blob: 95a95a8438e50559ffa75961db278818a5d04dbf [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
void placepin(void)
int i , j , cell ;
int k , firstsite , lastsite , numsites ;
int sum , truth , amount , l , m , n ;
int side , site ;
We have yet to find an initial placement for the soft cell
terminals. Scan through all the cells and check for
softflag == 1. Then those with firstSite == lastSite
must be placed in that site. Find a placement for all
other terminals.
for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcells ; cell++ ) {
ptr = cellarray[ cell ] ;
if( ptr->softflag == 0 || ptr->numsites == 0 ) {
continue ;
UCptr = ptr->unComTerms ;
SCptr = ptr->siteContent ;
for( i = 1 ; i <= ptr->numUnComTerms ; i++ ) {
if( UCptr[i].sequence != 0 ) {
if( UCptr[i].numranges == 1 ) {
sum = 0 ;
n = ptr->sideArray[ UCptr[i].range1 ].firstSite ;
for(; n <= ptr->sideArray[ UCptr[i].range1 ].lastSite ;
n++ ) {
sum += SCptr[n].capacity ;
if( sum < UCptr[i].sequence ) {
fprintf(fpo,"DEATH: Sequence was specified which");
fprintf(fpo," required more capacity than given\n");
fprintf(fpo,"sides could hanlde. Problem cell:%d\n",
cell ) ;
exit(0) ;
} else if( UCptr[i].numranges == 2 ) {
sum = 0 ;
n = ptr->sideArray[ UCptr[i].range1 ].firstSite ;
for(; n <= ptr->sideArray[ UCptr[i].range1 ].lastSite ;
n++ ) {
sum += SCptr[n].capacity ;
if( sum < UCptr[i].sequence ) {
fprintf(fpo,"DEATH: Sequence was specified which");
fprintf(fpo," required more capacity than given\n");
fprintf(fpo,"sides could hanlde. Problem cell:%d\n",
cell ) ;
exit(0) ;
sum = 0 ;
n = ptr->sideArray[ UCptr[i].range2 ].firstSite ;
for(; n <= ptr->sideArray[ UCptr[i].range2 ].lastSite ;
n++ ) {
sum += SCptr[n].capacity ;
if( sum < UCptr[i].sequence ) {
fprintf(fpo,"DEATH: Sequence was specified which");
fprintf(fpo," required more capacity than given\n");
fprintf(fpo,"sides could hanlde. Problem cell:%d\n",
cell ) ;
exit(0) ;
} else if( UCptr[i].numranges > 2 ) {
sum = 0 ;
n = 1 ;
for(; n <= ptr->sideArray[ptr->numsides].lastSite; n++){
sum += SCptr[n].capacity ;
if( sum < UCptr[i].sequence ) {
fprintf(fpo,"DEATH: Sequence was specified which");
fprintf(fpo," required more capacity than given\n");
fprintf(fpo,"sides could hanlde. Problem cell:%d\n",
cell ) ;
exit(0) ;
* Strategy: Randomly select a legal side for the
* sequence. Then randomly pick a starting site on
* this side such that the sequence fits on the side
if( UCptr[i].numranges > 2 ) {
do {
side = (int)( (double) UCptr[i].numranges *
( (double) RAND / (double)0x7fffffff) ) + 1 ;
} while( side == UCptr[i].numranges + 1 ) ;
} else if( UCptr[i].numranges == 2 ) {
do {
side = (int)( (double) UCptr[i].numranges *
( (double) RAND / (double)0x7fffffff) ) + 1 ;
} while( side == UCptr[i].numranges + 1 ) ;
if( side == 1 ) {
side = UCptr[i].range1 ;
} else {
side = UCptr[i].range2 ;
} else if( UCptr[i].numranges == 1 ) {
side = UCptr[i].range1 ;
if( UCptr[i].numranges == 0 ) {
firstsite = UCptr[i].range1 ;
lastsite = firstsite ;
numsites = 1 ;
} else {
firstsite = ptr->sideArray[side].firstSite ;
lastsite = ptr->sideArray[side].lastSite ;
numsites = lastsite - firstsite + 1 ;
do {
j = (int)( (double)numsites *
( (double)RAND / (double)0x7fffffff) ) ;
sum = 0 ;
truth = 1 ;
for( k = firstsite + j ; ; k++ ) {
if( k > lastsite ) {
truth = 0 ;
break ;
} else {
sum += SCptr[k].capacity ;
if( sum >= UCptr[i].sequence ) {
break ;
We found it.
The sequence can be housed in
sites (firstsite + j) thru (k)
} while( !truth ) ;
/* The sites below are going to be filled to capacity by
the sequence beginning with i */
sum = 0 ;
l = i ;
for( site = firstsite + j ; site < k ; site++ ) {
amount = SCptr[site].capacity ;
sum += amount ;
SCptr[site].contents += amount ;
for( m = l ; m < l + amount ; m++ ) {
UCptr[m].site = site ;
l += amount ;
/* Now we have to add to the contents of site k
which was partially filled by the sequence
beginning with i */
amount = UCptr[i].sequence - sum ;
SCptr[k].contents += amount ;
for( m = l ; m < l + amount ; m++ ) {
UCptr[m].site = k ;
return ;