blob: 494e50065340ba202e7d4681767763ba292f3d04 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Core/File.h - A Container of Atoms ---------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lld/Core/AbsoluteAtom.h"
#include "lld/Core/DefinedAtom.h"
#include "lld/Core/SharedLibraryAtom.h"
#include "lld/Core/UndefinedAtom.h"
#include "lld/Core/range.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
namespace lld {
class LinkingContext;
/// Every Atom is owned by some File. A common scenario is for a single
/// object file (.o) to be parsed by some reader and produce a single
/// File object that represents the content of that object file.
/// To iterate through the Atoms in a File there are four methods that
/// return collections. For instance to iterate through all the DefinedAtoms
/// in a File object use:
/// for (const DefinedAtoms *atom : file->defined()) {
/// }
/// The Atom objects in a File are owned by the File object. The Atom objects
/// are destroyed when the File object is destroyed.
class File {
virtual ~File();
/// \brief Kinds of files that are supported.
enum Kind {
kindObject, ///< object file (.o)
kindSharedLibrary, ///< shared library (.so)
kindArchiveLibrary ///< archive (.a)
/// \brief Returns file kind. Need for dyn_cast<> on File objects.
Kind kind() const {
return _kind;
/// This returns the path to the file which was used to create this object
/// (e.g. "/tmp/foo.o"). If the file is a member of an archive file, the
/// returned string includes the archive file name.
StringRef path() const {
if (_archivePath.empty())
return _path;
if (_archiveMemberPath.empty())
_archiveMemberPath = (_archivePath + "(" + _path + ")").str();
return _archiveMemberPath;
/// Returns the path of the archive file name if this file is instantiated
/// from an archive file. Otherwise returns the empty string.
StringRef archivePath() const { return _archivePath; }
void setArchivePath(StringRef path) { _archivePath = path; }
/// Returns the path name of this file. It doesn't include archive file name.
StringRef memberPath() const { return _path; }
/// Returns the command line order of the file.
uint64_t ordinal() const {
assert(_ordinal != UINT64_MAX);
return _ordinal;
/// Returns true/false depending on whether an ordinal has been set.
bool hasOrdinal() const { return (_ordinal != UINT64_MAX); }
/// Sets the command line order of the file.
void setOrdinal(uint64_t ordinal) const { _ordinal = ordinal; }
/// Returns the ordinal for the next atom to be defined in this file.
uint64_t getNextAtomOrdinalAndIncrement() const {
return _nextAtomOrdinal++;
/// For allocating any objects owned by this File.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &allocator() const {
return _allocator;
/// The type of atom mutable container.
template <typename T> using AtomVector = std::vector<const T *>;
/// The range type for the atoms. It's backed by a std::vector, but hides
/// its member functions so that you can only call begin or end.
template <typename T> class AtomRange {
AtomRange(AtomVector<T> v) : _v(v) {}
typename AtomVector<T>::const_iterator begin() const { return _v.begin(); }
typename AtomVector<T>::const_iterator end() const { return _v.end(); }
typename AtomVector<T>::iterator begin() { return _v.begin(); }
typename AtomVector<T>::iterator end() { return _v.end(); }
AtomVector<T> &_v;
/// \brief Must be implemented to return the AtomVector object for
/// all DefinedAtoms in this File.
virtual const AtomVector<DefinedAtom> &defined() const = 0;
/// \brief Must be implemented to return the AtomVector object for
/// all UndefinedAtomw in this File.
virtual const AtomVector<UndefinedAtom> &undefined() const = 0;
/// \brief Must be implemented to return the AtomVector object for
/// all SharedLibraryAtoms in this File.
virtual const AtomVector<SharedLibraryAtom> &sharedLibrary() const = 0;
/// \brief Must be implemented to return the AtomVector object for
/// all AbsoluteAtoms in this File.
virtual const AtomVector<AbsoluteAtom> &absolute() const = 0;
/// \brief If a file is parsed using a different method than doParse(),
/// one must use this method to set the last error status, so that
/// doParse will not be called twice. Only YAML reader uses this
/// (because YAML reader does not read blobs but structured data).
void setLastError(std::error_code err) { _lastError = err; }
std::error_code parse();
// This function is called just before the core linker tries to use
// a file. Currently the PECOFF reader uses this to trigger the
// driver to parse .drectve section (which contains command line options).
// If you want to do something having side effects, don't do that in
// doParse() because a file could be pre-loaded speculatively.
// Use this hook instead.
virtual void beforeLink() {}
// Usually each file owns a std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>.
// However, there's one special case. If a file is an archive file,
// the archive file and its children all shares the same memory buffer.
// This method is used by the ArchiveFile to give its children
// co-ownership of the buffer.
void setSharedMemoryBuffer(std::shared_ptr<MemoryBuffer> mb) {
_sharedMemoryBuffer = mb;
/// \brief only subclasses of File can be instantiated
File(StringRef p, Kind kind)
: _path(p), _kind(kind), _ordinal(UINT64_MAX),
_nextAtomOrdinal(0) {}
/// \brief Subclasses should override this method to parse the
/// memory buffer passed to this file's constructor.
virtual std::error_code doParse() { return std::error_code(); }
static AtomVector<DefinedAtom> _noDefinedAtoms;
static AtomVector<UndefinedAtom> _noUndefinedAtoms;
static AtomVector<SharedLibraryAtom> _noSharedLibraryAtoms;
static AtomVector<AbsoluteAtom> _noAbsoluteAtoms;
mutable llvm::BumpPtrAllocator _allocator;
StringRef _path;
std::string _archivePath;
mutable std::string _archiveMemberPath;
Kind _kind;
mutable uint64_t _ordinal;
mutable uint64_t _nextAtomOrdinal;
std::shared_ptr<MemoryBuffer> _sharedMemoryBuffer;
llvm::Optional<std::error_code> _lastError;
std::mutex _parseMutex;
/// An ErrorFile represents a file that doesn't exist.
/// If you try to parse a file which doesn't exist, an instance of this
/// class will be returned. That's parse method always returns an error.
/// This is useful to delay erroring on non-existent files, so that we
/// can do unit testing a driver using non-existing file paths.
class ErrorFile : public File {
ErrorFile(StringRef path, std::error_code ec)
: File(path, kindObject), _ec(ec) {}
std::error_code doParse() override { return _ec; }
const AtomVector<DefinedAtom> &defined() const override {
llvm_unreachable("internal error");
const AtomVector<UndefinedAtom> &undefined() const override {
llvm_unreachable("internal error");
const AtomVector<SharedLibraryAtom> &sharedLibrary() const override {
llvm_unreachable("internal error");
const AtomVector<AbsoluteAtom> &absolute() const override {
llvm_unreachable("internal error");
std::error_code _ec;
} // end namespace lld