodType = [methodTypes objectAtIndex:index];
/*if ([[aMethodType type] isIDType] == NO)*/ {
NSString *str;
[resultString appendString:@"("];
specialCase = [self _specialCaseVariable:nil type:[[aMethodType type] bareTypeString]];
if (specialCase != nil) {
[resultString appendString:specialCase];
} else {
str = [[aMethodType type] formattedString:nil formatter:self level:0 symbolReferences:symbolReferences];
if (str != nil)
[resultString appendFormat:@"%@", str];
[resultString appendString:@")"];
index += 3;
scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:methodName];
while ([scanner isAtEnd] == NO) {
NSString *str;
// We can have unnamed paramenters, :::
if ([scanner scanUpToString:@":" intoString:&str] == YES) {
//NSLog(@"str += '%@'", str);
[resultString appendString:str];
if ([scanner scanString:@":" intoString:NULL] == YES) {
NSString *typeString;
[resultString appendString:@":"];
if (index >= count) {
noMoreTypes = YES;
} else {
NSString *ch;
aMethodType = [methodTypes objectAtIndex:index];
specialCase = [self _specialCaseVariable:nil type:[[aMethodType type] bareTypeString]];
if (specialCase != nil) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"(%@)", specialCase];
} else {
typeString = [[aMethodType type] formattedString:nil formatter:self level:0 symbolReferences:symbolReferences];
//if ([[aMethodType type] isIDType] == NO)
[resultString appendFormat:@"(%@)", typeString];
[resultString appendFormat:@"fp%@", [aMethodType offset]];
ch = [scanner peekCharacter];
// if next character is not ':' nor EOS then add space
if (ch != nil && [ch isEqual:@":"] == NO)
[resultString appendString:@" "];
if (noMoreTypes == YES) {
NSLog(@" /* Error: Ran out of types for this method. */");
return resultString;
- (CDType *)replacementForType:(CDType *)aType;
//NSLog(@"[%p] %s, aType: %@", self, _cmd, [aType typeString]);
if ([nonretainedDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(typeFormatter:replacementForType:)] == YES) {
return [nonretainedDelegate typeFormatter:self replacementForType:aType];
return nil;
- (NSString *)typedefNameForStruct:(CDType *)structType level:(int)level;
if ([nonretainedDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(typeFormatter:typedefNameForStruct:level:)] == YES)
return [nonretainedDelegate typeFormatter:self typedefNameForStruct:structType level:level];
return nil;