blob: 5ab0d6e92351538e42f5ae0dc5da9974ded6bb5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the
// License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
// express or implied. See the License for the specific language
// governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Package slab provides a 100% golang slab allocator for byte slices.
package slab
import (
// An opaque reference to bytes managed by an Arena. See
// Arena.BufToLoc/LocToBuf(). A Loc struct is GC friendly in that a
// Loc does not have direct pointer fields into the Arena's memory
// that the GC's scanner must traverse.
type Loc struct {
slabClassIndex int
slabIndex int
chunkIndex int
bufStart int
bufLen int
// NilLoc returns a Loc where Loc.IsNil() is true.
func NilLoc() Loc {
return nilLoc
var nilLoc = Loc{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1} // A sentinel.
// IsNil returns true if the Loc came from NilLoc().
func (cl Loc) IsNil() bool {
return cl.slabClassIndex < 0 && cl.slabIndex < 0 &&
cl.chunkIndex < 0 && cl.bufStart < 0 && cl.bufLen < 0
// Slice returns a Loc that a represents a different slice of the
// backing buffer, where the bufStart and bufLen are relative to the
// backing buffer. Does not change the ref-count of the underlying
// buffer.
// NOTE: Many API's (such as BufToLoc) do not correctly handle Loc's
// with non-zero bufStart, so use sliced Loc's with caution.
func (cl Loc) Slice(bufStart, bufLen int) Loc {
rv := cl // Makes a copy.
rv.bufStart = bufStart
rv.bufLen = bufLen
return rv
// An Arena manages a set of slab classes and memory.
type Arena struct {
growthFactor float64
slabClasses []slabClass // slabClasses's chunkSizes grow by growthFactor.
slabMagic int32 // Magic # suffix on each slab memory []byte.
slabSize int
malloc func(size int) []byte // App-specific allocator.
totAllocs int64
totAddRefs int64
totDecRefs int64
totDecRefZeroes int64 // Inc'ed when a ref-count reaches zero.
totGetNexts int64
totSetNexts int64
totMallocs int64
totMallocErrs int64
totTooBigErrs int64
totAddSlabErrs int64
totPushFreeChunks int64 // Inc'ed when chunk added to free list.
totPopFreeChunks int64 // Inc'ed when chunk removed from free list.
totPopFreeChunkErrs int64
type slabClass struct {
slabs []*slab // A growing array of slabs.
chunkSize int // Each slab is sliced into fixed-sized chunks.
chunkFree Loc // Chunks are tracked in a free-list per slabClass.
numChunks int64
numChunksFree int64
type slab struct {
// len(memory) == slabSize + slabMemoryFooterLen.
memory []byte
// Matching array of chunk metadata, and len(memory) == len(chunks).
chunks []chunk
// Based on slabClassIndex + slabIndex + slabMagic.
const slabMemoryFooterLen int = 4 + 4 + 4
type chunk struct {
refs int32 // Ref-count.
self Loc // The self is the Loc for this chunk.
next Loc // Used when chunk is in the free-list or when chained.
// NewArena returns an Arena to manage byte slice memory based on a
// slab allocator approach.
// The startChunkSize and slabSize should be > 0.
// The growthFactor should be > 1.0.
// The malloc() func is invoked when Arena needs memory for a new slab.
// When malloc() is nil, then Arena defaults to make([]byte, size).
func NewArena(startChunkSize int, slabSize int, growthFactor float64,
malloc func(size int) []byte) *Arena {
if malloc == nil {
malloc = defaultMalloc
s := &Arena{
growthFactor: growthFactor,
slabMagic: rand.Int31(),
slabSize: slabSize,
malloc: malloc,
return s
func defaultMalloc(size int) []byte {
return make([]byte, size)
// Alloc may return nil on errors, such as if no more free chunks are
// available and new slab memory was not allocatable (such as if
// malloc() returns nil). The returned buf may not be append()'ed to
// for growth. The returned buf must be DecRef()'ed for memory reuse.
func (s *Arena) Alloc(bufLen int) (buf []byte) {
sc, chunk := s.allocChunk(bufLen)
if sc == nil || chunk == nil {
return nil
return sc.chunkMem(chunk)[0:bufLen]
// Owns returns true if this Arena owns the buf.
func (s *Arena) Owns(buf []byte) bool {
sc, c := s.bufChunk(buf)
return sc != nil && c != nil
// AddRef increase the ref count on a buf. The input buf must be from
// an Alloc() from the same Arena.
func (s *Arena) AddRef(buf []byte) {
sc, c := s.bufChunk(buf)
if sc == nil || c == nil {
panic("buf not from this arena")
// DecRef decreases the ref count on a buf. The input buf must be
// from an Alloc() from the same Arena. Once the buf's ref-count
// drops to 0, the Arena may reuse the buf. Returns true if this was
// the last DecRef() invocation (ref count reached 0).
func (s *Arena) DecRef(buf []byte) bool {
sc, c := s.bufChunk(buf)
if sc == nil || c == nil {
panic("buf not from this arena")
return s.decRef(sc, c)
// GetNext returns the next chained buf for the given input buf. The
// buf's managed by an Arena can be chained. The returned bufNext may
// be nil. When the returned bufNext is non-nil, the caller owns a
// ref-count on bufNext and must invoke DecRef(bufNext) when the
// caller is finished using bufNext.
func (s *Arena) GetNext(buf []byte) (bufNext []byte) {
sc, c := s.bufChunk(buf)
if sc == nil || c == nil {
panic("buf not from this arena")
if c.refs <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected ref-count during GetNext: %#v", c))
scNext, cNext := s.chunk(
if scNext == nil || cNext == nil {
return nil
return scNext.chunkMem(cNext)[ :]
// SetNext associates the next chain buf following the input buf to be
// bufNext. The buf's from an Arena can be chained, where buf will
// own an AddRef() on bufNext. When buf's ref-count goes to zero, it
// will call DecRef() on bufNext. The bufNext may be nil. The
// bufNext must have start position 0 (or bufStart of 0) with respect
// to its backing buffer.
func (s *Arena) SetNext(buf, bufNext []byte) {
sc, c := s.bufChunk(buf)
if sc == nil || c == nil {
panic("buf not from this arena")
if c.refs <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("refs <= 0 during SetNext: %#v", c))
scOldNext, cOldNext := s.chunk(
if scOldNext != nil && cOldNext != nil {
s.decRef(scOldNext, cOldNext)
} = nilLoc
if bufNext != nil {
scNewNext, cNewNext := s.bufChunk(bufNext)
if scNewNext == nil || cNewNext == nil {
panic("bufNext not from this arena")
cNewNext.addRef() = cNewNext.self = 0 = len(bufNext)
// BufToLoc returns a Loc that represents an Arena-managed buf. Does
// not affect the reference count of the buf. The buf slice must have
// start position 0 (or bufStart of 0).
func (s *Arena) BufToLoc(buf []byte) Loc {
sc, c := s.bufChunk(buf)
if sc == nil || c == nil {
return NilLoc()
var loc = c.self // Makes a copy.
loc.bufStart = 0
loc.bufLen = len(buf)
return loc
// LocToBuf returns a buf for an Arena-managed Loc. Does not affect
// the reference count of the buf. The Loc may have come from
// Loc.Slice().
func (s *Arena) LocToBuf(loc Loc) []byte {
sc, chunk := s.chunk(loc)
if sc == nil || chunk == nil {
return nil
return sc.chunkMem(chunk)[loc.bufStart : loc.bufStart+loc.bufLen]
func (s *Arena) LocAddRef(loc Loc) {
sc, chunk := s.chunk(loc)
if sc == nil || chunk == nil {
func (s *Arena) LocDecRef(loc Loc) {
sc, chunk := s.chunk(loc)
if sc == nil || chunk == nil {
s.decRef(sc, chunk)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
func (s *Arena) allocChunk(bufLen int) (*slabClass, *chunk) {
if bufLen > s.slabSize {
return nil, nil
slabClassIndex := s.findSlabClassIndex(bufLen)
sc := &(s.slabClasses[slabClassIndex])
if sc.chunkFree.IsNil() {
if !s.addSlab(slabClassIndex, s.slabSize, s.slabMagic) {
return nil, nil
chunk := sc.popFreeChunk()
if chunk == nil {
return nil, nil
return sc, chunk
func (s *Arena) findSlabClassIndex(bufLen int) int {
i := sort.Search(len(s.slabClasses),
func(i int) bool { return bufLen <= s.slabClasses[i].chunkSize })
if i >= len(s.slabClasses) {
slabClass := &(s.slabClasses[len(s.slabClasses)-1])
nextChunkSize := float64(slabClass.chunkSize) * s.growthFactor
return s.findSlabClassIndex(bufLen)
return i
func (s *Arena) addSlabClass(chunkSize int) {
s.slabClasses = append(s.slabClasses, slabClass{
chunkSize: chunkSize,
chunkFree: nilLoc,
func (s *Arena) addSlab(
slabClassIndex, slabSize int, slabMagic int32) bool {
sc := &(s.slabClasses[slabClassIndex])
chunksPerSlab := slabSize / sc.chunkSize
if chunksPerSlab <= 0 {
chunksPerSlab = 1
slabIndex := len(sc.slabs)
// Re-multiplying to avoid any extra fractional chunk memory.
memorySize := (sc.chunkSize * chunksPerSlab) + slabMemoryFooterLen
memory := s.malloc(memorySize)
if memory == nil {
return false
slab := &slab{
memory: memory,
chunks: make([]chunk, chunksPerSlab),
footer := slab.memory[len(slab.memory)-slabMemoryFooterLen:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(footer[0:4], uint32(slabClassIndex))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(footer[4:8], uint32(slabIndex))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(footer[8:12], uint32(slabMagic))
sc.slabs = append(sc.slabs, slab)
for i := 0; i < len(slab.chunks); i++ {
c := &(slab.chunks[i])
c.self.slabClassIndex = slabClassIndex
c.self.slabIndex = slabIndex
c.self.chunkIndex = i
c.self.bufStart = 0
c.self.bufLen = sc.chunkSize
sc.numChunks += int64(len(slab.chunks))
return true
func (sc *slabClass) pushFreeChunk(c *chunk) {
if c.refs != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("pushFreeChunk() non-zero refs: %v", c.refs))
} = sc.chunkFree
sc.chunkFree = c.self
func (sc *slabClass) popFreeChunk() *chunk {
if sc.chunkFree.IsNil() {
panic("popFreeChunk() when chunkFree is nil")
c := sc.chunk(sc.chunkFree)
if c.refs != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("popFreeChunk() non-zero refs: %v", c.refs))
c.refs = 1
sc.chunkFree = = nilLoc
if sc.numChunksFree < 0 {
panic("popFreeChunk() got < 0 numChunksFree")
return c
func (sc *slabClass) chunkMem(c *chunk) []byte {
if c == nil || c.self.IsNil() {
return nil
beg := sc.chunkSize * c.self.chunkIndex
return sc.slabs[c.self.slabIndex].memory[beg : beg+sc.chunkSize]
func (sc *slabClass) chunk(cl Loc) *chunk {
if cl.IsNil() {
return nil
return &(sc.slabs[cl.slabIndex].chunks[cl.chunkIndex])
func (s *Arena) chunk(cl Loc) (*slabClass, *chunk) {
if cl.IsNil() {
return nil, nil
sc := &(s.slabClasses[cl.slabClassIndex])
return sc, sc.chunk(cl)
// Determine the slabClass & chunk for an Arena managed buf []byte.
func (s *Arena) bufChunk(buf []byte) (*slabClass, *chunk) {
if buf == nil || cap(buf) <= slabMemoryFooterLen {
return nil, nil
rest := buf[:cap(buf)]
footerDistance := len(rest) - slabMemoryFooterLen
footer := rest[footerDistance:]
slabClassIndex := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(footer[0:4])
slabIndex := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(footer[4:8])
slabMagic := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(footer[8:12])
if slabMagic != uint32(s.slabMagic) {
return nil, nil
sc := &(s.slabClasses[slabClassIndex])
slab := sc.slabs[slabIndex]
chunkIndex := len(slab.chunks) -
return sc, &(slab.chunks[chunkIndex])
func (c *chunk) addRef() *chunk {
if c.refs <= 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("refs <= 1 during addRef: %#v", c))
return c
func (s *Arena) decRef(sc *slabClass, c *chunk) bool {
if c.refs < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("refs < 0 during decRef: %#v", c))
if c.refs == 0 {
scNext, cNext := s.chunk(
if scNext != nil && cNext != nil {
s.decRef(scNext, cNext)
} = nilLoc
return true
return false
// Stats fills an input map with runtime metrics about the Arena.
func (s *Arena) Stats(m map[string]int64) map[string]int64 {
m["totSlabClasses"] = int64(len(s.slabClasses))
m["totAllocs"] = s.totAllocs
m["totAddRefs"] = s.totAddRefs
m["totDecRefs"] = s.totDecRefs
m["totDecRefZeroes"] = s.totDecRefZeroes
m["totGetNexts"] = s.totGetNexts
m["totSetNexts"] = s.totSetNexts
m["totMallocs"] = s.totMallocs
m["totMallocErrs"] = s.totMallocErrs
m["totTooBigErrs"] = s.totTooBigErrs
m["totAddSlabErrs"] = s.totAddSlabErrs
m["totPushFreeChunks"] = s.totPushFreeChunks
m["totPopFreeChunks"] = s.totPopFreeChunks
m["totPopFreeChunkErrs"] = s.totPopFreeChunkErrs
for i, sc := range s.slabClasses {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("slabClass-%06d-", i)
m[prefix+"numSlabs"] = int64(len(sc.slabs))
m[prefix+"chunkSize"] = int64(sc.chunkSize)
m[prefix+"numChunks"] = int64(sc.numChunks)
m[prefix+"numChunksFree"] = int64(sc.numChunksFree)
m[prefix+"numChunksInUse"] = int64(sc.numChunks - sc.numChunksFree)
return m