blob: 7dd178f9b0b34ee69f67a9c05194482f507025da [file] [log] [blame]
2.5.1 - 2015-12-08
- **Bug** Properly look for ``.flake8`` in current working directory
- **Bug** Monkey-patch ``pep8.stdin_get_value`` to cache the actual value in
stdin. This helps plugins relying on the function when run with
multiprocessing. (`GitLab#105`_, `GitLab#107`_)
.. _GitLab#103:
.. _GitLab#105:
.. _GitLab#107:
2.5.0 - 2015-10-26
- **Improvement** Raise cap on PyFlakes for Python 3.5 support
- **Improvement** Avoid deprecation warnings when loading extensions
(`GitLab#59`_, `GitLab#90`_)
- **Improvement** Separate logic to enable "off-by-default" extensions
- **Bug** Properly parse options to setuptools Flake8 command (`GitLab!41`_)
- **Bug** Fix exceptions when output on stdout is truncated before Flake8
finishes writing the output (`GitLab#69`_)
- **Bug** Fix error on OS X where Flake8 can no longer acquire or create new
semaphores (`GitLab#74`_)
.. _GitLab!41:
.. _GitLab#59:
.. _GitLab#67:
.. _GitLab#69:
.. _GitLab#74:
.. _GitLab#90:
2.4.1 - 2015-05-18
- **Bug** Do not raise a ``SystemError`` unless there were errors in the
setuptools command. (`GitLab#39`_, `GitLab!23`_)
- **Bug** Do not verify dependencies of extensions loaded via entry-points.
- **Improvement** Blacklist versions of pep8 we know are broken
.. _GitLab#39:
.. _GitLab!23:
2.4.0 - 2015-03-07
- **Bug** Print filenames when using multiprocessing and ``-q`` option.
- **Bug** Put upper cap on dependencies. The caps for 2.4.0 are:
- ``pep8 < 1.6`` (Related to `GitLab#35`_)
- ``mccabe < 0.4``
- ``pyflakes < 0.9``
See also `GitLab#32`_
- **Bug** Files excluded in a config file were not being excluded when flake8
was run from a git hook. (`GitHub#2`_)
- **Improvement** Print warnings for users who are providing mutually
exclusive options to flake8. (`GitLab#8`_, `GitLab!18`_)
- **Feature** Allow git hook configuration to live in ``.git/config``.
See the updated `VCS hooks docs`_ for more details. (`GitLab!20`_)
.. _GitHub#2:
.. _GitLab#8:
.. _GitLab#31:
.. _GitLab#32:
.. _GitLab#35:
.. _GitLab!18:
.. _GitLab!20:
.. _VCS hooks docs:
2.3.0 - 2015-01-04
- **Feature**: Add ``--output-file`` option to specify a file to write to
instead of ``stdout``.
- **Bug** Fix interleaving of output while using multiprocessing
.. _GitLab#17:
2.2.5 - 2014-10-19
- Flush standard out when using multiprocessing
- Make the check for "# flake8: noqa" more strict
2.2.4 - 2014-10-09
- Fix bugs triggered by turning multiprocessing on by default (again)
Multiprocessing is forcibly disabled in the following cases:
- Passing something in via stdin
- Analyzing a diff
- Using windows
- Fix --install-hook when there are no config files present for pep8 or
- Fix how the setuptools command parses excludes in config files
- Fix how the git hook determines which files to analyze (Thanks Chris
2.2.3 - 2014-08-25
- Actually turn multiprocessing on by default
2.2.2 - 2014-07-04
- Re-enable multiprocessing by default while fixing the issue Windows users
were seeing.
2.2.1 - 2014-06-30
- Turn off multiple jobs by default. To enable automatic use of all CPUs, use
``--jobs=auto``. Fixes #155 and #154.
2.2.0 - 2014-06-22
- New option ``doctests`` to run Pyflakes checks on doctests too
- New option ``jobs`` to launch multiple jobs in parallel
- Turn on using multiple jobs by default using the CPU count
- Add support for ``python -m flake8`` on Python 2.7 and Python 3
- Fix Git and Mercurial hooks: issues #88, #133, #148 and #149
- Fix crashes with Python 3.4 by upgrading dependencies
- Fix traceback when running tests with Python 2.6
- Fix the setuptools command ``python flake8`` to read
the project configuration
2.1.0 - 2013-10-26
- Add FLAKE8_LAZY and FLAKE8_IGNORE environment variable support to git and
mercurial hooks
- Force git and mercurial hooks to repsect configuration in setup.cfg
- Only check staged files if that is specified
- Fix hook file permissions
- Fix the git hook on python 3
- Ignore non-python files when running the git hook
- Ignore .tox directories by default
- Flake8 now reports the column number for PyFlakes messages
2.0.0 - 2013-02-23
- Pyflakes errors are prefixed by an ``F`` instead of an ``E``
- McCabe complexity warnings are prefixed by a ``C`` instead of a ``W``
- Flake8 supports extensions through entry points
- Due to the above support, we **require** setuptools
- We publish the `documentation <>`_
- Fixes #13: pep8, pyflakes and mccabe become external dependencies
- Split into, and for better logic
- Expose our parser for our users
- New feature: Install git and hg hooks automagically
- By relying on pyflakes (0.6.1), we also fixed #45 and #35
1.7.0 - 2012-12-21
- Fixes part of #35: Exception for no WITHITEM being an attribute of Checker
for Python 3.3
- Support stdin
- Incorporate @phd's builtins pull request
- Fix the git hook
- Update to the latest version
1.6.2 - 2012-11-25
- fixed the NameError: global name 'message' is not defined (#46)
1.6.1 - 2012-11-24
- fixed the mercurial hook, a change from a previous patch was not properly
- fixed an assumption about warnings/error messages that caused an exception
to be thrown when McCabe is used
1.6 - 2012-11-16
- changed the signatures of the ``check_file`` function in flake8/,
``skip_warning`` in flake8/ and the ``check``, ``checkPath``
functions in flake8/
- fix ``--exclude`` and ``--ignore`` command flags (#14, #19)
- fix the git hook that wasn't catching files not already added to the index
- pre-emptively includes the addition to pep8 to ignore certain lines.
Add ``# nopep8`` to the end of a line to ignore it. (#37)
- ``check_file`` can now be used without any special prior setup (#21)
- unpacking exceptions will no longer cause an exception (#20)
- fixed crash on non-existent file (#38)
1.5 - 2012-10-13
- fixed the stdin
- make sure mccabe catches the syntax errors as warnings
- pep8 upgrade
- added max_line_length default value
- added Flake8Command and entry points if setuptools is around
- using the setuptools console wrapper when available
1.4 - 2012-07-12
- git_hook: Only check staged changes for compliance
- use pep8 1.2
1.3.1 - 2012-05-19
- fixed support for Python 2.5
1.3 - 2012-03-12
- fixed false W402 warning on exception blocks.
1.2 - 2012-02-12
- added a git hook
- now Python 3 compatible
- mccabe and pyflakes have warning codes like pep8 now
1.1 - 2012-02-14
- fixed the value returned by --version
- allow the flake8: header to be more generic
- fixed the "hg hook raises 'physical lines'" bug
- allow three argument form of raise
- now uses setuptools if available, for 'develop' command
1.0 - 2011-11-29
- Deactivates by default the complexity checker
- Introduces the complexity option in the HG hook and the command line.
0.9 - 2011-11-09
- update pep8 version to 0.6.1
- mccabe check: gracefully handle compile failure
0.8 - 2011-02-27
- fixed hg hook
- discard unexisting files on hook check
0.7 - 2010-02-18
- Fix pep8 initialization when run through Hg
- Make pep8 short options work when run through the command line
- Skip duplicates when controlling files via Hg
0.6 - 2010-02-15
- Fix the McCabe metric on some loops