blob: 364be3a306a92908d3fe5614ee886cce06987a1e [file] [log] [blame]
// GTMCarbonEvent.h
// Copyright 2006-2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import "GTMDefines.h"
@class GTMCarbonEventHandler;
@class GTMCarbonHotKey;
// Objective C wrapper for a Carbon Event
@interface GTMCarbonEvent : NSObject <NSCopying> {
EventRef event_; //Event we are wrapping. STRONG
// Create an event of class |inClass| and kind |inKind|
// Returns:
// Autoreleased GTMCarbonEvent
+ (id)eventWithClass:(UInt32)inClass kind:(UInt32)kind;
// Create an event based on |event|. Retains |event|.
// Returns:
// Autoreleased GTMCarbonEvent
+ (id)eventWithEvent:(EventRef)event;
// Create an event based on the event currently being handled.
// Returns:
// Autoreleased GTMCarbonEvent
+ (id)currentEvent;
// Create an event of class |inClass| and kind |inKind|
// Returns:
// GTMCarbonEvent
- (id)initWithClass:(UInt32)inClass kind:(UInt32)kind;
// Create an event based on |event|. Retains |event|.
// Returns:
// GTMCarbonEvent
- (id)initWithEvent:(EventRef)event;
// Get the event's class.
// Returns:
// event class
- (UInt32)eventClass;
// Get the event's kind.
// Returns:
// event kind
- (UInt32)eventKind;
// Set the event's time.
// Arguments:
// time - the time you want associated with the event
- (void)setTime:(EventTime)eventTime;
// Get the event's time.
// Returns:
// the time associated with the event
- (EventTime)time;
// Get the event's eventref for passing to other carbon functions.
// Returns:
// the event ref associated with the event
- (EventRef)event;
// Sets (or adds) a parameter to an event. Try not to use this function
// directly. Look at the PARAM_TEMPLATE_DECL/DEFN macros below.
// Arguments:
// name - the parameter name.
// type - the parameter type.
// size - the size of the data that |data| points to.
// data - pointer to the data you want to set the parameter to.
- (void)setParameterNamed:(EventParamName)name
data:(const void *)data;
// Gets a parameter from an event. Try not to use this function
// directly. Look at the PARAM_TEMPLATE_DECL/DEFN macros below.
// Arguments:
// name - the parameter name.
// type - the parameter type.
// size - the size of the data that |data| points to.
// data - pointer to the buffer that you want to fill with your data.
// Returns:
// YES is parameter is retrieved successfully. NO if parameter doesn't exist.
- (BOOL)getParameterNamed:(EventParamName)name
data:(void *)data;
// Gets a the size of a parameter from an event.
// Arguments:
// name - the parameter name.
// type - the parameter type.
// Returns:
// The size of the buffer required to hold the parameter. 0 if parameter
// doesn't exist.
- (ByteCount)sizeOfParameterNamed:(EventParamName)name
// Sends event to an event target with options
// Arguments:
// target - target to send event to.
// options - options to send event. See SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions
// for details.
// Returns:
// OSStatus value.
- (OSStatus)sendToTarget:(GTMCarbonEventHandler *)target
// Post event to an event queue.
// Arguments:
// queue - queue to post it to.
// priority - priority to post it with
// Returns:
// OSStatus value.
- (OSStatus)postToQueue:(EventQueueRef)queue priority:(EventPriority)priority;
// Post event to current queue with standard priority.
- (void)postToCurrentQueue;
// Post event to main queue with standard priority.
- (void)postToMainQueue;
// Macros for defining simple set/get parameter methods for GTMCarbonEvent. See
// the category GTMCarbonEvent (GTMCarbonEventGettersAndSetters) for an example
// of their use. GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DECL2/DEFN2 is for the case where the
// parameter name is different than the parameter type (rare, but it does
// occur...e.g. for a Rect, the name is typeQDRectangle, and the type is Rect,
// so it would be GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DECL2(QDRectangle, Rect) ). In most cases
// you will just use GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DECL/DEFN.
#define GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DECL2(paramName, paramType) \
- (void)set##paramName##ParameterNamed:(EventParamName)name data:(paramType *)data; \
- (BOOL)get##paramName##ParameterNamed:(EventParamName)name data:(paramType *)data;
#define GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DEFN2(paramName, paramType) \
- (void)set##paramName##ParameterNamed:(EventParamName)name data:(paramType *)data { \
[self setParameterNamed:name type:type##paramName size:sizeof(paramType) data:data]; \
} \
- (BOOL)get##paramName##ParameterNamed:(EventParamName)name data:(paramType *)data { \
return [self getParameterNamed:name type:type##paramName size:sizeof(paramType) data:data]; \
#define GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DECL(paramType) GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DECL2(paramType, paramType)
#define GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DEFN(paramType) GTM_PARAM_TEMPLATE_DEFN2(paramType, paramType)
// Category defining some basic types that we want to be able to easily set and
// get from GTMCarbonEvents
@interface GTMCarbonEvent (GTMCarbonEventGettersAndSetters)
// Utility function for converting between modifier types
// Arguments:
// inCocoaModifiers - keyboard modifiers in carbon form
// (NSCommandKeyMask etc)
// Returns:
// Carbon modifiers equivalent to |inCocoaModifiers| (cmdKey etc)
GTM_EXTERN UInt32 GTMCocoaToCarbonKeyModifiers(NSUInteger inCocoaModifiers);
// Utility function for converting between modifier types
// Arguments:
// inCarbonModifiers - keyboard modifiers in carbon form (cmdKey etc)
// Returns:
// cocoa modifiers equivalent to |inCocoaModifiers| (NSCommandKeyMask etc)
GTM_EXTERN NSUInteger GTMCarbonToCocoaKeyModifiers(UInt32 inCarbonModifiers);
// An "abstract" superclass for objects that handle events such as
// menus, HIObjects, etc.
// Subclasses are expected to override the eventTarget and
// handleEvent:handler: methods to customize them.
@interface GTMCarbonEventHandler : NSObject {
// handler we are wrapping
// lazily created in the eventHandler method
EventHandlerRef eventHandler_;
GTM_WEAK id delegate_; // Our delegate
// Does our delegate respond to the gtm_eventHandler:receivedEvent:handler:
// selector? Cached for performance reasons.
BOOL delegateRespondsToHandleEvent_;
// Registers the event handler to listen for |events|.
// Arguments:
// events - an array of EventTypeSpec. The events to register for.
// count - the number of EventTypeSpecs in events.
- (void)registerForEvents:(const EventTypeSpec *)events count:(size_t)count;
// Causes the event handler to stop listening for |events|.
// Arguments:
// events - an array of EventTypeSpec. The events to register for.
// count - the number of EventTypeSpecs in events.
- (void)unregisterForEvents:(const EventTypeSpec *)events count:(size_t)count;
// To be overridden by subclasses to respond to events.
// All subclasses should call [super handleEvent:handler:] if they
// don't handle the event themselves.
// Arguments:
// event - the event to be handled
// handler - the call ref in case you want to call CallNextEventHandler
// in your method
// Returns:
// OSStatus - usually either noErr or eventNotHandledErr
- (OSStatus)handleEvent:(GTMCarbonEvent *)event
// To be overridden by subclasses to return the event target for the class.
// GTMCarbonEventHandler's implementation returns NULL.
// Returns:
// The event target ref.
- (EventTargetRef)eventTarget;
// Gets the underlying EventHandlerRef for that this class wraps.
// Returns:
// The EventHandlerRef this class wraps.
- (EventHandlerRef)eventHandler;
// Gets the delegate for the handler
// Returns:
// the delegate
- (id)delegate;
// Sets the delegate for the handler
// Arguments:
// delegate - the delegate to set to
- (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate;
// Category for methods that a delegate of GTMCarbonEventHandlerDelegate may
// want to implement.
@interface NSObject (GTMCarbonEventHandlerDelegate)
// If a delegate implements this method it gets called before every event
// that the handler gets sent. If it returns anything but eventNotHandledErr,
// the handlers handlerEvent:handler: method will not be called, and
// the return value returned by the delegate will be returned back to the
// carbon event dispatch system. This allows you to override any method
// that a handler may implement.
// Arguments:
// delegate - the delegate to set to
- (OSStatus)gtm_eventHandler:(GTMCarbonEventHandler *)sender
receivedEvent:(GTMCarbonEvent *)event
// A general OSType for use when setting properties on GTMCarbonEvent objects.
// This is the "signature" as part of commandIDs, controlsIDs, and properties.
// 'GooG'
GTM_EXTERN const OSType kGTMCarbonFrameworkSignature;
// An event handler class representing the event monitor event handler
// there is only one of these per application. This way you can put
// event handlers directly on the dispatcher if necessary.
@interface GTMCarbonEventMonitorHandler : GTMCarbonEventHandler
// Accessor to get the GTMCarbonEventMonitorHandler singleton.
// Returns:
// pointer to the GTMCarbonEventMonitorHandler singleton.
+ (GTMCarbonEventMonitorHandler *)sharedEventMonitorHandler;
// An event handler class representing the application event handler.
// there is only one of these per application. This way you can put
// event handlers directly on the application if necessary.
@interface GTMCarbonEventApplicationEventHandler : GTMCarbonEventHandler
// Accessor to get the GTMCarbonEventApplicationEventHandler singleton.
// Returns:
// pointer to the GTMCarbonEventApplicationEventHandler singleton.
+ (GTMCarbonEventApplicationEventHandler *)sharedApplicationEventHandler;
// An event handler class representing the toolbox dispatcher event handler
// there is only one of these per application. This way you can put
// event handlers directly on the dispatcher if necessary.
@interface GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler : GTMCarbonEventHandler {
NSMutableArray *hotkeys_; // Collection of registered hotkeys
// Accessor to get the GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler singleton.
// Returns:
// pointer to the GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler singleton.
+ (GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler *)sharedEventDispatcherHandler;
// Registers a hotkey. When the hotkey is executed by the user, target will be
// called with selector.
// Arguments:
// keyCode - the virtual keycode of the hotkey
// cocoaModifiers - the modifiers that need to be used with |keyCode|. NB
// that these are cocoa modifiers, so NSCommandKeyMask etc.
// target - instance that will get |action| called when the hotkey fires
// action - the method to call on |target| when the hotkey fires
// userInfo - storage for callers use
// onPress - is YES, the hotkey fires on the keydown (usual) otherwise
// it fires on the key up.
// Returns:
// a GTMCarbonHotKey. Note that all hotkeys are unregistered
// automatically when an app quits. Will be nil on failure.
- (GTMCarbonHotKey *)registerHotKey:(NSUInteger)keyCode
// Unregisters a hotkey previously registered with registerHotKey.
// Arguments:
// keyRef - the EventHotKeyRef to unregister
- (void)unregisterHotKey:(GTMCarbonHotKey *)keyRef;
// Wrapper for all the info we need about a hotkey that we can store in a
// Foundation storage class. We expecct selector to have this signature:
// - (void)hitHotKey:(GTMCarbonHotKey *)key;
@interface GTMCarbonHotKey : NSObject {
EventHotKeyID id_; // EventHotKeyID for this hotkey.
EventHotKeyRef hotKeyRef_;
id target_; // Object we are going to call when the hotkey is hit
SEL selector_; // Selector we are going to call on target_
BOOL onKeyDown_; // Do we do it on key down or on key up?
id userInfo_;
- (id)userInfo;
- (EventHotKeyRef)hotKeyRef;
- (BOOL)onKeyDown;