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Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
All rights reserved.
App Engine SDK - Release Notes
Version 1.9.10
- Asynchronous calls are now supported in the Search API.
- Fixed an issue that causes script routing errors in the dev_appserver when
the url regular expression uses subgroups that include a leading slash.
Version 1.9.9
- TLS is now supported and enabled by default in the dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with the Datastore Admin failing to load due to a
DeadlineExceededError when retrieving kinds.
- Fixed an issue where form fields submitted with Google Cloud Storage upload
may not get encoded correctly.
Version 1.9.8
- Fixed an issue with Datastore Admin not properly restoring backups if writes
are disabled.
- Fixed an issue with NDB repeated, nested structures growing exponentially
when saving.
- PHP is now updated to 5.4.30.
Version 1.9.7
- Added memcache historical hit ratio to Admin Console dashboard.
- Fixed an issue with sockets connections timing out after 2 minutes.
- Fixed an issue with appcfg request_logs not working.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver remove_ignored_dirs not working.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver directory separator for DOCUMENT_ROOT,
SCRIPT_FILENAME, SCRIPT_NAME, and PHP_SELF not working on Windows.
- Fixed an issue with decrement not working in Memcache and Memcached.
Version 1.9.6
- Django 1.5.4 has been upgraded to 1.5.8.
- Django 1.4.3 has been upgraded to 1.4.13.
- Fixed an issue with _Group.GetQueuesAsDict() raising
TypeError intermittently.
Version 1.9.5
- STARTTLS support for the dev_appserver is now available.
- Fixed an issue with the Search API where searching for geo points whose
distance from a fixed point is greater than some value returns documents that
do not include that field.
- Fixed an issue with the Search API where querying for a field that does not
exist returns an error instead of returning zero matches on that field.
- Fixed an issue where certain legal Cloud Storage bucket names fail to
Version 1.9.4
- Fixed an issue with the Search API where it does not correctly parse
expressions that use the subtraction operator without surrounding
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver Search API allowing searches for a field
with a negated value.
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver Search API not handling searches for
empty quotes the same way as production.
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver Search API not matching documents with
atom fields the same way as production.
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver Search API allowing expressions that
use the snippet operator over a numeric field.
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver Search API allowing sorting expressions
to use the snippet operator.
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver Search API not validating that cursors
are from a previous search.
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver Search API not parsing queries that use
the fuzzy search operator (~).
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver Search API not validating the default
value for sorting expressions on date fields.
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver memcache viewer not displaying items
with non-ASCII characters properly.
- Fixed an issue with the devappserver allowing arbitrarily large file uploads
using HTTP POST requests. It now matches production limits of 32MB.
- Fixed an issue with NDB deserialization looping infinitely when nested value
is None.
- Fixed an issue with libcurl giving a load error for Mac OS X Snow Leopard
- Fixed an issue with making simultaneous mysqli connections to the same
CloudSQL instance causing the request to time out.
Version 1.9.3
- Fixed an issue with NDB deserialization going into an infinite loop when
repeated nested structured properties are None.
- Fixed an issue with the fnmatch() function not being supported in production.
Version 1.9.2
- We are pleased to announce the availability of Dedicated Memcache service
to our customers in the EU.
- Users now have the ability to embed images in emails via the Content-Id
attachment header.
- The Zip module is now included in the SDK.
- Fixed an issue with the Google Cloud Storage upload proxy truncating POST
field data when it is longer than 80 characters.
- Fixed an issue with default max sized uploads no longer handling unlimited
size uploads.
Version 1.9.1
- The Performance Settings section of the Application settings page in the
Admin Console, Backends API and all backends related management tools are now
deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Users of Backends are
recommended to migrate to the App Engine Modules API, which provides a more
flexible implementation of the same functionality. These settings are now all
configurable via Modules configuration files.
See the Modules documentation for more information:
- Fixed an issue with ZendFramework causing App Engine project to crash when
using APC caching.
- Fixed an issue with URLFetch not sending strings with null characters
- Fixed an issue with uploading files to a Google Cloud Storage failing
in 1.9.0.
Version 1.9.0
- Modules Service API and application management features are now GA.
- New App Engine Application Identifiers must now start with a letter,
in addition to the existing requirements that the identifier be 6-30
characters which are letters, numbers, and hyphens, and not start or end with
a hyphen.
- The size limit on the Search API is now computed and enforced on a per-index
basis, rather than for the app as a whole. The per-index limit is now 10GB.
There is no fixed limit on the number of indexes, or on the total amount of
Search API storage an application may use.
- Newly created App Engine applications now have a Google Cloud Storage bucket
created automatically as part of the same Google Cloud Project. For more
information please see:
- Users now have the ability to embed images in emails via the Content-Id
attachment header.
- Removed deprecated methods start_module, start_module_async,
stop_module, stop_module_async get_modules_async, get_versions_async,
get_default_version_async, get_num_instances_async, and get_hostname_async.
- Fixed an issue with NDB backup/restore corrupting certain compressed
- The PHP interpreter has been upgraded from PHP 5.4.19 to PHP 5.4.22.
- Autoloading is now available in the SDK so developers will no longer need to
explicitly require SDK files.
- Expanded php.ini setting google_appengine.allow_include_gs_buckets to allow
a path filter to be included for improved security.
- Newly created App Engine applications now have a Google Cloud Storage bucket
created automatically as part of the same Google Cloud Project. For more
information please see:
- An "E_USER_WARNING" warning message is now triggered if an application moves
a user uploaded file to a Google Cloud Storage bucket/path. This is due to
the fact that code may be included and lead to a local file inclusion
- Added API functions CloudStorageTools::getMetadata() and
CloudStorageTools::getContentType() for retrieving the metadata and content
type of Google Cloud Storage objects.
- Fixed an issue with empty Google Cloud Storage folders not displaying
correctly in the Developers Console. New folders are now created using the
"/" suffix instead of "_$folder_" so that they are displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue with PHP_SELF and SCRIPT_NAME not being implemented correctly.
Version 1.8.9
- Renamed appcfg start to appcfg start_module_version and stop to
- Fixed an issue with ID allocation collisions in the Datastore.
- Fixed an issue with Cloud Storage calls failing in the dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver not starting on Windows when using
versions of Python earlier than 2.7.2.
- Deprecated start_module, start_module_async, stop_module, stop_module_async
get_modules_async, get_versions_async, get_default_version_async,
get_num_instances_async, get_hostname_async and added start_version,
start_version_async, stop_version, stop_version_async as replacements in the
Modules API.
- Added verbose_name support for ComputedProperty in NDB.
- Fixed an issue with deffered.defer not waiting for async operations.
- Fixed an issue with LocalStructureProperty not handling None value in NDB.
- Fixed an issue NDB not working with sqlite.
- Fixed an issue with debug not working with PyDev in 1.8.8.
- Fixed an issue with object properties not being retrieved in NDB.
- Renamed startModule, stopModule to startVersion, stopVersion in the Modules
- Added support for the ftp extension.
- Added support for the zip extension.
- Added support for the gethostname() function.
- A proper "billing required" message is now given when users attempt to use
Sockets API on free apps.
- Fixed an issue with header keys and values having whitespaces preventing
responses from being compressed.
- Fixed an issue with content-type and metadata not being updated when renaming
Google Cloud Storage objects.
- Fixed an issue with Cloud Storage rename requests failing when an object has
a space in its name.
Version 1.8.8
- Dedicated Memcache is now a GA feature. Our deprecation policy applies and
customers are encouraged to use this feature in production.
- Memcache API calls are tracked by a new metric that estimates resource usage,
Memcache Compute Units (MCU's). There is a new quota bucket and
dashboard graph corresponding to the metric, as well as an option in the
memcache viewer to display top keys by MCU's.
- The dev_appserver logs.db format is not backward compatible with 1.8.7.
Users that revert to the 1.8.7 dev_appserver after trying 1.8.8 must delete
this file. Unless specifically named by the user in the command line, the
file is found at /tmp/<app-id>/logs.db. The error seen if this file is not
removed is: 'IntegrityError: RequestLogs.module may not be NULL'
- Added /_ah/gcs endpoint on the dev_appserver for local emulation of Google
Cloud Storage services.
- Fixed an issue with users receiving errors when uploading large files to GCS.
- Fixed an issue with cloning apps not creating proper service account names.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver app id validation for UTF-8
- The Sockets API is now available for Billing Enabled Applications.
- PHP String has been added as a key type in the Admin Console Memcache viewer.
- Added CloudStorageTools::getPublicUrl() method for constructing URLs for
Google Cloud Storage objects.
- Opening GCS objects in text mode is now supported.
- A false error is now returned if stream_cast is called on a GCS stream.
Version 1.8.7
- Cloud Endpoints is now a GA feature.
- Memcache configuration changes and mutations (flush, set, etc.) made from the
Admin Console are now recorded in the admin console logs.
- The max_concurrent_requests setting is now configurable per version/module.
- Fixed an issue with Datastore not correctly validating namespaces with
greater than 500 characters.
- Fixed an issue with NDB not returning the same instance for async gets
when using memcache.
- Added support for the mcrypt PHP extension to the PHP interpreter included
with the Mac OSX SDK.
- Added support for the zlib extension library to the PHP interpreter included
with the Mac OSX SDK.
- Added support for the PHP gd extension to the PHP interpreter included with
the Mac OSX SDK.
- Fixed an issue where blank multipart form values are uploaded incorrectly
into Google Cloud Storage.
- Fixed an issue where PHP applications could not be run locally using the
Mac OS X launcher on Mac OS X Lion and earlier.
Version 1.8.6
- A memcache size chart has been added to admin console's dashboard. Access it
via the drop-down above the graph. The chart graphs memcache size over time
enabling customers to determine when cache flush events occurred. This is a
preview feature.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver that allows an invalid Datastore query
combination of group by and filter properties.
- Fixed an issue with the bulkloader that causes uploads to the dev_appserver
to fail.
- Fixed an issue affecting validation of the size of Datastore property names.
- Fixed an issue with Datastore query validation for strings with exactly 500
- Django 1.5.4 is now available in the Runtime. This is a Preview feature.
- app_identity.get_access_token in the App Identity API is now a GA feature.
- Geo is now a supported field type in the Search API for the dev_appserver.
- php://memory and php://temp I/O streams are now supported.
Version 1.8.5
- The Search API is now a GA feature.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver Datastore where UTF-8 validation did
not occur on string values.
- Fixed an issue with the Admin Console Datastore Viewer throwing errors when
fetching UTF-8 kinds.
- Fixed an issue with the Datastore Admin not being able to backup to another
- Fixed an issue where files that contain an '@' could not be deployed.
- Developers can now use pdb when debugging python applications in the
- Modules are now supported for the PHP Runtime.
- The Log Service API is now available.
- The PHP interpreter has been upgraded from PHP 5.4.17 to PHP 5.4.19.
- The /e modifier for mb_ereg_replace has been disabled.
- The PHP interpreter has been switched to the JSON-C library.
- The Mac OSX SDK now includes a PHP interpreter, installing PHP separately is
no longer required.
- The Windows SDK now includes a PHP interpreter, installing PHP separately is
no longer required.
Version 1.8.4
- A Datastore Admin fix in this release improves security by ensuring that
scheduled backups can now only be started by a cron or task queue task.
Administrators can still start a backup by going to the Datastore Admin
in the Admin Console.
- Better support is now provided for the _$folder$ magic cloud storage keyword,
and the implementation of basic mkdir()/rmdir() functionality via GCS
- This release adds the wrappers @transactional_async and @transactonal_tasklet
to correct (a) @transactional @tasklet being synchronous despite the
decorator, and (b) @tasklet @transactional not running the generator in a
- Fixed a unicode issue associated with expressions in the Search API. A search
with snippeted fields was failing on documents containing unicode characters.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver not auto-detecting the lib/ directory
in the SDK.
- Fixed an issue where Blobstore usage was being charged even though the
actual data was being stored in Cloud Storage. All affected developers have
been informed and reimbursements are underway.
- Fixed an issue that ensures all .py files in google.appengine.api that are
available in the SDK are also available in the runtime.
- Fixed an issue of warning messages being displayed when running appcfg
update (eg. update . --oauth2) from the 1.8.3 Python SDK. The
appengine_rpc_httplib2 will work without warnings regardless of which
oauth2client library is being used.
- The PHP interpreter was upgraded from PHP 5.4.8 to PHP 5.4.17.
- The is_writable() method now supports Google Cloud Storage files and buckets.
- You no longer need to specify the PHP runtime on the command line when
deploying applications via
- Backends are disabled for PHP and are no longer supported with the PHP
- Upload of PHP apps now ignores any pre-compilation errors. This allows
precompilation to be disabled on a per-runtime basis, and defaults to
disabled for PHP.
- Fixed an issue where SYSTEMROOT was not passed to the environment checking
script thereby not recognizing the PHP intepreter for Windows in the SDK.
Version 1.8.3
- Published a major rewrite of the Search API documentation. Please see:
- Interfacing into the Task Queue REST API no longer requires including "s~"
at the beginning of the project name.
- Fixed an issue with the Mail API, email addresses that contain encoded
newlines as specified in rfc2047 are now parsed correctly.
- Fixed an issue with channels.send_message failing when a client id has 3 or
more dashes.
- Fixed an issue with ndb.non_transactional correctly restoring the db
library's transactional state.
- Fixed an issue with NDB raising the correct exception when the rollback
itself has an exception.
- The NDB model property settings 'default' and 'required' are no longer
mutually exclusive.
- Fixed an issue with debugger/breakpoint not working on the dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with NDB queries supporting iterate over distinct queries.
- Fixed an issue with enabling cloud integration for existing apps.
- Fixed an issue with users not being able to view the cron jobs page in the
- Fixed an issue with the Channel API send_message function not working on the
- Fixed an issue with Modules get_current_module_name() incorrectly reporting
as default when it is not.
- Fixed an issue with the Datastore Admin UI failing to load due to the app
having too many kinds.
- Fixed an issue with the Channel API Testbed not working correctly after
upgrading to SDK 1.8.2
- Users who are whitelisted to use PHP are now able to deploy PHP to any of
their apps.
- There is now better support for stat() related functions for Google Cloud
Storage objects.
- Added a read through cache to the GCS client to improve performance. This
allows for optimistic caching for write-once, read-many applications and
performs on-write invalidation.
- Environment variables that are set in app.yaml are now available in the PHP
- You can now pass an array of metadata as part of the Google Cloud Storage
upload context.
- Apps can now use opendir()/readdir()/rewinddir()/closedir() on Google Cloud
Storage buckets.
- The PHP Task Queue API now supports adding tasks in bulk via the addTasks()
method on the new PushQueue class.
- The PHP Task Queue API now supports setting headers on the PushTask class.
- Interfacing into the Task Queue REST API no longer requires including "s~"
at the beginning of the project name.
- Fixed an issue with the Mail API, email addresses that contain encoded
newlines as specified in rfc2047 are now parsed correctly.
- Fixed an issue with enabling cloud integration for existing apps.
Version 1.8.2
- Dedicated memcache is now available to all developers. With
dedicated memcache you can purchase in-memory data caching capacity
exclusively for your application, cache more data and drive up cache hit
rates. This is a Preview feature. For more information please see:
- App Engine Modules is now available to all developers. App Engine Modules
allow developers to segment their applications into logical subcomponents.
This is a Preview feature. More information on this feature can be found
- Push-to-Deploy is now available to all developers. This Preview feature makes
it even easier to deploy Python apps.
- The Python Interpreter has been upgraded to 2.7.5.
- lxml 2.3.5 is now available.
- Fixed an issue with the Datastore bulkloader syntax when using the Python 2.5
- Fixed an issue with the Channel API's Javascript library; a memory leak
occurred when closing channels.
- Fixed an issue with App Engine receiving erroneous XMPP presence from
Google Hangouts.
- Dedicated memcache is now available to all developers. With
dedicated memcache you can purchase in-memory data caching capacity
exclusively for your application, cache more data and drive up cache hit
rates. This is a Preview feature. For more information please see:
- Push-to-Deploy is now available to all developers. This Preview feature makes
it even easier to deploy PHP apps.
- no longer requires the -R parameter to deploy PHP applications.
- The function libxml_disable_entity_loader() is now disabled by default for
security reasons. It can be re-enabled if necessary using the
google_app_engine.enable_functions directive in the php.ini file.
- Added support for the move_uploaded_file() and rename() methods on files
stored on Google Cloud Storage.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver on Windows where the PHP interpreter
was not passed a required environment variable.
- Fixed an issue with the URL Fetch timeout option being ignored.
Version 1.8.1
- The Task Queue async API is now a GA feature. The asynchronous methods
improve utilization by allowing your app to add, lease and delete multiple
tasks in parallel.
- Cloud Console projects are now created by default whenever a new App Engine
app is created. This is a Preview feature.
- In an upcoming release the Experimental Google Cloud Storage API Functions
will be decommissioned. This API and its Experimental status is documented at
the following link:
- The Google Cloud Storage library will replace Google Cloud Storage API and is
now available as a Preview feature. More information can be found at
- Bandwidth between App Engine and Google Cloud Storage is currently free of
charge (this may change in the future for certain levels of service).
- The Search API has graduated from Experimental to Preview. Apps that have
billing enabled can exceed the free quota levels and will be charged for
usage above these levels.
- Estimated number of search results will only be accurate if it is less than
or equal to the number of results requested. By default this can be
overridden by setting number_found_accuracy QueryOption in the Search API.
- Dates, atoms, and number fields can now be found by searching without a field
restriction in the Search API.
- A quoted empty string now returns atom fields with empty values for the
Search API.
- Snippet and count functions are no longer allowed in sort expressions for the
Search API.
- The Search API now has improved error messages for user errors and internal
- App Engine now supports deployment of applications via the Git tool. Once you
complete the initial setup steps, you will be ready to deploy apps with the
same ease you push code to a git repository using
"% git push appengine master". This is a Limited Preview feature. You may
request access via the following link:
- The Datastore now assigns scattered auto ids by default. Legacy auto ids
are still available via the 'auto_id_policy' option in app.yaml.
- The Sockets API now allows client code to call get/set options against
sockets. Previously, calls raised "Not Implemented" exceptions. For supported
options, calls to getsockopt will return a mock value and calls to setsockopt
will be silently ignored. Errors will continue to be raised for unsupported
options. The currently supported options are: SO_KEEPALIVE, SO_DEBUG,
- Updated skip_files documentation to reflect the new default.
- The ndb library now supports distinct queries. This is a Preview feature.
- Fixed an issue with Google Cloud Storage objects not being compatible across
various APIs on the dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with the namespace not being displayed when a user attempts
to select a namespace in the Admin Console.
- Fixed an issue in the Admin Console Logs page to correctly display 'Until'
instead of 'Since' for logs search criteria.
- Enabled the Mcrypt extension.
- Enabled the iconv extension.
- Enabled the mbstring extension.
- It is now possible to include/require files from Google Cloud Storage using
the google_app_engine.allow_include_gs_buckets ini setting.
- Basic support for url_stat() with Cloud Storage Streams is now provided.
This means that many standard filesystem functions such as is_file(),
is_readable(), is_writeable(), filesize(), etc now work with Cloud Storage
- Honor the default_stream_context for Google Cloud Storage streams when
writing new objects.
- Added deleteImageServingUrl() method to the CloudStorageTools class.
- The createGsKey() method of CloudStorageTools has been made private.
- Fixed a bug where $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] was including the query string.
- App Engine now supports deployment of applications via the Git tool. Once you
complete the initial setup steps, you will be ready to deploy apps with the
same ease you push code to a git repository using
"% git push appengine master". This is a Limited Preview feature. You may
request access via the following link:
- Updated skip_files documentation to reflect the new default.
- Removed the NotAllowedError, RedirectTooLongError, and UserNotFoundError
exception classes from the Users API. Their use is replaced by throwing a
UsersException or InvalidArgumentException as appropriate.
- Removed the Capability API.
- Fixed an issue with Google Cloud Storage objects not being compatible across
various APIs on the dev_appserver.
Version 1.8.0
- The Mail API now allows attachments with .zip and .gzip extensions as long as
the archives do not contain entries with blacklisted extensions.
- New Billing Enabled apps will no longer default to an email quota of 20,000
per day. Instead, apps will need to file a request through the admin console
to get email quotas increased.
- Admin console dashboard charts and reports for all users have been fully
migrated to the new, more reliable backend announced in 1.7.6.
- The maximum size of POST requests made through URLfetch has been increased
from 5MB to 10MB.
- Fixed an issue with the Mail API to prevent sending mail from a Google Apps
mail account that has been suspended.
- Fixed an issue with the admin handler of the new dev_appserver failing to
import appengine_config automatically.
Version 1.7.7
- The Sockets API, which allows applications to make outgoing TCP connections
and send/receive UDP packets to the Internet using both IPv4 and IPv6, is now
available as an experimental feature for billed apps.
- The ftplib module is now restored. It depends on the experimental Sockets
- Billing enabled apps will no longer be subject to a $2.10 minimum weekly
spend. Instead, apps will only be charged for their actual usage.
- Matplotlib 1.1.1, an experimental feature, is being deprecated and will be
removed in 1.7.8. Please switch to matplotlib 1.2.0.
- Fixed an issue where the dev_appserver Datastore auto ids assigned by the
scattered id policy were too large to be represented as floating point
- Fixed an issue where the dev_appserver threw an exception on any Search API
call that used an index that was originally created as GLOBALLY consistent.
- Fixed an issue with NDB not serializing projection entities correctly.
- Fixed an issue with NDB not projecting structured properties correctly.
- Fixed an issue with task queues failing to resolve backend addresses in
the new dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with the Search API allowing multiple documents with no IDs
to be in one put request.
- Fixed an issue with sort by doc_id not translating correctly causing
InvalidRequest errors on the Search API.
- Fixed an issue with the Search admin UI where an Internal Server Error
was served.
- Fixed an issue with Prospective Search failing in the new dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with the new dev_appserver failing with ImportError.
- Fixed an issue with Sqlite3 being unable to open a database file in the new
- Fixed an issue with serving urls that contain unicode characters in the new
Version 1.7.6
- The new and improved development appserver, which was previewed last release,
now becomes the default. The old development appserver has been renamed to and will remain available until the first release after
1 July 2013 when it will be removed from the SDK. For more information, please
- A Go runtime has been added to the new and improved development appserver.
- The Debug log level for the runtime has been enabled.
- Improvements to the App Engine billing system will be rolled out gradually to
all apps. Fore more information, please visit
- The application summary no longer displays the default version of a running
application, instead it lists the application as 'RUNNING'. In an upcoming
release applications will have multiple logical sub components, each of which
will have a default version. This UI update is meant to align with this
- Projection queries are now a fully supported GA feature.
- The XMPP API now has multi-JID get_presence. This provides the ability to get
the availability of multiple users.
- Django 1.4 and Webob 1.2.3 are now promoted to GA.
- Apps now have the ability to fopen() files that are declared as static files
in app.yaml using the application_readable flag.
- The dev_appserver now allocates automatic ids using the 'scattered' id
allocation policy by default. For more information, please see "Specifying the
Automatic ID Allocation Policy":
- Admin console dashboard charts and current load/errors reports will be moving
to a new, more reliable backend. The change will be gradually rolling to users
of admin console over the next few weeks.
- New Search API quotas are now displayed in the Admin Console. These quotas are
not currently enforced, but will be part of the pricing model for the Search
API in a future release.
- The experimental Search API's ability to explicitly sort search results by
SortExpression.RANK_FIELD_NAME (i.e. _order_id) field in ascending order has
been removed.
- Globally consistent indexes in the experimental Search API are now deprecated
and will be removed in the next release.
- Task Queue tasks may now be added and deleted asynchronously. This allows
applications to perform common task queue operations without blocking. This is
an experimental feature.
- In the experimental MapReduce framework, shards that encounter Files API
errors will retry three times before the entire job fails.
- Google Protocol RPC now supports deserializing and reserializing of unexpected
- A new Google Protocol RPC field type for supporting datetime values has been
added. For more information, please visit
- Fixed an issue which caused an incorrect server error message when setting the
default version on the admin console, though the version was set correctly.
- Fixed an issue where get_indexes() didn't correctly populate the namespace
when run from the new dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with the new dev_appserver failing on invalid login cookies. It
now uses type="email" for email in the login form.
- Fixed an issue with the new dev_appserver to have fix_sys_path add the
necessary libraries to sys.path making it now compatible with the testbed.
Version 1.7.5
- New instance classes F4_1G and B4_1G are now available. These instances have
compute capacity equal to F4/B4 but with a maximum of 1G RAM instead
of 512MB.
- The Logs API stub now uses sqlite in the dev_appserver. Please note that the
--persist_logs flag is still needed in order for logs to be saved.
- The deprecated classes and functions AddError, AddResult,
ListIndexesResponse, ListResponse, RemoveError, RemoveResult, and
list_indexes were removed from the Search API in the SDK. If your app
references any of these classes or functions, you must deploy a new version
without these references before the next release of App Engine. If you do not
do this, your app may stop working in production.
- The Conversion API, which was decommissioned last release, has been removed
from the SDK. In a future release, the API will be removed from the runtime
and any attempt to import the library will raise an exception. Applications
in production that import the library should be fixed as soon as possible.
- Matplotlib v1.2.0 is now available as an experimental feature.
- Django 1.4 has been upgraded to 1.4.3. This is an experimental feature.
- We are including a preview of a new and improved version of our development
server. The new version is faster, provides more faithful support for
complex multi-threaded applications, has better support for Datastore and
supports more libraries. Try in the SDK. This is an
experimental feature. For more information, please visit
- The Channel API now has the ability to send channel messages from any app
version or backend regardless of where the channel was created.
- The URL Fetch service now supports PATCH method requests.
- The Mail API can now send mail bounce notifications to the app. The
notification will be delivered to /_ah/bounce if mail_bounce inbound
services are enabled.
- The Blobstore service now returns the created filename instead of the blobKey
when using Cloud Storage
- Fixed an issue with os.urandom throwing an exception in dev_appserver2 when
using OS X.
- Fixed an issue with time.tzset not existing in dev_appserver2 for Windows.
Version 1.7.4
- Background threads is now a GA feature.
- Traffic Splitting is now a GA feature.
- Task Queue Statistics is now a GA feature.
- Logs API now has the ability to fetch requests based on a list of
request_ids. Currently, this only works in production and is not supported
in dev_appserver.
- Python Interpreter has been upgraded to 2.7.3.
- WebOb 1.2.3 is now available for Python 2.7. Users using the undocumented
1.2.2 should update their app, since that version will be removed in the
next release.
- DISTINCT for Datastore queries is now available as an experimental feature.
- Matplotlib v1.1.1 is now available as an experimental feature.
- The decommissioned Conversion API has been removed.
- Added a warning that the interactive console will be disabled if a user runs
dev_appserver with the --address flag.
- JSON properties are now restrictable to list or dictionaries in NDB.
- Users can now set how many columns can be viewed in the Datastore Viewer via
a drop-down menu which customizes the number of columns displayed.
- Fixed an issue with expandos throwing an error when containing nested
expandos in NDB.
- Fixed an issue with properties not being added to structured properties in
- Fixed an issue with PyCrypto raising an ImportError when installing
globally into site-packages.
- Fixed an issue with PyCrypto not working with OSX 10.8 or Ubuntu Precise.
- Fixed an issue with backends.get_instance returning thread ID instead of
integer instance ID in production.
- Fixed an issue with Datastore Backup failing when a schema has a very large
number of properties.
- Fixed an issue with dev_appserver not reloading changed code.
- Fixed an issue with custom ordered queries not working using sqlite on the
- Fixed an issue with users being unable to change Authentication Type after
app creation in the Admin Console.
Version 1.7.3
- Django 1.4 is now supported in Python 2.7
- The file-based implementation of the Datastore stub will be deprecated soon.
- A warning message informing users that SQLLite stub will be the default
stub soon is now displayed.
- Datastore Index stats now report type instead of representation-type.
- Rich sort expressions beyond single field names are now supported in the
Search API for dev_appserver.
- search.MIN_NUMBER_VALUE and search.MAX_NUMBER_VALUE are now public in the
Search API.
- Globally Consistent Indexes are now deprecated in the Search API.
- search.list_indexes() has been deprecated and replaced with
search.get_indexes() in the Search API.
- Index.list_documents() has been deprecated and replaced with
Index.get_range() in the Search API.
- Added method Index.get(doc_id) to get a document by its ID in the Search API
- Index.add() has been deprecated and renamed to Index.put() in the Search API.
- Index.remove() has been deprecated and renamed to Index.delete() in the
Search API.
- The AddDocumentError and RemoveDocumentError classes, which were already
deprecated, have been removed from the Search API.
- OperationCode.object_id and OperationCode.document_id, which were already
deprecated, have been removed from the Search API.
- Users can now change authentication options after app creation
- Fixed an issue with Datastore backup/restore finalization steps only looking
at the default queue in Admin Console.
- Fixed an NDB issue with Structured Properties not converting dict properly.
- Fixed an NDB issue where multiple async transactions corrupt old
Datastore connections.
- Fixed an NDB issue with fetch() with offset > 1000 returning an empty list.
- Fixed an issue with 2 factor authentication not giving useful error messages.
- Fixed an issue in the Search API snippeting breaking if the field contains
a single word in dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with PyCrypto AES cipher not running on dev_appserver.
Version 1.7.2
- Paid applications can now upload Static files and Code > 1GB. Additional
storage will be billed at $0.13/GB per month. Free applications will
continue to be provided 1GB of storage at no charge. Free quota will apply
per application.
- PyCrypto 2.6 is now a GA feature for Python 2.7
- The Conversion API will be decommissioned soon. Developers using this API
will receive a warning message. Please find an alternative document
conversion/OCR service.
- You can now fetch Task Queue Statistics. This allows you to fetch
statistics and information about your task queue from within your
application. Statistics include information such as the number of tasks
in a queue, how many tasks were executed in the last minute and enforced
rate. This is an experimental feature.
- Added Timezone selection widget in Admin Console Admin Logs.
- Added a warning message about caching when modifying or deleting datastore
- Added a flush cache button to dev_appserver and Admin Console.
- Attempting to update multiple entity groups in a single transaction
in Datastore now throws an error suggesting to use XG transactions.
- Search API now has a string maximum length limit of 2000 characters.
- We now allow a user with multiple google accounts the ability to create an
app if they are an SMS verified user.
- A more useful error message now displays when a deployment fails
due to local date/time settings being improperly set.
- Cron Descriptions may now include non-ASCII characters.
- App Config Service Delete App Version Call Count quota raised to
- Queries with transactions are now supported in Remote API.
- There are now more descriptive error messages for Datastore Admin
deadline exceeded errors in stack trace.
- Replaced error code “Administrators cannot be removed right now”
with a more descriptive message.
- Fixed an issue with namespace dropdown in Admin Console appearing blank
even though the URL specified namespace is correct.
- Fixed an issue where Model.get_by_id() returns none in dev_appserver
whereas this is not allowed in production.
- Fixed an issue with dev_appserver app_identity.get_default_version_hostname()
- Fixed an issue with mail service sendToAdmins() failing when using
multi-arg message constructor.
- Fixed an issue with dev_appserver for mimetypes.guess_type()
- Fixed an issue with runtime failing to use scope with OAuth under certain
- Fixed an issue with AppConfigNotFound error.
- Fixed an issue with static path with + in dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with support for models with large numbers of properties in
Admin Console Dataviewer where previously the page would fail to render.
- Fixed an issue with multi-line string property not editing correctly
in Dataviewer.
- Fixed an issue with URLFetch mimetools.Message parsing incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue with the behavior of Expires header in dev_appserver
- Fixed an issue with Content-Disposition header being removed if filename
contains utf-8 characters.
- Fixed an issue with incoming Mail API where encoded headers failed to
- Fixed an issue with non-ascii text displaying incorrect values
when posted by URL created by blobstore.create_upload_url()
- Fixed an issue with using sendmail in Mail API.
- Fixed an issue with cron_info giving the wrong timezone information.
- Fixed an issue with Paging link in Datastore viewer not working with # or &
- Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with TypeError being incorrectly raised when attachment
has Character Set and Language Information.
- Fixed an issue with Mail API attachments in unicode failing
- Fixed an issue with ereporter not reporting errors when applications
use namespaces.
- Fixed an issue with Dataviewer GQL stripping new lines after initial run
and a user paginates results.
- Fixed an issue with Python Unicode prefix in Datastore viewer.
- Fixed an issue with get_serving_url for images giving non-cacheable URLs
in dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue with fancy_urllib using squid proxy server with
- Fixed an issue with custom admin page not displaying when restricted to
only admins.
- Fixed an issue with handling Crypto import
- Fixed an issue with Remote API gzip compression for transmitted data.
- Fixed an issue with remote API shell not having pwd in Python Path.
- Fixed an issue with Admin Console Logs < 30 minutes not being available.
- Fixed an issue with Apps that are using Mail API reporting
“No Provider for address type rfc822” error.
- Fixed an issue with concurrent write access to Datastore stubs.
- Fixed an issue with Viewers being able to prohibit code downloads.
- Fixed an issue with billing applications that are disabled.
- Fixed an issue with deploying to an existing version
when an app has 10 versions.
- Fixed an issue with bulkloader “model” class not uploading correctly.
- Fixed an issue with TextProperty in Datastore viewer.
- Fixed an issue with request_logs failing with ~oauth2
- Fixed an issue with editing a bytestring field in Datastore viewer.
- Fixed an issue with dev_appserver clearing after restart. This is a
Windows only bug.
- Fixed an issue with Cron schedule failing on 1st day of month.
- Fixed an issue with gzip compression for application/plist content type.
- Fixed an issue with datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() in python 2.7
- A note about an upcoming change: starting with the 1.7.3 release
of App Engine, data statistics will report statistics on property type
usage by indexes using the documented property type names ("Integer",
"Key", etc, see
rather than the current property representation names ("INT64",
"REFERENCE", etc, see This will affect the
__Stat_PropertyType__, __Stat_PropertyType_Kind__,
__Stat_PropertyType_PropertyName_Kind__ and their per-namespace equivalents.
This will also affect the displayed "Breakdown by Property Type" under the
"Datastore Statistics" in your application's console.
Version 1.7.1
- The URLFetch API now supports multiple cookie headers.
- You can download 90 days worth of Usage Reports for your application from the
Billing History page of the Admin Console.
- Task Queue requests now include an X-AppEngine-TaskExecutionCount that counts
the number of times a task was run by an instance.
- Added support for multiple files to be deleted using the Files API.
- Added support to delete files from Google Cloud Storage using the Files API.
- Added a REQUEST_LOG_ID to be written in the logs and as an environment
variable. This can be used to later identifying that request in the
application logs.
- The Memcache Viewer now supports namespaces.
- The Mail API now supports the following headers for outgoing mail: List-Id,
List-Unsubscribe, On-Behalf-Of, Resent-Date, Resent-From, Resent-To.
- PyCrypto 2.6. is now supported in the Python 2.7 runtime.
- NDB now throws a BadProjectionError when trying to perform a projection query
on an unknown or unindexed property.
- NDB Tasklets use the namespace from when it was called, not the namespace from
when it is performed.
- NDB Properties' string representation size is limited to the max string
length for Blob and Text properties.
- Appstats provides an interactive shell for observing RPC behavior of calls
- Appstats now contains information about the cost of the RPCs made during the
- The Images API now supports specifying the default pixel color to fill in for
image types that don't support transparent images, such as JPEG.
- We've added full asynchronous API support in the Images API.
- Added an error to the Images API to indicate when a blob being referenced is
not found or not accessible.
- Made the Python search limits public in the Search API.
- Added namespace support for the Search API in the Python SDK.
- Added support in the Search API for simple sorting in the SDK.
- The Testbed testing framework now supports the Logservice API.
- Added support in the Files API to list Google Cloud Storage files.
- Improve the MapReduce File API Reader to support multiple files and file
- Fixed an issue with the App Engine satisfaction survey in the Admin Console
which was released in 1.6.6, which will be re-enabled in this release.
- Fixed an issue with Search API websafe cursors not being returned as a
websafe value.
- Fixed an issue where SearchRequest was returning errors that weren't
available as search.Error subclasses.
- Fixed an NDB issue where entities over 1000000 bytes where written to
memcache, causing failure.
- Fixed NDB AutoBatcher error handling.
- Fixed an issue where Appstats assuming all objects have a __class__ attribute
resulted in an error.
- Fixed an issue where there was unbalanced string quoting in Appstats
- Fixed an issue where search indexes were not persisted in the SDK.
- Fixed an issue where an error in in Appstats was being thrown.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where the Search API did not support boolean queries
on a field.
- Fixed an issue where numeric and date comparators were not supported in the
Search API in the Python SDK.
- Fixed an issue where Appstats didn't show a detailed view of an RPC when using
the Python 2.7 runtime.
- Fixed a search issue where snippets failed to highlight when a capital letter
is used in a search term.
- Fixed an issue where the SDK Admin tool couldn't browse search indexes
containing unicode characters.
- Fixed an issue where traffic splitting by cookie was not working.
- Fixed an issue where RequestTooLargeError was being incorrectly thrown using
Python 2.7.
- Fixed a memcache race condition.
- Fixed a Search issue in the SDK where a query that does not match all search
terms resulted in divide-by-zero.
Version 1.7.0
- You can now configure your custom domain to serve HTTPS requests with App
Engine. You can choose either an SNI, VIP, or SNI and VIP configuration. SNI
costs $9/month for 5 certificates. A VIP costs $99/month.
- Premier customers now have the option to create applications to be served from
datacenters located in the European Union.
- Developers can configure their HRD app to use Google's PageSpeed Service,
which automatically speeds up serving of content for your application. The
PageSpeed Service costs $0.39/gigabyte in addition to the normal App Engine
bandwidth charges.
- The Search API now contains support for storing and searching on GeoPoints.
- The total size of all application versions is now limited to 1 GB. In the
future, you'll be able to purchase additional storage for your application
- Logs API calls are now $.12/gigabyte for all data read from the Logs API over
the first 100MB.
- You can now specify a time frame of up to 1 year for the retention of your
application logs. All storage above 1 GB is billed based on the prices for
logs storage.
- You can now specify HTTP headers on static content for your application.
- The HRD Blob Migration tool is now generally available.
- After using the datastore backup utility, you can now restore that backup
to a new app id.
- It will not be possible to create new authorizations for M/S applications to
access Cloud SQL instances.
- You can now delete a Google Cloud Storage object using blobstore.delete().
- You can now fetch a Google Cloud Storage object using blobstore.fetch().
- You can now store keys for a Google Cloud Storage object in the datastore.
- The create_upload_url call now works for Google Cloud Storage objects.
- You can now use get_serving_url() and delete_serving_url() for Google
Cloud Storage buckets.
- Projection queries are now supported in NDB.
- In NDB, app and namespace are now keyword arguments to get_by_id().
- Context().call_on_commit() added to NDB for adding a callback to be executed
upon successful commit of a transaction.
- NDB Context.memcache_* ops now accept unicode.
- NDB has added support for storing protorpc.Message objects.
- Improved error messaging for multiple repeated=True levels with
StructuredProperty in NDB.
- PyAMF is now fully launched.
- We've increased various Search API limits. New limits are a maximum of 1000
documents returned from search() or list_documents(), a maximum of 1000
indexes returned from list_indexes(), and a maximum offset of 1000 for
search() or list_indexes()
- Fixed an issue where the Search API did not enforce limits on NumberFields.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where SortExpression did not enforce the
presence of a default_value set when required.
- Fixed an issue where lxml did not support unicode parsing.
- Fixed a javascript syntax error in the Admin Console.
- Fixed an issue in SDK admin viewer where a TemplateDoesNotExist error was
thrown when clicking on any Full-Text Search index.
- Fixed an issue in the Search API tab of the Admin Console where it threw an
error displaying non-ascii characters.
Version 1.6.6
- On May 8, 2012 we released an experimental Search API.
- The Admin Console now displays the quotas for Search API Calls and Search
Stored Data.
- The Search API has deprecated the order_id attribute on Document class. It has
been replaced with the rank attribute.
- The Search API has deprecated the document attribute on ListResponse and
replaced it with a result attribute. Also the document_id attribute on
OperationResult class is deprecated and replaced with the id attribute.
- Fixed an issue where unicode is not consistently handled in the Python Search
- App creation for apps using the Master/Slave datastore is now restricted to
only those users who already own a Master/Slave app.
- Apps with billing enabled are now able to configure up to 100 cron jobs.
- Admin Console can no longer be included in an <iframe>. To prevent
clickjacking attacks on the Admin Console, we are now setting
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN. To read more about clickjacking, please read:
- The Admin Console will now periodically prompt administrators to take an
optional App Engine satisfaction survey.
- You can now use the third party PyAMF library with Python 2.7. This is
available as an experimental feature.
- For NDB, Rollback has been added to the default list of flow exceptions.
- Fixed an issue where large datastore backups were unable to be deleted.
- Fixed an issue where datastore backups fail due to an ASCII decoding issue.
- Fixed an issue where the SDK did not import subpackages correctly when using
import hooks.
- Fixed an issue where running a projection query on a multi-valued property
with an equality filter did not return any results.
- Fixed an issue where unicode environment variables were dropped in Appstats
when using Python 2.7.
- Fixed an issue where XG transactions did not work with the Remote API.
Version 1.6.5
- You can now perform datastore queries that return a subset of your entity
properties with the same performance and cost of a keys-only query. This
feature is experimental.
- In the High Replication Datastore, there is a new metadata kind,
__entity_group__, that has a numeric __version__ property. This property is
guaranteed to increase on every change to the entity group.
- The Images API now supports manipulating objects hosted on Google Cloud
- In the Images API, the get_serving_url call now optionally allows you to
specify if the URL you are generating should be served over https.
- In the Task Queue REST API, you can now specify a tag when you insert a task
on a Pull Queue.
- In the Task Queue API, you can specify a deadline for the lease_tasks call.
The default deadline has been increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
- You can now use cron to schedule Datastore backups.
- The Datastore Admin now has a page that displays information on the status of
your Datastore backups and restores.
- You can now abort your Datastore backup or restore from the Datastore Admin.
- You can now restore a single Datastore Kind from the Datastore Admin from a
Datastore backup.
- In the Admin Console, you can report production issues with your application
directly to Google from the application's pages. Simply click the "Report
Production Issues" link, fill out the requested information, and submit.
- All user requests have X-AppEngine-Region, X-AppEngine-City, and
X-AppEngine-CityLatLong headers which contain location information based on
the IP address of the client request. For a full description of these headers,
- We have added support for concurrent transactions to @db.transactional and
db.run_in_transaction_options() along with other transaction propagation
- We've introduced an experimental new Mac Installer that only supports Python
- In your app.yaml file, you can include an env_variables stanza that will set
the given environment variables in your application's runtime.
- Jinja2 now includes the _debugsupport module.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver where it defaulted the HTTP
Content-Type of a request to text/plain instead of text/html.
- Fixed an issue where the SDK would include some indexes that were not needed
in production.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where the SDK admin console would not display utf-8
encoded list property values.
Version 1.6.4
- Billed applications that have specified additional logs retention over 1 GB
are now being charged for that storage at $0.24/GB/month (the first gigabyte
of logs storage is free). All logs beyond an application's specified storage
limit will be deleted. Please examine your Application Settings page to verify
you are retaining the desired amount of logs.
- Datastore statistics now show the amount of storage used by application
- We have released an experimental utility for migrating your application's
blobs at the same time you migrate your datastore data. You can opt-in to
blob migration in the Admin Console when you start your migration.
- We have updated the experimental Backup/Restore functionality to include
the option to backup and restore to Google Cloud Storage.
- The NDB datastore API is now generally available. For full release notes
on the version 0.9.9 and 1.0.0 fixes that have been integrated into the
API see:
- In the Python 2.7 runtime, Background threads are available as an
experimental release when using App Engine backends.
- Using the Blobstore API's send_blob() method, your application can serve
objects hosted on Google Storage for Developers.
- The Admin Console now provides a Memcache viewer that lists Memcache stats and
can display Memcache content based on key.
- In the Capabilities API stub in the SDK, you can now enable or disable
a capability using SetPackagedEnabled.
- The Windows installer now prompts to install Python 2.7 instead of
Python 2.5.
- The Testbed API now supports the Capabilities API.
- GQL queries in the Admin Console no longer throw an error when a trailing
semi-colon is included.
- The Datastore API now includes a NonTransactional decorator to ensure that
a function is run outside of a transaction. Existing transactions are paused
while the function is executing.
- The Datastore Admin tab in the Admin Console now shows entities from every
- Fixed an issue with _strptime when threadsafe was specified.
- Fixed an issue where DatastoreFileStub.__del__ fails on tempfile.msktemp.
- WebOb 1.1.1 is now included in the SDK, and used by default there when
Python 2.7 is specified.
- Fixed an issue where the index.yaml file was cleared if your skip_files entry
differs from the default skip_files list.
Version 1.6.3
- In the Admin Console, you can use new the Traffic Splitting feature to send a
certain percentage of traffic to a non-default application version. The
traffic is split by either cookie or IP address.
- Emails that are sent from Google Apps domains email addresses where the domain
has been set up to use DKIM will be signed: when an email was from a request
that originated on that app's domain or any time the email was sent from
an app adminstrator, including when that email is sent from a cron job or task
queue request.
- In the Admin Console, you can now choose how much and how long you'd like to
store logs. All apps get 1G for free and eventually will be able to pay for
more, while the amount can be increased this release we won't start charging
for the additional capacity until the next release at the earliest.
- The instances screen in the Admin Console now has a button to shut down
a specific instance.
- Each application log has a link to the instance that served the request. If
the instance is no longer serving requests, a message will be displayed.
- The TaskQueue API now supports the ability to tag a Pull Queue task. You may
then lease tasks by tag. This feature is experimental.
- Using Google Apps wildcard domain mappings, you can access alternate
versions of your app via a custom domain.
- Push and Pull Queues are now listed separately in the SDK development console.
- Developer documentation for the experimental NDB API, the replacement for, is now available.
- Appcfg now supports OAuth2.
- webapp 2.5.1 is now available in the Python 2.7 runtime.
- Django 1.3 is now available in the Python 2.7 runtime.
- GQL Query now supports custom type casting for list elements for "IN" filters.
- Fixed an issue where StringProperty's validate() didn't check the 500 byte
- Fixed an issue where the datastore admin didn't work with Federated Login.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where failing to call _RemoveTxn in the
datastore_stub_util caused a memory leak:
- Code that inherits from the deferred library's TaskHandler can now define
custom handling of exceptions.
- Fixed an issue where logging in the SDK was broken in Windows 7 using
Python 2.7.2.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where the Conversion API call limited was limited
to 1 MB when the production limit is 2 MB.
- Fixed an issue so that a deferred task retries like a push queue task when
using the SingularTaskFailure exception:
Version 1.6.2
- The Admin Console Datastore Admin has added experimental backup and restore
functionality. The job occurs within your application and counts against your
application quota, including Instance Hours, Datastore Ops and Datastore
- Developers can now specify how long a channel token will last until it
expires, with the default remaining two hours. Channel API quota is now
measured both in calls to create a channel and the number of hours of channel
time requested. The maximum hours of quota is the maximum number of channel
creation calls * 2, so free apps get 200 hours of requested channel token
- Python Django now work with Cloud SQL without additional configuration. For
further information see
- Task Queue API requests now include a X-Appengine-TaskETA header, that can be
used to measure task delivery latency.
- The default API deadlines for Blobstore API calls have been raised to 15s for
online and 30s for offline requests, up from 5s.
- The Images API now allows you to stretch an image without maintaining the
aspect ratio.
- The Blobstore API now includes the asynchronous function calls
create_upload_url_async, delete_async, and fetch_data_async.
- Django version 1.3 is now available in the Python 2.5 runtime.
- We've added a django_wsgi builtin to allow easier bootstrapping of Django
- Mail Quota for App Engine apps that have signed up for billing will only be
increased after the first payment for the app is processed.
- As announced in 1.6.1, in this release for the experimental Python 2.7
runtime, the mapreduce and datastore_admin builtins are not available to apps
deployed to Python 2.7.
- Fixed an issue with remote_api where calling fetch_page() with a page size
of 301 and chaining the calls through the returned cursor was skipping half
of the results.
- Fixed an issue where the PIL _imagingmath module was not available in Python
- Fixed an issue where the SDK did not resize images down to 512 pixels by
default, as it does in production.
- Fixed an issue with the Images API where valid images were returning a
- Fixed an issue where the SDK didn't start when using Python 2.7 and the
--backends flag.
- Fixed an issue where Jinja2 was not included in the SDK for use with Python
- Fixed an issue with the sql datastore stub in Python 2.7 where the sqlite
module no longer accepted strings with non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed an issue where gzip did not work with Python 2.7 in the dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue where urllib2 did not work with Python 2.7.
- Fixed an error in the Datastore Viewer where an error was thrown when viewing
an Entity which defines an index with no properties.
- Fixed an issue where transactional tasks were not enqueued in the SDK when
running in high_replication mode.
Version 1.6.1
- You can now configure Frontend Instance Classes from your Admin Console's
application settings page. Three classes are available, with increasing
memory, CPU limits, and associated cost. By default, all applications use the
basic frontend instance setting of 128MB memory and 600MHz CPU.
- We've added new functionality to the Log API that will allow you to read your
application's logs programmatically.
- We are releasing an experimental Conversion API that will allow you to convert
between document types including .doc, .html, .pdf, images using OCR, and
- The High Replication Datastore migration utility is now available as a GA
feature, and is no longer experimental.
- The ext.db API query functions (run, fetch, count, get) now accept the keyword
arguments: deadline, read_policy, prefetch_size, batch_size, limit, offset,
start_cursor, end_cursor, keys_only. It is recommended that developers use with a limit or batch_size instead of Query.fetch() when iterating
over results.
- The ext.db API model functions (get, put, delete, allocate_ids) now directly
accept the keyword arguments: deadline, read_policy
- The Blobstore API now supports the multiple="true" attribute to the HTML input
- Fixed an issue logging unicode objects in the SDK.
- Fixed an issue with the dev_appserver where HTTP HEAD always returned
content-length: 0.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where importing Crypto.Util.Counter caused an
- Fixed an issue where the SDK didn't work with virtualenv.
- Fixed an issue where cached static files served to IPs on the DoS blacklist
consumed bandwidth quota.
- Fixed an issue that was causing slow serving of requests in the SDK.
- Fixed an issue where the Channel API didn't work in the SDK with Python 2.7.
- Fixed an httplib compatibility issue between Python 2.5 and Python 2.7 in the
- Fixed an issue where queries larger than 1MB didn't work with Python 2.7.
- Fixed an error in the SDK on first page load for a handler.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK that caused slowness due to app's logs being written
to the datastore. Set the --persist_logs flag in the SDK if you are using the
Logservice API to read logs.
- WARNING: Starting with the 1.6.2 release of the experimental Python 2.7
runtime, the mapreduce and datastore_admin builtins will not be supported.
Version 1.6.0
- On November 7th, App Engine will be out of Preview. The new Terms of Service
and previously announced pricing changes will be in effect. Additionally, all
paid apps are now covered by our SLA.
- Paid apps can now specify the maximum pending latency for instances and the
minimum number of idle instances for your application in the Admin Console.
- Task Queue storage has been separated in to its own line item. Previously,
this was included in Datastore storage.
- We have released an experimental utility, available in the Admin Console, to
assist in migrating your application to the High Replication datastore. This
utility allows you to copy the bulk of your data in the background, while the
source application is still serving. You then need a brief read-only period to
migrate your application data while you copy the data that has changed from
the time the original copy started.
- Blobstore, which was previously limited to apps with billing enabled, is now
available for all apps.
- We have published a new article on Datastore Index Selection and Advanced
Search which explains our recent improvements to the query planner that make
exploding indexes unnecessary.
- Applications can now receive xmpp error stanzas at /_ah/xmpp/error.
- In the Admin Console data viewer, you can now filter by namespace from a drop
down menu, if applicable.
- In the Admin Console's Datastore Statistics, we now offer namespace suggest
for filtering stats.
- We have released as experimental the full MapReduce framework.
- The SDK now supports Python 2.7.
- Python 2.7 now supports WebOb 1.1.1, which has some significant bug fixes.
Applications that explicitly set the "webob" version to "1.1" in their
app.yaml files must update the version to "1.1.1".
- The mail_stub.get_sent_messages() call now returns EmailMessage instances.
- Fixed an issue when setting an initial_value in memcache.incr unexpectedly
returned a string.
- Fixed an issue where DoS stats in the Admin Console didn't work for High
Replication apps.
- WARNING: Starting with 1.6.1 (our next release, NOT this release), URLFetch
requests will honor the Accept-Encoding header. If your code sets this header
then it must be prepared to receive content of the specified type. For more
information please see
Version 1.5.5
- Python 2.7 is now available as an experimental runtime for all applications
using the High Replication Datastore. To upload your app to the Python 2.7
runtime, change the runtime argument in your app.yaml to python27. Note that
the dev_appserver does NOT work with Python 2.7 - you must deploy your
application in order test it.
- We have increased the number of files you can upload with your application
from 3,000 to 10,000.
- We have increased the size limit for a single file uploaded to App Engine from
10MB to 32MB.
- We have increased the Frontend request deadline from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
- We have increased the online URLFetch maximum deadline from 10 seconds to 60
seconds. The default deadline remains at 10 seconds. The offline maximum deadline
for URLFetch remains at 10 minutes.
- We have increased the URLFetch Post payload from 1MB to 5MB.
- App Engine now supports Cross Group (XG) transactions with the High
Replication Datastore, which allow you to perform transactions across
multiple entity groups.
- We have released an experimental API that can write to Google Storage for
Developers directly from App Engine.
- We have added a graph to the admin console that displays the number of
instances for which you will be billed.
- In the XMPP API, get_presence() is deprecated in favor of using the inbound
presence handlers documented in
- The Task Queue API 'target' parameter now accepts a new value,
taskqueue.DEFAULT_APP_VERSION, which will send the task to the default
frontend version, rather than the version or backend where the 'add' method is
being called.
- In the URLFetch API, make_fetch_call() now returns an RPC object.
- Fixed an issue in the Admin Console where the "Run Now" button did not work
for tasks with a '-' in the name.
- Fixed an issue where the SDK did not decode Base64 encoded blobs.
- Fixed an issue to provide a better error message when using the Mail API to
send email to an invalid user address.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where a skip_files entry caused an ImportError when
the library was located elsewhere in the PYTHONPATH.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK index viewer where the arrows indicating whether a
query was ascending or descending were not properly rendered.
- Fixed an issue where httplib did not support the deadline argument for
URLFetch calls.
- Fixed an issue where you could not schedule a cron job to run every 100
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where failed tasks retried immediately instead of
waiting for 30 seconds.
- Fixed an issue making it possible to modify request headers using the deferred
Version 1.5.4
- You can now specify the maximum size for a blob in create_upload_url().
- Zigzag merge join queries will now continue scanning up to the 30 second
Datastore query deadline. For zigzag queries that used to generate NeedIndex
errors, many will now succeed. A small percentage will now instead timeout.
- The SDK datastore viewer in the dev console now displays the number of "Write
Ops" for each entity. "Write Ops" are the total number of entity and index
writes that were required to create the entity.
- Added API functionality for making calls to the Memcache API asynchronously.
- Fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed creation of tasks with whitespace in
the url.
- Fixed the error message for "transaction not found" to be more descriptive.
- Fixed an issue where blobstore uploads didn't work in the SDK with the
-a flag set.
- Fixed an issue where --dry_run was broken for upload_data in
- Fixed an issue where db.Model().to_xml() incorrectly updated auto-updating
- Fixed an issue where the SDK didn't expand the '~' in a file path.
- Fixed an issue where is_saved() wasn't valid after db.Model.__init__.
- Fixed an issue where GQL IN queries with an empty list returned all entities.
- Fixed an issue where the SDK's sqlite stub did not handle cursors on
descending queries correctly.
- Fixed a typo in the SDK's Datastore Stats generator message.
Version 1.5.3
- We've removed the limit on the size of blob uploads using the Blobstore API.
- You can now send emails with any attachment extension that is not included on
the email attachment extension blacklist.
- Added a db.get_indexes() method to retrieve an application's indexes and
their corresponding states.
- The dev_appserver has been updated to understand the reduced index
requirements of the 1.5.2 datastore query planner changes.
- The Datastore Admin functionality can now be enabled directly in the Admin
- Added cas(), the compare-and-set function, to the Memcache API.
- Added a set_default_fetch_deadline to the URLFetch API which sets the
URLFetch deadline globally.
- Added app_identity api with methods to get the application id, default
hostname, and service accounts for asserting identity on outbound HTTP calls.
- Added an improved HRD migration tool that requires a read-only period relative
to your datastore write rate (as opposed to your datastore size, which is how
the current version behaves). The tool is not yet generally available. If you
are interested in being an early adopter please fill out this form:
- Fixed an issue in the Channel API where jsapi was not served with the correct
mime type.
- Fixed an issue that broke use_library when the Python SDK was located in a
directory that contained the word 'django'.
- Fixed an issue where blobs could not be uploaded using HTTPS.
- Fixed an issue where GQL didn't allow querying for valid kind names
containing '.', '-', and ':' by supporting quoted identifiers.
Version 1.5.2
- You can now specify the minimum pending latency for instances and the maximum
number of idle instances for your application in the Admin Console.
- The datastore now never requires an exploding index.
- The SDK will now never suggest indexes with the same property repeated, as
such indexes are likely to be exploding indexes.
- The SDK now supports multiple concurrent transactions.
- Datastore stats are now available on a per-namespace basis.
- The queue details page in the Admin Console now contains request header
details, previous run information, and a task payload viewer.
- You can modify the lease on a task leased from a pull queue using the
modify_task_lease() method.
- Pull Task maximum size has been increased to 1MB.
- You can now update the number of available backend instances without needing
to first stop the backend using the "backend configure" directive.
- You can now set the "References" and "In-Reply-To" headers with the Mail API.
- The SDK "application" environment variable will now be prefixed with dev~.
The new preferred way of retrieving your app id is to use
appidentity.get_application_id(). The --default_partition flag can be used
for applications whose code relied on a specific environment variable.
- In the Deferred API, defer() now accepts the _target parameter.
- Added a to_dict() function to which converts a model to a dictionary.
- Added a get_original_metadata() method to the Images API to extract EXIF
information from images.
- Added an @transactional decorator to for functions that should
always be run in a transaction.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where the Deferred API did not work when using
the --backends flag.
Version 1.5.1
- ProtoRPC is a new experimental library that provides a simple method for
creating a well-defined and easy-to-use web-based RPC service.
- The development server's datastore implementation now contains logic that
closely replicates the consistency guarantees of the High Replication
datastore. To use, run the dev_appserver with the flag --high_replication set
to True.
- All user request have an X-AppEngine-Country header which contains the
ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the user, based on the IP address of the
client request.
- The Channel API can now provide user presence, this can be configured by
adding channel_presence to the list of inbound services for your application.
- The Images API now supports the WebP format. Due to limitations in PIL, the
SDK does not support the WebP format.
- You can switch the timezone for App Engine logs in the Admin Console.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where leased tasks had the POST method. They now
have a PULL method.
- Fixed an issue where the Channel API didn't work with non-default versions of
applications using the High Replication datastore.
- When displaying corrupt data in the Admin Console dataviewer, a useful error
will be displayed, instead of a 500.
Version 1.5.0
- Support for Backends which allow developers to create infrastructure
components that complement the existing dynamic apps that App Engine already
provides. Instances of a backend can maintain state, be addressed
individually, and are not subject to per-request time limits. They can also be
configured to consume more memory and CPU than ordinary dynamic instances.
- Task Queues support pull mode, allowing for more control over task queue work
rates. To use pull queues, include the 'mode' argument in your queue.yaml.
- Pull queues are supported by a REST API, allowing access from outside App
Engine. To use the REST API, you must also include a valid ACL section
specifying which users can lease tasks from the pull queue.
- Task Queue payload limits have been increased. Queues support 100KB per task.
Within App Engine, the new limit is 32 MB per batch of tasks. With the REST
API the limit is 1 MB per batch.
- HTTP request and response sizes have been increased to 32 MB.
- We have removed the rate quotas for requests, datastore operations,
memcache operations, and image API operations. Resource quotas still apply.
- When creating new applications, developers will now see the High Replication
Datastore as the default configuration option. Developers that still wish to
use the Master/Slave configuration must explicitly choose this option at
application creation time.
- The Task Queue maximum configurable processing rate has been increased to
- We have added two restrictions to the Mail API to improve the reliability
of the service for all applications.
- Emails must be sent from email accounts managed by Google (either Gmail or
a domain signed up for Google Apps).
- Reduced the number of free recipients per day from 2000 to 100 for new
- All application Owners, as listed in the Admin Console, can download the app's
code, unless code download is disabled for the application.
- Added support for making calls to the datastore asynchronously.
Available functions are get_async(), put_async(), delete_async(),
allocate_ids_async(). Call get_result on the return value of asynchronous
datastore functions to block on the call.
- Metadata queries can now get all namespaces, kinds, and properties in a given
- The Testbed API now supports the Channel API.
- Users can provide Django settings to be loaded in webapp's django_setup.
- Modified Dashboard latency graphs to indicate they only include dynamic
- Fixed an issue where metadata queries did not support unicode characters.
- Fixed an issue where HTTP headers could contain new line characters.
- A warning message is shown when the Python version used to run the SDK is
different than the Python version used in production.
- Fixed an issue with Federated Users causing the Admin Console dataviewer to
- MacOS and Windows style newlines are now supported for logging in the SDK.
- Fixed an issue where sending mail with smtp_host set did not work.
- Fixed the file permissions for and in the SDK.
- Fixed an issue deploying an app with version set to 0.
- Fixed an issue where the SDK allowed GET or DELETE with a body, which does
not work in production.
- Fixed an issue where URLFetch/urllib did not work with MacOS and
Python 2.6.0-2.6.3.
- Fixed the an issue in the SDK where the mail body was incorrectly generated
when the sendmail option was enabled.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK dataviewer where editing a ListProperty(db.Category)
resulted in a BadValueError.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK where the signal module could be imported, as it
is not supported.
- Improved support for reserving an app id that is a canonicalized version of
a user's Gmail address.
- Added a more useful error messages for unavailable App Ids.
- The SDK now uses hashlib instead of sha. Python 2.4 is no longer supported.
- Fixed an issue where images.composite() did not support PNG transparency in
the SDK.
- Added better error messages for cron.yaml parsing.
- Fixed an issue where uploading an index.yaml file with DOS line endings
caused an error.
- Fixed an issue where unicode characters in a script caused an error.
- Task Queue names can now include the "_" character.
- The sender of an email is no longer BCC'd when they are already included in
the email.
- Fixed an issue where non-string types were interpreted as strings when
parsing the index.yaml file.
- Image API now supplies image format.
- Fixed webapp.request.get_range to work with default=None.
- Added a more helpful error message when trying to send email to a malformed
- The SDK now returns an error if the Content-length header is not included in a
post request, matching production.
- Fixed an issue using URLFetch to fetch pages where the URL contained unicode.
- Fixed an issue where the SDK looked in the wrong folder for the SDK Version
- Fixed a webapp.Request get() issue where the default was not being properly
returned when allow_multiple was set to True.
- Fixed an issue where handler.get_url did not work for non-default versions of
- Fixed an issue where X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount did not increment in the SDK.
- Applied a user patch that partially fixed an issue where bulkloader resume
was not working.
- Fixed a logging issue with the SDK BlobImageDispatcher.
- ListProperty now supports datetime.time and, as documented.
- Fixed an issue where the Content-length header was being incorrectly stored as
an integer.
- Fixed an issue where the Admin Console didn't keep the app version viewed
consistent across actions.
- Fixed an issue using os.environ in in the SDK.
- Fixed an issue where HTTP requests on the SDK where truncated if a semicolon
was included in the request.
- Fixed an issue where images.get_serving_url() did not handle blob_info.key()
- Fixed an issue where checking for a new version caused the appcfg download_app
command to fail.
- Fixed a typo in the Admin Console on the New App page.
- Return a better error when a ReferenceProperty fails to resolve.
- Fixed an issue where sending mail from an app registered on the HR datastore
required the app id be prefaced with s~.
- Fixed an issue where URLFetch with urllib over HTTPS didn't work.
Version 1.4.3
- Added Files API that allows writing to and reading from files in blobstore.
- You can now specify cron execution for a time interval between a start and end
- You can now configure the specific application version to which a task queue
or cron job will send requests.
- The Admin Console Task Queues page now displays a more accurate estimate of
queue size for queues containing more than 2000 tasks.
- The Prospective Search API (formerly named the Matcher API) is available for
use by all applications. This API is still experimental, so applications will
be limited to a maximum of 1000 subscriptions.
- The Testbed API provides easy configuration of stub libraries for local
integration tests.
- In the Images API, the quality parameter was added to the resize, rotate,
horizontal_flip, vertical_flip, crop and im_feeling_lucky methods.
- Fixed an issue where static file serving in the dev_appserver didn't support
- An error is now raised when the script mapping in the app.yaml file is missing
the .py file extension.
- Fixed an issue where no link was displayed in the Admin Console blobstore
viewer for an unnamed blob.
- Fixed an issue where the Admin Console data viewer couldn't edit entities
with ByteString properties.
- Fixed an issue where the Admin Console crashed when using a non-ascii
- Fixed an issue filtering on __key__ while using the --use_sqlite option with
the dev_appserver.
- The Disable Application admin function has been button-ized.
- Fixed an SDK issue where debugging logging wouldn't correctly print URLFetch
- Fixed an SDK issue where an incompatible line ending was used on blob upload.
- Added more graceful handling of the missing mapreduce.yaml file when the user
has enabled the Datastore Admin but is not otherwise using the MapReduce
- Fixed an issue where the method webapp_add_wsgi_middleware was no longer
Version 1.4.2
- The XMPP API was updated to include presence and allow subscriptions.
- The Task Queue now supports programmatic deleting of tasks.
- The maximum rate per queue at which tasks are processed has been increased to
100 tasks per second.
- The maximum number of concurrent requests for a single queue can be specified
in the application's queue.yaml. This provides an additional easy-to-use form
of rate limiting. The current number of running tasks is also displayed in
the Admin Console.
- Metadata queries in the Datastore now support cursors.
- Admin Console logs viewer now displays time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm.
- The Mail API added KML and KMZ files as allowed attachments.
- Added support for verifying the server SSL certificate when making a
URLFetch request to an HTTPS URL. This will become the default in a future
- Added a warning when an admin tries to upload a queue.yaml where the number
of new queues and the number of disabled queues exceeds 100.
- Django 1.2.5 is available via use of the use_library() declaration. This
version of Django has also been added to the Python SDK.
- Added builtin support for the deferred library.
- If Python Precompilation fails, an error will be printed but the app will
still be uploaded.
- Added a --disable_sdk_update_check command line flag to the dev_appserver.
- Fixed an issue where the datastore copy functionality did not work if writes
were disabled on the source application.
- Fixed an issue where mail from did not work when
sending mail to app admins.
- Fixed an issue where the dev_appserver URLFetch API limit was 16MB. It is now
32 MB to match production.
- Fixed a zipimport issue on Windows which was not working due to path
- Fixed an issue where the SDK did not enforce the 100 task limit for the Task
- Fixed an issue where Query.order() was broken for properties with the 'name'
- Fixed an unhelpful error message in the Python namespace_manager.
Version 1.4.1
- During application creation, developers can choose between two Datastore
configurations: High Replication or Master/Slave.
- You can set your application's datastore to read-only mode in the Admin
Console. Any writes attempted while the app is set to read-only will throw a
CapabilityDisabledError. This feature can be helpful for migrating or copying
data between two applications.
- The Datastore Admin tool has been updated to allow copying of one app's
datastore to another. The destination app must have the Remote API enabled.
- The deadline for offline URL Fetch API requests for Python and Java have been
increased to a maximum of 10 minutes. The default deadline for offline
URL Fetch requests remains the same.
- Fixed an issue where an AttributeError was occasionally thrown on a datastore
Version 1.4.0
- The Always On feature allows applications to pay and keep 3 instances of their
application always running, which can significantly reduce application
- Developers can now enable Warmup Requests. By specifying a handler in an
app's app.yaml, App Engine will attempt to send a Warmup Request to initialize
new instances before a user interacts with it. This can reduce the latency an
end-user sees for initializing your application.
- The Channel API is now available for all users.
- Task Queue has been officially released, and is no longer an experimental
feature. The API import paths that use 'labs' have been deprecated. Task queue
storage will count towards an application's overall storage quota, and will
thus be charged for.
- The deadline for Task Queue and Cron requests has been raised to 10 minutes.
Datastore and API deadlines within those requests remain unchanged.
- For the Task Queue, developers can specify task retry_parameters in their
- Apps that have enabled billing are allowed up to 100 queues with the Task
Queue API.
- Metadata Queries on the datastore for datastore kinds, namespaces, and entity
properties are available.
- URLFetch allowed response size has been increased, up to 32 MB. Request size
is still limited to 1 MB.
- The request and response sizes for the Images API have been increased to
32 MB.
- The total size of Memcache batch operations is increased to 32 MB. The 1 MB
limit on individual Memcache objects still applies.
- The attachment size for outgoing emails has been increased from 1 MB to 10 MB.
The size limit for incoming emails is still 10 MB.
- Size and quantity limits on datastore batch get/put/delete operations have
been removed. Individual entities are still limited to 1 MB, but your app may
batch as many entities together for get/put/delete calls as the overall
datastore deadline will allow for.
- When iterating over query results, the datastore will now asynchronously
prefetch results, reducing latency in many cases by 10-15%.
- The Admin Console Blacklist page lists the top blacklist rejected visitors.
- The automatic image thumbnailing service supports arbitrary crop sizes up to
- Overall average instance latency in the Admin Console is now a weighted
average over QPS per instance.
- The developer who uploaded an app version can download that version's code
using the download_app command. This feature can be disabled on
a per application basis in the admin console, under the 'Permissions' tab.
Once disabled, code download for the application CANNOT be re-enabled.
- Fixed an issue where custom Admin Console pages did not work for Google
Apps for your Domain users.
- In the Python runtime, an instance is killed and restarted when a request
handler hits DeadlineExceededError. This should fix an issue related to
intermittent SystemErrors using Django.
- Allow Django initialization to be moved to to avoid
Django version conflicts when mixing webapp.template with pure Django.
- Fixed an issue with OpenId over SSL.
- Fixed an issue on the dev_appserver where login/logout code didn't work using
Python 2.6.
- Fixed an issue in the dev_appserver where get_serving_url did not work
for transparent, cropped PNGs:
- Fixed an issue with the DatastoreFileStub.
Version 1.3.8
- Builtin app.yaml handlers are available for common application functions,
such as appstats.
- The Admin Console now provides an experimental tool to delete all entities in
the datastore or all entities of a given type. This is available only if
enabled using the datastore_admin builtin. Deleting entities will count
against application quota.
- You can run task queue tasks immediately from the Admin Console.
- You can now specify the quality of JPEG images via the Image API's
execute_transforms function. Available in production only.
- Support for login of multiple Google accounts within an app, and longer login
sessions. For more information see:
- In queue.yaml, the maximum allowed bucket size is now 100.
- Precompilation is now enabled by default. To disable, use the
--no_precompilation flag when updating your app.
- BlobInfo now has an open() method that returns a BlobReader.
- BlobReader now accepts a BlobInfo.
- Removed limits on zigzag merge-join queries. Therefore the error "The built-in
indices are not efficient enough for this query and your data. Please add a
composite index for this query." will no longer be thrown in most cases,
enabling more types of queries without indexes.
- Fixed an issue with task queue tasks not running on the dev_appserver when
using Python 2.6.
- Fixed an issue on the dev_appserver where auto task running wasn't working for
- Fixed an issue reserving App Ids by owners of similarly-named mails accounts
containing periods, multiple cases, and address.
- Fixed an issue on the development server where PNGs were being returned as
Version 1.3.7
- Fix an issue where namespace_manager.google_apps_namespace() was not included
in the 1.3.6 release.
Version 1.3.6
- Multitenancy is now supported in the datastore, allowing better
compartmentalization of user data.
- Automatic image thumbnailing is now available in the Images API using
- Users can now serve custom static error pages for over_quota, dos_api_denial
and default cases.
- Results of datastore count() queries and offsets for all datastore queries
are no longer capped at 1000.
- Added a pause queue button to the task queue details page in the Admin
- Historical graphs have been added to all of the dashboard graphs in the Admin
- Content-range headers are supported on Blobstore downloads.
- Remote API now supports the Blobstore API.
- New method to allocate datastore ids in a given range: db.allocate_id_range().
- New db method is_in_transaction() determines if a transaction is still open.
- Increased several rate limited quotas for free applications.
- Fixed an issue in where unindexed property lists for user-specified
property names were ignored.
- Fixed an issue where the task queue uses local time instead of UTC time to
compute job ETA.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK with datastore cursors being too large.
Version 1.3.5
- Developers can enable Python pre-compilation to decrease start up time for
new application instances. This can be enabled by including the
derived_file_type in your app.yaml.
- Ability to configure the Task Queue storage limit with the
total_storage_limit field in the queue.yaml file.
- Task Queues now support up to 50 qps per queue, up from 50 qps per app.
- Developers can programmatically access Blobs with BlobReader, a file-like
interface for reading blobs.
- Bulkloader transform helpers for lists and hierarchical keys were added.
- remote_api_shell commands can be sent over HTTPS or HTTP.
- Admin Console logs now include information on request time latency.
- Db.delete will now accept an iterable, in addition to a list of models or
- The datastore now supports end cursors.
- Fixed an issue properly handling a query with an offset that returns no
- Fixed an issue that improperly allowed quad-dotted netmasks as subnet prefixes
for the DoS API.
- Fixed an issue via user submitted patch in the SDK dataviewer displaying
multiline StringProperties.
Version 1.3.4
- New bulkloader configuration syntax and wizard for easier import/export with
the datastore.
- Applications can now be configured to authenticate with OpenID by selecting
the OpenID option when creating your application in the admin console.
- New API to allow App Engine apps to act as OAuth service providers.
- Auto task execution is now enabled in the dev_appserver. To turn this off
use the flag --disable_task_running.
- Fixed an issue using db.put() with constructor initialized id based keys.
Version 1.3.3
- A new experimental feature allows you to set dev_appserver datastore file
stub to use sqlite. To enable, set the flag --use_sqlite=true.
- It is now possible to implement properties on db.Expando.
- Fixed a datastore issue where an error was thrown when setting a query offset
to more than the number of results throws an error.
- Fixed issue not allowing ByteString type to be viewed in the Development
Console datastore viewer.
Version 1.3.2
- New API to read the contents of uploaded Blobs (fetch_data)
- URLFetch now supports accessing ports 80-90, 440-450, and 1024-65535
- Mail API now allows common document formats as attachments
- The Task Queue API now supports adding multiple tasks in a single call to
- Fixed charset handling for inbound emails
- Fixed issue with compositing background colors in dev_appserver
- New feature in the datastore to specify whether to use strong or eventually
consistent reads (the default is strong)
- New datastore feature allows setting deadlines for operations
- Increased the maximum Task Queue refill rate from 20/s to 50/s
- Support for IP blacklisting to prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks
- Fix an issue with Mac Launcher in Mac OSX 10.5.5
- Fix issue with slow updates when there are many skipped files
- Fix issue with cursor not updating when using a GqlQuery
Version 1.3.1
- Datastore Query Cursors
- Transactional Task Creation
- Support for Custom Admin Console pages
- New "month" and "synchronized" syntax for Cron configuration
- Application Stats library now included in with SDK
- Bulk Loader supports bulk downloading all kinds simultaneously
- validates SSL certificates for HTTPS on Upload
- Support for ETags, If-matches, If-not-matches HTTP Headers, as well as 304
status codes now available on static files (not available on the
dev_appserver or Blobstore blobs)
Version 1.3.0 - December 14, 2009
- Adds support for the new Blobstore API
Version 1.2.8 - October 28, 2009
- New memcache offset_multi method and batch support in incr and decr.
- Urlfetch Response object now contains final_url of 302 redirects.
- Additional file extensions permitted when sending mail.
- Fixed issue decoding messages for incoming mail.
- Fixed issue with datastore list properties containing both blob (or text)
and non-blob values.
- Admin console includes more information about indexes being built.
- Fixed Users API usage with remote_api
- Fixed issue with IN queries in remote_api
- Bulk Loader --dump and --restore now work across app IDs.
- Bulk Loader --restore works with numeric IDs.
- Bulk Loader exporter maps __key__ property to the entity key.
- Fixed issue in Bulk Loader with missing properties on export.
- Fixed issue in Bulk Loader with line breaks in data.
- Fixed exception in Bulk Loader with certain data ranges.
- Added SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable to runtime.
- Over Quota HTTP status code changed from 403 to 503
- Task Queue now considers all HTTP 2xx status codes to represent success
- Task Queue now supports purging all tasks in a queue from the Admin Console.
- Task Queue now supports deleting a non-empty queue from the Admin Console.
- New "auth_fail_action: unauthorized" option in app.yaml: when present, a
401 status code will be returned instead of a 302 redirect to the Google
Accounts login page for pages with login: required. [Python only for now]
Version 1.2.7 - October 14, 2009
- Changed the 'key' parameter to Model.__init__ to be keyword only.
- Fixed taskqueue import in Remote API.
Version 1.2.6 - September 17, 2009
- Added incoming email support.
- Remote API now supports XMPP and task queues.
- The default for all handlers is now secure: optional. Users can
now access all pages via SSL unless explicitly disallowed.
- Remote API now supports HTTPS.
- Appcfg now uses https by default.
- now supports the --application and --version flags to
override the values specified in app.yaml.
- GQL now supports '= NULL' queries.
- The db.Model constructor now supports explicitly setting a key
(and thus an id) for a Model instance.
- New Datastore stats api. Stats are also visible in the admin console.
- Bulkloader dump and restore now supports restoring to a different
app id and restoring numeric keys.
Version 1.2.5 - August 13, 2009
- The Windows Python SDK now includes a GUI launcher, similar to the Mac SDK.
- Added XMPP support.
- Datastore now supports multiple writes to the same entity within a
- Datastore entity key names can now start with a digit.
- Datastore now supports ancestor + kind queries without a composite index
- Bulkloader now supports configurationless dump and restore with new
--dump and --restore options.
- Bulkloader now supports a --dry_run flag to testing data prior to uploading.
- now allows specifying any end date for request_logs.
- Urlfetch now allows setting the Referer header.
- Urlfetch stub now correctly handles HEAD requests.
- New remote_api_shell tool for interactive remote_api operations.
- New google.ext.ereporter module to collect and email exception reports.
- New google.ext.deferred module to execute ad-hoc tasks on the Task Queue.
Version 1.2.4 - July 16, 2009
- Added support for kindless queries, ie. transaction descendant queries.
- Composite indexes no longer required for certain types of key queries.
- Improved exception reporting in the bulkloader.
- Datastore transaction RPC sent at beginning of transaction rather than
upon first Datastore request.
- PolyModel supports keys_only query.
- Remote API supports more API's (Images, Memcache and URLFetch).
- Remote API shell.
- Support for multiple inheritance for Model and PolyModel.
- Enhancement to SearchableModel allowing multiple properties to be
- Various code quality improvements.
Version 1.2.3 - June 1, 2009
- Task Queue support available as google.appengine.api.labs.taskqueue.
- Django 1.0 support. You must install Django locally on your machine
for the SDK but no longer need to upload it to App Engine.
from google.appengine.dist import use_library
use_library('django', '1.0')
- Urlfetch supports asynchronous requests.
- Urlfetch in SDK now matches App Engine more closely:
By default, it now sets the referer header, does not set the Accept
header, and sets Accept-Encoding to gzip.
- Fixed issue with httplib and absolute URLs.
- Memcache key length is no longer restricted to 250 bytes: longer keys
will be replaced with a hash of the key.
- Datastore ancestor queries now work within transactions.
- Datastore transactions in SDK now snapshot on the first operation so they
do not see writes made during the transaction. Matches App Engine.
Version 1.2.2 - April 22, 2009
- New quota API which returns the CPU usage of the current request.
from google.appengine.api import quota
cpu_usage_so_far = quota.get_request_cpu_usage()
- Urlfetch fetch now has support for user configurable deadlines.
- Urlfetch in the SDK allows the Accept-Encoding header to match App Engine.
- urllib now supports HTTPS in addition to HTTP
- Datastore indexes on single properties can now be disabled by setting
indexed=False on the property constructor.
- Datastore now supports Key-only queries, using either SELECT __key__ or
or db.Query(Model, keys_only=True)
- Fixed issues with Datastore IN filters and sorting: sort order is now
correct, and can be used with __key__.
- Cron supports additional time specification formats.
- Fixed an issue in the dev_appserver admin console datastore viewer
(/_ah/admin/datastore) with sorting columns containing None types.
- Bulk Loader improvements: New appcfg download_data command.
Better backoff support and debugging output for long requests.
- New --vhost flag on request_logs command to select logs for
a particular host.
- Python _ast module is now available for import
- Fixed issue with the color argument of the Images API composite method.
Version 1.2.1 - April 13, 2009
- Stable, unique IDs for User objects. The Users service now
provides a unique user_id for each user that stays the same even
if a user changes her email address.
- The Images API now supports compositing images and calculating
a color histogram for an image.
- New allowed mail attachment types: ics, vcf
- Urlfetch requests can now set the User-Agent header.
- An App Engine-specific version of the Python PyCrypto cryptography
library is now available. Learn more at
- The bulk loader configuration format has allow non-CSV
input. This change is not backwards compatible, so you will need to
update your code.
An early release of the bulk downloader is also now available in Learn more about these changes at:
- Fixed parsing of unicode GQL queries.
- Fixed dev_appserver security restrictions for os.path
- Fixed Reply-To header set in emails sent from dev_appserver.
Version 1.2.0 - March 24, 2009
- Cron support. will upload the schedule to App Engine.
The dev_appserver console at /_ah/admin describes your schedule but does
not automatically run scheduled jobs. Learn more at
- New allow_skipped_files flag in dev_appserver to allow it to read files
which are not available in App Engine.
- New upload_data command in appcfg to run the bulk uploader.
Version 1.1.9 - February 2, 2009
- HTTP Request and Response limit raised to 10MB from 1MB.
Note that API call limits remain at 1MB.
- urllib and urllib2 now available, implemented using urlfetch.
Also adds additional stubs which may enable other modules.
- Early release of a new data bulk upload tool,
- New remote_api for datastore at google.appengine.ext.remote_api
- Single property descending indexes are automatically generated.
- Added db.Query support for IN and != operators.
- Fixed issue where gql date/time parsing could not handle Unicode strings.
- Fixed issue with db model instance key() returning the wrong key for
unsaved instances with parent as key
- New run_in_transaction_custom_retries method for datastore.
- Fixed issue with relative dev_appserver datastore and history paths.
- Static files and skipped files are not readable in dev_appserver, to match
the behavior on App Engine.
- Images API allows multiple transforms of the same type in one request. A
limit of 10 total transforms per request has been added.
- PIL import will work with both PIL.Image and Image.
- Fixed an issue with sending email in dev_appserver when the application
code changed.
- Memcache counters (incr/decr) do nothing on non positive integers to match
the behavior on App Engine.
Version 1.1.8 - January 7, 2008
- Skip_files RegexStr validator allows lists to for regex-ors.
- sys.path and sys.argv are no longer reset for each request.
- New ByteString data type for the datastore. Indexed non-text short-blob.
- UserProperty now takes auto_current_user and auto_current_user_add
- Support for polymorphic models and queries.
- db.Model.order() now supports __key__.
- Urlfetch no longer sets content-length: 0 when there is no body.
- Get height and width of an image via the Images API.
- Limit auto-Bcc of email sender to the case where the email sender is the
currently-logged-in user.
- Adds limit of 100 order/filters on datastore query size to the SDK.
- Fix unicode support for the bulkloader
- from the appengine/tools directory to the appengine/ directory
- Modify webapp to use logging.exception instead of logging.error.
- Additional fixes to SDK sanitizing response headers to match production.
Version 1.1.7 - November 20, 2008
- Fixed an issue with urlfetch response headers.
Version 1.1.6 - November 17, 2008
- Datastore now supports filtering and sorting on the __key__ special
property, which evaluates to each entity's key.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to append None to ListProperty.
- Datastore appengine.ext.db models allow deletion by key without
instantiating a model instance.
- Datastore models allow access to key name before put() if key_name given.
- Datastore fetch max results and max query offset match production limits.
- Fixed an issue in production where query fails with NeedIndexError when
a model has two ancestor indexes.
- Allow trailing whitespace in PropertyValueFromString for datetime.
- Fixed to_xml on models with binary data in a BlobProperty: they now
are base64 encoded.
Note: This changes XML serialization.
- Fixed an issue with setting expando attributes.
- Fixed an issue where TypeError was raised instead of NeedIndexError for
"merge join" queries, i.e. queries with only equals filters and no ancestor
or sort orders, that still need an index.
- URLFetch in the SDK now has the same 5 second timeout to match production.
- URLFetch response headers are combined
- URLFetch now uses original method when following a redirect.
- URLFetch logs a warning when using a non standard port.
- URLFetch allows integers as values in request headers.
- Enforce response size and API request size limits to match production.
- SDK sanitizes response headers to match production
- Login URLs now require login in the SDK to match production.
- Fixed an issue with long URLs in HTTP 302 redirect responses.
- Fixed an issue with regular expressions in static_files in app.yaml
- SDK only allows "C" locale to match production.
- Support the bufsize positional arg in open()/file().
- lstat is aliased to stat.
- appcfg handles index building errors more gracefully.
- Fixed an issue with symlinks in the path to the Python core libraries.
Version 1.1.5 - September 29, 2008
- Additional fixes for file paths on Windows and OSX.
- Sped up the datastore stub.
- Allow different types in list properties in datastore.Entity and Expando.
- Add add_multi and replace_multi to memcache API.
- Ignore errors from the API proxy when calling memcache read methods.
- Set the webapp Request charset property more accurately from CONTENT_TYPE.
- Fixed an issue in the development console with schema caching.
- Fixed an issue with StringListProperty not returning a class
- Fixed an issue in the development console where quotes couldn't be used
within fields.
- Fixed an issue with TimeProperty("0:0") (midnight).
Version 1.1.4 - September 26, 2008
- Fixed issue with incorrectly escaping static_files paths on Windows.
- Workaround -inf not being supported on Windows in Datastore.
Version 1.1.3 - September 8, 2008
- Added support for zipimport.
- Added zipserve module for serving static content from a zip file.
See google/appengine/ext/zipserve/ for more information.
- Added a memcache viewer to the development console.
- Added new follow_redirects flag to the URLFetch service.
- Fixed caching headers for static content.
- Fixed an issue with incorrectly escaping paths on Windows.
- Fixed an issue with the current directory while running applications.
Version 1.1.2 - August 20, 2008
- Batch puts across Datastore entity groups.
- Transaction retries reduced from 10 to 3.
- Fixed certain transaction failures being silent.
- Added support for indexes with a single repeated property.
Version 1.1.1 - July 21, 2008
- Fixed DELETE for URLFetch on dev_appserver.
- Fixed PATH_INFO to be un-escaped version of the path.
- Fixed order function testing for property on Expando class.
- Support all mail attachment mime-types under Windows.
- Added support for date and time objects to GQL.
- Fixed memcache KeyError problem.
- Default URLFetch POST content-type is x-www-form-urlencoded.
- Fixed problems where global variables would be set to None
when a request raised an exception or returned an error
- Added support for GIFs and JPEG using PIL.
- Added support for type conversion of literals to GQL.
- Added support for pickling Expando instances.
- Added APPLICATION_ID environment variable to runtime.
- Added support for key_name to djangoforms.
- Added ability to put multiple transaction groups in one request
outside of transactions.
- Added support for downloading request logs using appcfg.
- Fixed DateProperty not supporting values before 1970 and beyond
Jan. 19, 2038.
- Set cap of 5000 indexed properties per entity.
- GoogleAppEngineLauncher now has context menus in the main project
- UI improvements to GoogleAppEngineLauncher preferences window.
- Fixed GoogleAppEngineLauncher broken symlink for bulk_uploadclient.
Version 1.1.0 - May 28, 2008
- Added an API for image manipulation.
- Added memcache API.
- Fixed URLFetch for URLs with query strings.
- Added support for multiple values for the same filter string.
- Fixed URLFetch's referrer to now set itself to the application's
- Added --show_mail_body flag to
- Added support for IN and != to GQL.
- Fixed URLFetch to accept strings as well as constant integers.
- Added CURRENT_VERSION_ID environment variable.
- Fixed uploading issues affecting developers.
- Fixed Datastore API to allow the assignment of [] to non-dynamic
DB attributes.
- Fixed NeedIndexError to include the index that the query needed.
Version 1.0.2 - May 15, 2008
- Fixed UTC timezone issue on Windows.
- Fixed webapp template cache bug.
- URLFetch service redirect behavior now matches deployed behavior.
- Better handling of bad HOMEDRIVE parameters on Windows.
- Fixed HTTP response header termination.
- Fixed behavior with source files that have Windows line-endings or
missing line-endings.
- Fixed C-Extension module loading issues.
- Fixed Windows DLL extension loading issues.
- Added missing os.uname function.
- Windows installer can now over-install.
- Windows installer now allows installation even if it can't find Python.
- Fixed skip_files exception.
- Better error handling for cookie-file related problems.
- User platform, SDK version, and Python version are now supplied to
server-side on deployment; also supplied on dev_appserver start-up
if the "nag" is enabled.
Version 1.0.1 - April 14, 2008
- Fixed app.yaml static_dir attribute on Windows.
- Fixed uploading large files on OSX.
- Fixed recursion issue in webapp template rendering cache.
- Fixed MacPorts installation.