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// GTMUILocalizer.h
// Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
// A class for localizing nibs by doing simple string replacement.
// To use this, make an instance of GTMUILocalizer in your nib. Connect the
// owner_ outlet of the your instance to the File Owner of the nib. It expects
// the owner_ outlet to be an instance or subclass of NSWindowController,
// NSViewController or NSApplication. Using the bundle of the nib it will then
// localize any items in the NSWindowController's window and subviews, or the
// NSViewController's view and subviews or the NSApplication's main menu
// and dockmenu at when awakeFromNib is called on the GTMUILocalizer instance.
// You can optionally hook up otherObjectToLocalize_ and
// yetAnotherObjectToLocalize_ and those will also be localized. Strings in the
// nib that you want localized must start with ^ (shift-6). The strings will
// be looked up in the Localizable.strings table without the caret as the
// key.
// Things that will be localized are:
// - Titles and altTitles (for menus, buttons, windows, menuitems, tabViewItem)
// - stringValue (for labels)
// - tooltips
// - accessibility help
// - menus
// Due to technical limitations, accessibility description cannot be localized.
// See
// and for more information.
// As an example if I wanted to localize a button with the word "Print" on
// it, I would put it in a window controlled by a NSWindowController that was
// the owner of the nib. I would set it's title to be "^Print". I would then
// create an instance of GTMUILocalizer and set it's owner_ to be the owner
// of the nib.
// In my Localizable.strings file in my fr.lproj directory for the bundle
// I would put "Print" = "Imprimer";
// Then when my app launched in French I would get a button labeled
// "Imprimer". Note that GTMUILocalizer is only for strings, and doesn't
// resize, move or change text alignment on any of the things it modifies.
// If you absolutely need a caret at the beginning of the string
// post-localization, you can put "Foo" = "^Foo"; in your strings file and
// it will work.
// Your nib could be located in a variety of places depending on what you want
// to do. I would recommend having your "master" nib directly in Resources.
// If for some reason you needed to do some custom localization of the
// nib you could copy the master nib into your specific locale folder, and
// then you only need to adjust the items in the nib that you need to
// customize. You can leave the strings in the "^Foo" convention and they
// will localize properly. This keeps the differences between the nibs down
// to the bare essentials.
// NOTE: NSToolbar localization support is limited to only working on the
// default items in the toolbar. We cannot localize items that are on of the
// customization palette but not in the default items because there is not an
// API for NSToolbar to get all possible items. You are responsible for
// localizing all non-default toolbar items by hand.
@interface GTMUILocalizer : NSObject {
IBOutlet id owner_;
IBOutlet id otherObjectToLocalize_;
IBOutlet id yetAnotherObjectToLocalize_;
NSBundle *bundle_;
- (id)initWithBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;
// Localize |object|. If |recursive| is true, it will attempt
// to localize objects owned/referenced by |object|.
- (void)localizeObject:(id)object recursively:(BOOL)recursive;
// A method for subclasses to override in case you have a different
// way to go about getting localized strings.
// If |string| does not start with ^ you should return nil.
// If |string| is nil, you should return nil
- (NSString *)localizedStringForString:(NSString *)string;
// Allows subclasses to override how the bundle is picked up
+ (NSBundle *)bundleForOwner:(id)owner;