blob: 468d37f521a54949b5ed81fdbafb01caa1ba5636 [file] [log] [blame]
"""An event loop.
This event loop should handle both asynchronous App Engine RPC objects
(specifically urlfetch, memcache and datastore RPC objects) and arbitrary
callback functions with an optional time delay.
Normally, event loops are singleton objects, though there is no
enforcement of this requirement.
The API here is inspired by Monocle.
import collections
import logging
import os
import time
from .google_imports import apiproxy_rpc
from .google_imports import datastore_rpc
from . import utils
__all__ = ['EventLoop',
'add_idle', 'queue_call', 'queue_rpc',
'run', 'run0', 'run1',
_logging_debug = utils.logging_debug
_IDLE = apiproxy_rpc.RPC.IDLE
_RUNNING = apiproxy_rpc.RPC.RUNNING
class EventLoop(object):
"""An event loop."""
def __init__(self):
self.current = collections.deque() # FIFO list of (callback, args, kwds)
self.idlers = collections.deque() # Cyclic list of (callback, args, kwds)
self.inactive = 0 # How many idlers in a row were no-ops
self.queue = [] # Sorted list of (time, callback, args, kwds)
self.rpcs = {} # Map of rpc -> (callback, args, kwds)
def clear(self):
"""Remove all pending events without running any."""
while self.current or self.idlers or self.queue or self.rpcs:
current = self.current
idlers = self.idlers
queue = self.queue
rpcs = self.rpcs
_logging_debug('Clearing stale EventLoop instance...')
if current:
_logging_debug(' current = %s', current)
if idlers:
_logging_debug(' idlers = %s', idlers)
if queue:
_logging_debug(' queue = %s', queue)
if rpcs:
_logging_debug(' rpcs = %s', rpcs)
queue[:] = []
def insort_event_right(self, event, lo=0, hi=None):
"""Insert event in queue, and keep it sorted assuming queue is sorted.
If event is already in queue, insert it to the right of the rightmost
event (to keep FIFO order).
Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the
slice of a to be searched.
if lo < 0:
raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative')
if hi is None:
hi = len(self.queue)
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
if event[0] < self.queue[mid][0]: hi = mid
else: lo = mid + 1
self.queue.insert(lo, event)
def queue_call(self, delay, callback, *args, **kwds):
"""Schedule a function call at a specific time in the future."""
if delay is None:
self.current.append((callback, args, kwds))
if delay < 1e9:
when = delay + time.time()
# Times over a billion seconds are assumed to be absolute.
when = delay
self.insort_event_right((when, callback, args, kwds))
def queue_rpc(self, rpc, callback=None, *args, **kwds):
"""Schedule an RPC with an optional callback.
The caller must have previously sent the call to the service.
The optional callback is called with the remaining arguments.
NOTE: If the rpc is a MultiRpc, the callback will be called once
for each sub-RPC. TODO: Is this a good idea?
if rpc is None:
if rpc.state not in (_RUNNING, _FINISHING):
raise RuntimeError('rpc must be sent to service before queueing')
if isinstance(rpc, datastore_rpc.MultiRpc):
rpcs = rpc.rpcs
if len(rpcs) > 1:
# Don't call the callback until all sub-rpcs have completed.
rpc.__done = False
def help_multi_rpc_along(r=rpc, c=callback, a=args, k=kwds):
if r.state == _FINISHING and not r.__done:
r.__done = True
c(*a, **k)
# TODO: And again, what about exceptions?
callback = help_multi_rpc_along
args = ()
kwds = {}
rpcs = [rpc]
for rpc in rpcs:
self.rpcs[rpc] = (callback, args, kwds)
def add_idle(self, callback, *args, **kwds):
"""Add an idle callback.
An idle callback can return True, False or None. These mean:
- None: remove the callback (don't reschedule)
- False: the callback did no work; reschedule later
- True: the callback did some work; reschedule soon
If the callback raises an exception, the traceback is logged and
the callback is removed.
self.idlers.append((callback, args, kwds))
def run_idle(self):
"""Run one of the idle callbacks.
True if one was called, False if no idle callback was called.
if not self.idlers or self.inactive >= len(self.idlers):
return False
idler = self.idlers.popleft()
callback, args, kwds = idler
_logging_debug('idler: %s', callback.__name__)
res = callback(*args, **kwds)
# See add_idle() for the meaning of the callback return value.
if res is not None:
if res:
self.inactive = 0
self.inactive += 1
_logging_debug('idler %s removed', callback.__name__)
return True
def run0(self):
"""Run one item (a callback or an RPC wait_any).
A time to sleep if something happened (may be 0);
None if all queues are empty.
if self.current:
self.inactive = 0
callback, args, kwds = self.current.popleft()
_logging_debug('nowevent: %s', callback.__name__)
callback(*args, **kwds)
return 0
if self.run_idle():
return 0
delay = None
if self.queue:
delay = self.queue[0][0] - time.time()
if delay <= 0:
self.inactive = 0
_, callback, args, kwds = self.queue.pop(0)
_logging_debug('event: %s', callback.__name__)
callback(*args, **kwds)
# TODO: What if it raises an exception?
return 0
if self.rpcs:
self.inactive = 0
rpc = datastore_rpc.MultiRpc.wait_any(self.rpcs)
if rpc is not None:
_logging_debug('rpc: %s.%s', rpc.service, rpc.method)
# Yes, wait_any() may return None even for a non-empty argument.
# But no, it won't ever return an RPC not in its argument.
if rpc not in self.rpcs:
raise RuntimeError('rpc %r was not given to wait_any as a choice %r' %
(rpc, self.rpcs))
callback, args, kwds = self.rpcs[rpc]
del self.rpcs[rpc]
if callback is not None:
callback(*args, **kwds)
# TODO: Again, what about exceptions?
return 0
return delay
def run1(self):
"""Run one item (a callback or an RPC wait_any) or sleep.
True if something happened; False if all queues are empty.
delay = self.run0()
if delay is None:
return False
if delay > 0:
return True
def run(self):
"""Run until there's nothing left to do."""
# TODO: A way to stop running before the queue is empty.
self.inactive = 0
while True:
if not self.run1():
class _State(utils.threading_local):
event_loop = None
_state = _State()
def get_event_loop():
"""Return a EventLoop instance.
A new instance is created for each new HTTP request. We determine
that we're in a new request by inspecting os.environ, which is reset
at the start of each request. Also, each thread gets its own loop.
ev = _state.event_loop
if not os.getenv(_EVENT_LOOP_KEY) and ev is not None:
_state.event_loop = None
ev = None
if ev is None:
ev = EventLoop()
_state.event_loop = ev
os.environ[_EVENT_LOOP_KEY] = '1'
return ev
def queue_call(*args, **kwds):
ev = get_event_loop()
ev.queue_call(*args, **kwds)
def queue_rpc(rpc, callback=None, *args, **kwds):
ev = get_event_loop()
ev.queue_rpc(rpc, callback, *args, **kwds)
def add_idle(callback, *args, **kwds):
ev = get_event_loop()
ev.add_idle(callback, *args, **kwds)
def run():
ev = get_event_loop()
def run1():
ev = get_event_loop()
return ev.run1()
def run0():
ev = get_event_loop()
return ev.run0()