blob: 8c1c783773f3fce38e5e3e706b2106ba1e7d8440 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
#define DEBUG
extern BUSTBOXPTR PtsArray ;
extern BUSTBOXPTR PtsOut ;
typedef struct Rangle {
int rl ;
int rr ;
int rb ;
int rt ;
extern RANGLE *rectang ;
#ifdef DEBUG
FILE *fpNodes ;
extern int redoFlag ;
extern void initPts( int cell , char *name , int orient );
extern void addPts( int l , int r , int b , int t );
extern void unbust(void);
void outsmall(void)
FILE *fp ;
int j , x , y , pin ;
int cell , Wwd ;
int l , b , r , t , xc , yc , k ;
char filename[1024] ;
CELLBOXPTR cellptr ;
TILEBOXPTR tileptr ;
TERMBOXPTR termptr ;
k = ( bdxlength > bdylength ) ? bdxlength : bdylength ;
Wwd = (int)( (double) k / 500.0 ) + 1 ;
/* Wwd = (int)( (double) k / 180.0 ) + 1 ; */
sprintf( filename, "%s.cfs", cktName ) ;
if( (fp = fopen( filename , "w") ) == NULL ) {
fprintf(fpo,"can't open %s\n", filename ) ;
exit(0) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
if( redoFlag ) {
fclose(fpNodes) ;
fpNodes = fp ;
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells + numpads ; cell++ ) {
cellptr = cellarray[cell] ;
tileptr = cellptr->config[ cellptr->orient ] ;
termptr = tileptr->termptr ;
xc = cellptr->xcenter ;
yc = cellptr->ycenter ;
initPts( cell , cellptr->cname , cellptr->orient ) ;
for( tileptr = tileptr->nexttile ; tileptr != TILENULL ;
tileptr = tileptr->nexttile ) {
l = tileptr->left ;
r = tileptr->right ;
b = tileptr->bottom ;
t = tileptr->top ;
addPts( l , r , b , t ) ;
l += xc ;
r += xc ;
b += yc ;
t += yc ;
fprintf(fp,"L NC;\n94 %s %d %d;\n",
cellptr->cname , (r + l)/2 , (t + b)/2 );
unbust() ;
* The vertices comprising the outline are in order
* in the array: PtsOut[]
fprintf(fp,"L NC;\nW %d", Wwd );
for( k = 1 ; k < PtsOut[0].xc ; k++ ) {
fprintf(fp," %d %d", xc + PtsOut[k].xc, yc + PtsOut[k].yc );
fprintf(fp," %d %d;\n", xc + PtsOut[1].xc, yc + PtsOut[1].yc );
for( ; termptr != TERMNULL ; termptr = termptr->nextterm ) {
x = xc + termptr->xpos ;
y = yc + termptr->ypos ;
pin = termptr->terminal ;
if( strcmp( pinnames[pin] , "PHANTOM" ) != 0 ) {
fprintf(fp,"L NC;\n94 %s %d %d;\n",
netarray[ termarray[pin]->net ]->nname, x , y ) ;
if( cellptr->softflag == 1 ) {
for( j = 1 ; j <= cellptr->numUnComTerms ; j++ ) {
x = xc + cellptr->unComTerms[j].finalx ;
y = yc + cellptr->unComTerms[j].finaly ;
pin = cellptr->unComTerms[j].terminal ;
fprintf(fp,"L NC;\n94 %s %d %d;\n",
netarray[ termarray[pin]->net ]->nname, x , y ) ;
l = blockl ;
r = blockr ;
b = blockb ;
t = blockt ;
fprintf(fp,"L NC;\n");
fprintf(fp,"W %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d;\n", Wwd ,
l, b, l, t, r, t, r, b, l, b ) ;
#ifndef DEBUG
fprintf( fp , "E\n" );
fclose( fp ) ;
return ;