blob: db54b48ed2c4837c154b841744c28cc42e306d55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2012 The Libphonenumber Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Library for obtaining information about international short phone numbers,
// such as short codes and emergency numbers. Note most commercial short
// numbers are not handled here, but by the phonenumberutil.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "phonenumbers/base/basictypes.h"
#include "phonenumbers/base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
namespace i18n {
namespace phonenumbers {
using std::list;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
class MatcherApi;
class PhoneMetadata;
class PhoneNumber;
class PhoneNumberUtil;
class ShortNumberInfo {
// Cost categories of short numbers.
enum ShortNumberCost {
// Check whether a short number is a possible number when dialled from a
// region, given the number in the form of a string, and the region where the
// number is dialed from. This provides a more lenient check than
// IsValidShortNumberForRegion.
bool IsPossibleShortNumberForRegion(
const PhoneNumber& short_number,
const string& region_dialing_from) const;
// Check whether a short number is a possible number. If a country calling
// code is shared by multiple regions, this returns true if it's possible in
// any of them. This provides a more lenient check than IsValidShortNumber.
// See IsPossibleShortNumberForRegion for details.
bool IsPossibleShortNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Tests whether a short number matches a valid pattern in a region. Note
// that this doesn't verify the number is actually in use, which is
// impossible to tell by just looking at the number itself.
bool IsValidShortNumberForRegion(
const PhoneNumber& short_number,
const string& region_dialing_from) const;
// Tests whether a short number matches a valid pattern. If a country calling
// code is shared by multiple regions, this returns true if it's valid in any
// of them. Note that this doesn't verify the number is actually in use,
// which is impossible to tell by just looking at the number itself. See
// IsValidShortNumberForRegion for details.
bool IsValidShortNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Gets the expected cost category of a short number when dialled from a
// region (however, nothing is implied about its validity). If it is
// important that the number is valid, then its validity must first be
// checked using IsValidShortNumberForRegion. Note that emergency numbers are
// always considered toll-free. Example usage:
// PhoneNumber number;
// phone_util.Parse("110", "US", &number);
// ...
// string region_code("CA");
// ShortNumberInfo short_info;
// if (short_info.IsValidShortNumberForRegion(number, region_code)) {
// ShortNumberInfo::ShortNumberCost cost =
// short_info.GetExpectedCostForRegion(number, region_code);
// // Do something with the cost information here.
// }
ShortNumberCost GetExpectedCostForRegion(
const PhoneNumber& short_number,
const string& region_dialing_from) const;
// Gets the expected cost category of a short number (however, nothing is
// implied about its validity). If the country calling code is unique to a
// region, this method behaves exactly the same as GetExpectedCostForRegion.
// However, if the country calling code is shared by multiple regions, then
// it returns the highest cost in the sequence PREMIUM_RATE, UNKNOWN_COST,
// STANDARD_RATE, TOLL_FREE. The reason for the position of UNKNOWN_COST in
// this order is that if a number is UNKNOWN_COST in one region but
// STANDARD_RATE or TOLL_FREE in another, its expected cost cannot be
// estimated as one of the latter since it might be a PREMIUM_RATE number.
// For example, if a number is STANDARD_RATE in the US, but TOLL_FREE in
// Canada, the expected cost returned by this method will be STANDARD_RATE,
// since the NANPA countries share the same country calling code.
// Note: If the region from which the number is dialed is known, it is highly
// preferable to call GetExpectedCostForRegion instead.
ShortNumberCost GetExpectedCost(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Gets a valid short number for the specified region.
string GetExampleShortNumber(const string& region_code) const;
// Gets a valid short number for the specified cost category.
string GetExampleShortNumberForCost(const string& region_code,
ShortNumberCost cost) const;
// Returns true if the number might be used to connect to an emergency service
// in the given region.
// This method takes into account cases where the number might contain
// formatting, or might have additional digits appended (when it is okay to do
// that in the region specified).
bool ConnectsToEmergencyNumber(const string& number,
const string& region_code) const;
// Returns true if the number exactly matches an emergency service number in
// the given region.
// This method takes into account cases where the number might contain
// formatting, but doesn't allow additional digits to be appended.
bool IsEmergencyNumber(const string& number,
const string& region_code) const;
// Given a valid short number, determines whether it is carrier-specific
// (however, nothing is implied about its validity). Carrier-specific numbers
// may connect to a different end-point, or not connect at all, depending on
// the user's carrier. If it is important that the number is valid, then its
// validity must first be checked using IsValidShortNumber or
// IsValidShortNumberForRegion.
bool IsCarrierSpecific(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Given a valid short number, determines whether it is carrier-specific when
// dialed from the given region (however, nothing is implied about its
// validity). Carrier-specific numbers may connect to a different end-point,
// or not connect at all, depending on the user's carrier. If it is important
// that the number is valid, then its validity must first be checked using
// IsValidShortNumber or IsValidShortNumberForRegion. Returns false if the
// number doesn't match the region provided.
bool IsCarrierSpecificForRegion(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& region_dialing_from) const;
// Given a valid short number, determines whether it is an SMS service
// (however, nothing is implied about its validity). An SMS service is where
// the primary or only intended usage is to receive and/or send text messages
// (SMSs). This includes MMS as MMS numbers downgrade to SMS if the other
// party isn't MMS-capable. If it is important that the number is valid, then
// its validity must first be checked using IsValidShortNumber or
// IsValidShortNumberForRegion. Returns false if the number doesn't match the
// region provided.
bool IsSmsServiceForRegion(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& region_dialing_from) const;
const PhoneNumberUtil& phone_util_;
const scoped_ptr<const MatcherApi> matcher_api_;
// A mapping from a RegionCode to the PhoneMetadata for that region.
scoped_ptr<absl::flat_hash_map<string, PhoneMetadata> >
// In these countries, if extra digits are added to an emergency number, it no
// longer connects to the emergency service.
scoped_ptr<absl::flat_hash_set<string> >
const i18n::phonenumbers::PhoneMetadata* GetMetadataForRegion(
const string& region_code) const;
bool RegionDialingFromMatchesNumber(const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& region_dialing_from) const;
// Helper method to get the region code for a given phone number, from a list
// of possible region codes. If the list contains more than one region, the
// first region for which the number is valid is returned.
void GetRegionCodeForShortNumberFromRegionList(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const list<string>& region_codes,
string* region_code) const;
bool MatchesEmergencyNumberHelper(const string& number,
const string& region_code,
bool allow_prefix_match) const;
} // namespace phonenumbers
} // namespace i18n