blob: 1abbba2c50d708b000aa6f914cbf4171554ea11e [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#define p(x) fprintf(stderr,x);
void show_help(char *prog_name)
fprintf(stderr,"Help/Manual for Dependency Analyzer");
p("\nThis program is written by Peter Rundberg, Chalmers University of Technology\n")
p("Questions about this software should be directed to\n\n")
p("To determine the data hazards between loop iterations this program analyzes\n")
p("trace data from a run of the program examined. The program also analyzes the\n")
p("potential speedup obtainable from running the loop iterations in parallel.\n\n")
p("The program requires a number of settings to be done either on the\n")
p("command line or in the settings file.\n\n")
p("Available flags. Many of these can be set in the settings file.\n");
p("-c # : CPU limit. Only effective with 'realistic restart'. 0==unlimited.\n");
p("-C # : CPU limit for run through several configurations.\n");
p("-d : Check for DATA dependencies (RAW)\n");
p("-e # : Epoch length (number of loop iterations per epoch).\n");
p("-E : Use epoch length as total number of epochs\n");
p("-f : Do NOT use forwarding in speedup analysis\n");
p("-g # : Specify Thread start penalty\n");
p("-G # : Specify Commit penalty\n");
p("-h : Show complete help message\n");
p("-i # : Print SpeedUp for 1 - Loop, 2 - Program, 3 - Both.\n");
p("-k # : The test kernel to be used in the test.\n");
p(" 1 - Optimum restart. 2 - Realistic restart. 3 - Both\n");
p("-l # : Max length of hazard top-list. -- NOT IMPLEMENTED --\n");
p("-m : Analyze instruction mix\n");
p("-n : Check for NAME dependencies (WAR & WAW) -- NOT IMPLEMENTED --\n");
p("-o <FILE> : Output graphing data to FILE\n");
p("-p # : Specify load penalty\n");
p("-P # : Specify store penalty\n");
p("-q : Quiet mode (do not print processing status)\n");
p("-s : Do speedup analysis\n");
p("-S : Do speedup analysis, start early\n");
p("-t # : Specify the size of the def_hash_table.\n");
p("-x <FILE> : Use other settings file. DEFAULT: analyzer.conf\n");
p("-X : Do not read settings from a file\n");